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Grand Conclave Of England And Wales.
K . K . Tynte be had and obtained , that the statutes be printed and circulated forthwith . That the G Sub-Prior be requested to furnish the Sub-Committee with a list of Encampments , and that he be requested to attend the Committee of General Purposes . That a circular be sent to every R . A . Chapter , intimating that a copy of the statutes may be had ( when printed ) on application to the Grand
Chancellor , to whom lists for registration should be referred ; also that the Principals of Chapters be requested to submit the circular to every Encampment within their district . Aug . 26 . —The Sub-Committee met , ancl completed their labours in reference to the preceding resolutions . The Committee of General Purposes will meet on Friday , the 2 nd of October .
Supreme Grand Council 33° For England And Wales.
DEUS MEUMQUE JUS—ORDO AB 0 IIA 0 . The labours of the Supreme Grand Council are looked to with intense anxiety , not merel y by English Masons , but by those of Scotland and Ireland . We understand that in order to prevent the possibility of having to undo any act , the Council are proceeding with the strictest caution , and are most zealously determined not to associate with nor to admit into their alliance any other Supreme Councils but such as derive
their power from the clearest possible source . The necessary investigation into archives , as well as personal examination into their validity , will take much time , and cause to the members of the Council for England and Wales proportionate trouble . They have been greatly assisted in their labours by the clear and luminous statements and charges of that truly illustrious and distinguished Grand Master of this degree , J . J . J . Gourgas of New York , whose researches have been characterized by great industry and perseverance , and to whose exertions the preservation of the purity of the
degree has been mainly owing . Moral courage has been united with Masonic chivalry—the noble example he has set to his English allies have endeared him to them , and they feel veneration for his illustrious character , and personal regard for himself . His Lieutenant , G . F . Yates , is only second to his illustrious chief , ancl the Secretary-General C . W . Moore has materially aided his superior officers in the cause . We name these three the more especially , knowing that their other estimable
colleagues will agree that we are hardly doing justice to their exalted merits . A member of the English Council , who had been despatched to the Continent , has returned from his mission , having been received with great distinction . A correspondence has been opened with several legitimate Councils , and it is probable that our next number will develope the active operations of the Supreme Council , who are united as much by their Masonic reputation as by their social position . —Quis separabit .
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Grand Conclave Of England And Wales.
K . K . Tynte be had and obtained , that the statutes be printed and circulated forthwith . That the G Sub-Prior be requested to furnish the Sub-Committee with a list of Encampments , and that he be requested to attend the Committee of General Purposes . That a circular be sent to every R . A . Chapter , intimating that a copy of the statutes may be had ( when printed ) on application to the Grand
Chancellor , to whom lists for registration should be referred ; also that the Principals of Chapters be requested to submit the circular to every Encampment within their district . Aug . 26 . —The Sub-Committee met , ancl completed their labours in reference to the preceding resolutions . The Committee of General Purposes will meet on Friday , the 2 nd of October .
Supreme Grand Council 33° For England And Wales.
DEUS MEUMQUE JUS—ORDO AB 0 IIA 0 . The labours of the Supreme Grand Council are looked to with intense anxiety , not merel y by English Masons , but by those of Scotland and Ireland . We understand that in order to prevent the possibility of having to undo any act , the Council are proceeding with the strictest caution , and are most zealously determined not to associate with nor to admit into their alliance any other Supreme Councils but such as derive
their power from the clearest possible source . The necessary investigation into archives , as well as personal examination into their validity , will take much time , and cause to the members of the Council for England and Wales proportionate trouble . They have been greatly assisted in their labours by the clear and luminous statements and charges of that truly illustrious and distinguished Grand Master of this degree , J . J . J . Gourgas of New York , whose researches have been characterized by great industry and perseverance , and to whose exertions the preservation of the purity of the
degree has been mainly owing . Moral courage has been united with Masonic chivalry—the noble example he has set to his English allies have endeared him to them , and they feel veneration for his illustrious character , and personal regard for himself . His Lieutenant , G . F . Yates , is only second to his illustrious chief , ancl the Secretary-General C . W . Moore has materially aided his superior officers in the cause . We name these three the more especially , knowing that their other estimable
colleagues will agree that we are hardly doing justice to their exalted merits . A member of the English Council , who had been despatched to the Continent , has returned from his mission , having been received with great distinction . A correspondence has been opened with several legitimate Councils , and it is probable that our next number will develope the active operations of the Supreme Council , who are united as much by their Masonic reputation as by their social position . —Quis separabit .