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of the Provost was delivered with the ease and grace which always marks his public addresses ; and the venerable-looking appearance of Mr . Hadden added dignity to every word he uttered . The applause of the spectators was judicious and well-timed ; and nothing could be finer than the music of the 100 th Psalm , as sung by the boys of Gordon ' s Hospital , under the able leadership of Mr . Colston . Altogether , the doings on this occasion are worthy of the city , and will be long
remembered by those who had the pleasure of taking part in them . As soon as the proceedings were over , the Banquetting-hall was thrown open ; and here , indeed , was a scene worthy of the occasion . The dimensions of the Pavilion we described by a plan in our last . Covers were lain for 1200 ; and a better service , we unhesitatingly pronounce , was never laid . The Pavilion was lit up at dusk . The effect was brilliant ; the tout ensemble of the whole being more like
what we have read or heard of oriental grandeur than anything else we could name . The dinner hour was fixed at five o'clock—the Duke of Sutherland in the chair .
Freemasonry still continues on the increase both in Dublin . and the Provinces . We regret that many interesting particulars reached us too late for insertion , as have some other papers , the publication of whicli must abide investigation ; in this delay we feel certain that we best consult tbe feelings of some , the honour of many , and the interest of all . We have the same apology to make to our Irish Brethren , in particular , that we have addressed to the Craft at large —•
that not being yet " well up" in our new vocation—matters of such deep import require the more serious attention and a deeper study . We trust that justice has not slept , and that the most charitable construction may ) r et prevail over any disposition to put upon Masonic law a martial interpretation . DUBLIN FEMALE SCHOOL . '—Brother F . B . Ribbans has presented this Institution with twenty copies ofhis work"Doctrines and Duties "
, , a donation which will be much prized b y those whose moral improvement the worthy and excellent Brother is so anxious to promote . CARLOW , Oct !! . ¦—On Monday evening last a Royal Arch Chapter was held at the Masonic-Hall , Dublin-Street , the Worshipful Grand Principal Brother Benedict Arthur Yates on the Throne . The Chapter was very numerously attended , and the Brethren appeared in full costume , wearing the magnificent insignia ofthe order . In course ofthe
evening the Grand Principal delivered an address on the sublime mysteries of this high degree , to the gratification of the Brethren , and the Chapter closed at 10 o ' clock . The Brethren adjourned to the supper room for refreshment , and retired at 11 o ' clock . It is expected that a grand encampment of Knights Templars Med . P . and Knights of St . John will be held earl y in the ensuing year . Brother Benedict Arthur Yates , who vacates the chair which he so ably filled as Master of the Lodge , on the Festival of St . John , next December , has been elected Grand Principal of the Royal Arch Chapter , a dignity to which he is
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
of the Provost was delivered with the ease and grace which always marks his public addresses ; and the venerable-looking appearance of Mr . Hadden added dignity to every word he uttered . The applause of the spectators was judicious and well-timed ; and nothing could be finer than the music of the 100 th Psalm , as sung by the boys of Gordon ' s Hospital , under the able leadership of Mr . Colston . Altogether , the doings on this occasion are worthy of the city , and will be long
remembered by those who had the pleasure of taking part in them . As soon as the proceedings were over , the Banquetting-hall was thrown open ; and here , indeed , was a scene worthy of the occasion . The dimensions of the Pavilion we described by a plan in our last . Covers were lain for 1200 ; and a better service , we unhesitatingly pronounce , was never laid . The Pavilion was lit up at dusk . The effect was brilliant ; the tout ensemble of the whole being more like
what we have read or heard of oriental grandeur than anything else we could name . The dinner hour was fixed at five o'clock—the Duke of Sutherland in the chair .
Freemasonry still continues on the increase both in Dublin . and the Provinces . We regret that many interesting particulars reached us too late for insertion , as have some other papers , the publication of whicli must abide investigation ; in this delay we feel certain that we best consult tbe feelings of some , the honour of many , and the interest of all . We have the same apology to make to our Irish Brethren , in particular , that we have addressed to the Craft at large —•
that not being yet " well up" in our new vocation—matters of such deep import require the more serious attention and a deeper study . We trust that justice has not slept , and that the most charitable construction may ) r et prevail over any disposition to put upon Masonic law a martial interpretation . DUBLIN FEMALE SCHOOL . '—Brother F . B . Ribbans has presented this Institution with twenty copies ofhis work"Doctrines and Duties "
, , a donation which will be much prized b y those whose moral improvement the worthy and excellent Brother is so anxious to promote . CARLOW , Oct !! . ¦—On Monday evening last a Royal Arch Chapter was held at the Masonic-Hall , Dublin-Street , the Worshipful Grand Principal Brother Benedict Arthur Yates on the Throne . The Chapter was very numerously attended , and the Brethren appeared in full costume , wearing the magnificent insignia ofthe order . In course ofthe
evening the Grand Principal delivered an address on the sublime mysteries of this high degree , to the gratification of the Brethren , and the Chapter closed at 10 o ' clock . The Brethren adjourned to the supper room for refreshment , and retired at 11 o ' clock . It is expected that a grand encampment of Knights Templars Med . P . and Knights of St . John will be held earl y in the ensuing year . Brother Benedict Arthur Yates , who vacates the chair which he so ably filled as Master of the Lodge , on the Festival of St . John , next December , has been elected Grand Principal of the Royal Arch Chapter , a dignity to which he is