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Mutual Liee Assurance Society, Head Offi...
MUTUAL LIEE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , HEAD OFFICE ,-345 , STRAND , LOMISON . INCORPORATED UNDER ACT OF PARLIAMENT , 7 & 8 VICT . CAP . 110 . ffimtrt of JSitcctots . ( With power to add to their number I .
BRO . W . F . DODSON , Esq ., M . A ., 47 , Gloucester- BRO . ROBERT THOMAS CRUCEFIX , Esq ., place , Portman-square , ( Chairman . ) LL . D ,, Milton-on-Thames , ( Deimti / Chairman . ) Professor DAVID THOMAS ANSTF . D , M . A ., CHARLES JOHN LONGRIDGE , ' Esq ., II , Wal-F . R . S ., : IC , Gloucester-road , Hyde-park , and brook , and Bcdlington Iron Works , Newcastle-on-King ' s College . Tyne . BRO . JAMES ELLISON , Esq ., 5 , Great Marylebone- HY . MARSHALL , Esq ., 20 , Queen-st ., May-fair . street , Portland-place . BRO . JOHN STRUTT , Esq ., 1 ( 1 , Buckingliam-ROBERT HART , Esq ., 2 , Middle Temple-lane . street , Strand . Bno . FREDERICK HEATH , Esq ., Ingress Lodge , THOMAS LUXMORE WILSON , Esq ., 3 B , Wal-Greenhithe . brook , and 4 , Eaton-place , South , Belgrave-square . GEORGE JOHNSON , Esq , M . D ., King ' s College . Rev . J . W . WATSON , M . A ., Langton-pl ., Brixton .
PTrustce . s . BRO . W . F . DOBSON , Esq ., BRO . JOHN STRUTT , Esq ., T . L . WILSON , Esq . ( TO BE INCREASED TO FIVE . ) ¦& uifttors . GEORGE GATES , Esq ., 03 , Fenchurch-street . JOHN SURRAGE , Esq ., Middle Temple . DANIEL CULLINGTON , Esq ., jun ., 2 , Craven-street , MONTAGUE J . TATHAM , Esq ., Doctors'Commons , Strand . and 311 , Eastbourne-terrace , Hyde-park . ^• wtrtan . Sur 3 - BROJAMES ELLISON r > Great
Maryleboue-„ . , . , Esq ., , DR . GEORGE JOHNSON , King s College . street , Portland-place . St * uVamg Ctctmscl . Solicitors . MATTHEW B . BEGDIE , Esq ., 40 , Chancery-lane . MESSRS . PRICHARD & BRO . COLLETTE , 57 , Lincoln ' s-inn-fields . attuatB antt Sccrctanj . ^ ss ^ xA «*«« . FREDERIC LAIVRANCE , Esq . t _ , _ , _ , , ' ANTHONY PECK , Esq ., B . A . 33 antas . Sn . & tiior . LONDON AND COUNTY BANK , 21 , Lombard-street ; RICHARD TRESS , Esq ., 23 , Little St . Tliomas ' MESSRS . TWINING , 215 , Strand . Apostle .
" THERE IS NOTHING IN THE COMMERCIAL WORLD WHICH APPROACHES , EVEN REMOTELY , TO THE SECURITY OF A MUTUAL OFFICE . " —De Morgan on Life Assurance . There are three descriptions of Life Offices , " Proprietary , " "Mixed , " and " Mutual . " In the first , the whole of the profits are given to the shareholders , and none to the Assured . In the second , a limited portion only ofthe surplus is given to the Assured . But in a MUTUAL Life Office , THE WHOLE PROFITS ARE DIVIDED AMONGST THE POLICY HOLDERS , who thus receive amongst themselves that to whieh they only are justly entitled—the entire advantages
ofthe Fund formed by the premiums they have subsci-ibed . It is for this and other reasons , too numerous to mention in the limits of a prospectus , that the "M UTUAL SYSTEM , " in all its branches , and with its varied improvements , has been resolved upon ; to which the Directors have added several novel features in each department , calculated for the henefit alike of the influential classes for which this Society is established , and of the general body of the un-assured community . It will hardly be credited , that up to the present moment scarcely one in three hundred of our vast population has . taken advantage of the benefits derivable from " Life Assurance . "
To enable Engineers , Mechanics , and others to provide ( as far as human foresight can ) against the contingencies of reverse of fortune , continued sickness , loss of sight , insanity , or any of the misfortunes to which men are liable , and by which their means of providing for their families are totally cut off , is the object of the Patrons ancl Directors , who are convinced that the following advantages have only to he brought prominently forward to secure to the Office a very extensive share of business , and to the Assured indemnity against casualties . These classes , which are dail y increasing in numbers and importance , are at present comparatively unrepresented in the field of Assurance , ¦ to improve their position is a matter of the
highest consequence , and no other method is either so easy or so legitimate as that which is pointed out hy the system of Life Assurance adopted by this Society . __ . IFE aEP-iRTESBSI * .. MUTUAL ASSURANCE by which the Assured reaps his full share of the profits : — TABLE NO . 1 . and 2 . A fixed rate of premium during life , as low as is safe for the Office and the Assured . 3 . Ascending premiums to increase as a man's circumstances improve .
„ „ 4 . Descending premiums to decrease as worldly means may decline . No . 5 . Assurances for a term of years only . By this method , a person assured may receive in person the amount of his Policy , if he reach the specified age . If he should die at any time previously , even one hour after the Policy has been effected , his family would receive the full amount assured .
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Mutual Liee Assurance Society, Head Offi...
MUTUAL LIEE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , HEAD OFFICE ,-345 , STRAND , LOMISON . INCORPORATED UNDER ACT OF PARLIAMENT , 7 & 8 VICT . CAP . 110 . ffimtrt of JSitcctots . ( With power to add to their number I .
BRO . W . F . DODSON , Esq ., M . A ., 47 , Gloucester- BRO . ROBERT THOMAS CRUCEFIX , Esq ., place , Portman-square , ( Chairman . ) LL . D ,, Milton-on-Thames , ( Deimti / Chairman . ) Professor DAVID THOMAS ANSTF . D , M . A ., CHARLES JOHN LONGRIDGE , ' Esq ., II , Wal-F . R . S ., : IC , Gloucester-road , Hyde-park , and brook , and Bcdlington Iron Works , Newcastle-on-King ' s College . Tyne . BRO . JAMES ELLISON , Esq ., 5 , Great Marylebone- HY . MARSHALL , Esq ., 20 , Queen-st ., May-fair . street , Portland-place . BRO . JOHN STRUTT , Esq ., 1 ( 1 , Buckingliam-ROBERT HART , Esq ., 2 , Middle Temple-lane . street , Strand . Bno . FREDERICK HEATH , Esq ., Ingress Lodge , THOMAS LUXMORE WILSON , Esq ., 3 B , Wal-Greenhithe . brook , and 4 , Eaton-place , South , Belgrave-square . GEORGE JOHNSON , Esq , M . D ., King ' s College . Rev . J . W . WATSON , M . A ., Langton-pl ., Brixton .
PTrustce . s . BRO . W . F . DOBSON , Esq ., BRO . JOHN STRUTT , Esq ., T . L . WILSON , Esq . ( TO BE INCREASED TO FIVE . ) ¦& uifttors . GEORGE GATES , Esq ., 03 , Fenchurch-street . JOHN SURRAGE , Esq ., Middle Temple . DANIEL CULLINGTON , Esq ., jun ., 2 , Craven-street , MONTAGUE J . TATHAM , Esq ., Doctors'Commons , Strand . and 311 , Eastbourne-terrace , Hyde-park . ^• wtrtan . Sur 3 - BROJAMES ELLISON r > Great
Maryleboue-„ . , . , Esq ., , DR . GEORGE JOHNSON , King s College . street , Portland-place . St * uVamg Ctctmscl . Solicitors . MATTHEW B . BEGDIE , Esq ., 40 , Chancery-lane . MESSRS . PRICHARD & BRO . COLLETTE , 57 , Lincoln ' s-inn-fields . attuatB antt Sccrctanj . ^ ss ^ xA «*«« . FREDERIC LAIVRANCE , Esq . t _ , _ , _ , , ' ANTHONY PECK , Esq ., B . A . 33 antas . Sn . & tiior . LONDON AND COUNTY BANK , 21 , Lombard-street ; RICHARD TRESS , Esq ., 23 , Little St . Tliomas ' MESSRS . TWINING , 215 , Strand . Apostle .
" THERE IS NOTHING IN THE COMMERCIAL WORLD WHICH APPROACHES , EVEN REMOTELY , TO THE SECURITY OF A MUTUAL OFFICE . " —De Morgan on Life Assurance . There are three descriptions of Life Offices , " Proprietary , " "Mixed , " and " Mutual . " In the first , the whole of the profits are given to the shareholders , and none to the Assured . In the second , a limited portion only ofthe surplus is given to the Assured . But in a MUTUAL Life Office , THE WHOLE PROFITS ARE DIVIDED AMONGST THE POLICY HOLDERS , who thus receive amongst themselves that to whieh they only are justly entitled—the entire advantages
ofthe Fund formed by the premiums they have subsci-ibed . It is for this and other reasons , too numerous to mention in the limits of a prospectus , that the "M UTUAL SYSTEM , " in all its branches , and with its varied improvements , has been resolved upon ; to which the Directors have added several novel features in each department , calculated for the henefit alike of the influential classes for which this Society is established , and of the general body of the un-assured community . It will hardly be credited , that up to the present moment scarcely one in three hundred of our vast population has . taken advantage of the benefits derivable from " Life Assurance . "
To enable Engineers , Mechanics , and others to provide ( as far as human foresight can ) against the contingencies of reverse of fortune , continued sickness , loss of sight , insanity , or any of the misfortunes to which men are liable , and by which their means of providing for their families are totally cut off , is the object of the Patrons ancl Directors , who are convinced that the following advantages have only to he brought prominently forward to secure to the Office a very extensive share of business , and to the Assured indemnity against casualties . These classes , which are dail y increasing in numbers and importance , are at present comparatively unrepresented in the field of Assurance , ¦ to improve their position is a matter of the
highest consequence , and no other method is either so easy or so legitimate as that which is pointed out hy the system of Life Assurance adopted by this Society . __ . IFE aEP-iRTESBSI * .. MUTUAL ASSURANCE by which the Assured reaps his full share of the profits : — TABLE NO . 1 . and 2 . A fixed rate of premium during life , as low as is safe for the Office and the Assured . 3 . Ascending premiums to increase as a man's circumstances improve .
„ „ 4 . Descending premiums to decrease as worldly means may decline . No . 5 . Assurances for a term of years only . By this method , a person assured may receive in person the amount of his Policy , if he reach the specified age . If he should die at any time previously , even one hour after the Policy has been effected , his family would receive the full amount assured .