Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 13 of 28 →
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—a privilege which they hacl fully justified by their good conduct in every part of the kingdom , during that period and since up to the present clay ( cheers ) . By the Chair— " The Press . " In proposing this toast , Air . Pritchard ably contrasted a free unfettered organ of public opinion , that was not to be acted upon by private or selfish motives , and that portion of the press of this country which is meanly shackled when all great public
interests are concerned , and influenced solely by selfish and unworthy impulses . AVith the respect which all of every party could not but feel for the former , the name of Mr . Smith was , in North AVales , inseparably linked . In returning thanks , Mr . Smith expressed the full determination of himself , and the gentleman for whom he acted , to keep to the "Carnarvon Herald" the good opinions which it had already won , by undeviating rectitude and assiduity . By the Vice-Chair— "The Chairman in his absence . " Punctual ancl useful as an officer of the Order , and kind as a Brother , his conduct had
endeared him to all true Masons : whilst his impartial and accommodating mode of conducting the public business entrusted to him had won him the respect of all the neighbourhood . The Chairman appropriately returned thanks , and proposed the health of" Captain Price , in connection with the Army ancl Navy , " as a practical man and a tried officer , not one sent to quell riots in Wales without having ever smelt powder . In returning thanks , Captain Price eulogized the conductors of the
war in Eastern India , ancl referred to the storms now brewing in the AVest . The Chairman then proposed tlieir worthy Vice , as a valuable Brother , a worthy man , and the first tradesman of the place , rendered successful by industry , punctuality , ancl fair dealing . Responded to by Bro . Aronson , in most feeling terms . The toasts were all most kindly received , and duly interspersed with the delights of sone ; and the meeting will long be remembered with pleasure by every guest .
MONMOUTH , Aug . 4 . —The Officers and Brethren of the Loyal Monmouth Loclge were sumptuously ancl hopitably entertained by Thomas VVakeman , P . G . S . AV ., at his beautiful and picturesque summerhouse on the summit ofthe Graig hill . The Lodge was duly opened in tbe morning , and by adjournment the Brethren proceeded to the destination appointed by their hospitable friend ancl Brother , the Provincial Grand Senior AVarden of the District . To adequatel y describe the the prospect from the Graig hill we find to be impossible—whether it was the luxuriant appearance of the vale beneath , studded with corn-fields containing
" The yellow harvests eountkss iee . 1 , " in the extreme distance , hemmed in by the rugged yet magnificent mountains of North and Soutli AVales , or the associations and feelings connected with the truly brotherly and generous kindness so Masonically displayed on the occasion , it is impossible to tell—we can only state that one universal sentiment of satisfaction and pleasure reigned paramount amongst the happy party so joyfully assembled . The villa was tastefully and elegantly decorated with wild flowers , plants , ancl laurels , and altogether presented a chaste and beautiful appearance . About three
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—a privilege which they hacl fully justified by their good conduct in every part of the kingdom , during that period and since up to the present clay ( cheers ) . By the Chair— " The Press . " In proposing this toast , Air . Pritchard ably contrasted a free unfettered organ of public opinion , that was not to be acted upon by private or selfish motives , and that portion of the press of this country which is meanly shackled when all great public
interests are concerned , and influenced solely by selfish and unworthy impulses . AVith the respect which all of every party could not but feel for the former , the name of Mr . Smith was , in North AVales , inseparably linked . In returning thanks , Mr . Smith expressed the full determination of himself , and the gentleman for whom he acted , to keep to the "Carnarvon Herald" the good opinions which it had already won , by undeviating rectitude and assiduity . By the Vice-Chair— "The Chairman in his absence . " Punctual ancl useful as an officer of the Order , and kind as a Brother , his conduct had
endeared him to all true Masons : whilst his impartial and accommodating mode of conducting the public business entrusted to him had won him the respect of all the neighbourhood . The Chairman appropriately returned thanks , and proposed the health of" Captain Price , in connection with the Army ancl Navy , " as a practical man and a tried officer , not one sent to quell riots in Wales without having ever smelt powder . In returning thanks , Captain Price eulogized the conductors of the
war in Eastern India , ancl referred to the storms now brewing in the AVest . The Chairman then proposed tlieir worthy Vice , as a valuable Brother , a worthy man , and the first tradesman of the place , rendered successful by industry , punctuality , ancl fair dealing . Responded to by Bro . Aronson , in most feeling terms . The toasts were all most kindly received , and duly interspersed with the delights of sone ; and the meeting will long be remembered with pleasure by every guest .
MONMOUTH , Aug . 4 . —The Officers and Brethren of the Loyal Monmouth Loclge were sumptuously ancl hopitably entertained by Thomas VVakeman , P . G . S . AV ., at his beautiful and picturesque summerhouse on the summit ofthe Graig hill . The Lodge was duly opened in tbe morning , and by adjournment the Brethren proceeded to the destination appointed by their hospitable friend ancl Brother , the Provincial Grand Senior AVarden of the District . To adequatel y describe the the prospect from the Graig hill we find to be impossible—whether it was the luxuriant appearance of the vale beneath , studded with corn-fields containing
" The yellow harvests eountkss iee . 1 , " in the extreme distance , hemmed in by the rugged yet magnificent mountains of North and Soutli AVales , or the associations and feelings connected with the truly brotherly and generous kindness so Masonically displayed on the occasion , it is impossible to tell—we can only state that one universal sentiment of satisfaction and pleasure reigned paramount amongst the happy party so joyfully assembled . The villa was tastefully and elegantly decorated with wild flowers , plants , ancl laurels , and altogether presented a chaste and beautiful appearance . About three