Article IMPORTANT MASONIC RECORD. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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Important Masonic Record.
you : —Before Noyes flood there was a man which was called Lameth , as it is written in the Bible , in the fourth chapter of Genesis , and this Lameth had two wifes , the one called Ada , the other called Sella , by the first wife Ada he begat a sonne and daughter . Ancl these four children found the beginning of all these crafts ancl sciences in the world ; for the eldest sonne Gabell found the craft or geometry , and he fed flocks of sheep and lambs in the fieldand first wrought houses of stoneand he
, , and his brother Jubal found the crafts of musick , song of mouth , harp ancl organ , and all other instruments ; the third brother Tubalican found the smith-craft of gold and silver , iron and copper and steel ; and the daughter found the craft of webbing ; and these children knew well that God would take vengance for sinn , either by fire or water , wherefore they wrought the sciences they had founded in two pillers of stone , that they might be found afterwards ; and the one stone was called
Marble , for that would not burne in the fire , and the other stone was called latherne , and that would not be drowned with water . Our intent is to tell you how and in what manner these stones was found , that these sciences was written on ; the Herminerus , that was Cubb his sonne , the which Cubb Semet sonne , the which sonne was Noath's sonne , this same Herminerus was afterwards called Armes , the father of the wise men , he found one of the two pillers of stoneand found the science written
, thereon , and he taught it to others . And at the making of the tower of Babilon , was Masonrie first made there much of ; and the King of Babilon , called Nemroth , who was a Mason himselfe , ancl loved well the rest , as is said with the masters of stories . And when the city of Nmevey , or the city of the East Port , should have bin made , Nemroth ,
the King of Babilon , sent thither sixty Masons of his region to the King of Ninevy his cozen ; and when he sent them forth he gave them a charge in this manner : —The first was , that they should be trew to their king , lord , or master that they served ; ancl that they should ordaine the most wise man to be master of the king or lord ' s worke that was amongst them ; and neither for love , riches , nor favour to sett another , that had little cunninge , to be master of that worke , whereby the lord should bee ill served and the science ill defamed . Secondlythat they should call the
, governor of the worke Master , all the time they wrought with him ; aud other many more charges that were to long to write ; and for the keeping of all these charges he made them sware a great oath , which men used at that time ; and ordained for them reasonable pay , that they might live with honestie ; and also he gave them in charge that they should assemble together every yeare , once to see how they might worke best to serve the king or lord , for their profitt and their owne workship ; and
also that they should correct within themselves those that had trespassed against the science or craft . And thus was this noble Craft first grounded there ; and the worthy Mr . Ewclides gave it the name of geometry . And how it is called throughout all the world Masonrie , long after when the children of Israeli were come into the land Berhest , which is now called the countrey of Jerusalem , where King David begun the temple , that is now called Templum Deiand is named with us the Temple of
Jeru-, salem ; and the same King David loved Masons then right well , and gave them good pay , and he gave the charges and manners that he learned in Egipt , which were given by that worthy , Doctor Ewclid ; and other more charges that you shall heare afterwards . Ancl after the decease of King David then reigned Solloman , that was King David ' s sonne , and he performed out thc temple that his father had begun ; and
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Important Masonic Record.
you : —Before Noyes flood there was a man which was called Lameth , as it is written in the Bible , in the fourth chapter of Genesis , and this Lameth had two wifes , the one called Ada , the other called Sella , by the first wife Ada he begat a sonne and daughter . Ancl these four children found the beginning of all these crafts ancl sciences in the world ; for the eldest sonne Gabell found the craft or geometry , and he fed flocks of sheep and lambs in the fieldand first wrought houses of stoneand he
, , and his brother Jubal found the crafts of musick , song of mouth , harp ancl organ , and all other instruments ; the third brother Tubalican found the smith-craft of gold and silver , iron and copper and steel ; and the daughter found the craft of webbing ; and these children knew well that God would take vengance for sinn , either by fire or water , wherefore they wrought the sciences they had founded in two pillers of stone , that they might be found afterwards ; and the one stone was called
Marble , for that would not burne in the fire , and the other stone was called latherne , and that would not be drowned with water . Our intent is to tell you how and in what manner these stones was found , that these sciences was written on ; the Herminerus , that was Cubb his sonne , the which Cubb Semet sonne , the which sonne was Noath's sonne , this same Herminerus was afterwards called Armes , the father of the wise men , he found one of the two pillers of stoneand found the science written
, thereon , and he taught it to others . And at the making of the tower of Babilon , was Masonrie first made there much of ; and the King of Babilon , called Nemroth , who was a Mason himselfe , ancl loved well the rest , as is said with the masters of stories . And when the city of Nmevey , or the city of the East Port , should have bin made , Nemroth ,
the King of Babilon , sent thither sixty Masons of his region to the King of Ninevy his cozen ; and when he sent them forth he gave them a charge in this manner : —The first was , that they should be trew to their king , lord , or master that they served ; ancl that they should ordaine the most wise man to be master of the king or lord ' s worke that was amongst them ; and neither for love , riches , nor favour to sett another , that had little cunninge , to be master of that worke , whereby the lord should bee ill served and the science ill defamed . Secondlythat they should call the
, governor of the worke Master , all the time they wrought with him ; aud other many more charges that were to long to write ; and for the keeping of all these charges he made them sware a great oath , which men used at that time ; and ordained for them reasonable pay , that they might live with honestie ; and also he gave them in charge that they should assemble together every yeare , once to see how they might worke best to serve the king or lord , for their profitt and their owne workship ; and
also that they should correct within themselves those that had trespassed against the science or craft . And thus was this noble Craft first grounded there ; and the worthy Mr . Ewclides gave it the name of geometry . And how it is called throughout all the world Masonrie , long after when the children of Israeli were come into the land Berhest , which is now called the countrey of Jerusalem , where King David begun the temple , that is now called Templum Deiand is named with us the Temple of
Jeru-, salem ; and the same King David loved Masons then right well , and gave them good pay , and he gave the charges and manners that he learned in Egipt , which were given by that worthy , Doctor Ewclid ; and other more charges that you shall heare afterwards . Ancl after the decease of King David then reigned Solloman , that was King David ' s sonne , and he performed out thc temple that his father had begun ; and