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Brother Benson of No . 50 . The children , the objects of the Mason ' s solicitude were seated , during the sermon , round the Communion table , they wore white muslin frocks ancl Vandykes , yellow leather gloves ancl straw bonnets trimmed with light ribbons . Their clean and health y appearance was the theme of universal commendation . Capacious as George Church is , it could scarcely accommodate all those who came forward with cheerful alacrity to the support of this Asylum , this house
of mercy ancl refuge for the orphan and destitute . Yet there were some absent that we should have wished to have seen taking a part on this interesting occasion . But few of the Brethren wore the Masonic insignia .
MASONIC ORPHAN SCHOOL , May 27 . —W . AVhite , Esq ., D . G . M ., in the Chair . Resolutions of grateful thanks were unanimously passed to Brother the Rev . C . Osborne , for his elegant and impressive discourse on behalf of the Institution ; to the Rev . — Bush for the use ' of his church ; and to the Lord Alayor , Sheriffs , Noblemen , ancl Gentlemen who honoured the Institution by their presence .
June 14 . —A Alasonic entertainment was given at the 1 heatre Royal this evening , in aid of the Benevolent Fund . The performances were , " Cinderella and the Blind Boy . " An address , written for the occasion , was admirably delivered by Brother Calcraft ; and the whole arrangements terminated with pleasure and profit . The space we have devoted to the Grancl Alasonic Ball prevents our saying more , than that the house presented a galaxy of beauty ancl fashion—attended by as numerous a body of Alasonic ancl other patrons as upon any previous occasion .
" Plaudite et valete . " —Terence . Tin- Lodge No . 473 , Enniskillen , gave a handsome entertainment to a numerous party of Brothers and friends in their Lodge-room , in celebration of the anniversary of the birth-day of Her Alost Gracious Majesty Queen A'ictoria .
ANCIENT BOYNE LODGE 84 , BANDON . —The Centenary of the above Loclge was held on Tuesday , the 29 th of Alay , on which day a Charity Sermon was preached before the members of the Order , on behalf of the Alasonic Orphan Asylum of the County and City of Cork , in Ballymoodau Church , Bandon , by the Rev . James Gollock , A . M ., the Provincial Grancl Chaplain of Minister ; the Brethren moved in Alasonic procession from their Lodge-room , Devonshire Arms Hotel , at eleven o ' clock , a . m . The Lodge dined at the Devonshire Arms , to celebrate this rare and interesting event at six o ' clock .
THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN LODGE , 613 , are m good order , ancl working at their Depot , stationed at Romford , in Essex ! JERSEY—ST . HELENS , Feb . 28 . — " Our Loclge may be considered to be improving , and being without a provincial government , we rather pride ourselves upon the state of Masonry here . "
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Brother Benson of No . 50 . The children , the objects of the Mason ' s solicitude were seated , during the sermon , round the Communion table , they wore white muslin frocks ancl Vandykes , yellow leather gloves ancl straw bonnets trimmed with light ribbons . Their clean and health y appearance was the theme of universal commendation . Capacious as George Church is , it could scarcely accommodate all those who came forward with cheerful alacrity to the support of this Asylum , this house
of mercy ancl refuge for the orphan and destitute . Yet there were some absent that we should have wished to have seen taking a part on this interesting occasion . But few of the Brethren wore the Masonic insignia .
MASONIC ORPHAN SCHOOL , May 27 . —W . AVhite , Esq ., D . G . M ., in the Chair . Resolutions of grateful thanks were unanimously passed to Brother the Rev . C . Osborne , for his elegant and impressive discourse on behalf of the Institution ; to the Rev . — Bush for the use ' of his church ; and to the Lord Alayor , Sheriffs , Noblemen , ancl Gentlemen who honoured the Institution by their presence .
June 14 . —A Alasonic entertainment was given at the 1 heatre Royal this evening , in aid of the Benevolent Fund . The performances were , " Cinderella and the Blind Boy . " An address , written for the occasion , was admirably delivered by Brother Calcraft ; and the whole arrangements terminated with pleasure and profit . The space we have devoted to the Grancl Alasonic Ball prevents our saying more , than that the house presented a galaxy of beauty ancl fashion—attended by as numerous a body of Alasonic ancl other patrons as upon any previous occasion .
" Plaudite et valete . " —Terence . Tin- Lodge No . 473 , Enniskillen , gave a handsome entertainment to a numerous party of Brothers and friends in their Lodge-room , in celebration of the anniversary of the birth-day of Her Alost Gracious Majesty Queen A'ictoria .
ANCIENT BOYNE LODGE 84 , BANDON . —The Centenary of the above Loclge was held on Tuesday , the 29 th of Alay , on which day a Charity Sermon was preached before the members of the Order , on behalf of the Alasonic Orphan Asylum of the County and City of Cork , in Ballymoodau Church , Bandon , by the Rev . James Gollock , A . M ., the Provincial Grancl Chaplain of Minister ; the Brethren moved in Alasonic procession from their Lodge-room , Devonshire Arms Hotel , at eleven o ' clock , a . m . The Lodge dined at the Devonshire Arms , to celebrate this rare and interesting event at six o ' clock .
THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN LODGE , 613 , are m good order , ancl working at their Depot , stationed at Romford , in Essex ! JERSEY—ST . HELENS , Feb . 28 . — " Our Loclge may be considered to be improving , and being without a provincial government , we rather pride ourselves upon the state of Masonry here . "