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The Freemason's Lexicon.
professor in Brunssvick ) Discourse upon the Influence of Secret Societies upon the Welfare of Mankind , " ( Freyberg by Bro . Gerlach , 366 pages , in 8 vo . ) svith an appendix , from folio 66 , containing an impartial account of his previous connection svith the Lotlge at the Golden Apple . In tliis appendix there are also notes upon the recent occurrences in the Lodge at the Three Ssvords . Separated from all connection svith the LodgesBro . Alossdorf ' s active participation in Lodge business has
, entirely ceased , yet he still continues to take a deep interest in everything connected svith Freemasonry and the Alasonic Brotherhood ; and he has , as it appears from a notice in the Pocket-book , by Bro . Gerlach , for the years 1816 and 1817 , pages 220-236 , undertaken to superintend the publishing of a " Handbook to a Knosvledge of all tlie Mysteries antl Secret Societies of ancient and modern ages , as also of individual members of the latterespecially of the . Masonic Brotherhoodand
pub-, , lications relative to it , svith critical remarks and explanatory notes and information ; " in forty - tsvo ru bricks , svhich Bro . Mossdorf has had ample means of collecting since he first entered into the society . We may also shortly expect from the pen of Bro . A'lossdorf a svork svith the title of " Communications to reflecting Freemasons , " svhich can only be delivered to Masons , and Bro . Gerlach , Bookseller , in Freyberg in Erzgebirg svill undertake to deliver them .
The Grand Conclave Of Knights Templar And The Royal Arch Degree.
NEARLY tsvelve months have elapsed since the Brethren of the military and religious Order of the Temple hailed svith pleasure and satisfaction the assembly of a Grand Conclave for the purpose of electing a Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Alaster of their ancient Order of Chivalry . It svas fondly anticipated that the lethean sleep into svhich the Ortler had been plunged by the svorse than neglect of the late Royal and Supreme Grand Alaster , svoultl give place to an active , prosperous , and brilliant statesvhen it mi
svaking , ght be enabled to attain and maintain the position to svhich its character , its principles , and its venerable antiquity so fairly entitle it . The simple fact , that a Grand Conclave , — that fading recollection of the more aged Knights , svhich had once in the memory of living man been held by his late Royal Highness the Grand Alaster of the Order , —svas actually in operative existence , appeared at once to promise the fulfilment of enthusiastic anticipations of a brilliant future . It is , perhaps , too soon critically to enquire hosv far the intervening period may have given rise to matters tending to cool these anient expectations ; hut it is bv no means too earlv to observe
upon the proceedings of the Grand Conclave as affecting the immediate and permanent interests of the Order , and to endeavour to call attention to matters svhich may exert a prejudicial influence on those interests . The point svhich I select for present observation is connected svith the position of tlie Order in regard to Freemasonry in this country . It appears that a circular letter has been addressed b y the Grand Chancellor of the Order of Knights Templar in England to all Royal Arch Chapters , requesting a return of members of such Chapters to be made to the Grand Conclave of Knights Templar . The object of this
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemason's Lexicon.
professor in Brunssvick ) Discourse upon the Influence of Secret Societies upon the Welfare of Mankind , " ( Freyberg by Bro . Gerlach , 366 pages , in 8 vo . ) svith an appendix , from folio 66 , containing an impartial account of his previous connection svith the Lotlge at the Golden Apple . In tliis appendix there are also notes upon the recent occurrences in the Lodge at the Three Ssvords . Separated from all connection svith the LodgesBro . Alossdorf ' s active participation in Lodge business has
, entirely ceased , yet he still continues to take a deep interest in everything connected svith Freemasonry and the Alasonic Brotherhood ; and he has , as it appears from a notice in the Pocket-book , by Bro . Gerlach , for the years 1816 and 1817 , pages 220-236 , undertaken to superintend the publishing of a " Handbook to a Knosvledge of all tlie Mysteries antl Secret Societies of ancient and modern ages , as also of individual members of the latterespecially of the . Masonic Brotherhoodand
pub-, , lications relative to it , svith critical remarks and explanatory notes and information ; " in forty - tsvo ru bricks , svhich Bro . Mossdorf has had ample means of collecting since he first entered into the society . We may also shortly expect from the pen of Bro . A'lossdorf a svork svith the title of " Communications to reflecting Freemasons , " svhich can only be delivered to Masons , and Bro . Gerlach , Bookseller , in Freyberg in Erzgebirg svill undertake to deliver them .
The Grand Conclave Of Knights Templar And The Royal Arch Degree.
NEARLY tsvelve months have elapsed since the Brethren of the military and religious Order of the Temple hailed svith pleasure and satisfaction the assembly of a Grand Conclave for the purpose of electing a Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Alaster of their ancient Order of Chivalry . It svas fondly anticipated that the lethean sleep into svhich the Ortler had been plunged by the svorse than neglect of the late Royal and Supreme Grand Alaster , svoultl give place to an active , prosperous , and brilliant statesvhen it mi
svaking , ght be enabled to attain and maintain the position to svhich its character , its principles , and its venerable antiquity so fairly entitle it . The simple fact , that a Grand Conclave , — that fading recollection of the more aged Knights , svhich had once in the memory of living man been held by his late Royal Highness the Grand Alaster of the Order , —svas actually in operative existence , appeared at once to promise the fulfilment of enthusiastic anticipations of a brilliant future . It is , perhaps , too soon critically to enquire hosv far the intervening period may have given rise to matters tending to cool these anient expectations ; hut it is bv no means too earlv to observe
upon the proceedings of the Grand Conclave as affecting the immediate and permanent interests of the Order , and to endeavour to call attention to matters svhich may exert a prejudicial influence on those interests . The point svhich I select for present observation is connected svith the position of tlie Order in regard to Freemasonry in this country . It appears that a circular letter has been addressed b y the Grand Chancellor of the Order of Knights Templar in England to all Royal Arch Chapters , requesting a return of members of such Chapters to be made to the Grand Conclave of Knights Templar . The object of this