Article THE YOUTH'S VISION. Page 1 of 1
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The Youth's Vision.
As I svas meditating over the lettered page , " the iron tongue of midnight tolled" the hour of twelve . Startled at the advancement of the night , I hurriedly retired to my couch , and svhile svrapt in balmy sleep , methought tbe picture of my future life passed in a perspective viesv before my gazing eyes . I svas bending my svearied steps up a steep and rugged hill , svhose summit in the " cloud cap'd top" svas lost ; and 1 observed that my path
on each side svas impeded by obstacles in appearance most appalling , almost , indeed , preventing any farther progress . These most hideous reptiles , for such they appeared to be , darted at me their forked tongues , antl svith fiery looks ss'atched my motions , seeming determined to resist the desire 1 expressed to reach the pinnacle of the lofty height above me . While hesitating whether to retrace my inauspicious path , or svith renesi'ed courage and persevering ardour , try once more to gain the
portal of the "dome crosvned temple , " planted on the steep aloft ; a yoice , ssveet as the gales of Elysium bosvers , struck upon my almost deafened ears . " Afortal . '" it exclaimed , " long have I surveyed thy tedious progress , and with feelings that your fellosv-mortals do not possess , to your rescue have I flosvn ; the dangers with svhich thou art encompassed , cannot be overcome but by the help of a superior posver , to svhose service thy life should be in gratitude devoted . " At the sound of so much excellence , my thrilling soul svas filled svith
fortitude and resolution to commence the struggling combat , but svas deterred by the motions of my Alentor ; for , having ceased to speak , he seized the heads of those infernal monsters , and slesv them svith resistless strength . 1 stood gazing on in mute astonishment at a scene in svhich I yearned to take a part . The angelic being seemed to dive into rny inmost thoughts ; for , turning to me , he said , placing an instrument of destruction in my hands similar to a rifle" Thou beholdest yon treacherous
, reptile , coiling on the branches of a sycamore tree , tbat one above all others stays your advancing footsteps . " This roused my indignation to avenge the unjust injury ; therefore instantly levelling the piece , I fired , and from the noise of the percussion asvoke—the monster falling . MOUATI . —In endeavouring to elucidate the preceding dream , I am induced to suppose the rugged hill represented the path of life , and the
serpents , those numerous enemies in the form of envious slanderers , svhom sve encounter in our progress through this transitory svorld , and svho often , under the sacred name of friendship to our faces , pretend to serve us , but in reality , from envy or malice , endeavour to frustrate all cur schemes and future hopes by calumnious ancl invidious reports , rendering it impossible ever to trace their source , from the subtle and flagitious manner in svhich they are propagated . The appearance of the celestial being at so critical a junctureis a convincing demonstration
, , that a svise and just God svatches over us , and that a sincere reliance in his posver svill ahvays extricate us from the most perilous and pressing dangers . H . R . S . N ' ov . 2-2 , lm- _ .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Youth's Vision.
As I svas meditating over the lettered page , " the iron tongue of midnight tolled" the hour of twelve . Startled at the advancement of the night , I hurriedly retired to my couch , and svhile svrapt in balmy sleep , methought tbe picture of my future life passed in a perspective viesv before my gazing eyes . I svas bending my svearied steps up a steep and rugged hill , svhose summit in the " cloud cap'd top" svas lost ; and 1 observed that my path
on each side svas impeded by obstacles in appearance most appalling , almost , indeed , preventing any farther progress . These most hideous reptiles , for such they appeared to be , darted at me their forked tongues , antl svith fiery looks ss'atched my motions , seeming determined to resist the desire 1 expressed to reach the pinnacle of the lofty height above me . While hesitating whether to retrace my inauspicious path , or svith renesi'ed courage and persevering ardour , try once more to gain the
portal of the "dome crosvned temple , " planted on the steep aloft ; a yoice , ssveet as the gales of Elysium bosvers , struck upon my almost deafened ears . " Afortal . '" it exclaimed , " long have I surveyed thy tedious progress , and with feelings that your fellosv-mortals do not possess , to your rescue have I flosvn ; the dangers with svhich thou art encompassed , cannot be overcome but by the help of a superior posver , to svhose service thy life should be in gratitude devoted . " At the sound of so much excellence , my thrilling soul svas filled svith
fortitude and resolution to commence the struggling combat , but svas deterred by the motions of my Alentor ; for , having ceased to speak , he seized the heads of those infernal monsters , and slesv them svith resistless strength . 1 stood gazing on in mute astonishment at a scene in svhich I yearned to take a part . The angelic being seemed to dive into rny inmost thoughts ; for , turning to me , he said , placing an instrument of destruction in my hands similar to a rifle" Thou beholdest yon treacherous
, reptile , coiling on the branches of a sycamore tree , tbat one above all others stays your advancing footsteps . " This roused my indignation to avenge the unjust injury ; therefore instantly levelling the piece , I fired , and from the noise of the percussion asvoke—the monster falling . MOUATI . —In endeavouring to elucidate the preceding dream , I am induced to suppose the rugged hill represented the path of life , and the
serpents , those numerous enemies in the form of envious slanderers , svhom sve encounter in our progress through this transitory svorld , and svho often , under the sacred name of friendship to our faces , pretend to serve us , but in reality , from envy or malice , endeavour to frustrate all cur schemes and future hopes by calumnious ancl invidious reports , rendering it impossible ever to trace their source , from the subtle and flagitious manner in svhich they are propagated . The appearance of the celestial being at so critical a junctureis a convincing demonstration
, , that a svise and just God svatches over us , and that a sincere reliance in his posver svill ahvays extricate us from the most perilous and pressing dangers . H . R . S . N ' ov . 2-2 , lm- _ .