Article LIMBIRD'S MAGNUM BONUM STEEL PENS. AT 6d... Page 1 of 1 Article THE SOCIETY OF GUARDIANS POR THE PROTECT... Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Limbird's Magnum Bonum Steel Pens. At 6d...
LIMBIRD'S MAGNUM BONUM STEEL PENS . AT 6 d . PER DOZEN , WITH HOLDER . STATIONERY , envelope and dressing cases , travelling writing desks , ladies' com-_ panions , albums , scrap-books , portfolios , and blotting books , inkstands , gold and silver ever-pointed pencil cases , pearl and ivory tablets , & c . Bibles and Prayers in plain and elegant bindings . Name-plate engraved for 2 s . 6 d . 100 best cards , 2 s . 6 d . ; superfine letter paper from (? s . the ream ; note paper from 3 s . the ream ; with every article in Stationery of the best quality and lowest prices . LiMBiun ' s , No . 143 , Strand , facing Catherine-street . Best Envelopes Is . the 100 .
The Society Of Guardians Por The Protect...
THE SOCIETY OF GUARDIANS POR THE PROTECTION OF TRADE . Established 3 . 776 . President—CHARLES FAREBROTHER , Esq ., Alderman . ( The Right Hon . the Lord Mayor . Vice-Presidents I Joseph Brotherton , Esq ., M . P .
( W . T . Copeland , Esq ., M . P ., Alderman . Counsel—G . M . Dowdeswell , Esq . Solicitors—Messrs . Dean , Leeks , Dixon , and Redpath , 18 , St . Swithin ' s Lane . An Association of Merchants , Bankers , and Traders ( in connexion with corresponding Provincial Societies ) for Protection of its Members from the various Frauds and Deceptions hourly attempted , and the punishment of those guilty of Fraud or Robbery ; also for granting assistance in certain cases of Opposition in Bankruptcy , & c , and affording mutual information amonast its Subscribers . Annual Subscription One Guinea .
. . . ... WATSON ' S A & BATA WLATM . ELEGANCE <^ p » AND ECONOMY FOR THE TABLE , < # §^ WA R E ^ r U S E S ' 41 , & 42 , BARBICAN , Jte ^^|| Ill | P - ^ = > . NORTON " oLGATE Corner of Princes Street , iff HWwlljyil & ai ( mi Bishopsgate , Five Minutes walk from the W ^^^^^^\ ffl Fifty Doors from the Eastern Post OQice , X & W ^ 1 // ffl Counties Railway . S ! w f , J ^ ^ ^ ' - ^ 1 « fts i \? JM C . W ATSON begs the Public will 2 £ u J ? 3 K ?™? IT ™™ ^ »§^ Kw « # nnderstand that this Metal is pe-^ H- ^ ' ^ , ^?; *^ ? ,, ^^ " ? ™ ^ MiWmmlMm' »^ i ^ y **» »™ , and that Silver , n , L' , fF , « w ^ ' r ntFfduc * ., llil ^ SillF is not more different from Gold 1 5 ATA PTI ' V w ' y raa . 5 hIess >^ p ? iWmT than his Metal is from all others ; the Pub ' *™™ Arx' ^ Z } J " ^ . "dedby WgSm $ * $ !& lie will therefore have no difficulty in' 3 iSf ' S , i , f ; , ^" y '" l *™ - " IlliSSsPr covering the animus which directs the viru-Pn , S MA . J . «! ^ Jl ' } m ^ gl - " > KmMwtSm I ™ ' *«» = >« made against him , by a party » v „ i li ^ "S ' - beaU " , l ArticIa IRll & Jifl who is daily suffering from the unparafieled nltl S < Ji ? f ^?„ , Z ,, M'nB ' aU -. ? n - h- llIfflM recess which has marked the progre" - >' S „ r , h ? uS » -S wSSL " ° - ^; th aII , W ^ M % My Ms New Plate since its introduction . C . W . ? , ™ ffi £ il ^ , f -T " "f P « f « t ^ feSbgr ^ unlike this party , courts comparison , ferirh ™? , ? i ^ n-jrhvdv ^ ' ^ iS . - ° * ^^^^&^ . '" B confident that the fesult TOI cstaKifh fiS ^ L ^ lr'i i ^ hlCh ;?' , thatI 3 nau- ' ^ IIBBS ^^ its pre-eminence . Entire Services of Plat * seous in mixed Metals is entirely extracted ^ ' " ^^ T Pnrrtiased -resisting all Acids-may be cleaned as Chased rnw ' nMIOM SBHV 1 CBS silver , and is Manufactured into every Coffee Pat full Size . COMSIUNION SERVICES , Article for the Table and Sideboard . £ 2 5 0 Manufactured of this Metal . I 4 J 14 S > . BARBiCAr * II \\ I j St . ; : l Blades , with Watson ' s JTOT Altiata Plate Handle Table Knives 22 s . 6 d . per rfoz . Dessert * \ Ss . dd . Carver ! St . M . AlbataPlats ,. Fiddle . . Strong Fiddle Threaded AlbataPlate Fiddle . Strong Fiddlei Threaded . TableSppons ... , 16 6 doz . 1 1 0 doz . 110 Odoz . Tea Spoons 5 6 doz . 8 0 doz . . 13 C duz . „ Forks ... 16 " 6 ' , ; 11 0 „ 1 10 0 „ Salt Ditto ... 6 0 „ 12 0 Gilt " ; 18 0 gilt , Dessertspoons 12 6 „ 16 6 „ 15 0 „ Sugar Tongs 1 8 cacb 1 ' 9 ' each , . ' , 8-. 0 each „ Porks 12 6 ,, 16 6 „ 15 0 ,, . Three Papier Mache Tea Trays , full sizes , ornamented for 35 s . —Patent Candle Lamps Ss : 6 d . —Solar Lamps to burn common Oil 22 s . Gd . —Bronze Fenders 9 s . 6 d . Steel Fire Irons 4 s . 6 d . per set . —Ivory Handle Table KaivcSi . rimmed Shoulders lis . per Doz . Desserts 9 s . per doz . Carvers 4 s . 6 d . per pair .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Limbird's Magnum Bonum Steel Pens. At 6d...
LIMBIRD'S MAGNUM BONUM STEEL PENS . AT 6 d . PER DOZEN , WITH HOLDER . STATIONERY , envelope and dressing cases , travelling writing desks , ladies' com-_ panions , albums , scrap-books , portfolios , and blotting books , inkstands , gold and silver ever-pointed pencil cases , pearl and ivory tablets , & c . Bibles and Prayers in plain and elegant bindings . Name-plate engraved for 2 s . 6 d . 100 best cards , 2 s . 6 d . ; superfine letter paper from (? s . the ream ; note paper from 3 s . the ream ; with every article in Stationery of the best quality and lowest prices . LiMBiun ' s , No . 143 , Strand , facing Catherine-street . Best Envelopes Is . the 100 .
The Society Of Guardians Por The Protect...
THE SOCIETY OF GUARDIANS POR THE PROTECTION OF TRADE . Established 3 . 776 . President—CHARLES FAREBROTHER , Esq ., Alderman . ( The Right Hon . the Lord Mayor . Vice-Presidents I Joseph Brotherton , Esq ., M . P .
( W . T . Copeland , Esq ., M . P ., Alderman . Counsel—G . M . Dowdeswell , Esq . Solicitors—Messrs . Dean , Leeks , Dixon , and Redpath , 18 , St . Swithin ' s Lane . An Association of Merchants , Bankers , and Traders ( in connexion with corresponding Provincial Societies ) for Protection of its Members from the various Frauds and Deceptions hourly attempted , and the punishment of those guilty of Fraud or Robbery ; also for granting assistance in certain cases of Opposition in Bankruptcy , & c , and affording mutual information amonast its Subscribers . Annual Subscription One Guinea .
. . . ... WATSON ' S A & BATA WLATM . ELEGANCE <^ p » AND ECONOMY FOR THE TABLE , < # §^ WA R E ^ r U S E S ' 41 , & 42 , BARBICAN , Jte ^^|| Ill | P - ^ = > . NORTON " oLGATE Corner of Princes Street , iff HWwlljyil & ai ( mi Bishopsgate , Five Minutes walk from the W ^^^^^^\ ffl Fifty Doors from the Eastern Post OQice , X & W ^ 1 // ffl Counties Railway . S ! w f , J ^ ^ ^ ' - ^ 1 « fts i \? JM C . W ATSON begs the Public will 2 £ u J ? 3 K ?™? IT ™™ ^ »§^ Kw « # nnderstand that this Metal is pe-^ H- ^ ' ^ , ^?; *^ ? ,, ^^ " ? ™ ^ MiWmmlMm' »^ i ^ y **» »™ , and that Silver , n , L' , fF , « w ^ ' r ntFfduc * ., llil ^ SillF is not more different from Gold 1 5 ATA PTI ' V w ' y raa . 5 hIess >^ p ? iWmT than his Metal is from all others ; the Pub ' *™™ Arx' ^ Z } J " ^ . "dedby WgSm $ * $ !& lie will therefore have no difficulty in' 3 iSf ' S , i , f ; , ^" y '" l *™ - " IlliSSsPr covering the animus which directs the viru-Pn , S MA . J . «! ^ Jl ' } m ^ gl - " > KmMwtSm I ™ ' *«» = >« made against him , by a party » v „ i li ^ "S ' - beaU " , l ArticIa IRll & Jifl who is daily suffering from the unparafieled nltl S < Ji ? f ^?„ , Z ,, M'nB ' aU -. ? n - h- llIfflM recess which has marked the progre" - >' S „ r , h ? uS » -S wSSL " ° - ^; th aII , W ^ M % My Ms New Plate since its introduction . C . W . ? , ™ ffi £ il ^ , f -T " "f P « f « t ^ feSbgr ^ unlike this party , courts comparison , ferirh ™? , ? i ^ n-jrhvdv ^ ' ^ iS . - ° * ^^^^&^ . '" B confident that the fesult TOI cstaKifh fiS ^ L ^ lr'i i ^ hlCh ;?' , thatI 3 nau- ' ^ IIBBS ^^ its pre-eminence . Entire Services of Plat * seous in mixed Metals is entirely extracted ^ ' " ^^ T Pnrrtiased -resisting all Acids-may be cleaned as Chased rnw ' nMIOM SBHV 1 CBS silver , and is Manufactured into every Coffee Pat full Size . COMSIUNION SERVICES , Article for the Table and Sideboard . £ 2 5 0 Manufactured of this Metal . I 4 J 14 S > . BARBiCAr * II \\ I j St . ; : l Blades , with Watson ' s JTOT Altiata Plate Handle Table Knives 22 s . 6 d . per rfoz . Dessert * \ Ss . dd . Carver ! St . M . AlbataPlats ,. Fiddle . . Strong Fiddle Threaded AlbataPlate Fiddle . Strong Fiddlei Threaded . TableSppons ... , 16 6 doz . 1 1 0 doz . 110 Odoz . Tea Spoons 5 6 doz . 8 0 doz . . 13 C duz . „ Forks ... 16 " 6 ' , ; 11 0 „ 1 10 0 „ Salt Ditto ... 6 0 „ 12 0 Gilt " ; 18 0 gilt , Dessertspoons 12 6 „ 16 6 „ 15 0 „ Sugar Tongs 1 8 cacb 1 ' 9 ' each , . ' , 8-. 0 each „ Porks 12 6 ,, 16 6 „ 15 0 ,, . Three Papier Mache Tea Trays , full sizes , ornamented for 35 s . —Patent Candle Lamps Ss : 6 d . —Solar Lamps to burn common Oil 22 s . Gd . —Bronze Fenders 9 s . 6 d . Steel Fire Irons 4 s . 6 d . per set . —Ivory Handle Table KaivcSi . rimmed Shoulders lis . per Doz . Desserts 9 s . per doz . Carvers 4 s . 6 d . per pair .