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billiards , & c , and are refreshed on very moderate terms . To this club none are admissible but Masons , ancl every member must be balloted for . Besides this Lodge , there are other Lodges in Frankfort holding of Paris , Berlin , ancl we believe of Hamburgh . TRINIDAD . —On Wednesday eveningthe 5 th of FebruaryBrother
, , Daniel Hart entertained the Lion . William Stephenson , Prov . Grand Master of Grenada , at which a number of the Craft were also invited , ancl at seven o ' clock the party sat down to a banquet ; as soon as the cloth was removed , Brother Hart rose ancl proposed the health of the " Queen , England ' s pride and England ' s glory "—( three times three ) . Air— " God save the Queen . " Bro . HART again rose ancl said— " Brethrento enumerate the benefits
, , which Freemasonry has derived from the illustrious Brother whose health we are now about drinking , would be useless on my part , his fame being too well known to the Craft in general throughout the world , and needs no further remarks from an humble individual as myself . Brethren , the toast is to " His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , Grand Master of England "—( three times three ) . Bro . HART then addressed the Brethren as follows : — " Brethrenthe
, third toast whicli I now rise to propose is one ivhich gives me the utmost pleasure , and ivhich I feel perfectly assured will be received with feelings of the greatest emotion . Brethren , for some time past we have been anxiously expecting the arrival of the first Provincial Grand Master that ever visited Trinidad —( cheers)—at last our expectations have been realized , ancl I have this evening the honour of being favoured with the
company of the Hon . Dr . Stephenson , P . G . M . over all Lodges holding from Scotland—( great cheering ) . The character of Brother Stephenson , in his public ancl private capacities , are already known to all present , ivhich renders it useless on my part to bring the same under your notice this evening . Suffice to say , that his course of proceeding in his public capacity has been such as to gain the approbation of his sovereign , who was pleased , a short time since , to appoint him a member of the legislative council of Grenada—( hearhear ) ; as a Masonhis exertions in our
, , cause have met with that reward which was deservedly owing to him , by being appointed to the high office which he now holds—( hear , hear ) . Brethren , it is for us to regret that ive are not honoured with such a Brother in this our island , for if such were the case , I am confident that Freemasonry , and Masons in general , would so benefit by his surveillance , as to render it a pleasing task to all , and more particularly to those at the head of Lodges ; this we are to regretand that to our sorrow
, , for never did Masonry in Trinidad so much require a proper person at its head as it does at this moment ; yet there are a few who , I am happy to say , are always warm in the cause , ancl who strive to keep it up , against , I may say , wind and tide ; to enlarge on this point would be to bring to mind that which we are all disposed to forget . However , I am confident- that nothing on the part of Brother Stephenson will be wanting where the Craft can be benefited ; and although he may not be able
, from his short sojourn among us , to attend to all matters , yet we shall have the pleasing satisfaction of knowing , that' those who have been in the dark for years , have by his aid and advice been brought to Light '—( hear , hear , hear ) . My Brethren , many years past I was made a Mason by Brother Stephenson —( hear)—and by him also exalted to the Royal VOL . VII . 3 7 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
billiards , & c , and are refreshed on very moderate terms . To this club none are admissible but Masons , ancl every member must be balloted for . Besides this Lodge , there are other Lodges in Frankfort holding of Paris , Berlin , ancl we believe of Hamburgh . TRINIDAD . —On Wednesday eveningthe 5 th of FebruaryBrother
, , Daniel Hart entertained the Lion . William Stephenson , Prov . Grand Master of Grenada , at which a number of the Craft were also invited , ancl at seven o ' clock the party sat down to a banquet ; as soon as the cloth was removed , Brother Hart rose ancl proposed the health of the " Queen , England ' s pride and England ' s glory "—( three times three ) . Air— " God save the Queen . " Bro . HART again rose ancl said— " Brethrento enumerate the benefits
, , which Freemasonry has derived from the illustrious Brother whose health we are now about drinking , would be useless on my part , his fame being too well known to the Craft in general throughout the world , and needs no further remarks from an humble individual as myself . Brethren , the toast is to " His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , Grand Master of England "—( three times three ) . Bro . HART then addressed the Brethren as follows : — " Brethrenthe
, third toast whicli I now rise to propose is one ivhich gives me the utmost pleasure , and ivhich I feel perfectly assured will be received with feelings of the greatest emotion . Brethren , for some time past we have been anxiously expecting the arrival of the first Provincial Grand Master that ever visited Trinidad —( cheers)—at last our expectations have been realized , ancl I have this evening the honour of being favoured with the
company of the Hon . Dr . Stephenson , P . G . M . over all Lodges holding from Scotland—( great cheering ) . The character of Brother Stephenson , in his public ancl private capacities , are already known to all present , ivhich renders it useless on my part to bring the same under your notice this evening . Suffice to say , that his course of proceeding in his public capacity has been such as to gain the approbation of his sovereign , who was pleased , a short time since , to appoint him a member of the legislative council of Grenada—( hearhear ) ; as a Masonhis exertions in our
, , cause have met with that reward which was deservedly owing to him , by being appointed to the high office which he now holds—( hear , hear ) . Brethren , it is for us to regret that ive are not honoured with such a Brother in this our island , for if such were the case , I am confident that Freemasonry , and Masons in general , would so benefit by his surveillance , as to render it a pleasing task to all , and more particularly to those at the head of Lodges ; this we are to regretand that to our sorrow
, , for never did Masonry in Trinidad so much require a proper person at its head as it does at this moment ; yet there are a few who , I am happy to say , are always warm in the cause , ancl who strive to keep it up , against , I may say , wind and tide ; to enlarge on this point would be to bring to mind that which we are all disposed to forget . However , I am confident- that nothing on the part of Brother Stephenson will be wanting where the Craft can be benefited ; and although he may not be able
, from his short sojourn among us , to attend to all matters , yet we shall have the pleasing satisfaction of knowing , that' those who have been in the dark for years , have by his aid and advice been brought to Light '—( hear , hear , hear ) . My Brethren , many years past I was made a Mason by Brother Stephenson —( hear)—and by him also exalted to the Royal VOL . VII . 3 7 .