Article FOREIGN AND COLONIAL. ← Page 2 of 2
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Foreign And Colonial.
high personage intends to resuscitate the Masonic Order in Vallachia , which is only kept up by a few foreign residents in that country . At the meeting of the 21 st of October , the same Lodge initiated M . Guisoulph , a rich landowner of Cayenne , who intends to form a Lodge amongst the black men of the French Guyanne . At the meeting of the 18 th of November , the Lodge initiated M . Abdelltre Velsby , a Turkish colonel ( Effendi ) , who is one of those young noblemen sent to Europe by the Grand Seignior , to study European manners , and who will be able to plant the standard of our Order in his country .
BENGAL . — -CALCUTTA . —Provincial Grand Lodges were held at Calcutta , on the 21 st March and 24 th June , 1851 , of which we have been favoured with the authentic reports . At the former meeting a Masonic Jewel was presented to Bro . John King , P . Prov . G . T ., as a memorial of regard , and in testimony of the creditable manner in which he had discharged the onerous and responsible duties of his office . The Jewel bore the following inscription : — "Presented to R . W . Bro . John King ,
by the Officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Bengal and by the Brethren of the Lodges in Calcutta ; as a token of their fraternal regard , on his retirement from the office of Prov . Grand Treasurer ; the arduous duties of which he discharged for ten years , to the satisfaction of all , and with credit to himself . —1851 . " The business of the Prov . Grand Lodge on each occasion , with the exception of the presentation of the Masonic Jewel to Bro . King , was chiefly of a routine character . The affairs of the Province appear to be in a flourishing condition .
CANADA . —Nov . 12 . —The half-yearly meeting of the Prov , Grand Lodge of Upper Canada , in connection with the Grand Lodge of England was held in the Masonic Hall , Toronto ; the R . W . Bro . Thomas Gibbs Ridout , D . P . G . M ., in the chair , in the absence of Sir A . N . MacNab , the R . W . P . G . M . After the transaction of other business of importance to the Craft , the following officers were duly installed , according to ancient custom , for the ensuing year , by the R . AV . D . P . G . M .:
—Bros . G . Cunningham , S . G . W . ; C . Magill , J . G . W . ; the Rev . S . Ramsey , G . C ; A . Wilson , G . R . ; Bro . F . Richardson , G . Sec ; N . Gatchell , S . G . D . ; AV . H . Reid , J . G . D . ; J . Tully , G . Sup . of Works ; J . O . Heward , G . Dir . of Cer . ; W . Jamieson , Assist . G . Dir . of Cer . ; J . P . Clarke , G . O . ; T . Paul , G . S . B . ; W . H . Weller , G . P . ; J . R . Mountjoy , D . McDonald , J . Blackburn , A . H . Coulson , H . Piper , F . Stowe , Grand Stewards ; J . Morrison , G . T .
JAMAICA . —A new Lodge under a fiat and dispensation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , under the title of the Trelawney Atholl Lodge , was opened at the new Masonic Lodge-room , Falmouth , on the 21 st of October .
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Foreign And Colonial.
high personage intends to resuscitate the Masonic Order in Vallachia , which is only kept up by a few foreign residents in that country . At the meeting of the 21 st of October , the same Lodge initiated M . Guisoulph , a rich landowner of Cayenne , who intends to form a Lodge amongst the black men of the French Guyanne . At the meeting of the 18 th of November , the Lodge initiated M . Abdelltre Velsby , a Turkish colonel ( Effendi ) , who is one of those young noblemen sent to Europe by the Grand Seignior , to study European manners , and who will be able to plant the standard of our Order in his country .
BENGAL . — -CALCUTTA . —Provincial Grand Lodges were held at Calcutta , on the 21 st March and 24 th June , 1851 , of which we have been favoured with the authentic reports . At the former meeting a Masonic Jewel was presented to Bro . John King , P . Prov . G . T ., as a memorial of regard , and in testimony of the creditable manner in which he had discharged the onerous and responsible duties of his office . The Jewel bore the following inscription : — "Presented to R . W . Bro . John King ,
by the Officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Bengal and by the Brethren of the Lodges in Calcutta ; as a token of their fraternal regard , on his retirement from the office of Prov . Grand Treasurer ; the arduous duties of which he discharged for ten years , to the satisfaction of all , and with credit to himself . —1851 . " The business of the Prov . Grand Lodge on each occasion , with the exception of the presentation of the Masonic Jewel to Bro . King , was chiefly of a routine character . The affairs of the Province appear to be in a flourishing condition .
CANADA . —Nov . 12 . —The half-yearly meeting of the Prov , Grand Lodge of Upper Canada , in connection with the Grand Lodge of England was held in the Masonic Hall , Toronto ; the R . W . Bro . Thomas Gibbs Ridout , D . P . G . M ., in the chair , in the absence of Sir A . N . MacNab , the R . W . P . G . M . After the transaction of other business of importance to the Craft , the following officers were duly installed , according to ancient custom , for the ensuing year , by the R . AV . D . P . G . M .:
—Bros . G . Cunningham , S . G . W . ; C . Magill , J . G . W . ; the Rev . S . Ramsey , G . C ; A . Wilson , G . R . ; Bro . F . Richardson , G . Sec ; N . Gatchell , S . G . D . ; AV . H . Reid , J . G . D . ; J . Tully , G . Sup . of Works ; J . O . Heward , G . Dir . of Cer . ; W . Jamieson , Assist . G . Dir . of Cer . ; J . P . Clarke , G . O . ; T . Paul , G . S . B . ; W . H . Weller , G . P . ; J . R . Mountjoy , D . McDonald , J . Blackburn , A . H . Coulson , H . Piper , F . Stowe , Grand Stewards ; J . Morrison , G . T .
JAMAICA . —A new Lodge under a fiat and dispensation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , under the title of the Trelawney Atholl Lodge , was opened at the new Masonic Lodge-room , Falmouth , on the 21 st of October .