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On The Causes Of The Original Dispersion Of Primitive Nations,
the emblem of LUX , and to which innumerable perfections and virtues , ( including also those of the Cnoss , ) have been attributed , from time immemorial . With the analysis of one more example , I must imperfectly conclude this portion of the subject ; ancl the next that occurs to me is the History of Mycence , and which I think will confirm what has hitherto been advanced . Mycence ( on which name Mr . O'Brien has commented )
, was situate at the extremity of the plain of Argos , and the capital of a kingdom whose last sovereign , Epytus , was dispossessed , 1104 , _____ C , on the return of the Heraclidce ( the descendants of Hercules ) . History informs us that Hercules was a Mycenam prince , and was , " for some reason or other , " banished with all his family and descendants from the country , and his throne possessed by an usurper . Let us examine tin ' s name of Hercules . " Chrisor Conservatorthe Greeks
, , used to express by X or Spanish iota , the aspirated / to of the Orientals , who _ said haris . In Hebrew , heres signifies the SUN , ( Isaia . xix . 18 ) , but in Arabic the meaning of the radical word is to preserve , and of haris , preserver ; " and Heri-Cal , ( from which Hercules ' ) , is a Hindoo name of the sun . " I cannot help suspecting , " says Wilford , " that Hercules is the same with Heracula , and signifying the race of Hera or Heri ; " that isthe children of the sunof which the Phallus always
, , presented the emblem , as the vivifier ancl preserver of nature . That this prince ancl followers of the Phallic sect were driven from Mycense by conquerors of the opposite religious party , I deduce from the ruins themselves of the C ' yclopsen Pyramidal Gate of Myeena :, ( of which so many puerile and flimsy explanations have been given ) , whose stupendous triangular pediment , and other appropriate architectural
arrangements , prove it to have been constructed b y the upholders of a contrary faith , in confirmation of which history we read ( vol . v . p . 270 , Asiatic Researches ) that Diodorus Siculus says , " the posterity of Hercules reigned for many centuries in Palibothra , ( or Baali-putra ) , " which means literally a country peopled by the children ofthe sun . I must now pass on to the fourth ancl last section of this dissertation , which I premised would be chiefly to point out the value of a system of interpretationwhich seems to contain the onlkey for expounding the
, y religious mysteries of all nations , or which may prevail to open the sealed historic volume that contains the records of long by-gone antiquity , & c . Ancl here I involuntarily pause , deploring the utter impossibility of suitably fulfilling the task I had assigned myself , when I consider the riches , I might almost say " inexhaustable , " ofthe subject , which I am necessarily about to dismiss in a few insufficient hrasesHithertoI
p . , have carefully refrained from straying in those inviting paths , whose bri ght vistas , branching out of the subject , would have led me too far , and mi ght well have decoyed an unwary writer ; but keeping the straight line traced out , I find myself , as it were , arrived at the shores of an ocean , which abounds indeed in precious spoils , but whicli I yet lack the means of adequately securing ; for to do justice to this prolific subject , each foregoing section miht well be expanded into a volume and this
g ; last , indefinitely , by a writer who could command leisure ancl erudition to fathom a theory which more than any other ever broached , promises to unravel and disentangle the real history of mankind , the true causes of their ancient wars and emigrations , and of their institutions from the earliest records of humanity , and whicli certainly affords the only rational clue to the mazes of universal mythology .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On The Causes Of The Original Dispersion Of Primitive Nations,
the emblem of LUX , and to which innumerable perfections and virtues , ( including also those of the Cnoss , ) have been attributed , from time immemorial . With the analysis of one more example , I must imperfectly conclude this portion of the subject ; ancl the next that occurs to me is the History of Mycence , and which I think will confirm what has hitherto been advanced . Mycence ( on which name Mr . O'Brien has commented )
, was situate at the extremity of the plain of Argos , and the capital of a kingdom whose last sovereign , Epytus , was dispossessed , 1104 , _____ C , on the return of the Heraclidce ( the descendants of Hercules ) . History informs us that Hercules was a Mycenam prince , and was , " for some reason or other , " banished with all his family and descendants from the country , and his throne possessed by an usurper . Let us examine tin ' s name of Hercules . " Chrisor Conservatorthe Greeks
, , used to express by X or Spanish iota , the aspirated / to of the Orientals , who _ said haris . In Hebrew , heres signifies the SUN , ( Isaia . xix . 18 ) , but in Arabic the meaning of the radical word is to preserve , and of haris , preserver ; " and Heri-Cal , ( from which Hercules ' ) , is a Hindoo name of the sun . " I cannot help suspecting , " says Wilford , " that Hercules is the same with Heracula , and signifying the race of Hera or Heri ; " that isthe children of the sunof which the Phallus always
, , presented the emblem , as the vivifier ancl preserver of nature . That this prince ancl followers of the Phallic sect were driven from Mycense by conquerors of the opposite religious party , I deduce from the ruins themselves of the C ' yclopsen Pyramidal Gate of Myeena :, ( of which so many puerile and flimsy explanations have been given ) , whose stupendous triangular pediment , and other appropriate architectural
arrangements , prove it to have been constructed b y the upholders of a contrary faith , in confirmation of which history we read ( vol . v . p . 270 , Asiatic Researches ) that Diodorus Siculus says , " the posterity of Hercules reigned for many centuries in Palibothra , ( or Baali-putra ) , " which means literally a country peopled by the children ofthe sun . I must now pass on to the fourth ancl last section of this dissertation , which I premised would be chiefly to point out the value of a system of interpretationwhich seems to contain the onlkey for expounding the
, y religious mysteries of all nations , or which may prevail to open the sealed historic volume that contains the records of long by-gone antiquity , & c . Ancl here I involuntarily pause , deploring the utter impossibility of suitably fulfilling the task I had assigned myself , when I consider the riches , I might almost say " inexhaustable , " ofthe subject , which I am necessarily about to dismiss in a few insufficient hrasesHithertoI
p . , have carefully refrained from straying in those inviting paths , whose bri ght vistas , branching out of the subject , would have led me too far , and mi ght well have decoyed an unwary writer ; but keeping the straight line traced out , I find myself , as it were , arrived at the shores of an ocean , which abounds indeed in precious spoils , but whicli I yet lack the means of adequately securing ; for to do justice to this prolific subject , each foregoing section miht well be expanded into a volume and this
g ; last , indefinitely , by a writer who could command leisure ancl erudition to fathom a theory which more than any other ever broached , promises to unravel and disentangle the real history of mankind , the true causes of their ancient wars and emigrations , and of their institutions from the earliest records of humanity , and whicli certainly affords the only rational clue to the mazes of universal mythology .