Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 7 of 8 →
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curing the latter , an evil ivhich is not unfrequent on provincial occasions from the paucity of serving brethren . No . 327 . —Brother Jules Adolphe Lefranc has been elected W . M ., and will be installed on St . John ' s Day , the 29 th of December . Companion Eales White , M . E . P . Z-, has been requested to fill again the Chief ' s Chair in the Chapter of Sincerity . HAMPSHIRE . —New P . G . Master for Hants . BWednesday ' s
y post , the 25 th of Nov ., the various Lodges were informed the M . W . G . Master had been pleased to appoint the late D . P . G . Master , Sir L . Curtis , to the office of P . G . M ., vice J . L . Penlease , Esq ., resigned . SOUTHAMPTON , NOV . 24 . —At a meeting ofthe Royal Gloster Lodge , the subjoined address was proposed by Brother Stebbing , and carried by acclamation : — "To tbe Right Worshipful Admiral Sir Lucius CurtisBaronetProvincial Grand Master of the Province of
Hamp-, , shire . —We the W . Master , the Wardens , Officers , and Brethren of the Royal Gloucester Lodge , No . 152 , in open Lodge , assembled at the Freemason ' s Hall , Southampton , this 26 th of Nov . 1840 , having received a communication from the M . W . Grand Master , announcing your appointment to the office of Provincial Grand Master of this Province , do most cordially and sincerely offer to you our fervent and heartfelt congratulations at this well deserved compliment to a
distinguished and most worth y Brother amongst us . " We hasten to express to you how gratified we are that it should fall to your lot to preside over this province ,- that the appointment of the M . W . Master is most acceptable to us , and , in our opinion , well calculated to serve the best interests of the Craft . We therefore beg to offer you these spontaneous expressions of our delight and satisfaction at this appointment , and with these feelings we offer up our prayers to
the Great Architect of the Universe for your long and prosperous exercise of your high Masonic functions , in health and happiness to yourself , and with advantage to the province , assured as we are of the excellent , able , and highly gratifying manner in which the duties of Provincial Grand Master will be fulfilled bv you on every occasion . '" Signed by H . Clark , W . M . and P . G . S . W ., and by thirty-six other Brethren . It is a curious circumstance , and must be very gratifying to Masonry
that in the Borough of the Town and County of the Town of Southampton all the principal municipal officers are Free and Accepted Masons , and are , all but one , subscribing members to Lodges , viz ., Brother Joseph Lobb , P . G . Secretary , Mayor ; Brother J . R . Stebbing , W . M . Elect . No . 152 , Sheriff ; BrotherG . B . Corfe , P . G . D ., Coroner ; Brother A . Abraham , P . M ., High Bailiff ; Brother R . Miller , Low Bailiff ; Brother Charles E . Deacon P . M ., Town Clerk ; Brother Richard Blanchard , Under Sheriff .
ALCESTER , Dec . 5 . —We are happy to find that our active Brother , Ribbans , is at the head of a committee for the purpose of presenting a suitable testimonial to the Rev . W . M . of the Alcester Apollo Lodge , for his efficient services and uniform kindness as Provincial Grand Chaplain of Warwickshire .
BRISTOL , Dec . 4 . —It will give great pleasure to the Brethren in general , to know that the difficulties in relation to the Masonic Temple in Bridge-Street are happily overcome , and that the use of the building is in full operation for the benefit of the Craft . The . whole fitting up is in the very first style of elegance , and the Gothic room probably
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curing the latter , an evil ivhich is not unfrequent on provincial occasions from the paucity of serving brethren . No . 327 . —Brother Jules Adolphe Lefranc has been elected W . M ., and will be installed on St . John ' s Day , the 29 th of December . Companion Eales White , M . E . P . Z-, has been requested to fill again the Chief ' s Chair in the Chapter of Sincerity . HAMPSHIRE . —New P . G . Master for Hants . BWednesday ' s
y post , the 25 th of Nov ., the various Lodges were informed the M . W . G . Master had been pleased to appoint the late D . P . G . Master , Sir L . Curtis , to the office of P . G . M ., vice J . L . Penlease , Esq ., resigned . SOUTHAMPTON , NOV . 24 . —At a meeting ofthe Royal Gloster Lodge , the subjoined address was proposed by Brother Stebbing , and carried by acclamation : — "To tbe Right Worshipful Admiral Sir Lucius CurtisBaronetProvincial Grand Master of the Province of
Hamp-, , shire . —We the W . Master , the Wardens , Officers , and Brethren of the Royal Gloucester Lodge , No . 152 , in open Lodge , assembled at the Freemason ' s Hall , Southampton , this 26 th of Nov . 1840 , having received a communication from the M . W . Grand Master , announcing your appointment to the office of Provincial Grand Master of this Province , do most cordially and sincerely offer to you our fervent and heartfelt congratulations at this well deserved compliment to a
distinguished and most worth y Brother amongst us . " We hasten to express to you how gratified we are that it should fall to your lot to preside over this province ,- that the appointment of the M . W . Master is most acceptable to us , and , in our opinion , well calculated to serve the best interests of the Craft . We therefore beg to offer you these spontaneous expressions of our delight and satisfaction at this appointment , and with these feelings we offer up our prayers to
the Great Architect of the Universe for your long and prosperous exercise of your high Masonic functions , in health and happiness to yourself , and with advantage to the province , assured as we are of the excellent , able , and highly gratifying manner in which the duties of Provincial Grand Master will be fulfilled bv you on every occasion . '" Signed by H . Clark , W . M . and P . G . S . W ., and by thirty-six other Brethren . It is a curious circumstance , and must be very gratifying to Masonry
that in the Borough of the Town and County of the Town of Southampton all the principal municipal officers are Free and Accepted Masons , and are , all but one , subscribing members to Lodges , viz ., Brother Joseph Lobb , P . G . Secretary , Mayor ; Brother J . R . Stebbing , W . M . Elect . No . 152 , Sheriff ; BrotherG . B . Corfe , P . G . D ., Coroner ; Brother A . Abraham , P . M ., High Bailiff ; Brother R . Miller , Low Bailiff ; Brother Charles E . Deacon P . M ., Town Clerk ; Brother Richard Blanchard , Under Sheriff .
ALCESTER , Dec . 5 . —We are happy to find that our active Brother , Ribbans , is at the head of a committee for the purpose of presenting a suitable testimonial to the Rev . W . M . of the Alcester Apollo Lodge , for his efficient services and uniform kindness as Provincial Grand Chaplain of Warwickshire .
BRISTOL , Dec . 4 . —It will give great pleasure to the Brethren in general , to know that the difficulties in relation to the Masonic Temple in Bridge-Street are happily overcome , and that the use of the building is in full operation for the benefit of the Craft . The . whole fitting up is in the very first style of elegance , and the Gothic room probably