Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 12 of 17 →
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world . The song and address alternately aided the harmony of the evening . The friendly glass svas tasted svith that moderation svhich should ever temper enjoyment , and the result svas that " the feast of reason and the flosv of soul" svere happily and harmoniously blended .
WEM , Salop . —The lloden Lodge , No . 76 . 5 . —AVe are happy to hear that this new Lodge is progressing as svell as its worthy Alaster could svish . Report says that a second Lodge is likely to be established here . LEICESTER , Feb . 11 . —The Freemasons of Leicester gave a grand Alasonic ball at the Assembly Rooms , in this tosvn . The attendance on the occasion ss-as , as might be supposed , of a most select , though not exclusive characterfrom the circumstance that the assemblsvas
essen-, y tiall y a private one , no guest being present except upon the invitation of a Brother of either the St . John ' s or the John of Gaunt Lodges , Leicester , by svhom the expenses svere entirely defrayed . Being ihe first Alasonic ball given in Leicester , ranch pleasing excitement had been created , particularly among the fair friends of the Brethren , by the anticipation of seeing the members of the Craft dressed in full costume , and decorated svith their splendid insignia of
office . And expectation , hosvever highly raised , ss'as more than realised : the badges of all the Brethren svere very superior , svhilst some of the insignia svhich glittered on the breasts of the various officers svere of the utmost brilliancy , being literally svhat may be called "jesvels of the first svaten" Nor svas the event less instructive than agreeable , for sve cannot but think that the thoroughly kind feeling svhich pervaded the company must serve to demonstrate that such assemblages , svhen properly conducted , are productive of much social goodbetsveen the various classes of society , svhich are too often , on other occasions , divided by local formularies , or bv the partizanship of sectarian or political feeling .
Persons of all ranks , creeds , ancl professions svere to be seen mingling in concert , in the most cordial manner , and svith every evidence of the most perfect enjoyment . The festivities of the evening svere in every part of them complete , for the unsvearied exertions of the officers kept the spirit of joy perpetually on the wing ; ancl thus the mystic tie svhich ahvays unites the Brethren in the cordon of harmony and sound piety , became enlarged , and embraced all svho were present . The ball-room svas tastefully decorated svith the bannerspedestals ,
, lights , and other emblems of the Order . The visitors entered the ballroom through the Royal Arch , svhich , standing under the usual music gallery , svas surmounted by the Lodge decorations . The supper-room svas decorated in like manner svith the ball-room ; antl the supper , svhich svas supplied by Mr . Pegg , of the High-street , svas unexceptionable in every respect , and comprised all the delicacies svhich we are svont to expect in such a case , where the aim of the
Stesvards svas rather to please by the rarity and dainty of the viands , than to surprise by mere abundance . Dancing commenced to Messrs . Nicholson and Weston ' s quadrille band about nine o ' clock , and was kept up svithout intermission till about tsvelve o ' clock , svhen the company descended to the supper-room , and did the most ample justice to the good things provided there . The feast of fat things , and the flosv of svine , induced another and more spiritual feeling , and gave rise to " the feast of reason and the flosv of soul . " The hurry and dispatch of ( supper ) business being over , the Worshipful Alaster of St . John ' s Lodge , svho svas supported by the
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world . The song and address alternately aided the harmony of the evening . The friendly glass svas tasted svith that moderation svhich should ever temper enjoyment , and the result svas that " the feast of reason and the flosv of soul" svere happily and harmoniously blended .
WEM , Salop . —The lloden Lodge , No . 76 . 5 . —AVe are happy to hear that this new Lodge is progressing as svell as its worthy Alaster could svish . Report says that a second Lodge is likely to be established here . LEICESTER , Feb . 11 . —The Freemasons of Leicester gave a grand Alasonic ball at the Assembly Rooms , in this tosvn . The attendance on the occasion ss-as , as might be supposed , of a most select , though not exclusive characterfrom the circumstance that the assemblsvas
essen-, y tiall y a private one , no guest being present except upon the invitation of a Brother of either the St . John ' s or the John of Gaunt Lodges , Leicester , by svhom the expenses svere entirely defrayed . Being ihe first Alasonic ball given in Leicester , ranch pleasing excitement had been created , particularly among the fair friends of the Brethren , by the anticipation of seeing the members of the Craft dressed in full costume , and decorated svith their splendid insignia of
office . And expectation , hosvever highly raised , ss'as more than realised : the badges of all the Brethren svere very superior , svhilst some of the insignia svhich glittered on the breasts of the various officers svere of the utmost brilliancy , being literally svhat may be called "jesvels of the first svaten" Nor svas the event less instructive than agreeable , for sve cannot but think that the thoroughly kind feeling svhich pervaded the company must serve to demonstrate that such assemblages , svhen properly conducted , are productive of much social goodbetsveen the various classes of society , svhich are too often , on other occasions , divided by local formularies , or bv the partizanship of sectarian or political feeling .
Persons of all ranks , creeds , ancl professions svere to be seen mingling in concert , in the most cordial manner , and svith every evidence of the most perfect enjoyment . The festivities of the evening svere in every part of them complete , for the unsvearied exertions of the officers kept the spirit of joy perpetually on the wing ; ancl thus the mystic tie svhich ahvays unites the Brethren in the cordon of harmony and sound piety , became enlarged , and embraced all svho were present . The ball-room svas tastefully decorated svith the bannerspedestals ,
, lights , and other emblems of the Order . The visitors entered the ballroom through the Royal Arch , svhich , standing under the usual music gallery , svas surmounted by the Lodge decorations . The supper-room svas decorated in like manner svith the ball-room ; antl the supper , svhich svas supplied by Mr . Pegg , of the High-street , svas unexceptionable in every respect , and comprised all the delicacies svhich we are svont to expect in such a case , where the aim of the
Stesvards svas rather to please by the rarity and dainty of the viands , than to surprise by mere abundance . Dancing commenced to Messrs . Nicholson and Weston ' s quadrille band about nine o ' clock , and was kept up svithout intermission till about tsvelve o ' clock , svhen the company descended to the supper-room , and did the most ample justice to the good things provided there . The feast of fat things , and the flosv of svine , induced another and more spiritual feeling , and gave rise to " the feast of reason and the flosv of soul . " The hurry and dispatch of ( supper ) business being over , the Worshipful Alaster of St . John ' s Lodge , svho svas supported by the