Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STEEET , LONDON , W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establisment for ^ CJLSOIsriC SJL 3 NrQ , UETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , 4 c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been clanged , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-orgauised . The attention of the Masonic Body U directed to the many advantages offerer . CUISINE OW THE HIGHEST CHARACTJEE . WINKS I » ER * 'ECT IJf CONDITION AND 4 | VAIiITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
TO OPEN MONDAY , 8 th APRIL . THE OXFORD RESTAURANT , OXFORD STREET , W , AN arrangement lias been ontered into with tho Proprietors of tho Oxford Music Hall , by which its hubilnh and tho public can bo served with Luncheons and Dinners in tho © OLID ZEZCsTG-XiISIH : STYLE . A SKILLED CIIKl' HAS BKF . X E > "OA « ED . DINNERS AND SUPPERS AT ALL TIMES . TABLE D'HOTE , including 2 Soups , 2 sorts of Fish , 2 Entries , Poultry , Sweets , Ice Pudding , Cheese , and Salad 3 s 6 d PEiR HEAD . BKO . GIANNELLI , Chef .
FISH DINNERS in PEEPEOTION , 2 s each , including entrees , poultry , joints , clieeso , and salad . Served from Twclvo to Four daily . — GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THE MASONIC QUARTETTE . BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS and GEORGE MTJSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C-
URBAN L 0 DCE OF INSTRUCTION . THE W . M . ana Officers of the Mother Lodge will officially visit this Lodge of Instruction , at the Threo Bucks Tavern , G * eshain-stieet , on Wednesday Next , the 3 rd April .
SIXTH APPLICATION . gfjjwl glit & ow f nditaticw far § . aj ) s , APRIL ELECTION , 1878 . Tho favour of the Votes and Interest of tho Governors and Subscribers is earnestly solicited on behalf of SOLOMON HIRAM SHURY , AGED TEN YEARS . Son of Bro . WILLIAM SitintY , of Jfyland , Colchester , -who died on the 25 th of February last , after two years of groat suffering , in his " 5 th year . Bro . Siiunv was formerly engaged in the Circulation Department of the Post Office , but , owing to severe attacks of neuralgia , in the head , and defective Vision , consequent upon cataract , he was compelled to resign his position when at the age of 3-t years . His only permanent income since that time had been a pension of J 2 U a year , to which he was entitled on account , of his service , and he had to encroach continually upon his savings , till they were ([ nito exhausted . Consequently ho had been unable to provide for the boy ' s education , as he did for his children by his first marriage , and his declining / lays were comforted with the thought that , the lad would eventually be elected into the Institution . When in the full possession of health Uro . SIIVIIY was a most active Jlasoii He was initiated in tho Saint John ' s Lodge , Hampstcad , No . 100 ( now 107 ) hi 1 S 13 , and , alter passing through the intermediate offices , eventually became W . M . When , in 1801 , the state of his health compelled him to remove from tho District , he tendered his resignation , and the brethren at once elected him an honorary member , in recognition of his valuable services to his Mother Lod"c . Bro . SULK V afterwards joined the Wellington , 518 , as iv country member and became a member of the Angel Lodge , Colchester , No . 51 , in 1 SB 8 . Ho wa ' s exalted in the Doinatic Chapter , No . 177 , in 1852 , and was elected to the Third Chair but the i ontinued unsatisfactory state of his health compelled him to resign ' He ¦ was also one of tho Founders of the Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 73 ° ivheu the present applicant was a child in arms , Bro . Sunn ' s position enabled him to make himself , wife , and child , Life Subscribers of the Boy ' s Institution not thinking at tho timo that he should over be compelled to avail himself oi' its benefits aud he has besides this , done all in his power to excite in others an interest in the . Masonic Charities . Altogether ho had contributed to the funds of Grand Lodge for the long period of TWENTY-NINE YE ABS . The caic is stroiifflif recommended ( umoiii / others ) hij The Bight Worshipful Bro . R . J . BAG- W . Bro . F . AMARU V . P . P . M NO 7 siiAWK Prov . Grand Master Essex . * W . Bro . JOHN UOMVOHTH P M 170 R . W . Bro . RICIIAUD Boi / rox BARTON and 3-19 , P . l ' . J . G . W Dorset " ' LL . D . P . P ( f . M . for Western India . W . Bro . SAMUEL COLE , Lifo Governor , R . W . Bro . MATTHEW E . CLARK Dop . R . M . I . R , P . M . 181 and ll'i ¦ ' ,. P . G . M . Essex . P . G . P . Kent . ¥ -5- livo - 1 { UV - O . J . HABITS V . P . * W . Bio . HI-NRT T . II . WIKR L r , v & i ? - r s , lffol £ ? - R ' ' " - - AI , lion iS »" \ . W . Bro . FKKU . A . PUILBIUCK , Q . C ., Bro . M . D . LOKWKSSTAIIK J . \\ i : jG , Recdr . of Colchester , P . O . J . W ., & c . S . N . Chapter TJ * W . Bro . A . D . LOKWENSTARK P . M . * Bro . Titos . , T . RULING WM \ n . ' Pl MS 7 X 1 107 , and P . Z 711 , 185 . Lodge , No . 51 , P . G . Sec . Esscv ^ ,, J ? , / , '"' iJ'Kt'iCK U ALTERS V . P . * W . Bro . tho Rev . C . L . Acuvo P M P . G . P . Middlesex , P . M . and P . Z . 7 : i . 558 , P . Prov . Gd Chnnlain Ovlnrr 1 W Bro WILLIAM PRATTARTT Steward P . Prov . r . n , ml . „„ X „ ' «« R . JL . UT . P . M . laid and l : ; :, l . W . Br ,,, ti ^ i ' . ov . P . J Wiini , vA '„ v W Bro . Giuimiis SMITH Bast Grand Apollo University Lod- 'e No ' ' 157 Steward , P . M . No . 21 . and Angel Lod gcf No ? 5 i . ' Proxies will be thankfull y received by those Brethren whose names are marked with nn asterisk . Proxies of other Masonic or National Institutions are most valuable for the purposes of Exchange .
B ^^^^ P ^^ a ? rvxvMM . w ? . ^ pmygAwwhrSrv fl 67 BARBICAN , B . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE Conference and the terras of peace formed the subject of a debate in the House of Lords on Thursday , 21 st inst . It was initiated by Lord Stratheden and Campbell , and Earl Granville , Lord Hammond , the Duke of Argyll , and the Earl of Derby , took part in it , and , in consequence , their Lordships did not adjourn till
half-past seven o ' clock . On Friday , the Duke of Richmond and Gordon presented a bill for the amendment of the Scotch Education Act , and , in doing so , His Grace sketched the character of tho measure which the Government had resolved npon submitting . After this , the Earl
of Galloway drew attention to the Mutiny Act , and several noble Lords took part in the conversation which followed . On Monday , Lord Elp hinstone made a statement respecting the loss of the Eurydice on Sunday , and then Earl Granville asked a question relative to the enlargement of
Dover Harbour , and moved for certain papers bearing on the subject . After some remarks from the Duke of Cambridge , which bore on the Naval and Military aspect of the question , the Earl of Beaconsfield consented to the papers , & c . being laid on the table of the House , but declined to
commit the country to heavy expenditure in respect of the harbour , though he fully admitted the importance of the question . On Tuesday , after a further statement from Lord Elphinstone respecting the loss of the Eurydice , the second
reading of the Bishoprics Bill was agreed to , among those who took part in the debate being Lord Houghton , the Archbishop of Canterbury , the Earl of Carnarvon , and the Bishop of Durham .
On Thursday , in the House of Commons , after a variety of questions had been disposed of , the House went into Committee on the Roads and Bridges ( Scotland ) Bill . When clause 12 was reached , progress was reported , and the House resumed , and shortly afterwards adjourned . On
Friday , there was a long debate on a motion by Sir John Lubbock , on the subject of Maritime Belligerent Rights , which occupied the greater part of the sitting . The motion was negatived . The Mutiny Bill and Marine Mutiny Bill were read a second time , and the Ecclesiastical Buildings
( Fire Insurance ) Bill , after receiving a second reading , was referred to a Select Committee . On Monday , after sundry questions relating to Turkey , the Dardanelles , and the Congress , and a statement by Mr . Smith as to the loss of the Eurydice , the House went into Committee on the Mutiny
Bill , in spite of an attempt to prevent so desirable a consummation . And when this stage had been reached , clause after clause was opposed , so that only a small portion of this important measure was dealt with . In consequence of this , there was a morning sitting on Tuesday , but the same
kind of resistance was offered , and tlie twenty-sixth clause was reached only after the greatest obstruction . On resuming at nine o ' clock , there was a count out . Wednesday afternoon was occupied with Irish business relating to municipal elections .
The Queen returned to Windsor Castle on Friday afternoon , after a sojourn of three days at Buckingham Palace , for the purpose of holding a Levue and a Drawing Room . Previous to her return , the Earl of Beaconsfield had an audience of Her Majesty . On Monday , the Christ ' s
Hospital Boys on the Royal Foundation of King Charles II . travelled from London to Windsor . After luncheon , at the Castle , the Queen , accompanied by the Princess Christian , and attended by the ladies and gentlemen of the Court , entered the corridor , and there inspected the charts and
drawings of the Boys . The Duke of Cambridge , President nf the Institution , was in attendance , and presented to Her Majesty Mr . John Derby Allcroft , Treasurer ; Messrs . Gassiot and Thompson , Governors ; the Rev . E . S . Carlos ,
Head Mathematical Master ; Mr . Mason , Head Drawing Master ; and Mr . M . L . S . Dipnall , Clerk of the Hospital . On Tuesday , the Qu , eeu held a Council at Windsor , at
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STEEET , LONDON , W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establisment for ^ CJLSOIsriC SJL 3 NrQ , UETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , 4 c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been clanged , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-orgauised . The attention of the Masonic Body U directed to the many advantages offerer . CUISINE OW THE HIGHEST CHARACTJEE . WINKS I » ER * 'ECT IJf CONDITION AND 4 | VAIiITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
TO OPEN MONDAY , 8 th APRIL . THE OXFORD RESTAURANT , OXFORD STREET , W , AN arrangement lias been ontered into with tho Proprietors of tho Oxford Music Hall , by which its hubilnh and tho public can bo served with Luncheons and Dinners in tho © OLID ZEZCsTG-XiISIH : STYLE . A SKILLED CIIKl' HAS BKF . X E > "OA « ED . DINNERS AND SUPPERS AT ALL TIMES . TABLE D'HOTE , including 2 Soups , 2 sorts of Fish , 2 Entries , Poultry , Sweets , Ice Pudding , Cheese , and Salad 3 s 6 d PEiR HEAD . BKO . GIANNELLI , Chef .
FISH DINNERS in PEEPEOTION , 2 s each , including entrees , poultry , joints , clieeso , and salad . Served from Twclvo to Four daily . — GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THE MASONIC QUARTETTE . BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS and GEORGE MTJSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C-
URBAN L 0 DCE OF INSTRUCTION . THE W . M . ana Officers of the Mother Lodge will officially visit this Lodge of Instruction , at the Threo Bucks Tavern , G * eshain-stieet , on Wednesday Next , the 3 rd April .
SIXTH APPLICATION . gfjjwl glit & ow f nditaticw far § . aj ) s , APRIL ELECTION , 1878 . Tho favour of the Votes and Interest of tho Governors and Subscribers is earnestly solicited on behalf of SOLOMON HIRAM SHURY , AGED TEN YEARS . Son of Bro . WILLIAM SitintY , of Jfyland , Colchester , -who died on the 25 th of February last , after two years of groat suffering , in his " 5 th year . Bro . Siiunv was formerly engaged in the Circulation Department of the Post Office , but , owing to severe attacks of neuralgia , in the head , and defective Vision , consequent upon cataract , he was compelled to resign his position when at the age of 3-t years . His only permanent income since that time had been a pension of J 2 U a year , to which he was entitled on account , of his service , and he had to encroach continually upon his savings , till they were ([ nito exhausted . Consequently ho had been unable to provide for the boy ' s education , as he did for his children by his first marriage , and his declining / lays were comforted with the thought that , the lad would eventually be elected into the Institution . When in the full possession of health Uro . SIIVIIY was a most active Jlasoii He was initiated in tho Saint John ' s Lodge , Hampstcad , No . 100 ( now 107 ) hi 1 S 13 , and , alter passing through the intermediate offices , eventually became W . M . When , in 1801 , the state of his health compelled him to remove from tho District , he tendered his resignation , and the brethren at once elected him an honorary member , in recognition of his valuable services to his Mother Lod"c . Bro . SULK V afterwards joined the Wellington , 518 , as iv country member and became a member of the Angel Lodge , Colchester , No . 51 , in 1 SB 8 . Ho wa ' s exalted in the Doinatic Chapter , No . 177 , in 1852 , and was elected to the Third Chair but the i ontinued unsatisfactory state of his health compelled him to resign ' He ¦ was also one of tho Founders of the Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 73 ° ivheu the present applicant was a child in arms , Bro . Sunn ' s position enabled him to make himself , wife , and child , Life Subscribers of the Boy ' s Institution not thinking at tho timo that he should over be compelled to avail himself oi' its benefits aud he has besides this , done all in his power to excite in others an interest in the . Masonic Charities . Altogether ho had contributed to the funds of Grand Lodge for the long period of TWENTY-NINE YE ABS . The caic is stroiifflif recommended ( umoiii / others ) hij The Bight Worshipful Bro . R . J . BAG- W . Bro . F . AMARU V . P . P . M NO 7 siiAWK Prov . Grand Master Essex . * W . Bro . JOHN UOMVOHTH P M 170 R . W . Bro . RICIIAUD Boi / rox BARTON and 3-19 , P . l ' . J . G . W Dorset " ' LL . D . P . P ( f . M . for Western India . W . Bro . SAMUEL COLE , Lifo Governor , R . W . Bro . MATTHEW E . CLARK Dop . R . M . I . R , P . M . 181 and ll'i ¦ ' ,. P . G . M . Essex . P . G . P . Kent . ¥ -5- livo - 1 { UV - O . J . HABITS V . P . * W . Bio . HI-NRT T . II . WIKR L r , v & i ? - r s , lffol £ ? - R ' ' " - - AI , lion iS »" \ . W . Bro . FKKU . A . PUILBIUCK , Q . C ., Bro . M . D . LOKWKSSTAIIK J . \\ i : jG , Recdr . of Colchester , P . O . J . W ., & c . S . N . Chapter TJ * W . Bro . A . D . LOKWENSTARK P . M . * Bro . Titos . , T . RULING WM \ n . ' Pl MS 7 X 1 107 , and P . Z 711 , 185 . Lodge , No . 51 , P . G . Sec . Esscv ^ ,, J ? , / , '"' iJ'Kt'iCK U ALTERS V . P . * W . Bro . tho Rev . C . L . Acuvo P M P . G . P . Middlesex , P . M . and P . Z . 7 : i . 558 , P . Prov . Gd Chnnlain Ovlnrr 1 W Bro WILLIAM PRATTARTT Steward P . Prov . r . n , ml . „„ X „ ' «« R . JL . UT . P . M . laid and l : ; :, l . W . Br ,,, ti ^ i ' . ov . P . J Wiini , vA '„ v W Bro . Giuimiis SMITH Bast Grand Apollo University Lod- 'e No ' ' 157 Steward , P . M . No . 21 . and Angel Lod gcf No ? 5 i . ' Proxies will be thankfull y received by those Brethren whose names are marked with nn asterisk . Proxies of other Masonic or National Institutions are most valuable for the purposes of Exchange .
B ^^^^ P ^^ a ? rvxvMM . w ? . ^ pmygAwwhrSrv fl 67 BARBICAN , B . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE Conference and the terras of peace formed the subject of a debate in the House of Lords on Thursday , 21 st inst . It was initiated by Lord Stratheden and Campbell , and Earl Granville , Lord Hammond , the Duke of Argyll , and the Earl of Derby , took part in it , and , in consequence , their Lordships did not adjourn till
half-past seven o ' clock . On Friday , the Duke of Richmond and Gordon presented a bill for the amendment of the Scotch Education Act , and , in doing so , His Grace sketched the character of tho measure which the Government had resolved npon submitting . After this , the Earl
of Galloway drew attention to the Mutiny Act , and several noble Lords took part in the conversation which followed . On Monday , Lord Elp hinstone made a statement respecting the loss of the Eurydice on Sunday , and then Earl Granville asked a question relative to the enlargement of
Dover Harbour , and moved for certain papers bearing on the subject . After some remarks from the Duke of Cambridge , which bore on the Naval and Military aspect of the question , the Earl of Beaconsfield consented to the papers , & c . being laid on the table of the House , but declined to
commit the country to heavy expenditure in respect of the harbour , though he fully admitted the importance of the question . On Tuesday , after a further statement from Lord Elphinstone respecting the loss of the Eurydice , the second
reading of the Bishoprics Bill was agreed to , among those who took part in the debate being Lord Houghton , the Archbishop of Canterbury , the Earl of Carnarvon , and the Bishop of Durham .
On Thursday , in the House of Commons , after a variety of questions had been disposed of , the House went into Committee on the Roads and Bridges ( Scotland ) Bill . When clause 12 was reached , progress was reported , and the House resumed , and shortly afterwards adjourned . On
Friday , there was a long debate on a motion by Sir John Lubbock , on the subject of Maritime Belligerent Rights , which occupied the greater part of the sitting . The motion was negatived . The Mutiny Bill and Marine Mutiny Bill were read a second time , and the Ecclesiastical Buildings
( Fire Insurance ) Bill , after receiving a second reading , was referred to a Select Committee . On Monday , after sundry questions relating to Turkey , the Dardanelles , and the Congress , and a statement by Mr . Smith as to the loss of the Eurydice , the House went into Committee on the Mutiny
Bill , in spite of an attempt to prevent so desirable a consummation . And when this stage had been reached , clause after clause was opposed , so that only a small portion of this important measure was dealt with . In consequence of this , there was a morning sitting on Tuesday , but the same
kind of resistance was offered , and tlie twenty-sixth clause was reached only after the greatest obstruction . On resuming at nine o ' clock , there was a count out . Wednesday afternoon was occupied with Irish business relating to municipal elections .
The Queen returned to Windsor Castle on Friday afternoon , after a sojourn of three days at Buckingham Palace , for the purpose of holding a Levue and a Drawing Room . Previous to her return , the Earl of Beaconsfield had an audience of Her Majesty . On Monday , the Christ ' s
Hospital Boys on the Royal Foundation of King Charles II . travelled from London to Windsor . After luncheon , at the Castle , the Queen , accompanied by the Princess Christian , and attended by the ladies and gentlemen of the Court , entered the corridor , and there inspected the charts and
drawings of the Boys . The Duke of Cambridge , President nf the Institution , was in attendance , and presented to Her Majesty Mr . John Derby Allcroft , Treasurer ; Messrs . Gassiot and Thompson , Governors ; the Rev . E . S . Carlos ,
Head Mathematical Master ; Mr . Mason , Head Drawing Master ; and Mr . M . L . S . Dipnall , Clerk of the Hospital . On Tuesday , the Qu , eeu held a Council at Windsor , at