Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Gall's Antibilious Pills —Tbe Most Usefu...
GALL'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS —Tbe most useful Family Medicine in circulation , being mild m operation , and eeitam in its beneficial effects toi those disoideis arising fiont a vitiated state of the Bile , and moibid action of the Livel , namely , Indigestion , Loss 5 of Appetite , Sick Head ache , Heart-bum , Flatulency , Jaundice , Habitual Costiveness Head , ache ansmg from Intemperance , and all the variety of Complaints jpioduced by a - disoideied state of the Stomach and Bowels , the disagieefcble operation of an JEmetic , may , v jn most cases , be avoided ) by taking them according to the directions .
GALL'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS aieprepared without Mereuiy , and maybe taken ^ hy the most delicite constitutions without restraint 01 confinement , they Save stood the test r of the last forty years with increasing ciiculation . * - Travelleis to , and residents-m the East or West Indies , Will find them a valuable appendage , being eminently adapted to lepel the serious Bilious attacks to \ Vhich Euiopeans aie * subject in thes , e climates . They aiepaiticulaily lecommended to douect disoideis ansmg ' " . - - from excesses at the table , * to lestore tone to the Stomach , and to remove those complaints ¦ ¦ ¦ i /
= C occasioned hy Uiegularity of the Bowels' ** . _ & - * £ ? old tn Boies ISid and 2 s . " 9 d each , by all Vejidariof Medicine in the United Kingdom \ n & - m Fdmilg Boi . es , at 20 s . each , y * £ - - - , v _ . * _ . __ , - , ^ Pt yZ ' J , " - ^ r ' THE ' PROPJRIETORS , ^ ly . " ~^ ' \ ^ yy ^^ l'A AT WOODBRID . GE , SUFFOLK , \" , _ . ^ - - 1 -. , ' FOR THE VSBT OS- PAMIMBS AND CHARItfABLE PURPOSES .
r * * ¦* ^ * . > " *" _ * ' * " r \^"" * ^ £ o prevent counterfeits /*; the public are cautioned to obseive that"the Names of "** ¦ " BjENJAMIN and- * ABRAHAM GALL , kre by peimission of hei Majesty ' s Honourable ¦> t y Commissioners , engraved upon ihe Stamp surrounding each Box , without which Stamp the . _ yM 6 dicin < r cannot he genumei " * _ * ^ . n y ~ ( ' j * ^ .. 't .- ^ The follo \ Vmg " extracts of LetteiSj received hythe Propuetors , at van & us peliods , prove ' Ithe estimation ih which this valuable Medicine is held by die Public — , ^ t . _ . « . - n Fi & Th StricJdadi Ba ? tKendallWestmdi land ' August 19 th 182 &
- > -omu omas n , , , , . , _ ? ~ Sm , YoM ^ AntibiUous Pills having bitea so ranch , appioved ^ of hy myself and many of my / friends , I beg you £ o send me down ; hy the very first conveyance ; oile dozien Boxes . - * i _ . ' t- ** - - " * ' -i'lam / gn , youiMDbedient ser \ aut , - "_ THOMAS SIHHJKLANB y ^^* J ?! ^ Jfe -r / io ^ as ~ Ifo -1 % * y moem . be > 150 ., 1805 " ' " , SiB > , "tour Antibihous PillsJfaMnf been so much recommended to me as a geneial Laxative ¦ & ^ Medidme ^ and forCiAmoving dbsfructionsin "the Stomachifec * I was Induced to make trial
. , ., " of them myself , and have frequently givfen them tolny family , and pom neighbotus , where * I'have seen their good effects in removing Biliotis'attacks , and ^ nnny opinion preventing 3 * seriovts illn _* ss Poi the gooiof the Public * and in justice to so excellent a lUedicine , you * Sjijf've ttiy _ permission to makethis public . r . -, V - > , - _ - - * * - ,--, * - y •* " - $ * . " ,- " , , * _ - - *^ , ^ - , 0 I am , Siff yofirs obediently , * THOMAS WOOD . „** - ^ . ~ VC ¦** * _ " -J T * t , ' ' - j . " .- * " r / " ~ " V-y . rior > iLieiit .-Col Kemnt ^ Slst Native Infdntnj . ^ * Calcutta , 1 st May , 1883— Sm , Puoi to ~« -iny leaving England in Julla « t 1 was recoirimendefl to applto you fot a supplof youi ¦
y , y ^ y p- J-ntihilious ^ Pills , havulg ioi a long time suffered severely horn ajhidlenb Bilious attack , I yjaiii happy" to say I haVe found * so much .- ' benefit- from them , J that I request you will , " ^ . t piepSie toi , me a fresh supply , -and forwaid tbem . to n / e by the very fi ? sfc vessel coming out <¦ ' v a i ~ . ' ' - ^ " ^ lam , Sli " your ohedlfent Servant . , W KLMM _^ JaJCi ' - ' - ^ y \ , ^ " lMPORTA ] Sf D rO FEMALES . ^ !«'<'* v 'Ll ' hlre ' aie fevv ^ Mothers who donotsuffei seteely fiom that distressing complaintsoie
, ^ . nipples , which makes , them dread giving to their Offspiing the nbunshment designed by ' ~ nittuie , thCadmimstermg of Which } . as beneficial to th * child , as it is a souice of peculiar ¦* -pleasute to the fond paifint K ( i . - " f " : " - » , f' ~ - ~ GALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT" " . ¦ Is paiticularly recommended to Motheis , as a safe and efficacious remedy for that painful - * ( lisbldeij Since its use will " enable them m almost eVeiy case to perfoim then offlcs vMth
impilnity , and-eyeti With cdmpaiative ea-oe and comfoit In bottles , Is lid each _ ' " f - " ¦ _ ijf ^ J- Sold by rrfbsfc respectable Medicine Vendois in the Kmgdoftl _ ' *" -v ^^ t ' ObserJetkTnamdsofiRiiyaJhin and ^ Abfakak Call are engtdved on tluLGbveihintnl jStaftp
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Gall's Antibilious Pills —Tbe Most Usefu...
GALL'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS —Tbe most useful Family Medicine in circulation , being mild m operation , and eeitam in its beneficial effects toi those disoideis arising fiont a vitiated state of the Bile , and moibid action of the Livel , namely , Indigestion , Loss 5 of Appetite , Sick Head ache , Heart-bum , Flatulency , Jaundice , Habitual Costiveness Head , ache ansmg from Intemperance , and all the variety of Complaints jpioduced by a - disoideied state of the Stomach and Bowels , the disagieefcble operation of an JEmetic , may , v jn most cases , be avoided ) by taking them according to the directions .
GALL'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS aieprepared without Mereuiy , and maybe taken ^ hy the most delicite constitutions without restraint 01 confinement , they Save stood the test r of the last forty years with increasing ciiculation . * - Travelleis to , and residents-m the East or West Indies , Will find them a valuable appendage , being eminently adapted to lepel the serious Bilious attacks to \ Vhich Euiopeans aie * subject in thes , e climates . They aiepaiticulaily lecommended to douect disoideis ansmg ' " . - - from excesses at the table , * to lestore tone to the Stomach , and to remove those complaints ¦ ¦ ¦ i /
= C occasioned hy Uiegularity of the Bowels' ** . _ & - * £ ? old tn Boies ISid and 2 s . " 9 d each , by all Vejidariof Medicine in the United Kingdom \ n & - m Fdmilg Boi . es , at 20 s . each , y * £ - - - , v _ . * _ . __ , - , ^ Pt yZ ' J , " - ^ r ' THE ' PROPJRIETORS , ^ ly . " ~^ ' \ ^ yy ^^ l'A AT WOODBRID . GE , SUFFOLK , \" , _ . ^ - - 1 -. , ' FOR THE VSBT OS- PAMIMBS AND CHARItfABLE PURPOSES .
r * * ¦* ^ * . > " *" _ * ' * " r \^"" * ^ £ o prevent counterfeits /*; the public are cautioned to obseive that"the Names of "** ¦ " BjENJAMIN and- * ABRAHAM GALL , kre by peimission of hei Majesty ' s Honourable ¦> t y Commissioners , engraved upon ihe Stamp surrounding each Box , without which Stamp the . _ yM 6 dicin < r cannot he genumei " * _ * ^ . n y ~ ( ' j * ^ .. 't .- ^ The follo \ Vmg " extracts of LetteiSj received hythe Propuetors , at van & us peliods , prove ' Ithe estimation ih which this valuable Medicine is held by die Public — , ^ t . _ . « . - n Fi & Th StricJdadi Ba ? tKendallWestmdi land ' August 19 th 182 &
- > -omu omas n , , , , . , _ ? ~ Sm , YoM ^ AntibiUous Pills having bitea so ranch , appioved ^ of hy myself and many of my / friends , I beg you £ o send me down ; hy the very first conveyance ; oile dozien Boxes . - * i _ . ' t- ** - - " * ' -i'lam / gn , youiMDbedient ser \ aut , - "_ THOMAS SIHHJKLANB y ^^* J ?! ^ Jfe -r / io ^ as ~ Ifo -1 % * y moem . be > 150 ., 1805 " ' " , SiB > , "tour Antibihous PillsJfaMnf been so much recommended to me as a geneial Laxative ¦ & ^ Medidme ^ and forCiAmoving dbsfructionsin "the Stomachifec * I was Induced to make trial
. , ., " of them myself , and have frequently givfen them tolny family , and pom neighbotus , where * I'have seen their good effects in removing Biliotis'attacks , and ^ nnny opinion preventing 3 * seriovts illn _* ss Poi the gooiof the Public * and in justice to so excellent a lUedicine , you * Sjijf've ttiy _ permission to makethis public . r . -, V - > , - _ - - * * - ,--, * - y •* " - $ * . " ,- " , , * _ - - *^ , ^ - , 0 I am , Siff yofirs obediently , * THOMAS WOOD . „** - ^ . ~ VC ¦** * _ " -J T * t , ' ' - j . " .- * " r / " ~ " V-y . rior > iLieiit .-Col Kemnt ^ Slst Native Infdntnj . ^ * Calcutta , 1 st May , 1883— Sm , Puoi to ~« -iny leaving England in Julla « t 1 was recoirimendefl to applto you fot a supplof youi ¦
y , y ^ y p- J-ntihilious ^ Pills , havulg ioi a long time suffered severely horn ajhidlenb Bilious attack , I yjaiii happy" to say I haVe found * so much .- ' benefit- from them , J that I request you will , " ^ . t piepSie toi , me a fresh supply , -and forwaid tbem . to n / e by the very fi ? sfc vessel coming out <¦ ' v a i ~ . ' ' - ^ " ^ lam , Sli " your ohedlfent Servant . , W KLMM _^ JaJCi ' - ' - ^ y \ , ^ " lMPORTA ] Sf D rO FEMALES . ^ !«'<'* v 'Ll ' hlre ' aie fevv ^ Mothers who donotsuffei seteely fiom that distressing complaintsoie
, ^ . nipples , which makes , them dread giving to their Offspiing the nbunshment designed by ' ~ nittuie , thCadmimstermg of Which } . as beneficial to th * child , as it is a souice of peculiar ¦* -pleasute to the fond paifint K ( i . - " f " : " - » , f' ~ - ~ GALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT" " . ¦ Is paiticularly recommended to Motheis , as a safe and efficacious remedy for that painful - * ( lisbldeij Since its use will " enable them m almost eVeiy case to perfoim then offlcs vMth
impilnity , and-eyeti With cdmpaiative ea-oe and comfoit In bottles , Is lid each _ ' " f - " ¦ _ ijf ^ J- Sold by rrfbsfc respectable Medicine Vendois in the Kmgdoftl _ ' *" -v ^^ t ' ObserJetkTnamdsofiRiiyaJhin and ^ Abfakak Call are engtdved on tluLGbveihintnl jStaftp