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Mutual Liee Assurance Society, Head Offi...
Engineers ' , Masonic , arid Universal Mutual Assurance—continued . Table No . 6 . Credit given for half the premiums during " whole life " to remain as a debt upon the Policy . No . 7 . Premiums from members received quarterly , half-yearly , or yearly . \ * Assurers for the whole term of life , whether on their own lives or on the lives of others , are members , ancl entitled to vote . No . 8 . Premiums from non members will he received by monthly payments , an evening in each month set for that
being apart purpose . In cases of continued sickness , or inability from other causes to keep up the Policy , of which the Directors shall be satisfied , the whole sum paid in will be returned , subject to a reasonable deduction for office management . To this branch attention is most particularly directed . To Workmen in large Factories , to the Clerks employed on Railways , Engine Drivers , Guards , Stokers , Artizans , and Mechanics , small Policies will be granted , and the greatest facilities giveu for Assurance . In case of temporary illness , or want of employmenta weeklallowancefor a stipulated number of weekscould
, y , , be made on security of the Policy , to be re-paid by easy instalments . In all cases One Third at least of all premiums received wilt be returned to every Assurer , if he wishes to discontinue his Policy , on notice being given of his intention to abandon it . « r The certainty of this return , when compared with the variable scale of allowances at present in use , cannot fail to be duly appreciated . The introduction or substitution of a second person in the place of the one originally assured , but wishing to withdraw , will be allowed , if the party so introduced or substituted is of the same age as the original member , ancl in good health . Where the ages differ , special
arrangements will be necessary . Lives not considered perfectly admissible on the ordinary terms , Assured at rates of Premium corresponding with the extra risk . Policy holders having paid two annual premiums will participate proportionately in all divisions of the profits . The payment of a Policy once granted will never be disputed ; and where it has been assigned as a bond fide security , will not be void by suicide , duelling , or the hands of Justice . The limits within which the Assured may reside , without an extra premium being
required , to be the whole of Europe . For the payment of annual premiums Thirty days beyond the time specified in the Policy will be allowed ; fifteen days for half-yearly premiums ; and seven days for quarterly . If beyond these times , a second appearance before the Medical Officers will be necessary ; if then in good health , the Policy will be renewed on payment of a small fine . All claims will be paid three months after satisfactory proof of the death of the person assured , or earlier , subject to such regulations as the Directors may determine . The share of profits allocated to an Assured may either be applied in reduction of future
annual premiums , or be added to the Policy by way of bonus , or received at once in Cash as its then present value . No entrance fee will be charged for admission to membership . No CHARGE WHATEVER WILL BE MADE FOR POLICY STAMPS . + i , t The Directors , considering this " tax upon prudence " a great impediment to the full development of Life Assurance , have resolved to relieve their Assurers at once of this burden , and charge it as a working expense upon the Office . All Policies will therefore be FREE OF STAMP DUTY TO THE ASSURED . Policies may he effected from £ 20 to £ 5000 .
IMMEDJATE AHB BEPEEBED iiET UIJ-ITIES WILL BE GRANTED . FAHIII . Tr EETJSOWKIEN-TS , On the returnable and non-returnable scale . By these means premiums or apprentice fees may be secured to sons on reaching the age of 14 , or a fund provided to start them in life on arriving at 21 ; and to daughters , portions on attaining 21 years of age . Should the child or children die before reaching the stipulated age , the whole money paid in ( if on the returnable scale ) will be refunded to the parents or guardians .
IOATJ -3 EPA El XIV" HUT . All Borrowers must he assured in the Office , and will participate in the Profits . One-half of the amount ofthe Policy will be advanced on approved personal or other securities , to be repaid by instalments in a certain term of years . The Officers of Building Societies may assure the lives of their Borrowers , to protect themselves against loss by a forced sale of their Securities . Young Men entering Business may , if assured in this Office , receive advances from £ 50 and upwards , upon approved personal Securities .
* ,. * The usual commission allowed on the introduction of Policies . BEedical References paid in proportion to the Amount proposed to be Assured . The Board meets every Friday at Two o ' clock . Attendance al thc Office daily from Ten to Four , when Assurances may be effected .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mutual Liee Assurance Society, Head Offi...
Engineers ' , Masonic , arid Universal Mutual Assurance—continued . Table No . 6 . Credit given for half the premiums during " whole life " to remain as a debt upon the Policy . No . 7 . Premiums from members received quarterly , half-yearly , or yearly . \ * Assurers for the whole term of life , whether on their own lives or on the lives of others , are members , ancl entitled to vote . No . 8 . Premiums from non members will he received by monthly payments , an evening in each month set for that
being apart purpose . In cases of continued sickness , or inability from other causes to keep up the Policy , of which the Directors shall be satisfied , the whole sum paid in will be returned , subject to a reasonable deduction for office management . To this branch attention is most particularly directed . To Workmen in large Factories , to the Clerks employed on Railways , Engine Drivers , Guards , Stokers , Artizans , and Mechanics , small Policies will be granted , and the greatest facilities giveu for Assurance . In case of temporary illness , or want of employmenta weeklallowancefor a stipulated number of weekscould
, y , , be made on security of the Policy , to be re-paid by easy instalments . In all cases One Third at least of all premiums received wilt be returned to every Assurer , if he wishes to discontinue his Policy , on notice being given of his intention to abandon it . « r The certainty of this return , when compared with the variable scale of allowances at present in use , cannot fail to be duly appreciated . The introduction or substitution of a second person in the place of the one originally assured , but wishing to withdraw , will be allowed , if the party so introduced or substituted is of the same age as the original member , ancl in good health . Where the ages differ , special
arrangements will be necessary . Lives not considered perfectly admissible on the ordinary terms , Assured at rates of Premium corresponding with the extra risk . Policy holders having paid two annual premiums will participate proportionately in all divisions of the profits . The payment of a Policy once granted will never be disputed ; and where it has been assigned as a bond fide security , will not be void by suicide , duelling , or the hands of Justice . The limits within which the Assured may reside , without an extra premium being
required , to be the whole of Europe . For the payment of annual premiums Thirty days beyond the time specified in the Policy will be allowed ; fifteen days for half-yearly premiums ; and seven days for quarterly . If beyond these times , a second appearance before the Medical Officers will be necessary ; if then in good health , the Policy will be renewed on payment of a small fine . All claims will be paid three months after satisfactory proof of the death of the person assured , or earlier , subject to such regulations as the Directors may determine . The share of profits allocated to an Assured may either be applied in reduction of future
annual premiums , or be added to the Policy by way of bonus , or received at once in Cash as its then present value . No entrance fee will be charged for admission to membership . No CHARGE WHATEVER WILL BE MADE FOR POLICY STAMPS . + i , t The Directors , considering this " tax upon prudence " a great impediment to the full development of Life Assurance , have resolved to relieve their Assurers at once of this burden , and charge it as a working expense upon the Office . All Policies will therefore be FREE OF STAMP DUTY TO THE ASSURED . Policies may he effected from £ 20 to £ 5000 .
IMMEDJATE AHB BEPEEBED iiET UIJ-ITIES WILL BE GRANTED . FAHIII . Tr EETJSOWKIEN-TS , On the returnable and non-returnable scale . By these means premiums or apprentice fees may be secured to sons on reaching the age of 14 , or a fund provided to start them in life on arriving at 21 ; and to daughters , portions on attaining 21 years of age . Should the child or children die before reaching the stipulated age , the whole money paid in ( if on the returnable scale ) will be refunded to the parents or guardians .
IOATJ -3 EPA El XIV" HUT . All Borrowers must he assured in the Office , and will participate in the Profits . One-half of the amount ofthe Policy will be advanced on approved personal or other securities , to be repaid by instalments in a certain term of years . The Officers of Building Societies may assure the lives of their Borrowers , to protect themselves against loss by a forced sale of their Securities . Young Men entering Business may , if assured in this Office , receive advances from £ 50 and upwards , upon approved personal Securities .
* ,. * The usual commission allowed on the introduction of Policies . BEedical References paid in proportion to the Amount proposed to be Assured . The Board meets every Friday at Two o ' clock . Attendance al thc Office daily from Ten to Four , when Assurances may be effected .