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jesty s loyal and devoted subjects , in general meeting assembled , most respectfully ancl affectionately offer to your Majesty our sincere and ardent congratulations on the happy event of your Majesty presenting to the nation and your august spouse a Princess lloyal , whose birth , while it rears an additional pillar of beauty ancl stability to the throne of your Royal House , cannot fail to call forth the united thanks of an attached and a loyal people .
" We therefore pray and beseech the Great Architect of the universe to pour down His blessings upon your Majesty , your Royal Consort , and your infant daughter ; that He may grant you long life and happiness to enli ghten your loyal subjects in the paths of virtue and science ; and that He may ever assist and guide your Majesty in ruling over a peaceful and a happy nation .
" Signed in our name , presence , and by appointment , adorned with all our honours in open Lodge , in our Hall at Elgin , on St . Andrew ' s Day , in the year of our Lord 1 S 40 , and of Masonry 5840 , and the seal of our Lodge is appended—by " JNO . LAWSON , Master . " GEO . GATHERER , Senior Warden . " ALEX . RUSSELL , Junior Warden .
" ROBT . BAIN , Secretary . " The business of the Lodge being concluded , the brethren were summoned to a splendid entertainment . The number of subscribers to dinner was about fifty . The chair was taken b y the newly-elected Master , and when the cloth was removed , many eloquent speeches were delivered , excellent songs sung , and appropriate toasts given , to the great delight of every one present .
At eight o ' clock the brethren marched in procession , to the sound of the band , from the banquetting to the ball-room , preceded by their Tyler , where they found assembled the ladies and gentlemen invited to the ball , previousl y received by the committee of stewards appointed for that purpose . When a halt was called in open order , the Mason ' s Anthem was sung in good taste by one of the brethren , joined by all present , on the conclusion of which the dance commenced , and was
kept up with the greatest animation and spirit until three o ' clock the following morning . The number in the ball-room exceeded 130 . Refreshments were provided in the supper-room , where all were served abundantly with every good thing they could desire .
ABERDEEN , Oct . 3 . LAYING OF THE FOUNDATION STONE OF THE ABERDEEN MARKET COMPANY ' S BUILDINGS . —The bodies who took part in the proceedings met separately at places previously fixed on by themselves . The Provincial Grand Lodge met in the Public Rooms . At eleven o ' clock precisely , the procession , upon three blasts of a trumpet being sounded , moved from its station to the new street . When the procession arrived
at the foot of Marischal-street , the scholars of Robert Gordon ' s Hospital took open order , on either side of the Quay , to the foot of the New-street ; the True-blue Gardeners , in like manner , opened up ; and these two bodies formed the lines through which the Mason Lodges , magistrates and councillors , and directors of the company walked to the ground . The Mason Lodges proceeded to the head of the new
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
jesty s loyal and devoted subjects , in general meeting assembled , most respectfully ancl affectionately offer to your Majesty our sincere and ardent congratulations on the happy event of your Majesty presenting to the nation and your august spouse a Princess lloyal , whose birth , while it rears an additional pillar of beauty ancl stability to the throne of your Royal House , cannot fail to call forth the united thanks of an attached and a loyal people .
" We therefore pray and beseech the Great Architect of the universe to pour down His blessings upon your Majesty , your Royal Consort , and your infant daughter ; that He may grant you long life and happiness to enli ghten your loyal subjects in the paths of virtue and science ; and that He may ever assist and guide your Majesty in ruling over a peaceful and a happy nation .
" Signed in our name , presence , and by appointment , adorned with all our honours in open Lodge , in our Hall at Elgin , on St . Andrew ' s Day , in the year of our Lord 1 S 40 , and of Masonry 5840 , and the seal of our Lodge is appended—by " JNO . LAWSON , Master . " GEO . GATHERER , Senior Warden . " ALEX . RUSSELL , Junior Warden .
" ROBT . BAIN , Secretary . " The business of the Lodge being concluded , the brethren were summoned to a splendid entertainment . The number of subscribers to dinner was about fifty . The chair was taken b y the newly-elected Master , and when the cloth was removed , many eloquent speeches were delivered , excellent songs sung , and appropriate toasts given , to the great delight of every one present .
At eight o ' clock the brethren marched in procession , to the sound of the band , from the banquetting to the ball-room , preceded by their Tyler , where they found assembled the ladies and gentlemen invited to the ball , previousl y received by the committee of stewards appointed for that purpose . When a halt was called in open order , the Mason ' s Anthem was sung in good taste by one of the brethren , joined by all present , on the conclusion of which the dance commenced , and was
kept up with the greatest animation and spirit until three o ' clock the following morning . The number in the ball-room exceeded 130 . Refreshments were provided in the supper-room , where all were served abundantly with every good thing they could desire .
ABERDEEN , Oct . 3 . LAYING OF THE FOUNDATION STONE OF THE ABERDEEN MARKET COMPANY ' S BUILDINGS . —The bodies who took part in the proceedings met separately at places previously fixed on by themselves . The Provincial Grand Lodge met in the Public Rooms . At eleven o ' clock precisely , the procession , upon three blasts of a trumpet being sounded , moved from its station to the new street . When the procession arrived
at the foot of Marischal-street , the scholars of Robert Gordon ' s Hospital took open order , on either side of the Quay , to the foot of the New-street ; the True-blue Gardeners , in like manner , opened up ; and these two bodies formed the lines through which the Mason Lodges , magistrates and councillors , and directors of the company walked to the ground . The Mason Lodges proceeded to the head of the new