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The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
the thinking Brethren their services are acknowledged : and thus their task , even such as it is at the present moment , remains neither unpleasing nor difficult . To speak the plain language of truth has become a practice—that practice Freemasonry enjoins—and they will continue it without the
apprehension of fear , or'the intention of offence . In our humble opinion , Masonry does not admit of any of those operations in strategy which are considered admissible in general polity ; and the Mason , hoivever elevated in rank , however distinguished by his talents , must , in his
character as a Mason , prove his moral worth by his knowledge of the most scrupulous value of the strictest moral discip line ; not that discipline which grows out of the legal quibblings of a code of laws , but out of that equitable and
honourable construction of the spirit of the law which is equally intended , as it is calculated , to shed a holy influence over the world . The Mason , as such , may not assume a knowledge of worldly wisdom , and make it manifest as binding in our
conceptions ancl combinations of thought . No : the cement ivhich binds us together—the spirit which enshrines our mystery , will not permit new readings to disturb our moral rights , nor the creation of any views to exchange the moral rule for a dispensation of a power that is not confessedly
acknowledged . Equity and honour are gifts from Heaven — th ey are attributes of our Order—not to be swerved from upon any pretext whatever ; and whoever scorns or neglects them , be he who he may , descends in the scale of humanity .
It is with masses of men as with individuals ; give them mental cultivation , and engender a disposition to moral improvement , ancl instead of being desirous of pulling down existing institutions , where such are good , they will render themselves worthy of enjoying what by their intelligence they
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
the thinking Brethren their services are acknowledged : and thus their task , even such as it is at the present moment , remains neither unpleasing nor difficult . To speak the plain language of truth has become a practice—that practice Freemasonry enjoins—and they will continue it without the
apprehension of fear , or'the intention of offence . In our humble opinion , Masonry does not admit of any of those operations in strategy which are considered admissible in general polity ; and the Mason , hoivever elevated in rank , however distinguished by his talents , must , in his
character as a Mason , prove his moral worth by his knowledge of the most scrupulous value of the strictest moral discip line ; not that discipline which grows out of the legal quibblings of a code of laws , but out of that equitable and
honourable construction of the spirit of the law which is equally intended , as it is calculated , to shed a holy influence over the world . The Mason , as such , may not assume a knowledge of worldly wisdom , and make it manifest as binding in our
conceptions ancl combinations of thought . No : the cement ivhich binds us together—the spirit which enshrines our mystery , will not permit new readings to disturb our moral rights , nor the creation of any views to exchange the moral rule for a dispensation of a power that is not confessedly
acknowledged . Equity and honour are gifts from Heaven — th ey are attributes of our Order—not to be swerved from upon any pretext whatever ; and whoever scorns or neglects them , be he who he may , descends in the scale of humanity .
It is with masses of men as with individuals ; give them mental cultivation , and engender a disposition to moral improvement , ancl instead of being desirous of pulling down existing institutions , where such are good , they will render themselves worthy of enjoying what by their intelligence they