Article THE FREEMASONS' LEXICON. ← Page 4 of 7 →
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The Freemasons' Lexicon.
dead there . In former ages , men were of the opinion that the judgment of the world would be held there . Ireland . —Here , also , as well as in every other British state , Freemasonry is greatly respected , and enjoys the full protection of the government . There is a Grand Lodge in Dublin which was formed as early as 1730 . Isis . —A goddess of the ancient Egyptians , who often appears in the
works upon the mysteries of the ancients . She is reported to have been the wife of Osiris , and the mother of all-supporting and most mysterious Nature . Her religious worship was mixed with a great number of secrets ancl ceremonies . She is represented as a figure apparently wrapped up , so that there is no appearance of either arms or hands , only the lowest part of the feet being visible . The garment in which she is wrapped up is covered from the top to the bottom with female breasts . Her most distinguishing mark after this being the Sistrum , an instrument used in the mysterious religious service of this goddess , and by which an oval may be drawn with one motion of the hand ..
Italy . —1 'reemasonry is prohibited in all the Italian states , even in those which at present are under the Emperor of Austria . In former ages the Brethren suffered severe persecutions in Italy , especially in Venice ancl Naples , which were at the time to be attributed to the Catholic clergy and to the excommunication of the Pope . From that time all the Lodges in Italy have been closed . It is true that when the French conquered Italy they formed Lodges in various places , but on the restoration of the old political regime they were all closed .
Juden . Jews . —The true ancl pure Freemasons' Lodges allow no Jews to be admitted ; for a Jew , according to his faith , cannot lay his hand upon the Gospel of St . John as a proof of his sincerity and truth . Also the doctrine of a Triune God is the . most important distinction between Christianity and Judaism , and the chief doctrine of Christianity , so that no Jew can acknowledge this symbol , which is so sacred to a Freemason . *
Kabelthau . Cable-tow . —According to the ancient laws of Freemasonry , every Brother must attend his Lodge if he is within the length of his cable-tow . The length of a cable-tow is three English miles , or 15 , 840 feet . Kabirische Mysterien . Cabilical Mysteries . —There is great uncertainty about the name , origin , and native country of these mysteries . We only know from ancient writers that there were such mysteries ,
probably and principally in Samothracia ; but all accounts of them are very fabulous . Kammer . Chamber . —It is only in solitude that we can deeply reflect upon our present or future undertakings , and blackness , darkness , or solitariness , is ever a symbol of death . A man who has undertaken a thing after mature reflection seldom turns back . No symbol of death will terrifhimand the words of the sacred writings" In the
beginy , , ning was the light , " charm him on to seek the light he has lost . Kessler von Springseysen Christian Frederick . Oberster in Sachsen Meiningischen Dientsten , —Born in 1731 , in Saalfeld , and died in Meiningen llth January , 1809 . He devoted himself in early life to the mathematics and mineralogy , but in the seven years' war he went into the Austrian service . This led to an acquaintanceship ancl friendly union with the Freiherr von Hund , who recommended him to the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Lexicon.
dead there . In former ages , men were of the opinion that the judgment of the world would be held there . Ireland . —Here , also , as well as in every other British state , Freemasonry is greatly respected , and enjoys the full protection of the government . There is a Grand Lodge in Dublin which was formed as early as 1730 . Isis . —A goddess of the ancient Egyptians , who often appears in the
works upon the mysteries of the ancients . She is reported to have been the wife of Osiris , and the mother of all-supporting and most mysterious Nature . Her religious worship was mixed with a great number of secrets ancl ceremonies . She is represented as a figure apparently wrapped up , so that there is no appearance of either arms or hands , only the lowest part of the feet being visible . The garment in which she is wrapped up is covered from the top to the bottom with female breasts . Her most distinguishing mark after this being the Sistrum , an instrument used in the mysterious religious service of this goddess , and by which an oval may be drawn with one motion of the hand ..
Italy . —1 'reemasonry is prohibited in all the Italian states , even in those which at present are under the Emperor of Austria . In former ages the Brethren suffered severe persecutions in Italy , especially in Venice ancl Naples , which were at the time to be attributed to the Catholic clergy and to the excommunication of the Pope . From that time all the Lodges in Italy have been closed . It is true that when the French conquered Italy they formed Lodges in various places , but on the restoration of the old political regime they were all closed .
Juden . Jews . —The true ancl pure Freemasons' Lodges allow no Jews to be admitted ; for a Jew , according to his faith , cannot lay his hand upon the Gospel of St . John as a proof of his sincerity and truth . Also the doctrine of a Triune God is the . most important distinction between Christianity and Judaism , and the chief doctrine of Christianity , so that no Jew can acknowledge this symbol , which is so sacred to a Freemason . *
Kabelthau . Cable-tow . —According to the ancient laws of Freemasonry , every Brother must attend his Lodge if he is within the length of his cable-tow . The length of a cable-tow is three English miles , or 15 , 840 feet . Kabirische Mysterien . Cabilical Mysteries . —There is great uncertainty about the name , origin , and native country of these mysteries . We only know from ancient writers that there were such mysteries ,
probably and principally in Samothracia ; but all accounts of them are very fabulous . Kammer . Chamber . —It is only in solitude that we can deeply reflect upon our present or future undertakings , and blackness , darkness , or solitariness , is ever a symbol of death . A man who has undertaken a thing after mature reflection seldom turns back . No symbol of death will terrifhimand the words of the sacred writings" In the
beginy , , ning was the light , " charm him on to seek the light he has lost . Kessler von Springseysen Christian Frederick . Oberster in Sachsen Meiningischen Dientsten , —Born in 1731 , in Saalfeld , and died in Meiningen llth January , 1809 . He devoted himself in early life to the mathematics and mineralogy , but in the seven years' war he went into the Austrian service . This led to an acquaintanceship ancl friendly union with the Freiherr von Hund , who recommended him to the