Article IMPORTANT MASONIC RECORD. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Important Masonic Record.
should be renewed from king to king ; ancl when the assembley were gathered togeather he made a cry that all old Masons or young that had any writeings or understanding of the charges and manners that were made before their lands wheresoever they were made Masons , that they should shew them forth ; there were found some in French , some in Greek , some in Hebrew , and some in English , and some in other languages ; and when they were read and over seen wellthe intent of them
, was understood to be all one , and then he caused a booke to be made thereof , how this worthy Craft of Masonrie was first found , ancl he himself eomanded , and also then caused that it should be read at any tyme when it should happen any Mason or Masons to be made , to give him or them their charges ; ami from that time untill this clay manners of Masons have been kept in this manner and forme as well as men might governe it . And furthermoreat diverse assemblyes have been put and
, ordained diverse charges by the best advice of Masters and fellows { tunc units ex senioribus tentat librum et ille ponent manum suam super librum ) . Every man that is a Mason take good heed to these charges . If any man finde himselfe guilty IN any of these charges , wee pray that he may amend himselfe , or principally for dread of God , you that be charged take good heed that you keep all these charges well , for it is a great perill to a man to forsweare himselfe upon a booke .
" The first charge is , that you shall be true to God and holy church , and to use noe error or heresie , you understanding , ancl by wise men ' s teaching ; also that you shall be true liege men to the King of England , without treason or any falshood , and that you know noe treason or treachery , but that ye amend and give knowledge thereof to the king or
his councell ; also that ye shall be true to one another ( that is to say ) , every Mason of the Craft that is Mason allowed you shall doe to him as you would be done to yourselfe . " Secondly , and ye shall keep truely all the councell of the lodge or of the chamber , and all the councell of the lodge that ought to be kept by the way of masonhood ; also that you be noe theefenor theeves- to your knowledge free ; that you shall be true to the king , lord , or master that you serveand truly to see and worke for his advantage ; also you
, shall call all Masons your fellows or your brethren , and noe other names . Fourthly , also you shall not take yeur fellows wife in villoney , nor deflowre his daughter or servant , nor put him to disworship ; also you shall pay truely for your meat or drinke wheresoever you goe to table or board , whereby the Craft or science may be slandered . These be the charges general ! that belong to every true Masons , both Masters aucl fellows .
" Now 1 will rehearse other charges for Masons allowed . — " First , that noe Mason take on him noe lords worke , nor other mans , but if he know himselfe well able to performe the worke , soe that the Craft have noe slander . " Secondly , also that noe Master take noe worke but that he take reasonable pay for it , so that the lord may he truely served , ancl the Master to live honestly and to pay his fellows truely ; also that no Master or
fellow suplant others of their worke ( that is to say ) , if he have taken a worke , or else stand Master of a worke , that he shall not put him out , without he be unable of cunning to make an end of his worke ; also that noe Master nor fellow shall take noe prentice for Jesse then seaven yeares , anil that the prentice be able of birth , that is , free borne and of limbs whole as a man ought lo he ; and that noe Mason or fellow take no
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Important Masonic Record.
should be renewed from king to king ; ancl when the assembley were gathered togeather he made a cry that all old Masons or young that had any writeings or understanding of the charges and manners that were made before their lands wheresoever they were made Masons , that they should shew them forth ; there were found some in French , some in Greek , some in Hebrew , and some in English , and some in other languages ; and when they were read and over seen wellthe intent of them
, was understood to be all one , and then he caused a booke to be made thereof , how this worthy Craft of Masonrie was first found , ancl he himself eomanded , and also then caused that it should be read at any tyme when it should happen any Mason or Masons to be made , to give him or them their charges ; ami from that time untill this clay manners of Masons have been kept in this manner and forme as well as men might governe it . And furthermoreat diverse assemblyes have been put and
, ordained diverse charges by the best advice of Masters and fellows { tunc units ex senioribus tentat librum et ille ponent manum suam super librum ) . Every man that is a Mason take good heed to these charges . If any man finde himselfe guilty IN any of these charges , wee pray that he may amend himselfe , or principally for dread of God , you that be charged take good heed that you keep all these charges well , for it is a great perill to a man to forsweare himselfe upon a booke .
" The first charge is , that you shall be true to God and holy church , and to use noe error or heresie , you understanding , ancl by wise men ' s teaching ; also that you shall be true liege men to the King of England , without treason or any falshood , and that you know noe treason or treachery , but that ye amend and give knowledge thereof to the king or
his councell ; also that ye shall be true to one another ( that is to say ) , every Mason of the Craft that is Mason allowed you shall doe to him as you would be done to yourselfe . " Secondly , and ye shall keep truely all the councell of the lodge or of the chamber , and all the councell of the lodge that ought to be kept by the way of masonhood ; also that you be noe theefenor theeves- to your knowledge free ; that you shall be true to the king , lord , or master that you serveand truly to see and worke for his advantage ; also you
, shall call all Masons your fellows or your brethren , and noe other names . Fourthly , also you shall not take yeur fellows wife in villoney , nor deflowre his daughter or servant , nor put him to disworship ; also you shall pay truely for your meat or drinke wheresoever you goe to table or board , whereby the Craft or science may be slandered . These be the charges general ! that belong to every true Masons , both Masters aucl fellows .
" Now 1 will rehearse other charges for Masons allowed . — " First , that noe Mason take on him noe lords worke , nor other mans , but if he know himselfe well able to performe the worke , soe that the Craft have noe slander . " Secondly , also that noe Master take noe worke but that he take reasonable pay for it , so that the lord may he truely served , ancl the Master to live honestly and to pay his fellows truely ; also that no Master or
fellow suplant others of their worke ( that is to say ) , if he have taken a worke , or else stand Master of a worke , that he shall not put him out , without he be unable of cunning to make an end of his worke ; also that noe Master nor fellow shall take noe prentice for Jesse then seaven yeares , anil that the prentice be able of birth , that is , free borne and of limbs whole as a man ought lo he ; and that noe Mason or fellow take no