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To The Managing Director S, Actuaries, & Secretaries , Of Insurance Companies.
It has been the custom , too much so , of the press torey- ™ ' f £ " < -ivelv upon its own knowledge and power—to arrogate to itself or ife , members mot of omnipotence and omniscience than has been accorded to mere mortals , rmavbe tha thatposition has been forced upon . hem-rendered necessary in Shlgtolea d opinions upon subjects which thoug h common and open to all men they have mastered to a certain extent by app hcat on and intense ' to with some authority to mas ses
tudy Tndtl Sore feel qualified speak upon no so ^ ell informed as themselves , and whose co-operaUveass . sance onse quently comparatively useless . We are placed in ad liferent pondo .. Ve-. tone endeavoured in an accompanying article to set forth c early our vlews am objctl : on some of then / weief at home , and able , without j A tofight ou battle . Statistics relating to sanitary matters , ancl he means of foim > g a ^ cor rect judgment with regard to the principles upon which ^ - ^^ " ^^ J be founded to also are the usual channels of information wtn
, are open us ; so ™ to monetary and commercial affairs . With those subjects we mar & " £ presume that we are as capable of dealing as ordinary journalists toughas ve do not pretend to infallibility , information ™\«* f * f ™^ £ S fullv received ¦ but with regard to the special subject of Insurance , we are SeS among others , we are addressing , in Managing Drrecto ™ A—es , and Secretaries of gentlemen who must be well-versed in its principles ,
a body » who ^ portion p / oves ' that they have more than ordinary tal ^ fe tion and influence . To them , upon their own ground , we nstmctively leei hat ' it wouU be unwise and impolitic , at once arrogant and impotent , to artdre s oursdves in the dictatorial tone which is assumed by writers under cover SemT ^ S «™ . " We know that those gentlemen are at least our equals in point of knowledge and of intellect , our superiors in po nt of practical expeire not to control to lead thembutside by side orif our
rience and we asp or , , , elertion may wL so far , a little in advance , to go on with them , helping in our p ope . sphere to extend the benefits of Insurance , by developing its capa-Ks ami demonstrating its advantages . We feel that their in , terests . are om interests-we believe , too , that our interests are also * f ^™^ Snd ° n ' let this opportunity pass without endeavouring to come to a fair uncleistanamg witlHL best informed and most talented class of those whom we address " ^ these views , we at once frankly say to all gentlemen practically engaged tnat out
in the working of Insurance Companies , we Know Bu- _ c = v- ; . ™" , s to be our fate ) will be mainly owing to their co-operation and assistance ; and we offer them a ' channel throug h which they may express their opinions . Any hints and suggestions with which we maybe favoured shall , m so iai as we are aSe wkhoutle sacrifice of independent habits of thought upon our pa £ be embodied in the editorial articles which will appear . Space will be luimsne l for rte correspondence of all whose position entitles their opinions to aspect , inions not adverse to our ownand any reports of
whether such op are or are ; moceedings which it may be deemed advisable to make public shall appear in ah . theirhftegrity . It is by such assistance that we hope to make the General Assurance Advocate , " at the same time , the source of useful information to the generalpublic , the forwarder of the spread of Insurance , and the organ of wellfnforme opfnion , and thus to render it worthy of extensive and permanent suppm-t' and we feel satisfied that consideration will show the managers of both and working for acommon good
Eance Companies that they we are . and that any assistance they may think proper to render , will be operative toi the advancement of their own objects , as well as useful to Their humble Servants , the Conductors ot tne "GENERAL A SSURANCE A DVOCATE .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To The Managing Director S, Actuaries, & Secretaries , Of Insurance Companies.
It has been the custom , too much so , of the press torey- ™ ' f £ " < -ivelv upon its own knowledge and power—to arrogate to itself or ife , members mot of omnipotence and omniscience than has been accorded to mere mortals , rmavbe tha thatposition has been forced upon . hem-rendered necessary in Shlgtolea d opinions upon subjects which thoug h common and open to all men they have mastered to a certain extent by app hcat on and intense ' to with some authority to mas ses
tudy Tndtl Sore feel qualified speak upon no so ^ ell informed as themselves , and whose co-operaUveass . sance onse quently comparatively useless . We are placed in ad liferent pondo .. Ve-. tone endeavoured in an accompanying article to set forth c early our vlews am objctl : on some of then / weief at home , and able , without j A tofight ou battle . Statistics relating to sanitary matters , ancl he means of foim > g a ^ cor rect judgment with regard to the principles upon which ^ - ^^ " ^^ J be founded to also are the usual channels of information wtn
, are open us ; so ™ to monetary and commercial affairs . With those subjects we mar & " £ presume that we are as capable of dealing as ordinary journalists toughas ve do not pretend to infallibility , information ™\«* f * f ™^ £ S fullv received ¦ but with regard to the special subject of Insurance , we are SeS among others , we are addressing , in Managing Drrecto ™ A—es , and Secretaries of gentlemen who must be well-versed in its principles ,
a body » who ^ portion p / oves ' that they have more than ordinary tal ^ fe tion and influence . To them , upon their own ground , we nstmctively leei hat ' it wouU be unwise and impolitic , at once arrogant and impotent , to artdre s oursdves in the dictatorial tone which is assumed by writers under cover SemT ^ S «™ . " We know that those gentlemen are at least our equals in point of knowledge and of intellect , our superiors in po nt of practical expeire not to control to lead thembutside by side orif our
rience and we asp or , , , elertion may wL so far , a little in advance , to go on with them , helping in our p ope . sphere to extend the benefits of Insurance , by developing its capa-Ks ami demonstrating its advantages . We feel that their in , terests . are om interests-we believe , too , that our interests are also * f ^™^ Snd ° n ' let this opportunity pass without endeavouring to come to a fair uncleistanamg witlHL best informed and most talented class of those whom we address " ^ these views , we at once frankly say to all gentlemen practically engaged tnat out
in the working of Insurance Companies , we Know Bu- _ c = v- ; . ™" , s to be our fate ) will be mainly owing to their co-operation and assistance ; and we offer them a ' channel throug h which they may express their opinions . Any hints and suggestions with which we maybe favoured shall , m so iai as we are aSe wkhoutle sacrifice of independent habits of thought upon our pa £ be embodied in the editorial articles which will appear . Space will be luimsne l for rte correspondence of all whose position entitles their opinions to aspect , inions not adverse to our ownand any reports of
whether such op are or are ; moceedings which it may be deemed advisable to make public shall appear in ah . theirhftegrity . It is by such assistance that we hope to make the General Assurance Advocate , " at the same time , the source of useful information to the generalpublic , the forwarder of the spread of Insurance , and the organ of wellfnforme opfnion , and thus to render it worthy of extensive and permanent suppm-t' and we feel satisfied that consideration will show the managers of both and working for acommon good
Eance Companies that they we are . and that any assistance they may think proper to render , will be operative toi the advancement of their own objects , as well as useful to Their humble Servants , the Conductors ot tne "GENERAL A SSURANCE A DVOCATE .