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A toast was dedicated hy Brother AVeil , to the Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of England ; to Bros . Faudel and Crucefix ; to Dr . Behrend , and all those who have nobly sustained the universality of Freemasonry . It was announced that the Due Decazes , Grand Alaster , hacl received his special letter of credence to confer with the Prince Royal of Prussia on this important subject . These announcements were received with loud acclamations .
STRASHDRG , Aug . 16 , 17 , ancl 18 . —A grand Masonic meeting has just been held here . It was attended by many distinguished Brothers of the craft from Germany , Switzerland , and Belgium . Elevated subjects of philosophy and morality were discussed , ancl important resolutions come to . The meeting closed with a grand banquet , at which a liberal collection was made for the poor . The next general meeting is to be held at Stuttgard . JAMAICA . — Dr . Lewis Ashenheim has publishedin the Jamaica
, Morning Journal , some remarks on an article , by " Sit Lux , " that appeared in the Freemasons' Quarterly Review , of December , 1845 , in which the Doctor animadverts with much severity on the general tendency of the article . * Dr . Ashenheim has also delivered some lectures to the Brethren on the principles of Freemasonry . May 12 . —Opening ofthe Glenlyon Lodge . —A charter having been received from the Grand Lodge of Scotlandauthorizing the consecration
, of the Glenlyon Lodge which has hitherto been working under a dispensation granted by the Right AVorshipful the Rev . AV . G . P . Burton , Provincial Grand Master of Scotland . This day was fixed by the Provincial Grand Master as the day ou which the ceremony of opening the Lodge should take place . At a little after four o ' clock , the Brethren ( about one hundred and
fifty in number ) of the several Lodges , viz . —the Glenlyon , the Provincial Grand Lodge of Scotland , Union ancl Concord , and Royal , formed themselves into processional order . The Brethren of the several sister Lodges remained in an ante-room , while the Glenlyon Lodge opened in their Lodge , the Grand Lodge being opened in another room . After the Glenlyon Lodge was opened in due form , the Brethren of the sister Lodges were invited in ; first , the Royal Lodgeand then the Union ancl Concord . The proceedings
, having been conducted thus far on the first step of Alasonry , the whole body opened on the third step , after which , the Right AVorshipful the Provincial Grand Alaster , and the Officers and members of the Grand Lodge were informed the Glenlyon Lodge was ready to receive them , ancl they were invited to attend . The Grand Lodge then entered , and the Provincial Grand Master and Deputy Grand AIaster were received with honours .
The ceremony of opening the Lodge and the installation of Master was proceeded with . The usual Alasonie lectures were given , and after the acclamation of the Brethren , the Alaster returned his acknowledgments . He then took his seat , when the Officers were presented in turn , and invested with their several badges of office , as follows : —Brother C . A .
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A toast was dedicated hy Brother AVeil , to the Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of England ; to Bros . Faudel and Crucefix ; to Dr . Behrend , and all those who have nobly sustained the universality of Freemasonry . It was announced that the Due Decazes , Grand Alaster , hacl received his special letter of credence to confer with the Prince Royal of Prussia on this important subject . These announcements were received with loud acclamations .
STRASHDRG , Aug . 16 , 17 , ancl 18 . —A grand Masonic meeting has just been held here . It was attended by many distinguished Brothers of the craft from Germany , Switzerland , and Belgium . Elevated subjects of philosophy and morality were discussed , ancl important resolutions come to . The meeting closed with a grand banquet , at which a liberal collection was made for the poor . The next general meeting is to be held at Stuttgard . JAMAICA . — Dr . Lewis Ashenheim has publishedin the Jamaica
, Morning Journal , some remarks on an article , by " Sit Lux , " that appeared in the Freemasons' Quarterly Review , of December , 1845 , in which the Doctor animadverts with much severity on the general tendency of the article . * Dr . Ashenheim has also delivered some lectures to the Brethren on the principles of Freemasonry . May 12 . —Opening ofthe Glenlyon Lodge . —A charter having been received from the Grand Lodge of Scotlandauthorizing the consecration
, of the Glenlyon Lodge which has hitherto been working under a dispensation granted by the Right AVorshipful the Rev . AV . G . P . Burton , Provincial Grand Master of Scotland . This day was fixed by the Provincial Grand Master as the day ou which the ceremony of opening the Lodge should take place . At a little after four o ' clock , the Brethren ( about one hundred and
fifty in number ) of the several Lodges , viz . —the Glenlyon , the Provincial Grand Lodge of Scotland , Union ancl Concord , and Royal , formed themselves into processional order . The Brethren of the several sister Lodges remained in an ante-room , while the Glenlyon Lodge opened in their Lodge , the Grand Lodge being opened in another room . After the Glenlyon Lodge was opened in due form , the Brethren of the sister Lodges were invited in ; first , the Royal Lodgeand then the Union ancl Concord . The proceedings
, having been conducted thus far on the first step of Alasonry , the whole body opened on the third step , after which , the Right AVorshipful the Provincial Grand Alaster , and the Officers and members of the Grand Lodge were informed the Glenlyon Lodge was ready to receive them , ancl they were invited to attend . The Grand Lodge then entered , and the Provincial Grand Master and Deputy Grand AIaster were received with honours .
The ceremony of opening the Lodge and the installation of Master was proceeded with . The usual Alasonie lectures were given , and after the acclamation of the Brethren , the Alaster returned his acknowledgments . He then took his seat , when the Officers were presented in turn , and invested with their several badges of office , as follows : —Brother C . A .