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accompanied by Bro . W . Griffin on the piano . The "Queen and the Craft' svas given svith Alasonic honours . The Chairman proposed the health of the Afost W . G . AI . the Uarl of Zetland : also the D G M the Earl of Yarborough : after which , Bro . W . Saunders proposed the health of the D . P . G . AI . Bro . Ashley in an elegant address , which svas warmly cheered . The D . P . G . M . acknosvledged the toast in a very feeling and impressive mannerafter svhich followed the healths of the
; new AI . Al . s Bros . Thomas and Morris , svhich svere duly responded to . I he next toast offered h y the D . P . G . AI . svas the "Army and Navy " and he was sure it svould meet svith that reception at their hands svhich its importance demanded when they remembered the very efficient services our army had so recently rendered on the plains of India , and also that they svere this day honoured svith the company of Bro . Major Smith , the brother of Sir Henry Smith , the hero of Sobraon , & c . and other military Breth svould
ren , they drink it svith additional enthusiasm . As to the navy , they svere living , as most of them did , in a sea-port tosvn , surrounded by the svooden walls of Old England . The bravery of our navy is known ami admired by you all . Bro . A'lajor Smith acknosvledged on behalf of the army , in a neat and appropriate reply as did also Bro . Tombleson on behalf of the navy ; and as a shipmate ol Nelson on board the Victory , at Trafalgar , he svas a very appropriate representation of that efficient service . Other toasts follosved , and the Brethren separated svith additional love for the social intercourse of Freemasonry .
ROCHFORD . —On the 5 th inst . the Brethren of the " Lodge of True Friendship , " No . 1 S 6 , invited their female relatives and friends to a ball in their Lodge-room at the Old Ship Tavern . Music was provided from London . The refreshments svere excellent , and shosved that the W . M . and the stesvards , as svell as mine host , Bro . Thos . Dennis , svere determined that nothing should be wanting that could prove to their fair guests
that" No mortals can more Tlio ladies adore Than a Free and an Accepted Mason . " No ball having been given in the place for upsvards of tsventy years expectation did not run very high as to the result of this attempt but the attendance of so large a number of respectable , well-dressed , and beautiful females put the Brethren present into the best spirits ' and throughout the whole of the evening the hihest satisfaction exhi
g svas - bited by all present . The spacious room svas quite filled , and dancing svas kept up till a late hour , svhen the votaries of Terpsichore reluctantly separated , but not until it svas agreed on all hands that a ball must be given at least once a year for the future .
BERKIIAMPSTEAD LODGE , NO . 742 , Jan . 7 . —A numerous meeting of this Lotlge , assisted by Brethren from Watford and Heme ! Hempstead was held for the purpose of installing Bro . John Alason as W M and also to present to the late Alaster , the Rev . Frederick Orme ( one ofthe curates of Berkhampstead ) , a very handsome pocket communion service . I he Lod ge also presented to Bro . Wm . Claridge , S . D . a superb silver snuff-box , with suitable inscription , as a memento of their thanks for the many valuable services received at his hands The officers svere each of them raised a step from last year . After the conclusion of the business , the Brethren adjourned to their excellent
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accompanied by Bro . W . Griffin on the piano . The "Queen and the Craft' svas given svith Alasonic honours . The Chairman proposed the health of the Afost W . G . AI . the Uarl of Zetland : also the D G M the Earl of Yarborough : after which , Bro . W . Saunders proposed the health of the D . P . G . AI . Bro . Ashley in an elegant address , which svas warmly cheered . The D . P . G . M . acknosvledged the toast in a very feeling and impressive mannerafter svhich followed the healths of the
; new AI . Al . s Bros . Thomas and Morris , svhich svere duly responded to . I he next toast offered h y the D . P . G . AI . svas the "Army and Navy " and he was sure it svould meet svith that reception at their hands svhich its importance demanded when they remembered the very efficient services our army had so recently rendered on the plains of India , and also that they svere this day honoured svith the company of Bro . Major Smith , the brother of Sir Henry Smith , the hero of Sobraon , & c . and other military Breth svould
ren , they drink it svith additional enthusiasm . As to the navy , they svere living , as most of them did , in a sea-port tosvn , surrounded by the svooden walls of Old England . The bravery of our navy is known ami admired by you all . Bro . A'lajor Smith acknosvledged on behalf of the army , in a neat and appropriate reply as did also Bro . Tombleson on behalf of the navy ; and as a shipmate ol Nelson on board the Victory , at Trafalgar , he svas a very appropriate representation of that efficient service . Other toasts follosved , and the Brethren separated svith additional love for the social intercourse of Freemasonry .
ROCHFORD . —On the 5 th inst . the Brethren of the " Lodge of True Friendship , " No . 1 S 6 , invited their female relatives and friends to a ball in their Lodge-room at the Old Ship Tavern . Music was provided from London . The refreshments svere excellent , and shosved that the W . M . and the stesvards , as svell as mine host , Bro . Thos . Dennis , svere determined that nothing should be wanting that could prove to their fair guests
that" No mortals can more Tlio ladies adore Than a Free and an Accepted Mason . " No ball having been given in the place for upsvards of tsventy years expectation did not run very high as to the result of this attempt but the attendance of so large a number of respectable , well-dressed , and beautiful females put the Brethren present into the best spirits ' and throughout the whole of the evening the hihest satisfaction exhi
g svas - bited by all present . The spacious room svas quite filled , and dancing svas kept up till a late hour , svhen the votaries of Terpsichore reluctantly separated , but not until it svas agreed on all hands that a ball must be given at least once a year for the future .
BERKIIAMPSTEAD LODGE , NO . 742 , Jan . 7 . —A numerous meeting of this Lotlge , assisted by Brethren from Watford and Heme ! Hempstead was held for the purpose of installing Bro . John Alason as W M and also to present to the late Alaster , the Rev . Frederick Orme ( one ofthe curates of Berkhampstead ) , a very handsome pocket communion service . I he Lod ge also presented to Bro . Wm . Claridge , S . D . a superb silver snuff-box , with suitable inscription , as a memento of their thanks for the many valuable services received at his hands The officers svere each of them raised a step from last year . After the conclusion of the business , the Brethren adjourned to their excellent