Article REVIEW OF LITERATURE, THE DRAMA, &c. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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Review Of Literature, The Drama, &C.
Charity , like the penta ' . pha , or triple triangle of Masonry , mutually assist each other . * * * ' * -: ; - * * * '" * . Shall I , who am unable to charge myself with having ever omitted a single opportunity of furthering the interests of Masonry , now hesitate to raise my voice against the indiscretion of those who are satisfied with a mere profession of Masonic zeal , without uniting with it the practice of Masonic virtue ? No , my Brethren in
the mystic tie , let it not be said by the uninitiated , that you are deficient in those practical characteristics of the order , ivhich , when firmly and systematically adhered to , cannot fail to distinguish you from the rest of mankind . '
Sermon , by the Rev . John Graham , preached before the Panmure Lodge of Freemasons at Arbroath , Dec . 27 th , and dedicated to Lord Panmure , M . AA' ' . P . G . M . Humbert , xxiv . 17 . — " There shall come a star out of Jacob , ami a sceptre sliall rise out of Israel . " OUR reverend author is a preacher of considerable power : his discourse is eloquent ; his scriptural research shoivs the vigour of a
powerful mind , and his subject matter is singularly impressive . Indeed , in the scriptural examinations he evinces the mighty force ivhich he possesses , ancl discriminates upon the legitimate applications with a diligence that renders his discourse natural and effective . The present sermon is on the bieroglyphical representation of Messiah . The preacher traces the subject from Genesis with the most careful attention : he seems to testif y of what he has indeed felt to be true . His devotional spirit pervades the whole discourse with a sincerity which renders it pre-eminent in its character . We extract the following passages , with which our author concludes his sermon .
" But , my Brethren of the Ancient ancl Honourable Masonic Order , we hope ' better things of you , and things that accompany salvation , though we thus speak . ' Rise , my Brethren , to the dignity , the contemplative dignity , to which , by the Alasonic science , you are so justly and pleasingly invited : frequently reflect upon the Great Architect of the Universe , who arose from his Eternal Throne in all the splendour of his high attributes , mounted his glorious chariot , and rode through the ions of
reg immensity 'far into chaos , ' followed b y a dazzling host of dignified attendants , consisting of Angels , Archangels , Cherubim and Seraphim , with all the armies of heaven , marching , in bright procession , to behold more demonstrations of his might and wondrous skill . The First , the Last , the Beginning , and the Ending , being pregnant with creation , ' stayed the fervid wheels ; ' and , from the store ofhis Masonic Jewels , he took the Massy Compasses and Line ' to circumscribe this
universe and all-created things : one foot he centered , and the other turned round through the vast profundity obscure , and said , Thus far extend ; thus far thy bounds ; this be thy just circumference , O world !' He established tbe ] iiJ ] ars of Al isdom , Strength , and Beauty , whirled
the ponclrous globe round on its axis , ancl caused it to float in the pure expanded ether . And God said , Let there be light , and light shone in its native east ; and by separating the li ght from the darkness , he appointed the proper seasons of labour and refreshment . The higher and the lower regions of the atmosphere were formed , and the waters under the firmament were gathered together into one place , and the dry land appeared , so that the clouds became a garment for the new-born world ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Review Of Literature, The Drama, &C.
Charity , like the penta ' . pha , or triple triangle of Masonry , mutually assist each other . * * * ' * -: ; - * * * '" * . Shall I , who am unable to charge myself with having ever omitted a single opportunity of furthering the interests of Masonry , now hesitate to raise my voice against the indiscretion of those who are satisfied with a mere profession of Masonic zeal , without uniting with it the practice of Masonic virtue ? No , my Brethren in
the mystic tie , let it not be said by the uninitiated , that you are deficient in those practical characteristics of the order , ivhich , when firmly and systematically adhered to , cannot fail to distinguish you from the rest of mankind . '
Sermon , by the Rev . John Graham , preached before the Panmure Lodge of Freemasons at Arbroath , Dec . 27 th , and dedicated to Lord Panmure , M . AA' ' . P . G . M . Humbert , xxiv . 17 . — " There shall come a star out of Jacob , ami a sceptre sliall rise out of Israel . " OUR reverend author is a preacher of considerable power : his discourse is eloquent ; his scriptural research shoivs the vigour of a
powerful mind , and his subject matter is singularly impressive . Indeed , in the scriptural examinations he evinces the mighty force ivhich he possesses , ancl discriminates upon the legitimate applications with a diligence that renders his discourse natural and effective . The present sermon is on the bieroglyphical representation of Messiah . The preacher traces the subject from Genesis with the most careful attention : he seems to testif y of what he has indeed felt to be true . His devotional spirit pervades the whole discourse with a sincerity which renders it pre-eminent in its character . We extract the following passages , with which our author concludes his sermon .
" But , my Brethren of the Ancient ancl Honourable Masonic Order , we hope ' better things of you , and things that accompany salvation , though we thus speak . ' Rise , my Brethren , to the dignity , the contemplative dignity , to which , by the Alasonic science , you are so justly and pleasingly invited : frequently reflect upon the Great Architect of the Universe , who arose from his Eternal Throne in all the splendour of his high attributes , mounted his glorious chariot , and rode through the ions of
reg immensity 'far into chaos , ' followed b y a dazzling host of dignified attendants , consisting of Angels , Archangels , Cherubim and Seraphim , with all the armies of heaven , marching , in bright procession , to behold more demonstrations of his might and wondrous skill . The First , the Last , the Beginning , and the Ending , being pregnant with creation , ' stayed the fervid wheels ; ' and , from the store ofhis Masonic Jewels , he took the Massy Compasses and Line ' to circumscribe this
universe and all-created things : one foot he centered , and the other turned round through the vast profundity obscure , and said , Thus far extend ; thus far thy bounds ; this be thy just circumference , O world !' He established tbe ] iiJ ] ars of Al isdom , Strength , and Beauty , whirled
the ponclrous globe round on its axis , ancl caused it to float in the pure expanded ether . And God said , Let there be light , and light shone in its native east ; and by separating the li ght from the darkness , he appointed the proper seasons of labour and refreshment . The higher and the lower regions of the atmosphere were formed , and the waters under the firmament were gathered together into one place , and the dry land appeared , so that the clouds became a garment for the new-born world ,