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Gray's Inn Wine Establishment. J
Ssigl ) Sjolboru , Eontlon . j |
4 Sketch of FaH of the VauUi of tha Gray ' a lun Wioa EstobUafimoiti . t THERE is , perhaps 3 in this immense Capital , no single example in which the [ spitit of Enterprise has Wen more amplv rewarded , than in the GRAYS INN WINE AND SPIRIT f 'ESTABLISHMENT . The principles on which it started were Liberality and Integrity ; thcy » have been con-r stantly adhered to ; and the exertions ofthe Proprietors have been rewarded with a Patronage much beyond ; any known precedent , and very far beyond their most sanguine expectations . 'The * encouragement they havo t ' met with has probably arisen from their having been less prodigal in promises ; and more anxious to fulfil such as [ were made , than is usuaYin such cases . They did not attempt to create an empty reputation by the depreciation . of similar houses hold out exclusive advantages but such the of feels must
, nor any as common sense every one ; ensue , when experience , zeal , and " capital are combined : they held out no pledges to , the Public which could : not be performed , or made a" single promise which has not been faithfully kept . ¦ - s The Advantages offered to the Public arc not numerous , but they are most important . In every concern where capital is largely embarked , and at all skilfully managed , a saving must accrue :, the capitalist commands the ; market , and purchases fall into his hands which enable him to re-sell to the consumer , at , a price which the , smaller dealer is unable to do . ' In addition to this , in this establishment , every article is subject to the most \ strict examination : every purchaser may judge for himself from the bonCt fide stock ; and , if he sees fit , have tho ' article sent away in his presence . In this case nothing will be exchanged *; but , in every instance where orders ' ¦ may be forwarded , and the faith of the Proprietors relied on , should the article be not approved , it may be- sent '
back , free of . any-and cvecy expense , aud the money will be-returned to the last farthing . The advantages to ; Country Consumers must be here obvious , as , by a remittance , they , may be immediately supplied with Wines or Spirits , of a quality to be depended on , and at tiie Lowest Price . the London mar . kel can afford ; it being one of the objects of this establishment to supply the Public with Wines . & c , of a sound and invigorating quality , equally useful ( with that of a * higher description ) for SRIIOOIS , hospitals , and charitable purposes , at a puce nearly ¦ as low as the trash daily offered to it . ' The very exalted and universal patronage extended to that singular and splendid liqueur , " Liqueur Sherry , * . of which the Proprietors are the original and only importers , have induced them to direct their attention to the : highest class of Wine ' s produced in Xeres ; and , regardless of expense ; arrangements hare been made and - entered into with some of the first houses in Spain , for the finest and oldest Sherries shipped to this country . ; Very considerable importations , in butts , ¦ hogsheads , aud quarter-casks ; have been landed by this establishment . within the last few months , and are submitted to the Public at the lowest remunerating price . :
Ttota Tent , ( the original Sacramental Wine , ) which had almost fallen into disuse from the substitution j of an article of British manufacture , has , since the importations of a superior and genuine Wine , by this : establishment , resumed its occupation in the chalice for-devotional purposes , there being few churches in the Metropolis but are supplied from this source . This , with a pure Pale 'Brandy , of a most scarce description , have established a reputation with the Public beyond all former precedent , ijfJTClI LIQUEURS . From the great difficulty in obtaining these justly-celebrated Liqueurs in their-, genuine state , the Proprietors have been induced to outer , into arrangements with the first compounders in : Holland , for a regmav supply , which can be depended upon as of tbe very finest quality . Also , imported in i cases containing twelve bottles , ( two gallons . ) very superior Schiedam Hollands , which will be delivered in the ' original cases , direct from tho Docks .
The BONDED STOCK , may be tasted iu the Docks ; and any butt , pipe , or hogshead , which may be ) selected , will be cleared , on condition that the party selecting engages to take a moderate quantity when bottled . ? The most experienced Cellarmen are employed by this establishment , for the removal of Gentlemen ' s Wines ; . ' from Country to Town , or from Town to Country . " The duties on Wines , of every description , are paid without extra charge . Carted from the Docks into private stock , lined , bottled , and placed away , in tho best manner , andi ' at the lowest possible expense . ' The PROPRIETORS , in returning their best Thanks to the Public fot ^ the constantly increasing encourage , ! uient their exertions have met with , beg io add , that tlteir gratitude will stimulate them still further , if possible ?; to deserve its entire- ' confidence . \
23 , High Holborn . GEORGE HENEKEY and COMP * ¦ . * * For Lists of Prices , , sce the other side , ,: r
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Gray's Inn Wine Establishment. J
Ssigl ) Sjolboru , Eontlon . j |
4 Sketch of FaH of the VauUi of tha Gray ' a lun Wioa EstobUafimoiti . t THERE is , perhaps 3 in this immense Capital , no single example in which the [ spitit of Enterprise has Wen more amplv rewarded , than in the GRAYS INN WINE AND SPIRIT f 'ESTABLISHMENT . The principles on which it started were Liberality and Integrity ; thcy » have been con-r stantly adhered to ; and the exertions ofthe Proprietors have been rewarded with a Patronage much beyond ; any known precedent , and very far beyond their most sanguine expectations . 'The * encouragement they havo t ' met with has probably arisen from their having been less prodigal in promises ; and more anxious to fulfil such as [ were made , than is usuaYin such cases . They did not attempt to create an empty reputation by the depreciation . of similar houses hold out exclusive advantages but such the of feels must
, nor any as common sense every one ; ensue , when experience , zeal , and " capital are combined : they held out no pledges to , the Public which could : not be performed , or made a" single promise which has not been faithfully kept . ¦ - s The Advantages offered to the Public arc not numerous , but they are most important . In every concern where capital is largely embarked , and at all skilfully managed , a saving must accrue :, the capitalist commands the ; market , and purchases fall into his hands which enable him to re-sell to the consumer , at , a price which the , smaller dealer is unable to do . ' In addition to this , in this establishment , every article is subject to the most \ strict examination : every purchaser may judge for himself from the bonCt fide stock ; and , if he sees fit , have tho ' article sent away in his presence . In this case nothing will be exchanged *; but , in every instance where orders ' ¦ may be forwarded , and the faith of the Proprietors relied on , should the article be not approved , it may be- sent '
back , free of . any-and cvecy expense , aud the money will be-returned to the last farthing . The advantages to ; Country Consumers must be here obvious , as , by a remittance , they , may be immediately supplied with Wines or Spirits , of a quality to be depended on , and at tiie Lowest Price . the London mar . kel can afford ; it being one of the objects of this establishment to supply the Public with Wines . & c , of a sound and invigorating quality , equally useful ( with that of a * higher description ) for SRIIOOIS , hospitals , and charitable purposes , at a puce nearly ¦ as low as the trash daily offered to it . ' The very exalted and universal patronage extended to that singular and splendid liqueur , " Liqueur Sherry , * . of which the Proprietors are the original and only importers , have induced them to direct their attention to the : highest class of Wine ' s produced in Xeres ; and , regardless of expense ; arrangements hare been made and - entered into with some of the first houses in Spain , for the finest and oldest Sherries shipped to this country . ; Very considerable importations , in butts , ¦ hogsheads , aud quarter-casks ; have been landed by this establishment . within the last few months , and are submitted to the Public at the lowest remunerating price . :
Ttota Tent , ( the original Sacramental Wine , ) which had almost fallen into disuse from the substitution j of an article of British manufacture , has , since the importations of a superior and genuine Wine , by this : establishment , resumed its occupation in the chalice for-devotional purposes , there being few churches in the Metropolis but are supplied from this source . This , with a pure Pale 'Brandy , of a most scarce description , have established a reputation with the Public beyond all former precedent , ijfJTClI LIQUEURS . From the great difficulty in obtaining these justly-celebrated Liqueurs in their-, genuine state , the Proprietors have been induced to outer , into arrangements with the first compounders in : Holland , for a regmav supply , which can be depended upon as of tbe very finest quality . Also , imported in i cases containing twelve bottles , ( two gallons . ) very superior Schiedam Hollands , which will be delivered in the ' original cases , direct from tho Docks .
The BONDED STOCK , may be tasted iu the Docks ; and any butt , pipe , or hogshead , which may be ) selected , will be cleared , on condition that the party selecting engages to take a moderate quantity when bottled . ? The most experienced Cellarmen are employed by this establishment , for the removal of Gentlemen ' s Wines ; . ' from Country to Town , or from Town to Country . " The duties on Wines , of every description , are paid without extra charge . Carted from the Docks into private stock , lined , bottled , and placed away , in tho best manner , andi ' at the lowest possible expense . ' The PROPRIETORS , in returning their best Thanks to the Public fot ^ the constantly increasing encourage , ! uient their exertions have met with , beg io add , that tlteir gratitude will stimulate them still further , if possible ?; to deserve its entire- ' confidence . \
23 , High Holborn . GEORGE HENEKEY and COMP * ¦ . * * For Lists of Prices , , sce the other side , ,: r