Article THE FREEMASONS' LEXICON. ← Page 8 of 8
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The Freemasons' Lexicon.
taken some formal cloisterical profession , I have been Clericus . But I have withdrawn myself from all that is , and all that is called , Freemasonry , for more than nine years . " There are many valuable and learned works by him , as well as several upon-Freemasonry , which caused a great sensation at the time they were published ; of such are "The Apology for the Order of Freemasonry , " first edition , Berlin , 1778 ; " On the Object
of the Order of Freemasonry , " Berlin , 1781 ; "On the Ancient and Modern Mysteries , " Berlin , 1782 . He published these works without his name . With Nicolai , Gedike , and Blester , he had a long literary controversy upon Jesuitism and Catholicism , ancl he has been accused of being a propagator ancl promoter of both . For this reason he published the work before referred to , viz ., " Upon Crypto-Catholicism , Proselytism , Jesuitism , Secret Societies , and especially the accusations brought against the Author by the Editor of the Berlin Monthly Print , accompanied with vouchers . " 3 vols . Franckfort-on-Main , 1787 antl 1788 .
Statuten Oden Pflichten . Statutes or Duties . —Every lodge has its statutes , with which every brother should be well acquainted , and which ought frequently to be read in open lodge . They treat in general upon the duties of a Freemason both in antl out of the lodge , upon the duties of the officers , on the management of the lodge , the duties ancl privileges of the brethren towards each other , and of the locality in which the lodge is placed . Similar statutes or duties are found in the constitution books
of the various Grand Lodges . Anderson first published them in the English Book of Constitutions , ancl those so published are the groundwork of all the modern loclge statutes on the eludes of Freemasons . Iu the second part of the German edition of the English Book of Constitutions ( Franckfort-on-Maine , 1784 ) they are printed under the following title : " The Obligations and Duties of' a Freemason , from the ancient authentic archives of the lodges beyond the sea , and also of those which are to be found in England , Scotland , and Ireland ; published for the use of the brotherhood and lodges in London , in order that they may be
read at the initiation of a new brother , and at such other times as the Worshipful Master may appoint . " The contents are : I . On Gocl and religion . II . On secular , chief , and inferior magistrates . III . On the brotherhood ancl lodges . IV . On Masters , Wardens , Fellow-Crafts , and Apprentices . V . On the behaviour of the Craft while at work . VI . On the behaviour of Freemasons , 1 , when the lodge is assembled ; 2 , when the lodge is closed , and the brethren have not left the lodgeroom ; 3 , when the brethren meet out of the lodge and no strangers are
present ; 4 , when strangers , who are not Masons , are present ; 5 , at home and in their neighbourhoods ; 6 , towards foreign brethren . von . vr . v
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The Freemasons' Lexicon.
taken some formal cloisterical profession , I have been Clericus . But I have withdrawn myself from all that is , and all that is called , Freemasonry , for more than nine years . " There are many valuable and learned works by him , as well as several upon-Freemasonry , which caused a great sensation at the time they were published ; of such are "The Apology for the Order of Freemasonry , " first edition , Berlin , 1778 ; " On the Object
of the Order of Freemasonry , " Berlin , 1781 ; "On the Ancient and Modern Mysteries , " Berlin , 1782 . He published these works without his name . With Nicolai , Gedike , and Blester , he had a long literary controversy upon Jesuitism and Catholicism , ancl he has been accused of being a propagator ancl promoter of both . For this reason he published the work before referred to , viz ., " Upon Crypto-Catholicism , Proselytism , Jesuitism , Secret Societies , and especially the accusations brought against the Author by the Editor of the Berlin Monthly Print , accompanied with vouchers . " 3 vols . Franckfort-on-Main , 1787 antl 1788 .
Statuten Oden Pflichten . Statutes or Duties . —Every lodge has its statutes , with which every brother should be well acquainted , and which ought frequently to be read in open lodge . They treat in general upon the duties of a Freemason both in antl out of the lodge , upon the duties of the officers , on the management of the lodge , the duties ancl privileges of the brethren towards each other , and of the locality in which the lodge is placed . Similar statutes or duties are found in the constitution books
of the various Grand Lodges . Anderson first published them in the English Book of Constitutions , ancl those so published are the groundwork of all the modern loclge statutes on the eludes of Freemasons . Iu the second part of the German edition of the English Book of Constitutions ( Franckfort-on-Maine , 1784 ) they are printed under the following title : " The Obligations and Duties of' a Freemason , from the ancient authentic archives of the lodges beyond the sea , and also of those which are to be found in England , Scotland , and Ireland ; published for the use of the brotherhood and lodges in London , in order that they may be
read at the initiation of a new brother , and at such other times as the Worshipful Master may appoint . " The contents are : I . On Gocl and religion . II . On secular , chief , and inferior magistrates . III . On the brotherhood ancl lodges . IV . On Masters , Wardens , Fellow-Crafts , and Apprentices . V . On the behaviour of the Craft while at work . VI . On the behaviour of Freemasons , 1 , when the lodge is assembled ; 2 , when the lodge is closed , and the brethren have not left the lodgeroom ; 3 , when the brethren meet out of the lodge and no strangers are
present ; 4 , when strangers , who are not Masons , are present ; 5 , at home and in their neighbourhoods ; 6 , towards foreign brethren . von . vr . v