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GRAVESEND , June 19 . —Lodge of Freedom , No . 91 . —Lodge of Sympathy , No . 709 . —The brethren of these lodges , with their friends , celebrated the installation of their respective Masters , Bros . Brown ancl Gardner . The meeting was numerously attended at the installation . The ceremonies of initiation ancl passing were first performed ; after which Dr . Crucefix , assisted by Bro , Watson , conducted the impressive ceremony of installation , in the presence of Bro . Ashley , the Deputy Provincial Grancl
Master . Bros . Parslow and Dobson were appointed Wardens of No . 91 , and Bros . Childs ancl Couves of No . 709 .. The brethren afterwards adjourned to the banquet at the Talbot , at which the Deputy Grand Master presided . The various addresses were listened to with marked attention ; and we most cordially congratulate the fraternity of the neighbourhood on the happy prospect of advancing the interests of the Order .
CANTERBURY , May 22 . —The warrant of the Canterbury Lodge is of early date in the modern system of Masonry , having been enrolled in 1727 , at which period the lodge was acknowledged as constituted . There are only two in the Kent province of greater antiquity , viz ., those of the Union at Woolwich , and the Antiquity at Chatham . The system of Freemasonry was extant in the city of Canterbury several centuries back , and was patronized by the highest dignitaries of the church establishment . The principal ecclesiastic of the cathedral , in the words of the Entered Apprentice ' s song : —
" Felt himself famed , To hciiv himself named As a free and an accepted Mason . " In the year 1414 the benevolent ancl munificent founder of All Souls ' College , Oxford , was raised to the Archiepiscopal See of Canterbury : and , in theyear 1429 , being nearly four hundred aud twenty years since , he ( the great Archbishop Chicheley ) held a lodge of Freemasons in the ancient city , and presided at its meetingshis grace being at that period the
, Grand Master of the Order . At a lodge held in the year named , Bro . Thomas Stapylton was the Master , Bro . John Morris the Warden , and there were present fifteen Fellow Crafts , and three Entered Apprentices . At this distant period masonic lodges were , for a temporary season , regarded with considerable dread ancl alarm by the sovereign ; and laws were enacted for their suppression . The good archbishop , however , fully cognizant of their moral and philanthropic objects , did not hesitate
to give them the eclat of his high name and influence , by accepting the supreme head amongst them , and consorting with them in their periodical assemblies . By an act of Parliament of the third Henry VI ., cap . ] , A . D . 1425 , Masonry was much persecuted from the ignorance of its benevolent purposes ; ancl it was declared felony to convene and meet in chapter and congregation , uncier the pretence that such meetings were in violation of " the good cause and effect of the statutes of labourers . " The archbishop , however , continued his sanction of the Order , ancl
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GRAVESEND , June 19 . —Lodge of Freedom , No . 91 . —Lodge of Sympathy , No . 709 . —The brethren of these lodges , with their friends , celebrated the installation of their respective Masters , Bros . Brown ancl Gardner . The meeting was numerously attended at the installation . The ceremonies of initiation ancl passing were first performed ; after which Dr . Crucefix , assisted by Bro , Watson , conducted the impressive ceremony of installation , in the presence of Bro . Ashley , the Deputy Provincial Grancl
Master . Bros . Parslow and Dobson were appointed Wardens of No . 91 , and Bros . Childs ancl Couves of No . 709 .. The brethren afterwards adjourned to the banquet at the Talbot , at which the Deputy Grand Master presided . The various addresses were listened to with marked attention ; and we most cordially congratulate the fraternity of the neighbourhood on the happy prospect of advancing the interests of the Order .
CANTERBURY , May 22 . —The warrant of the Canterbury Lodge is of early date in the modern system of Masonry , having been enrolled in 1727 , at which period the lodge was acknowledged as constituted . There are only two in the Kent province of greater antiquity , viz ., those of the Union at Woolwich , and the Antiquity at Chatham . The system of Freemasonry was extant in the city of Canterbury several centuries back , and was patronized by the highest dignitaries of the church establishment . The principal ecclesiastic of the cathedral , in the words of the Entered Apprentice ' s song : —
" Felt himself famed , To hciiv himself named As a free and an accepted Mason . " In the year 1414 the benevolent ancl munificent founder of All Souls ' College , Oxford , was raised to the Archiepiscopal See of Canterbury : and , in theyear 1429 , being nearly four hundred aud twenty years since , he ( the great Archbishop Chicheley ) held a lodge of Freemasons in the ancient city , and presided at its meetingshis grace being at that period the
, Grand Master of the Order . At a lodge held in the year named , Bro . Thomas Stapylton was the Master , Bro . John Morris the Warden , and there were present fifteen Fellow Crafts , and three Entered Apprentices . At this distant period masonic lodges were , for a temporary season , regarded with considerable dread ancl alarm by the sovereign ; and laws were enacted for their suppression . The good archbishop , however , fully cognizant of their moral and philanthropic objects , did not hesitate
to give them the eclat of his high name and influence , by accepting the supreme head amongst them , and consorting with them in their periodical assemblies . By an act of Parliament of the third Henry VI ., cap . ] , A . D . 1425 , Masonry was much persecuted from the ignorance of its benevolent purposes ; ancl it was declared felony to convene and meet in chapter and congregation , uncier the pretence that such meetings were in violation of " the good cause and effect of the statutes of labourers . " The archbishop , however , continued his sanction of the Order , ancl