Article THE FREEMASONS' LEXICON. ← Page 2 of 7 →
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The Freemasons' Lexicon.
book certainly contains all the fundamental doctrines of Freemasonry . As a Freemason ought never to forget that he has laid his hand upon the gospel of St . John , so should he never cease to love his Brethren according to doctrine of love contained in that sacred book . Many Lodges celebrate his anniversary the 27 th December . Johannis fest und Johannes der Tiinfer . St . John ' s Festival and St . John the Baptist . —The latter was the forerunner of Jesusa son of
, the Jewish priest Zacharias and of Elizabeth , who , as a zealous judge of morality and undaunted preacher of repentance , obtained great celebrity , first in his native country , then in the mountains of Judea , and afterwards among the whole nation . His simple and abstemious manner of living contributed much to his fame , and especially the peculiar purification or consecration by baptism in a river bath , which he introduced as a symbol of that moral purity which he so zealouslinculcated .
y Jesus allowed himself to be baptized by him , and from that time forward John said unto his disciples that he was certainly the Messias . The frank earnestness and the great fame with which he preached even in Galilee , soon brought upon him the suspicion and hatred of the court of the Tetrarch Antipas or King Herod , who imprisoned him , and on the 29 th August , in the thirty-second or thirty-third years of his life , caused him to be beheaded . The 24 th Junehis birth-dayis dedicated
, , to his memory through all Christendom . The patron saint of the Freemason ' s Brotherhood was formerly not St . John the Baptist , but St . John the Evangelist , whose festival they celebrated the 27 th December , upon which day they hold their general assembly , probably induced thereto because at this season of the year the members coulcl be better
spared from their business or profession . For this reason also they chose for their quarterly festivals , the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary , Michaelmas , and the festival of St . John the Baptist , which last festival , on-account of the better weather and other circumstances having been found to be more convenient for the yearly assembly , was often appointed for the time on which it should be held , so that it has now become nearly general . Many Lodges still celebrate the S 7 th December , and
call it the minor St . John ' s day . In Scotland , St . Andrew is the patron of the Order , ancl tlieir festival is held on his day . Johannis Logen und Johannis Maurerei . St . John ' s Lodges and St . John ' s Masonry . —Originally there was only one kind of Freemasonry . But when the Scottish and other higher degrees were introduced , the three first degrees received the name of St . John ' s Masonry . Johanitter oder Maltheser Ritter . Johnites , or Knights of Malta . — About the middle of the eleventh century , 1048 , some Italian merchants
of Almalfi undertook to provide a place of refuge for the Christian pilgrims to Jerusalem , where they would not be so much exposed to the persecutions of the Mahometans . They dedicated this institution to the holy St . John , ancl it was originally an hospital , for which reason they are also called Hospitallers . But , seventeen years after Jerusalem was taken by the Christians , and after its conquest by the Crusaders , the first chief of the hospital , Gerrara , formed a plan to give his society a certain legal form and constitution . The members were obliged to
wear a peculiar dress , to submit themselves to certain rules , and to form themselves into an Order , with the title of Johnites , or St . John ' s Brethren . This society increased daily ; the most distinguished knights and the most valiant soldiers of the Christians reckoned it an honour to belong to it , and this induced the second chief , Raimund du Pui , to VOL , IV . Q a
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The Freemasons' Lexicon.
book certainly contains all the fundamental doctrines of Freemasonry . As a Freemason ought never to forget that he has laid his hand upon the gospel of St . John , so should he never cease to love his Brethren according to doctrine of love contained in that sacred book . Many Lodges celebrate his anniversary the 27 th December . Johannis fest und Johannes der Tiinfer . St . John ' s Festival and St . John the Baptist . —The latter was the forerunner of Jesusa son of
, the Jewish priest Zacharias and of Elizabeth , who , as a zealous judge of morality and undaunted preacher of repentance , obtained great celebrity , first in his native country , then in the mountains of Judea , and afterwards among the whole nation . His simple and abstemious manner of living contributed much to his fame , and especially the peculiar purification or consecration by baptism in a river bath , which he introduced as a symbol of that moral purity which he so zealouslinculcated .
y Jesus allowed himself to be baptized by him , and from that time forward John said unto his disciples that he was certainly the Messias . The frank earnestness and the great fame with which he preached even in Galilee , soon brought upon him the suspicion and hatred of the court of the Tetrarch Antipas or King Herod , who imprisoned him , and on the 29 th August , in the thirty-second or thirty-third years of his life , caused him to be beheaded . The 24 th Junehis birth-dayis dedicated
, , to his memory through all Christendom . The patron saint of the Freemason ' s Brotherhood was formerly not St . John the Baptist , but St . John the Evangelist , whose festival they celebrated the 27 th December , upon which day they hold their general assembly , probably induced thereto because at this season of the year the members coulcl be better
spared from their business or profession . For this reason also they chose for their quarterly festivals , the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary , Michaelmas , and the festival of St . John the Baptist , which last festival , on-account of the better weather and other circumstances having been found to be more convenient for the yearly assembly , was often appointed for the time on which it should be held , so that it has now become nearly general . Many Lodges still celebrate the S 7 th December , and
call it the minor St . John ' s day . In Scotland , St . Andrew is the patron of the Order , ancl tlieir festival is held on his day . Johannis Logen und Johannis Maurerei . St . John ' s Lodges and St . John ' s Masonry . —Originally there was only one kind of Freemasonry . But when the Scottish and other higher degrees were introduced , the three first degrees received the name of St . John ' s Masonry . Johanitter oder Maltheser Ritter . Johnites , or Knights of Malta . — About the middle of the eleventh century , 1048 , some Italian merchants
of Almalfi undertook to provide a place of refuge for the Christian pilgrims to Jerusalem , where they would not be so much exposed to the persecutions of the Mahometans . They dedicated this institution to the holy St . John , ancl it was originally an hospital , for which reason they are also called Hospitallers . But , seventeen years after Jerusalem was taken by the Christians , and after its conquest by the Crusaders , the first chief of the hospital , Gerrara , formed a plan to give his society a certain legal form and constitution . The members were obliged to
wear a peculiar dress , to submit themselves to certain rules , and to form themselves into an Order , with the title of Johnites , or St . John ' s Brethren . This society increased daily ; the most distinguished knights and the most valiant soldiers of the Christians reckoned it an honour to belong to it , and this induced the second chief , Raimund du Pui , to VOL , IV . Q a