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accordance with the true spirit ancl immemorial usage of our Order , ancl but another happy illustration of its great and beautiful principle , by which distrust is annihilated , and the stranger Mason leaps at once to the hearts and hospitality of his Brethren . I have devoted my utmost energies to Masonry in India , not only because it draws closer the bonds of social union amongst educated individuals , like ourselves , bringing together in happy intercourse our countrymen of all conditionswho are
, disposed to walk uprightly , live within compass , ancl act upon the square , to the incalculable advantage of every respectable portion of European society , but also as a means admirably suited for extending , without awakening religious prejudice , a truer knowledge of the Great Architect of the universe , and more just notions of their duty to each other , amongst the natives of this mighty empire . With discretion and judgment I have never doubted that it in time be lied to these
may app stupendous objects ; and an institution which possesses such a spirit , and ivhich contains within it such a tendency , may justly demand the zealous and earnest support of every generous ancl philanthropic man . Deeply impressed with these feelings , my Brethren , you will readily believe that I have watched with intense interest the recent and rapid revival of the Craft on this side of India ; and I confess to you that one of my chief objects in visiting this splendid metropolis of the East was to hail the
rising and spreading light issuing from darkness , under the fresh and vigorous guidance of my gifted friend ancl valued Brother , John Grant , whose elevation to the Provincial Grand Chair of Bengal , followed as it has been by his admirable selection of officers , is , I conceive , one of the most important steps that has occurred in the march of Masonry within the present century , and will lead , I venture to foretell , to the most momentous resultsboth as affecting the civilization and happiness
, of our fellow-men . My pride and gratification have been extreme in finding him aided in his good work in particular by the R . W . and illustrious Brother who rules this Lodge . ' Primus in Indis , ' may be well said of Sir Edward Ryan , for there is no philanthropic object , no scheme of education or system of improvement , from the Himalayas to Cape Comorin , with which his matured wisdom and venerable name may not be identified . The accession of such an honoured intlividual is a tower
of strength to our cause ; the effect of his efforts may be incalculable ; but it is probable that , under the blessing of the Supreme Master , ancl seconded by those of the worthy , eminent , and active Brethren with whom he is associated , they will prove irresistible in the dissemination of love amongst our Brethren , and charity and good will to all men . " Dr . Brother Burnes ended by paying a high compliment to the working of the ancient Lodge of Industry and Perseverance .
CHAPTER OF HOPE , August 5 . —Two exaltations were performed this evening , at which Dr . Burnes officiated as third Principal . Afterwards , the Companions partook of an elegant banquet . In the course of the evening , Companion A . GRANT proposed Dr . Burnes ' s health with equal taste ancl feeling , observing that he was deeply impressed with pride ancl exultation in proposing the health of that distinguished lloyal Arch Mason , Dr . Burnes . When he looked round the board , he was most sensibly struck with the practical illustration of the beauties of Masonry , and felt more than ever convinced that it had the approbation of Heaven . Here were men of high standing in society , —men of science , talent , and
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accordance with the true spirit ancl immemorial usage of our Order , ancl but another happy illustration of its great and beautiful principle , by which distrust is annihilated , and the stranger Mason leaps at once to the hearts and hospitality of his Brethren . I have devoted my utmost energies to Masonry in India , not only because it draws closer the bonds of social union amongst educated individuals , like ourselves , bringing together in happy intercourse our countrymen of all conditionswho are
, disposed to walk uprightly , live within compass , ancl act upon the square , to the incalculable advantage of every respectable portion of European society , but also as a means admirably suited for extending , without awakening religious prejudice , a truer knowledge of the Great Architect of the universe , and more just notions of their duty to each other , amongst the natives of this mighty empire . With discretion and judgment I have never doubted that it in time be lied to these
may app stupendous objects ; and an institution which possesses such a spirit , and ivhich contains within it such a tendency , may justly demand the zealous and earnest support of every generous ancl philanthropic man . Deeply impressed with these feelings , my Brethren , you will readily believe that I have watched with intense interest the recent and rapid revival of the Craft on this side of India ; and I confess to you that one of my chief objects in visiting this splendid metropolis of the East was to hail the
rising and spreading light issuing from darkness , under the fresh and vigorous guidance of my gifted friend ancl valued Brother , John Grant , whose elevation to the Provincial Grand Chair of Bengal , followed as it has been by his admirable selection of officers , is , I conceive , one of the most important steps that has occurred in the march of Masonry within the present century , and will lead , I venture to foretell , to the most momentous resultsboth as affecting the civilization and happiness
, of our fellow-men . My pride and gratification have been extreme in finding him aided in his good work in particular by the R . W . and illustrious Brother who rules this Lodge . ' Primus in Indis , ' may be well said of Sir Edward Ryan , for there is no philanthropic object , no scheme of education or system of improvement , from the Himalayas to Cape Comorin , with which his matured wisdom and venerable name may not be identified . The accession of such an honoured intlividual is a tower
of strength to our cause ; the effect of his efforts may be incalculable ; but it is probable that , under the blessing of the Supreme Master , ancl seconded by those of the worthy , eminent , and active Brethren with whom he is associated , they will prove irresistible in the dissemination of love amongst our Brethren , and charity and good will to all men . " Dr . Brother Burnes ended by paying a high compliment to the working of the ancient Lodge of Industry and Perseverance .
CHAPTER OF HOPE , August 5 . —Two exaltations were performed this evening , at which Dr . Burnes officiated as third Principal . Afterwards , the Companions partook of an elegant banquet . In the course of the evening , Companion A . GRANT proposed Dr . Burnes ' s health with equal taste ancl feeling , observing that he was deeply impressed with pride ancl exultation in proposing the health of that distinguished lloyal Arch Mason , Dr . Burnes . When he looked round the board , he was most sensibly struck with the practical illustration of the beauties of Masonry , and felt more than ever convinced that it had the approbation of Heaven . Here were men of high standing in society , —men of science , talent , and