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Works By William Beattie, M.D. Graduate ...
WORKS BY WILLIAM BEATTIE , M . D . GRADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH , MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE 05 " PHYSICIANS , LONDON ; OF THE HISTORICAL INSTITUTE OF FRANCE , ETC . ETC . In Two handsome Volumes , omhossed cloth , with gilt leaves , price £ 3 . ^toitajerlattfcillustrate^
IN A SERIES OF ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT SPLENDID VIEWS , TAKEN EXPRESSLY FOR THIS WORK , BY W . H . BARTLETT , ESQ .. THE HIGHLY FINISHED ENGRAVINGS , FROM VIEWS TAKEN DURING PERSONAL EXCURSIONS IN SWITZERLAND . Embrace whatever is most interesting in Helvetian Landscape , most characteristic of its peculiar grandeur and magnificence , aron which the struggles and triumphs of a high-minded and heroic people have conferred an especial immortality .
The Literary portion , hy Dr . BEATTIE , comprises Historical Sketches , Statistics , Society and Manners , Education , Literature and Science , Medical Notices on Climate , Advice to Tourists and Residents , Mineral and Thermal Waters of the Alps , their Mineralogy , Botany , and Geology ; Biographical and Characteristic Sketches , Anecdotes and Traditions , Popular Customs and Amusements , Picturesque and Religious Fetes , Arts , Agriculture , Produce , Manufactures ; with much highly diversified matter , the result of personal intercourse with the country and people of Switzerland ; the whole forming an entirely original Work .
Complete in Two elegant 4 to Volumes , cloth gilt , Price £ 3 . 3 s . .JbcotlantiIllustrate^ IK A SERIES OF ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY SPLENDID VIEWS , WITH A LARGE MAP OF THE COUNTRY , Taken in ike course of last Year , by Messrs . T . Allom , W . II . BartUlt , H . M'Oiilloch , <§•<; .
ENGRAVED BY MESSRS . It . WALLIS , J . COUSEN , G . RICHARDSON , he . & c The Literary Portion of this Work consists of Historical and Topographical Sketches of the Hig hlands and Lowlands , Political Statistics , Literary and Scientific Institutions , Antiquities , Biographical and . Genealogical Notices , Personal Reminiscences and Anecdotes of Remarkable Characters , National Amusements , Legends , Peculiar Customs , Privileges , and Ceremonies , Mountains , Passes , Lakes , Rivers , Battle-fields , Birthplaces or
Ahodes of Genius , & c , Natural Produce , Agriculture , Industry , Commerce , and Manufactures . The whole interspersed with Medical Notices of Climate , Natural History , Geology , Botany , Mineral Springs , & c .
Complete in One handsome Volume , cloth gilt , price £ 2 . , Wfyt@SHaltmtses, OR THE PROTESTANT VALLEYS OF PIEDMONT AND DAUPHINY .
ILLUSTRATED PROM A SERIES OF DRAWINGS TAKEN ON THE SPOT , BI MESSRS , W . H . BARTLETT AND W . BHOCKEDON , F . R . S . ALSO AN ORIGINAL PORTRAIT OF THE AUTHOR . Tliis Work includes the Scenery of the lahours of FELIX NEFF , Pastor of tha High Alps ; and of OBERLIN , Pastor of the Ban de la Roche ; forming the only illustrated History of these Valleys ever published , and containing Seventy-two exquisite Engravings , hy Messrs . R . WALLIS , J . COUSEN , J . T . WILMORE , G . RICHARDSON , J . C . BENTLEY , & C .
In royal Svo , sixty-two Plates and Map , cloth gilt , 15 s . Bartlett'sMetetitSfoltotiatttiBelgium,. WITH DESCRIPTIONS BY PROFESSOR VAN KAMPI 3 N , OF AMSTERDAM .
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Works By William Beattie, M.D. Graduate ...
WORKS BY WILLIAM BEATTIE , M . D . GRADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH , MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE 05 " PHYSICIANS , LONDON ; OF THE HISTORICAL INSTITUTE OF FRANCE , ETC . ETC . In Two handsome Volumes , omhossed cloth , with gilt leaves , price £ 3 . ^toitajerlattfcillustrate^
IN A SERIES OF ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT SPLENDID VIEWS , TAKEN EXPRESSLY FOR THIS WORK , BY W . H . BARTLETT , ESQ .. THE HIGHLY FINISHED ENGRAVINGS , FROM VIEWS TAKEN DURING PERSONAL EXCURSIONS IN SWITZERLAND . Embrace whatever is most interesting in Helvetian Landscape , most characteristic of its peculiar grandeur and magnificence , aron which the struggles and triumphs of a high-minded and heroic people have conferred an especial immortality .
The Literary portion , hy Dr . BEATTIE , comprises Historical Sketches , Statistics , Society and Manners , Education , Literature and Science , Medical Notices on Climate , Advice to Tourists and Residents , Mineral and Thermal Waters of the Alps , their Mineralogy , Botany , and Geology ; Biographical and Characteristic Sketches , Anecdotes and Traditions , Popular Customs and Amusements , Picturesque and Religious Fetes , Arts , Agriculture , Produce , Manufactures ; with much highly diversified matter , the result of personal intercourse with the country and people of Switzerland ; the whole forming an entirely original Work .
Complete in Two elegant 4 to Volumes , cloth gilt , Price £ 3 . 3 s . .JbcotlantiIllustrate^ IK A SERIES OF ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY SPLENDID VIEWS , WITH A LARGE MAP OF THE COUNTRY , Taken in ike course of last Year , by Messrs . T . Allom , W . II . BartUlt , H . M'Oiilloch , <§•<; .
ENGRAVED BY MESSRS . It . WALLIS , J . COUSEN , G . RICHARDSON , he . & c The Literary Portion of this Work consists of Historical and Topographical Sketches of the Hig hlands and Lowlands , Political Statistics , Literary and Scientific Institutions , Antiquities , Biographical and . Genealogical Notices , Personal Reminiscences and Anecdotes of Remarkable Characters , National Amusements , Legends , Peculiar Customs , Privileges , and Ceremonies , Mountains , Passes , Lakes , Rivers , Battle-fields , Birthplaces or
Ahodes of Genius , & c , Natural Produce , Agriculture , Industry , Commerce , and Manufactures . The whole interspersed with Medical Notices of Climate , Natural History , Geology , Botany , Mineral Springs , & c .
Complete in One handsome Volume , cloth gilt , price £ 2 . , Wfyt@SHaltmtses, OR THE PROTESTANT VALLEYS OF PIEDMONT AND DAUPHINY .
ILLUSTRATED PROM A SERIES OF DRAWINGS TAKEN ON THE SPOT , BI MESSRS , W . H . BARTLETT AND W . BHOCKEDON , F . R . S . ALSO AN ORIGINAL PORTRAIT OF THE AUTHOR . Tliis Work includes the Scenery of the lahours of FELIX NEFF , Pastor of tha High Alps ; and of OBERLIN , Pastor of the Ban de la Roche ; forming the only illustrated History of these Valleys ever published , and containing Seventy-two exquisite Engravings , hy Messrs . R . WALLIS , J . COUSEN , J . T . WILMORE , G . RICHARDSON , J . C . BENTLEY , & C .
In royal Svo , sixty-two Plates and Map , cloth gilt , 15 s . Bartlett'sMetetitSfoltotiatttiBelgium,. WITH DESCRIPTIONS BY PROFESSOR VAN KAMPI 3 N , OF AMSTERDAM .