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Freemasonry. Masonic Clothing, Furniture...
FREEMASONRY . MASONIC CLOTHING , FURNITURE , and PARAPHERNALIA requisite for Craft , Royal Arch , and Knight Templars , supplied on Reasonable Terms by Bro . J . NICHOLLS , 14 , Well Street , Jewin Street , Cripplegate . N . B . —Orders punctually attended to for the FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY REVIEW , an " other Masonic Works .
Royal Arch Masonry. Tyanted To Purchase ...
ROYAL ARCH MASONRY . TyANTED TO PURCHASE a complete set of Jewels , Clothing , Furniture , Para-* * phernalia , & c , appropriate for a lloyal Arch Chapter . Letters , stating full particulars as to price , condition , & c , to be addressed to the REV . DR . SENIOR , P . G . S . W ., Grammar School , Batley , Yorkshire .
Freemasonry. The History Of Initiation. ...
FREEMASONRY . THE HISTORY OF INITIATION . Just Published , in demy Svo . lO . s . 6 d ., royal Svo . 16 s ., handsomely bound in blue cloth , and Decorated with Gilt Masonic Tooling , a New and Revised Edition of nPHE HISTORY OF INITIATIONin Twelve Lecturescomprising a detailed
, ; " ¦ Account of the Rites and Ceremonies , Doctrines and Discipline , of all the Secret and Mysterious Institutions of the Ancient World . By the Rev . GEORGE OLIVER , D . D ., D . P . G . M . for Lincoln , & c . & c . CONTENTS . Dedication—To the Right Hon . Charles Tennyson D'Eyncourt , M . P ., P . G . M . for Lincolnshire . Preface—Explaining the indispensable qualification of the Master of a Lodge .
Lecture 1—General Introduction—Antiquity of Initiation , & c . Lecture 2—History of Initiation in Hindostan . Lecture 3—Philosophy of the Eastern Mysteries . Lecture 4—Initiation in Persia . Lecture 5—History of Initiation in Greece . Lecture 6—Ceremonies of Initiation into the Mysteries of Bacchus . Lecture 7—Places of Initiation into the Celtic Mysteries . lecture 8—Ceremonies of Initiation in Britain .
Lecture 9—Symbols and Doctrines of the Druids . . Lecture 10—History of Initiation into the Gothic Mysteries . Lcc . to-e U—Doctrines and Morality—Splendour and Importance of the Spurious Freemasonry , & c . Lecture 12—History of Initiation in America Corollari—The Mysteries Funereal , & e . Published by Brother RICHARD SPENCER , Bookseller , & c . 314 , High Holborn ; also by order at all other Booksellers .
Brother R . S . respectfully informs his Brethren the above may be had in a handsome blue calf binding , with the Masonic Tooling full gilt , price 15 * . 6 d . small , and 24 * . large paper ; the latter forming a splendid Lodye present . R . S . has a few copies on hand of the Rev . Dr . Oliver ' s new work " The Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry , in Twelve Lectures / ' Svo . price 10 . ? . Gd . Orders for which , and all the other Works of the learned Doctor , punctually attended to , by addressing as above , pre-paid , accompanied with a remittance , or order for payment
in London . In the course of this month will be published , " The History of Freemasonry from 1829 to 1840 . " B y the Rev . G . Oliver , D . D . This History will be printed in 12 mo . so as to bind up with the two last editions of the celebrated " Preston ' s Illustrations of Masonry , " edited by the Rev . G . Oliver , D . D . January 1 , 1841 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry. Masonic Clothing, Furniture...
FREEMASONRY . MASONIC CLOTHING , FURNITURE , and PARAPHERNALIA requisite for Craft , Royal Arch , and Knight Templars , supplied on Reasonable Terms by Bro . J . NICHOLLS , 14 , Well Street , Jewin Street , Cripplegate . N . B . —Orders punctually attended to for the FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY REVIEW , an " other Masonic Works .
Royal Arch Masonry. Tyanted To Purchase ...
ROYAL ARCH MASONRY . TyANTED TO PURCHASE a complete set of Jewels , Clothing , Furniture , Para-* * phernalia , & c , appropriate for a lloyal Arch Chapter . Letters , stating full particulars as to price , condition , & c , to be addressed to the REV . DR . SENIOR , P . G . S . W ., Grammar School , Batley , Yorkshire .
Freemasonry. The History Of Initiation. ...
FREEMASONRY . THE HISTORY OF INITIATION . Just Published , in demy Svo . lO . s . 6 d ., royal Svo . 16 s ., handsomely bound in blue cloth , and Decorated with Gilt Masonic Tooling , a New and Revised Edition of nPHE HISTORY OF INITIATIONin Twelve Lecturescomprising a detailed
, ; " ¦ Account of the Rites and Ceremonies , Doctrines and Discipline , of all the Secret and Mysterious Institutions of the Ancient World . By the Rev . GEORGE OLIVER , D . D ., D . P . G . M . for Lincoln , & c . & c . CONTENTS . Dedication—To the Right Hon . Charles Tennyson D'Eyncourt , M . P ., P . G . M . for Lincolnshire . Preface—Explaining the indispensable qualification of the Master of a Lodge .
Lecture 1—General Introduction—Antiquity of Initiation , & c . Lecture 2—History of Initiation in Hindostan . Lecture 3—Philosophy of the Eastern Mysteries . Lecture 4—Initiation in Persia . Lecture 5—History of Initiation in Greece . Lecture 6—Ceremonies of Initiation into the Mysteries of Bacchus . Lecture 7—Places of Initiation into the Celtic Mysteries . lecture 8—Ceremonies of Initiation in Britain .
Lecture 9—Symbols and Doctrines of the Druids . . Lecture 10—History of Initiation into the Gothic Mysteries . Lcc . to-e U—Doctrines and Morality—Splendour and Importance of the Spurious Freemasonry , & c . Lecture 12—History of Initiation in America Corollari—The Mysteries Funereal , & e . Published by Brother RICHARD SPENCER , Bookseller , & c . 314 , High Holborn ; also by order at all other Booksellers .
Brother R . S . respectfully informs his Brethren the above may be had in a handsome blue calf binding , with the Masonic Tooling full gilt , price 15 * . 6 d . small , and 24 * . large paper ; the latter forming a splendid Lodye present . R . S . has a few copies on hand of the Rev . Dr . Oliver ' s new work " The Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry , in Twelve Lectures / ' Svo . price 10 . ? . Gd . Orders for which , and all the other Works of the learned Doctor , punctually attended to , by addressing as above , pre-paid , accompanied with a remittance , or order for payment
in London . In the course of this month will be published , " The History of Freemasonry from 1829 to 1840 . " B y the Rev . G . Oliver , D . D . This History will be printed in 12 mo . so as to bind up with the two last editions of the celebrated " Preston ' s Illustrations of Masonry , " edited by the Rev . G . Oliver , D . D . January 1 , 1841 .