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On The Causes Of The Original Dispersion Of Primitive Nations,
creed caused them to name their new country itself Ionia , from that consecrated Y 6 ni which they revered , and to distinguish themselves as the Ionic , or Y 6-nic sect , in indubitable reference to their peculiar opinions . These , and such like researches , furnish us with an explanation of the real meaning of proper names , and amongst others , that of the great goddess , Ju-no , which Wilford asserts to be derived from the Yoni of the Hindus ; ( also if we analyse the name of Dianaor Di- Yana
, , the great goddess of the Ephesians , we shall at once perceive an identical etymology ;) ancl when we remember that Ju-no was fabled to have been born at Argos , and that she was peculiarly worshipped there , we shall fully coincide in that opinion , for it is to be observed that this name of Argha is derived from the Bhaga of the Hindus , and both signified the Yoni , and likewise an ark or boat , which was used throughout antiquity as a type of the Yoni itself . The Hindu goddessBagiswas
, , indifferently called Yagis , from which , no doubt , is derived the latin vagina ; and when we remember that Plutarch makes the otherwise inexplicable assertion , that " Osiris * ( or the incarnation of the male principle ) was commander of the Argo ; " and when we learn that the true meaning of the name Argha-ndtha , or , as we mostly render it , ( speaking of the great idol ) , Jagcmauth , is no other than " lord of the boat , " we shall perceive , at once , the drift of these " dark sentences , "
when truly ancl intelligibly expounded . The discussion of this word Argha , naturally brings me to speak of an intermediate or middle sect , which , says Wilford , is now prevalent in India , and which was generally diffused over ancient Europe . It
was introduced by the Pelargi , who , Herodotus says , were the same as the Pelasgi . Many ancient writers affirm that they were one of the most ancient people in the world . It is asserted that they first inhabited Argolis , and about 1883 , B . C , they passed into ( Emonia , or To-raonia , and were afterwards dispersed , or emigrated into several parts of Greece . Some of the Pelasgians , that had been driven from Attica , ( Yd-tica ) settled at Lemnos , where , some time after , they carried some Athenian womenwhom they had seized on the coast of Attica . " They raised
, some children by these captive females , but they afterwards destroyed them , with their mothers , through jealousy , because they differed in manners from themselves . " This horrid murder was . attended by a dreadful pestilence , & c . Such is the account given by the classic writers , ( Paus ., Strab ., Herod ., Plat ., "Virg ., Ovid , Flacc , Seneca , & c . ) But , when we weigh the foregoing arguments , can we doubt that these women were destroyed through ' -jealousy" of their religion , ancl not
because they differed merely in " manners , " in accordance with the peculiar characteristic of fanaticism , which brooks no opposition to its devouring nature . The word Pelargos was derived , says Wilford , from P'hala and Argha , ( Phallus , and Argha from Bhaga , or Yoni , ) those mysterious types which the later mythologist disguised under the names of Pallas and Argo .
This sect venerated both male and female principles in union , as their compound appellation indicates , " and represented them conjointly , when their powers were supposed to be combined , by the intersection of two equilateral triangles , " thus , x , that peculiar symbol " Form'd all mysteries to bear , "
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On The Causes Of The Original Dispersion Of Primitive Nations,
creed caused them to name their new country itself Ionia , from that consecrated Y 6 ni which they revered , and to distinguish themselves as the Ionic , or Y 6-nic sect , in indubitable reference to their peculiar opinions . These , and such like researches , furnish us with an explanation of the real meaning of proper names , and amongst others , that of the great goddess , Ju-no , which Wilford asserts to be derived from the Yoni of the Hindus ; ( also if we analyse the name of Dianaor Di- Yana
, , the great goddess of the Ephesians , we shall at once perceive an identical etymology ;) ancl when we remember that Ju-no was fabled to have been born at Argos , and that she was peculiarly worshipped there , we shall fully coincide in that opinion , for it is to be observed that this name of Argha is derived from the Bhaga of the Hindus , and both signified the Yoni , and likewise an ark or boat , which was used throughout antiquity as a type of the Yoni itself . The Hindu goddessBagiswas
, , indifferently called Yagis , from which , no doubt , is derived the latin vagina ; and when we remember that Plutarch makes the otherwise inexplicable assertion , that " Osiris * ( or the incarnation of the male principle ) was commander of the Argo ; " and when we learn that the true meaning of the name Argha-ndtha , or , as we mostly render it , ( speaking of the great idol ) , Jagcmauth , is no other than " lord of the boat , " we shall perceive , at once , the drift of these " dark sentences , "
when truly ancl intelligibly expounded . The discussion of this word Argha , naturally brings me to speak of an intermediate or middle sect , which , says Wilford , is now prevalent in India , and which was generally diffused over ancient Europe . It
was introduced by the Pelargi , who , Herodotus says , were the same as the Pelasgi . Many ancient writers affirm that they were one of the most ancient people in the world . It is asserted that they first inhabited Argolis , and about 1883 , B . C , they passed into ( Emonia , or To-raonia , and were afterwards dispersed , or emigrated into several parts of Greece . Some of the Pelasgians , that had been driven from Attica , ( Yd-tica ) settled at Lemnos , where , some time after , they carried some Athenian womenwhom they had seized on the coast of Attica . " They raised
, some children by these captive females , but they afterwards destroyed them , with their mothers , through jealousy , because they differed in manners from themselves . " This horrid murder was . attended by a dreadful pestilence , & c . Such is the account given by the classic writers , ( Paus ., Strab ., Herod ., Plat ., "Virg ., Ovid , Flacc , Seneca , & c . ) But , when we weigh the foregoing arguments , can we doubt that these women were destroyed through ' -jealousy" of their religion , ancl not
because they differed merely in " manners , " in accordance with the peculiar characteristic of fanaticism , which brooks no opposition to its devouring nature . The word Pelargos was derived , says Wilford , from P'hala and Argha , ( Phallus , and Argha from Bhaga , or Yoni , ) those mysterious types which the later mythologist disguised under the names of Pallas and Argo .
This sect venerated both male and female principles in union , as their compound appellation indicates , " and represented them conjointly , when their powers were supposed to be combined , by the intersection of two equilateral triangles , " thus , x , that peculiar symbol " Form'd all mysteries to bear , "