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Description Of A Design For A Masonic Trophy To The Grand Master.
the cud and perfection of Freemasonry , and in the exercise of which this tribute has originated . They support a vase 01 basket , round which are the seven lights . From the centre of the vase springs a figure of lsyche , which may be considered the classic emblem of purified humanity , fitted for divine enjoyment . Round the shaft of the column in bas-relief , is the history of Freemasonry from its earliest period commencing at the lower of the
part shaft , with man in his wild and uncultivated state , exposed to the rage of wild animals and the tumults ot the elements . VV e then find his attention engaged in buildino- a hut lor shelter and partial security . Then congregated and improved by building a city . I he sciences quickl y follow , exemplified by astronomy , navigation , cv-c . 1 he history is continued b y selecting prominent facts , such as the building of Solomon ' s temple , and then as more immediately allusive to in
Masonry England , St . Alban protecting St . Amphibalus by the sacrifice of his own life ; Alfred dividing his loaf with the pilgrim , & c . I hen would follow the history of the Union of the two Societies of English Masons , as effected hy His Royal Highness thc Duke of Sussex , in conjunction with his illustrious Brother the late Duke of Kent . and the installation of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussexas Most Worshipful Grand Master of the United
, Grand Eodge of Ancient freemasons of England . The series of bas-reliefs round the column , to conclude with the allegorical representation of mortal life ancl immortality , as depicted on the celebrated Portland ( or tfarberim ) vase , and which was first successfull y explained bv Dr Darwin , m lus poem of the Botanic garden * * 3 i \ W W W ? , ? 7 \ ? * e offering was the length of time the Most Worshipful Grand Master had presided over the United Locke
• relf / vl ^ - Un'on ^ as effected in conjunction with his illustrious relative the late Duke of Kent , it was proposed lo decorate the external fase of the vase with medallic portraits of their Royal Hirfinesses each surrounded with the garter , and connected by the true love-knot issuing from a ducal coronet . The edge of the vase to be dTcorated with seven stars , one under each of the seven li ghts before mentbncc
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Description Of A Design For A Masonic Trophy To The Grand Master.
the cud and perfection of Freemasonry , and in the exercise of which this tribute has originated . They support a vase 01 basket , round which are the seven lights . From the centre of the vase springs a figure of lsyche , which may be considered the classic emblem of purified humanity , fitted for divine enjoyment . Round the shaft of the column in bas-relief , is the history of Freemasonry from its earliest period commencing at the lower of the
part shaft , with man in his wild and uncultivated state , exposed to the rage of wild animals and the tumults ot the elements . VV e then find his attention engaged in buildino- a hut lor shelter and partial security . Then congregated and improved by building a city . I he sciences quickl y follow , exemplified by astronomy , navigation , cv-c . 1 he history is continued b y selecting prominent facts , such as the building of Solomon ' s temple , and then as more immediately allusive to in
Masonry England , St . Alban protecting St . Amphibalus by the sacrifice of his own life ; Alfred dividing his loaf with the pilgrim , & c . I hen would follow the history of the Union of the two Societies of English Masons , as effected hy His Royal Highness thc Duke of Sussex , in conjunction with his illustrious Brother the late Duke of Kent . and the installation of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussexas Most Worshipful Grand Master of the United
, Grand Eodge of Ancient freemasons of England . The series of bas-reliefs round the column , to conclude with the allegorical representation of mortal life ancl immortality , as depicted on the celebrated Portland ( or tfarberim ) vase , and which was first successfull y explained bv Dr Darwin , m lus poem of the Botanic garden * * 3 i \ W W W ? , ? 7 \ ? * e offering was the length of time the Most Worshipful Grand Master had presided over the United Locke
• relf / vl ^ - Un'on ^ as effected in conjunction with his illustrious relative the late Duke of Kent , it was proposed lo decorate the external fase of the vase with medallic portraits of their Royal Hirfinesses each surrounded with the garter , and connected by the true love-knot issuing from a ducal coronet . The edge of the vase to be dTcorated with seven stars , one under each of the seven li ghts before mentbncc