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impossible , unless I were that favoured fairy who spoke pearls , and tc express our feelings toivards the possessors of those beauties , is equally impossible , unless my lips were touched with fire . To her Excellency and to that lovely band , ive owe every sentiment of pleasure and delight which we have this night experienced . They have spread happiness ' on every side around them — they have poured upon our festival the rosy light of beauty , and have made our banquet hall ( like the sea whence
Venus sprang ) to teem with all the graces . To say that her Excellency ' s virtues and accomplishments rentier her worthy to be the leader of tliat . band of beauty , is as high a compliment as can he paid , in my opinion , to any lady , and yet not more than truth ; and to declare that " ive desire to see her Excellency often filling that distinguished station , is only to give utterance to a sentiment which is swelling at the heart and bursting to the lips of every Brother of the Order . "
This toast was received and drunk with every demonstration of enthusiasm and gallantry . Glee , by the entire musical strength , " O happy fair . " The Lord Lieutenant rose to return thanks for Lad y Mulgrave , and said , I rejoice that her Ladyship is here to-night , so that she may hear the kind , cordial , and enthusiastic manner in which her health has been received . On the last occasion I gave her but a faint discription of the
manner in which her health was then drunk , yet could not persuade her that I did not exaggerate your kindness . Though only a civilian , I am happy to say that I have out generalled my gallant friend , Sir Edward Blakeney . I have been for some time reconnoitering in front , and have taken up a position from which I cannot now be beaten—it was to have the honour of proposing the health ofthe Ladies ; and what ivould the sun of Masonry be unless it were reflected in the starlike eves around .
After this toast had been drank , the Lord Lieutenant rose and returned to the Ball room , where he remained upwards of an hour . The votaries of Terpsichore followed , and continued to tri p it on the lig ht , fantastic toe until long after the golden beams had illumed the horizon . Although not of the happy throng present upon this interesting occasion , we enter into the " ' spirit" which can thus with magic power summon all that is happy in human nature , elegant in society , splendid in mental attainment—elevated in rank .
AIASONIC DINNER , TO MR . CARLETON . —Several hi ghly respectable members of this most ancient and benevolent Order , for the purpose of showing the respect and esteem they entertain for Brother William Carleton of this city , both as a Brother Alason , and as a citizen , entertained him Friday , Alay 18 , at a dinner at Radley ' s Hotel , Dame Street . Upwards of one hundred members of the Order sat down to table . The Chair was most ably filled by Brother High Sheriff Jones , supthe riht bthe Ri
ported on g y ght Hon . the Lord Mayor , Brother AVarren , Brother Sir Richard Baker , Brother Alderman Drummond , and several Brethren ; and on the left by Colonel Wright , Alderman Hindman , High Sheriff Brother Quinton , High Sheriff elect Brother Grant , & c . The folloiving gentlemen acted as stewards : —Brother AVilliam Roe , Brother Dr . John Parr , Brother Alexander Dudgeon , Brother Henry Al'Dona , Brother Broivn , Brother Fop-arty , Brother Farrell , Brother Joseph AVhite , _ Brother Galley , Brothcr ' Lockc , and Brother Dr . Thomas Murphy .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
impossible , unless I were that favoured fairy who spoke pearls , and tc express our feelings toivards the possessors of those beauties , is equally impossible , unless my lips were touched with fire . To her Excellency and to that lovely band , ive owe every sentiment of pleasure and delight which we have this night experienced . They have spread happiness ' on every side around them — they have poured upon our festival the rosy light of beauty , and have made our banquet hall ( like the sea whence
Venus sprang ) to teem with all the graces . To say that her Excellency ' s virtues and accomplishments rentier her worthy to be the leader of tliat . band of beauty , is as high a compliment as can he paid , in my opinion , to any lady , and yet not more than truth ; and to declare that " ive desire to see her Excellency often filling that distinguished station , is only to give utterance to a sentiment which is swelling at the heart and bursting to the lips of every Brother of the Order . "
This toast was received and drunk with every demonstration of enthusiasm and gallantry . Glee , by the entire musical strength , " O happy fair . " The Lord Lieutenant rose to return thanks for Lad y Mulgrave , and said , I rejoice that her Ladyship is here to-night , so that she may hear the kind , cordial , and enthusiastic manner in which her health has been received . On the last occasion I gave her but a faint discription of the
manner in which her health was then drunk , yet could not persuade her that I did not exaggerate your kindness . Though only a civilian , I am happy to say that I have out generalled my gallant friend , Sir Edward Blakeney . I have been for some time reconnoitering in front , and have taken up a position from which I cannot now be beaten—it was to have the honour of proposing the health ofthe Ladies ; and what ivould the sun of Masonry be unless it were reflected in the starlike eves around .
After this toast had been drank , the Lord Lieutenant rose and returned to the Ball room , where he remained upwards of an hour . The votaries of Terpsichore followed , and continued to tri p it on the lig ht , fantastic toe until long after the golden beams had illumed the horizon . Although not of the happy throng present upon this interesting occasion , we enter into the " ' spirit" which can thus with magic power summon all that is happy in human nature , elegant in society , splendid in mental attainment—elevated in rank .
AIASONIC DINNER , TO MR . CARLETON . —Several hi ghly respectable members of this most ancient and benevolent Order , for the purpose of showing the respect and esteem they entertain for Brother William Carleton of this city , both as a Brother Alason , and as a citizen , entertained him Friday , Alay 18 , at a dinner at Radley ' s Hotel , Dame Street . Upwards of one hundred members of the Order sat down to table . The Chair was most ably filled by Brother High Sheriff Jones , supthe riht bthe Ri
ported on g y ght Hon . the Lord Mayor , Brother AVarren , Brother Sir Richard Baker , Brother Alderman Drummond , and several Brethren ; and on the left by Colonel Wright , Alderman Hindman , High Sheriff Brother Quinton , High Sheriff elect Brother Grant , & c . The folloiving gentlemen acted as stewards : —Brother AVilliam Roe , Brother Dr . John Parr , Brother Alexander Dudgeon , Brother Henry Al'Dona , Brother Broivn , Brother Fop-arty , Brother Farrell , Brother Joseph AVhite , _ Brother Galley , Brothcr ' Lockc , and Brother Dr . Thomas Murphy .