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Account Of Ancient Mexican Cities,
perhaps who can go to Copan and read the inscriptions on its monuments . * ' - * * * * " That the region referred to does not acknowledge the government of Guatamala—has never been explored—and that no white man ever pretends to enter it , I am satisfied . From other sources we heard that a ruined city was visible from that Sierra , and we were told of another person who had climbed to the top of the Sierrabut on account of the
, dense cloud resting upon it , had been unable to see any thing . * * AVe had a craving desire to reach the mysterious city . * * * But , in all probability , if any discovery is ever made , it will be by the padres . As for ourselves to attempt it alone , ignorant of the language , & c , was out of the question . Palanque was our great point , and we determined not to be diverted from the course we had marked out . " *
Jewish Origin ofthe Quiches . "According toFuentes , the chronicler of the kingdom of Guatamala , the kings of Quiche and Kathiquel were descended from the Toltecan Indians , who when they came into this country , found it inhabited by people of different nations . According to the manuscript of Don Juan Torres , the grandson of the last king of the Quiches , which was in the possession of the lieutenant-general appointed by Pedro de Alvarado
, and which Fuentes says he obtained by means of Father Francis Vasquez , the historian of the Order of St . Francis , the Toltecas themselves were descended from the house of Israel , who were released by Moses from the tyranny of Pharaoh , and after crossing the Red Sea fell into idolatry . To avoid the reproofs of Moses , or from fear of his inflicting upon them some chastisement , they separated from him and his brethren , and under the guidance of Tamil , their chief , passed from one
continent to the other , to a place which they called the Seven Caverns , a part of the kingdom of Mexico , where they founded the celebrated city of Tula . From Tanul sprang the families of the kings of Tula and Quiche , and the first monarch of the Toltecas . Numaquiche , the fifth king of that line , was directed by an oracle to leave Tula with his people , who had multiplied greatly , and conduct them from the kingdom of Mexico to that of Guatamala . In performing this journey they consumed many years , and wandered over an immense track , until they discovered the lake of Atilan , and resolved to settle near it , in a country which they called Quiche , "f
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Account Of Ancient Mexican Cities,
perhaps who can go to Copan and read the inscriptions on its monuments . * ' - * * * * " That the region referred to does not acknowledge the government of Guatamala—has never been explored—and that no white man ever pretends to enter it , I am satisfied . From other sources we heard that a ruined city was visible from that Sierra , and we were told of another person who had climbed to the top of the Sierrabut on account of the
, dense cloud resting upon it , had been unable to see any thing . * * AVe had a craving desire to reach the mysterious city . * * * But , in all probability , if any discovery is ever made , it will be by the padres . As for ourselves to attempt it alone , ignorant of the language , & c , was out of the question . Palanque was our great point , and we determined not to be diverted from the course we had marked out . " *
Jewish Origin ofthe Quiches . "According toFuentes , the chronicler of the kingdom of Guatamala , the kings of Quiche and Kathiquel were descended from the Toltecan Indians , who when they came into this country , found it inhabited by people of different nations . According to the manuscript of Don Juan Torres , the grandson of the last king of the Quiches , which was in the possession of the lieutenant-general appointed by Pedro de Alvarado
, and which Fuentes says he obtained by means of Father Francis Vasquez , the historian of the Order of St . Francis , the Toltecas themselves were descended from the house of Israel , who were released by Moses from the tyranny of Pharaoh , and after crossing the Red Sea fell into idolatry . To avoid the reproofs of Moses , or from fear of his inflicting upon them some chastisement , they separated from him and his brethren , and under the guidance of Tamil , their chief , passed from one
continent to the other , to a place which they called the Seven Caverns , a part of the kingdom of Mexico , where they founded the celebrated city of Tula . From Tanul sprang the families of the kings of Tula and Quiche , and the first monarch of the Toltecas . Numaquiche , the fifth king of that line , was directed by an oracle to leave Tula with his people , who had multiplied greatly , and conduct them from the kingdom of Mexico to that of Guatamala . In performing this journey they consumed many years , and wandered over an immense track , until they discovered the lake of Atilan , and resolved to settle near it , in a country which they called Quiche , "f