Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 24 of 28 →
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taking leave we sincerely hope the Great Ruler ancl Governor of the Universe may from henceforth crown you with every blessing from his inexhaustible store , and that your retirement from the arduous duties of your late important office will be productive of that increase of happiness which you so richly deserve . " AVe beg leave , R . AV . Sir and dear Brother , with every sentiment of fraternal regard ancl esteem , to subscribe ourselves , " Your faithful and obliged servants . " Duly signed by the W . AI ., the P . Alasters , Officers and Brethren .
Nor have the Brethren forgotten the zealous ancl faithful services of the Past Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster , Bro . Edward F . Percy , to whom addresses have also been presented from the Lodges of the province . The following is a copy of that presented by the All Souls ' Lodge , AVeymouth : —
" All Souls Lodge , No . 199 , Masonic Hall , AVeymouth , 26 th June , 1846 . " Right AVorshipful Sir and Brother , —AVe the undersigned Alaster , Past Alasters , Wardens ancl Brethren , in open Lodge assembled , beg leave most respectfully to express our sincere regret at the deprivation which we , in common with the rest of the Brethren in this province , have sustained by the loss of your valuable services as Right AVorshipful Deputy Grand AIaster for the County of Dorsetthe cluties ' of which
, important office have been discharged by you for the last four years with such untiring zeal and fidelity ; but whilst we lament that circumstances should have deprived us of your valuable assistance in that office , we trust the change will be conducive to an increase of comfort to yourself , and although your more immediate connexion with the various Lodges in tbe province is thus far dissolved , we trust that the kind and brotherly feeling which the principles of Freemasonry so strongly
inculcate , may never suffer diminution ; but that the Great Architect of the Universe may ' continue to promote our order by cementing ancl adorning it with every moral and social virtue , ' and in conclusion we pray that the Divine Ruler of all things may pour clown upon you the continual dew of his blessing , and that you may enjoy many years of health , happiness , and prosperity . " Believe us to remain , Right AA ' orshipful Sir and Brother , with every sentiment of regard , yours very fraternally . " Signed by the AV . M ., the P . Masters , AVardens and Brethren .
The address from his own Lodge , which he established in 1818 , and has watched with the most anxious care and attention until it has become the strongest in the province , is as follows : — " Lodge of Benevolence , No . 459 , Sherborne , Dorset . " To Brother Edward Thomas Percy , Esquire , Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the County of Dorset . " Right AVorshipful Sir—Wethe MasterPast MastersAVardens
, , , , and Brethren ofthe Lodge of Benevolence , No . 459 , Sherborne , having in open Lodge assembled , unanimously voted an address to you , beg leave now to address you , and to express our deep regret that the resignation of our late Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Master , AVilliam Eliot , Esquire , should also deprive this Lodge , and the province generally , of your able and valuable services as Deputy Provincial
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taking leave we sincerely hope the Great Ruler ancl Governor of the Universe may from henceforth crown you with every blessing from his inexhaustible store , and that your retirement from the arduous duties of your late important office will be productive of that increase of happiness which you so richly deserve . " AVe beg leave , R . AV . Sir and dear Brother , with every sentiment of fraternal regard ancl esteem , to subscribe ourselves , " Your faithful and obliged servants . " Duly signed by the W . AI ., the P . Alasters , Officers and Brethren .
Nor have the Brethren forgotten the zealous ancl faithful services of the Past Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster , Bro . Edward F . Percy , to whom addresses have also been presented from the Lodges of the province . The following is a copy of that presented by the All Souls ' Lodge , AVeymouth : —
" All Souls Lodge , No . 199 , Masonic Hall , AVeymouth , 26 th June , 1846 . " Right AVorshipful Sir and Brother , —AVe the undersigned Alaster , Past Alasters , Wardens ancl Brethren , in open Lodge assembled , beg leave most respectfully to express our sincere regret at the deprivation which we , in common with the rest of the Brethren in this province , have sustained by the loss of your valuable services as Right AVorshipful Deputy Grand AIaster for the County of Dorsetthe cluties ' of which
, important office have been discharged by you for the last four years with such untiring zeal and fidelity ; but whilst we lament that circumstances should have deprived us of your valuable assistance in that office , we trust the change will be conducive to an increase of comfort to yourself , and although your more immediate connexion with the various Lodges in tbe province is thus far dissolved , we trust that the kind and brotherly feeling which the principles of Freemasonry so strongly
inculcate , may never suffer diminution ; but that the Great Architect of the Universe may ' continue to promote our order by cementing ancl adorning it with every moral and social virtue , ' and in conclusion we pray that the Divine Ruler of all things may pour clown upon you the continual dew of his blessing , and that you may enjoy many years of health , happiness , and prosperity . " Believe us to remain , Right AA ' orshipful Sir and Brother , with every sentiment of regard , yours very fraternally . " Signed by the AV . M ., the P . Masters , AVardens and Brethren .
The address from his own Lodge , which he established in 1818 , and has watched with the most anxious care and attention until it has become the strongest in the province , is as follows : — " Lodge of Benevolence , No . 459 , Sherborne , Dorset . " To Brother Edward Thomas Percy , Esquire , Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the County of Dorset . " Right AVorshipful Sir—Wethe MasterPast MastersAVardens
, , , , and Brethren ofthe Lodge of Benevolence , No . 459 , Sherborne , having in open Lodge assembled , unanimously voted an address to you , beg leave now to address you , and to express our deep regret that the resignation of our late Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Master , AVilliam Eliot , Esquire , should also deprive this Lodge , and the province generally , of your able and valuable services as Deputy Provincial