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The Freemasons' Quarterly Magazine And Review.
We have seen Charles X . and Louis Philippe , before their fall , attacked by thousands of invisible hands , at every hour , at most appropriate times , without measure or reason ; and the most absurd rumours propagated in order to impose upon the masses , without a disconcerted Government , being able to sieze upon its enemies . Such is the work of secret societies . Evil is not generally perceived
until the opportunity of remedying it has passed . MASONRY HAS NEVER PRODUCED ANY GOOD . ( TO Jesuits , granted !) If it be considered as a philanthropic association , it has no need of secresy , or of the ridiculous apparel in which it clothes itself . In every other point of view it is dangerous . THE GOVERNMENT NOW POSSESSES AN IMMENSE MORAL FORCE ; it can do whatever it wishes for the interests
of social conservation . France has escaped from anarchy ;—the army of Socialism is dispersed . The Government has no more to fear from the opposition of the middle classes ( bourgeoisie ) . BUT FREEMASONRY IS ESSENTIALLY THE SECRET SOCIETY OE THE MIDDLE
CLASSES . " Let our English Brethren " read , mark , learn , and inwardl y digest" the meaning and the consequences of this despotic , infamous , and l ying tirade against their unoffend ing Brethren in France . We believe that they will act as becomes the emergency of the case , in their behalf , and that a few , at least , will have the courage to call the attention of the next Grand Lodge to this infamous affair .
Across the waters of the wide Atlantic Masonry is flourishing . The dispute whichjhas too long existed there between the rival Grand Lodges of New York is not yet amicabl y settled , but the intervention of the G . M . of England will , it is full y expected , produce this most desirable end , so as to give confidence and assurance to the American Brotherhood that " peace , harmony , and brotherly love , " will yet take the place
of" Discord , dire sister of the slaughtering power , " which has too long prevailed amongst those , whose profession of " good will " is void , unless the practice of Charity , to the widest extent , is its invariable companion . Thus stands the condition of Masonry at this moment ; and , whilst completing our labours for the year , and asking
the renewed confidence of the Craft in increasing proportions for the next , —at this most gracious season , we can but reiterate the wish , and pray T . G . A . O . T . U ., that the song of angels may be heralded through the earth , —pro- claiming " Glory to God in the hi ghest ; on earth , peace , goodwill towards man ! "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Quarterly Magazine And Review.
We have seen Charles X . and Louis Philippe , before their fall , attacked by thousands of invisible hands , at every hour , at most appropriate times , without measure or reason ; and the most absurd rumours propagated in order to impose upon the masses , without a disconcerted Government , being able to sieze upon its enemies . Such is the work of secret societies . Evil is not generally perceived
until the opportunity of remedying it has passed . MASONRY HAS NEVER PRODUCED ANY GOOD . ( TO Jesuits , granted !) If it be considered as a philanthropic association , it has no need of secresy , or of the ridiculous apparel in which it clothes itself . In every other point of view it is dangerous . THE GOVERNMENT NOW POSSESSES AN IMMENSE MORAL FORCE ; it can do whatever it wishes for the interests
of social conservation . France has escaped from anarchy ;—the army of Socialism is dispersed . The Government has no more to fear from the opposition of the middle classes ( bourgeoisie ) . BUT FREEMASONRY IS ESSENTIALLY THE SECRET SOCIETY OE THE MIDDLE
CLASSES . " Let our English Brethren " read , mark , learn , and inwardl y digest" the meaning and the consequences of this despotic , infamous , and l ying tirade against their unoffend ing Brethren in France . We believe that they will act as becomes the emergency of the case , in their behalf , and that a few , at least , will have the courage to call the attention of the next Grand Lodge to this infamous affair .
Across the waters of the wide Atlantic Masonry is flourishing . The dispute whichjhas too long existed there between the rival Grand Lodges of New York is not yet amicabl y settled , but the intervention of the G . M . of England will , it is full y expected , produce this most desirable end , so as to give confidence and assurance to the American Brotherhood that " peace , harmony , and brotherly love , " will yet take the place
of" Discord , dire sister of the slaughtering power , " which has too long prevailed amongst those , whose profession of " good will " is void , unless the practice of Charity , to the widest extent , is its invariable companion . Thus stands the condition of Masonry at this moment ; and , whilst completing our labours for the year , and asking
the renewed confidence of the Craft in increasing proportions for the next , —at this most gracious season , we can but reiterate the wish , and pray T . G . A . O . T . U ., that the song of angels may be heralded through the earth , —pro- claiming " Glory to God in the hi ghest ; on earth , peace , goodwill towards man ! "