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r 'T ' " xT T £ V ALBEUT LA * ' - , surgeon , Past Senior Warden of Lodge No 327 , Taunton , at the early age of 30 years . The deceased Brother was much and universall y beloved , by reason of the excessive good nature antl amiable disposition svhich he uniformly evinced . WELLINGTON . —A most remarkable occurrence took place here on Monday evening have recorded the death
. . We of Bro . Langley surgeon , svho expired in the morning . Brother George Kedgell , another surgeon , of this town , and svho svas also very intimate svith the deceased svas out visiting his patients , and rode a valuable horse , svhich svas purchased about three months since through the recommendation of his so lately departed friend and Brother , strange to relate , he had tied the animal up to tbe paling of a house where he had occasion to call remaining a few minutes onl y ; he svas then about to remount , havin " one foot in the stirrup , svhen suddenl y the horse dropped , and died svithout a groan . it '
CHATHAM , Dec . 28 , 1846 . —The Brethren of the Royal Kent Lodee of Antiquity , No . 20 , and the United Chatham Lod ge of Benevolence ' No . 216 , held their annual meeting to instal their respective Alasters ' and on this occasion svas manifested the " beauty of Brethren dwelling together in harmony . " The spacious Masonic Hall at the Sun Inn " Chatham , svas decorated svith festoons and evergreens , besides all the paraphernalia belonging to the tsvo Lodges , and the fine portraits ofthe present DPGAIand of several late
. . . ., P . M ' s ., tastefully arranged ornamented the svalls of the building . At an early hour before business commenced the ladies and daughters of several of the Brethren availed themselves of this favourable opportunity of seeing the interior of a Masonic Lodge , and at that period of the day , the svax candles bein " lighted , and all the regalia properly arranged , the hall presented an unusually animated scene , and many of the fair visitors expressed themselves highly delighted with the viesv , observing , tbat if . in the ah «» ii / . »
ot its hvmg ornaments , it looked so beautiful , svhen graced by their presence its effect must be pleasing indeed . The Brethren who svere on this occasion to be installed in the Chairs of the tsvo Lodges svere Bros . Jesse Thomas , svho svas unanimousl y elected W . M . Lod <* e 20 and Hugh Morris , of No . 216 . The Lod ges being opened in dueform ' the solemn ceremony of Installation svas admirabl y conducted by Bro ' W . Saunders , P . M ., Lodge 20 ; and tlie several addresses were given eloquentlbhimThe Brethren
y y . aftersvards sat tlown to a sumptuous entertainment , under the very able and effective presidency of the D . P . G . M . Bro . Ashley , assisted by the P . AL ' s Lodges 20 and 216 . The Brethren present were Bros . W . Saunders , P . G . Tr ., Chas Isaacs , P . G . Sec , Major Smith , Capts . Smith and Robertson , Tom Meson , Watson from London , Whittaker , Pike , and Crittenden , and other brethren from Maidstone—in all , about 60 . After the cloth svas removed , "Non Nobis Domine" svas sung b y Bros . Smith and Gen ° -e
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r 'T ' " xT T £ V ALBEUT LA * ' - , surgeon , Past Senior Warden of Lodge No 327 , Taunton , at the early age of 30 years . The deceased Brother was much and universall y beloved , by reason of the excessive good nature antl amiable disposition svhich he uniformly evinced . WELLINGTON . —A most remarkable occurrence took place here on Monday evening have recorded the death
. . We of Bro . Langley surgeon , svho expired in the morning . Brother George Kedgell , another surgeon , of this town , and svho svas also very intimate svith the deceased svas out visiting his patients , and rode a valuable horse , svhich svas purchased about three months since through the recommendation of his so lately departed friend and Brother , strange to relate , he had tied the animal up to tbe paling of a house where he had occasion to call remaining a few minutes onl y ; he svas then about to remount , havin " one foot in the stirrup , svhen suddenl y the horse dropped , and died svithout a groan . it '
CHATHAM , Dec . 28 , 1846 . —The Brethren of the Royal Kent Lodee of Antiquity , No . 20 , and the United Chatham Lod ge of Benevolence ' No . 216 , held their annual meeting to instal their respective Alasters ' and on this occasion svas manifested the " beauty of Brethren dwelling together in harmony . " The spacious Masonic Hall at the Sun Inn " Chatham , svas decorated svith festoons and evergreens , besides all the paraphernalia belonging to the tsvo Lodges , and the fine portraits ofthe present DPGAIand of several late
. . . ., P . M ' s ., tastefully arranged ornamented the svalls of the building . At an early hour before business commenced the ladies and daughters of several of the Brethren availed themselves of this favourable opportunity of seeing the interior of a Masonic Lodge , and at that period of the day , the svax candles bein " lighted , and all the regalia properly arranged , the hall presented an unusually animated scene , and many of the fair visitors expressed themselves highly delighted with the viesv , observing , tbat if . in the ah «» ii / . »
ot its hvmg ornaments , it looked so beautiful , svhen graced by their presence its effect must be pleasing indeed . The Brethren who svere on this occasion to be installed in the Chairs of the tsvo Lodges svere Bros . Jesse Thomas , svho svas unanimousl y elected W . M . Lod <* e 20 and Hugh Morris , of No . 216 . The Lod ges being opened in dueform ' the solemn ceremony of Installation svas admirabl y conducted by Bro ' W . Saunders , P . M ., Lodge 20 ; and tlie several addresses were given eloquentlbhimThe Brethren
y y . aftersvards sat tlown to a sumptuous entertainment , under the very able and effective presidency of the D . P . G . M . Bro . Ashley , assisted by the P . AL ' s Lodges 20 and 216 . The Brethren present were Bros . W . Saunders , P . G . Tr ., Chas Isaacs , P . G . Sec , Major Smith , Capts . Smith and Robertson , Tom Meson , Watson from London , Whittaker , Pike , and Crittenden , and other brethren from Maidstone—in all , about 60 . After the cloth svas removed , "Non Nobis Domine" svas sung b y Bros . Smith and Gen ° -e