Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 23 of 34 →
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F . Terry , S . W ., and T . Leslie , J . W . of the Churchill Lodge ; J . G . Browne ; Rev . G . R . Portal , Prov . S . G . W . of Oxfordshire ; C . J . Vigne ; and a large number of Brethren belonging to this and other Provinces . The first meeting held was that of the Alfred Chapter on the morning of the 11 th , when the installation of a third principal was admirably performed by Comp . Walker , P . Z ., and two Brethren were exalted b y Comp . SiersG . S . B . as Z . ThompsonII . and ThomasJIn
p , , , , , , . ( he evening the Alfred Lodge held its meeting under the able presidency of Bro . Owen , W . M ., at which the first and second degrees were conferred . The Lodge and Banquet were attended by about seventy Brethren , On the following morning , November 12 th , a meeting of the Cceur de Lion Encampment of Knights Templar was held , when the election of the Rev . Edward Moore as E . C . and of other Officers was madeand two Companionsthe Rev . C . K . Pauland H . H . Still
, , , , Esq ., both of Exeter College , were installed members of the Order . On the same afternoon , the Churchill Lodge , No . 702 , whose place of meeting is at Henley , was held at the Masonic Hall , Oxford , by dispensation , when it was unanimously resolved on the motion of Bro . G . W . Latham , W . M ., of Brasenose College , that in consequence of the hotel at Henley being shut up , the Lodge should remove to the
riarcoure Arms , JNuneiiam . seven joining members were also elected . On the same evening the Apollo University Lodge met , when seven gentlemen were initiated , among them the Hon . Mr . Powys of Ch . Ch ., Messrs . H . Adair , and Pinkard , of Ch . Ch ., F . H . Grey of Line . Coll ., O . S . Palmer of Magd . Coll ., and D . Meadows of Ball . Coll . Bro . St . John Tyrwhitt , Prov . G . Sec . the W . M .. presided , assisted by his Wardens , Bros . W . Beach , Ch . Ch ., and the Rev . C . K . Paul . The Prov . G . M . attended in state , both on this occasion , as well as at the Alfred Lodge ,
on the previous evening , and the number present was about eighty . On the following day , November 13 th , the series of meetings was brought to an end by the assembling of the Provincial Grand Lodge , which was especially summoned to take into consideration the revision of the Bye Laws , previously to their being printed , and for other business . After this had been disposed of , the Prov . G . M . proceeded to fill up the vacancy of Prov . G . Chap—occasioned by the lamented death of the Rev . R . J . Ogle—by the appointment of the Rev . C . K . Paul : Bro . Terry , S . W . of the Churchill Lodge was promoted to the office of Prov . G . Dir . of Cir ., ami Bro Still to that of Prov . G . S . Several charitable awards were
made , and the business was brought to a satisfactory conclusion , and with it a Festival , which , although composed entirely of ordinary meetings , made up one of those , of which this united and flourishing Province may well be proud . The private hospitalities of the members of the Masonic body residing in Oxford , were dispensed with a liberal hand , and hold out , as we hope , encouragement to visiting Brethren to avail themselves of the opportunities , which from time to time occur , of sharing therein . The Visiting Biethen were especially indebted to P . M .
B . Spiers , G . S . B ., for the kindness , courtesy , and hospitality , which they received at his hands , nor must we omit to mention that both in the Lodge and the Banquet Room , he evinced a readiness to render every assistance in his power , and to contribute to the information and happiness of those around him . His address in responding for the Past Masters was peculiarly appropriate , and adverted to the fact that Masonry had always found a home in Oxford , and that in every direction the Grand Masters of by gone days had left behind them memorials of their munificence and architectural taste .
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F . Terry , S . W ., and T . Leslie , J . W . of the Churchill Lodge ; J . G . Browne ; Rev . G . R . Portal , Prov . S . G . W . of Oxfordshire ; C . J . Vigne ; and a large number of Brethren belonging to this and other Provinces . The first meeting held was that of the Alfred Chapter on the morning of the 11 th , when the installation of a third principal was admirably performed by Comp . Walker , P . Z ., and two Brethren were exalted b y Comp . SiersG . S . B . as Z . ThompsonII . and ThomasJIn
p , , , , , , . ( he evening the Alfred Lodge held its meeting under the able presidency of Bro . Owen , W . M ., at which the first and second degrees were conferred . The Lodge and Banquet were attended by about seventy Brethren , On the following morning , November 12 th , a meeting of the Cceur de Lion Encampment of Knights Templar was held , when the election of the Rev . Edward Moore as E . C . and of other Officers was madeand two Companionsthe Rev . C . K . Pauland H . H . Still
, , , , Esq ., both of Exeter College , were installed members of the Order . On the same afternoon , the Churchill Lodge , No . 702 , whose place of meeting is at Henley , was held at the Masonic Hall , Oxford , by dispensation , when it was unanimously resolved on the motion of Bro . G . W . Latham , W . M ., of Brasenose College , that in consequence of the hotel at Henley being shut up , the Lodge should remove to the
riarcoure Arms , JNuneiiam . seven joining members were also elected . On the same evening the Apollo University Lodge met , when seven gentlemen were initiated , among them the Hon . Mr . Powys of Ch . Ch ., Messrs . H . Adair , and Pinkard , of Ch . Ch ., F . H . Grey of Line . Coll ., O . S . Palmer of Magd . Coll ., and D . Meadows of Ball . Coll . Bro . St . John Tyrwhitt , Prov . G . Sec . the W . M .. presided , assisted by his Wardens , Bros . W . Beach , Ch . Ch ., and the Rev . C . K . Paul . The Prov . G . M . attended in state , both on this occasion , as well as at the Alfred Lodge ,
on the previous evening , and the number present was about eighty . On the following day , November 13 th , the series of meetings was brought to an end by the assembling of the Provincial Grand Lodge , which was especially summoned to take into consideration the revision of the Bye Laws , previously to their being printed , and for other business . After this had been disposed of , the Prov . G . M . proceeded to fill up the vacancy of Prov . G . Chap—occasioned by the lamented death of the Rev . R . J . Ogle—by the appointment of the Rev . C . K . Paul : Bro . Terry , S . W . of the Churchill Lodge was promoted to the office of Prov . G . Dir . of Cir ., ami Bro Still to that of Prov . G . S . Several charitable awards were
made , and the business was brought to a satisfactory conclusion , and with it a Festival , which , although composed entirely of ordinary meetings , made up one of those , of which this united and flourishing Province may well be proud . The private hospitalities of the members of the Masonic body residing in Oxford , were dispensed with a liberal hand , and hold out , as we hope , encouragement to visiting Brethren to avail themselves of the opportunities , which from time to time occur , of sharing therein . The Visiting Biethen were especially indebted to P . M .
B . Spiers , G . S . B ., for the kindness , courtesy , and hospitality , which they received at his hands , nor must we omit to mention that both in the Lodge and the Banquet Room , he evinced a readiness to render every assistance in his power , and to contribute to the information and happiness of those around him . His address in responding for the Past Masters was peculiarly appropriate , and adverted to the fact that Masonry had always found a home in Oxford , and that in every direction the Grand Masters of by gone days had left behind them memorials of their munificence and architectural taste .