Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 8 of 8
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travail . Je remercie individnellement le tics cber Fix-re Gratia , ot colleclivement ce respectable Atelier , des sentiments de respect dont je viens de recevoir la prenve cclatante et comme les expressions vulgaires nc pcuvent qu'imparfaitement rendre la vive emotion que j ' eprouve ; permettez moi de vous temoigner ma gratitude par les signes et batteries dont vous siwez fnire un si noble usage . " Apres eette allocution , le Frere Leschevin , ler suiveillant , a remis le inaillet au Frere Lepee , qui ont continue les travaux .
EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT . —On Friday , the 18 th of November , ult ., the annual festival of this much esteemed Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , under the able presidency of Bro . Beadon , P . G . J . W ., supported by Bros . Rowland Gardiner Alston , P . J . G . W . j Mills , and upwards of ninety of the members . Previously to the banquet , the Lodge was opened in the three degrees , and Bro . S . B . Wilson gave the first tracing board , in his usual clear , distinct ,
and impressive manner , to the great delight of all present ; after the closing of the Lodge , the Brethren sat down to a magnificent banquet , provided by the new proprietors , well worthy of the palmy days of the Freemasons' Tavern under its old regime . In the various addresses in connection with the toasts of the evening , both the Worshipful presiding officer , Bro . Beadon , and Bro . Alston ( who had that evening become a member ) , expressed their great
satisfaction with the accuracy manifested in the working of that Lodge , as also their due appreciation of the important benefits it had already conferred , and was constantly conferring on the Craft , and their earnest wishes for its continued prosperity . At a little after eleven the party broke up , leaving in the memory of all present nothing hut pleasing reminiscences of the most harmonious , yet largest assembly which had ever congregated on the occasion of a festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement .
STABILITY LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , George and Vulture , Cornhill . — This highly important educational Lodge , presided over by the late Bro . Peter Thomson for many years , and now under the direction of Bro . Henry Muggeridge , is well and respectably attended . On Friday , the 5 th December , Bro . Holder , S . W . of the Neptune Lodge , No . '< 22 , the Master elect of that Lodge , worked the ceremony of the third degree in a very able and masterly manner , and did high credit
to Bro . Muggeridge as his pupil . : Bro . Snell , J . W . of the St . George and Corner-stone Lodge , No . 5 , was appointed W . M . for December . Bro . S . is a Vice-President of the Freemasons' Girls' School , and a pupil of Bro . Muggeridge . Bro . Muggeridge worked the installation , with the addresses to the Officers , & c , which gave the highest satisfaction . On Friday , the 12 th December , Bro . Snell , as W . M ., worked the
ceremonies of the second and first degrees in a very satisfactory manner ; when Bro . Muggeridge gave a lecture on the first degree . We cannot speak too highly in praise of this Lodge of Instruction , and we would most earnestly recommend all Brethren to avail themselves of the valuable instruction and information placed within their reach . Bro . Muggeridge is perhaps amongst the best informed and most accessible of the Fraternity , anil , we would say , very worthily fills the chair vacated by llic late Bro . P . Thomson .
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travail . Je remercie individnellement le tics cber Fix-re Gratia , ot colleclivement ce respectable Atelier , des sentiments de respect dont je viens de recevoir la prenve cclatante et comme les expressions vulgaires nc pcuvent qu'imparfaitement rendre la vive emotion que j ' eprouve ; permettez moi de vous temoigner ma gratitude par les signes et batteries dont vous siwez fnire un si noble usage . " Apres eette allocution , le Frere Leschevin , ler suiveillant , a remis le inaillet au Frere Lepee , qui ont continue les travaux .
EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT . —On Friday , the 18 th of November , ult ., the annual festival of this much esteemed Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , under the able presidency of Bro . Beadon , P . G . J . W ., supported by Bros . Rowland Gardiner Alston , P . J . G . W . j Mills , and upwards of ninety of the members . Previously to the banquet , the Lodge was opened in the three degrees , and Bro . S . B . Wilson gave the first tracing board , in his usual clear , distinct ,
and impressive manner , to the great delight of all present ; after the closing of the Lodge , the Brethren sat down to a magnificent banquet , provided by the new proprietors , well worthy of the palmy days of the Freemasons' Tavern under its old regime . In the various addresses in connection with the toasts of the evening , both the Worshipful presiding officer , Bro . Beadon , and Bro . Alston ( who had that evening become a member ) , expressed their great
satisfaction with the accuracy manifested in the working of that Lodge , as also their due appreciation of the important benefits it had already conferred , and was constantly conferring on the Craft , and their earnest wishes for its continued prosperity . At a little after eleven the party broke up , leaving in the memory of all present nothing hut pleasing reminiscences of the most harmonious , yet largest assembly which had ever congregated on the occasion of a festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement .
STABILITY LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , George and Vulture , Cornhill . — This highly important educational Lodge , presided over by the late Bro . Peter Thomson for many years , and now under the direction of Bro . Henry Muggeridge , is well and respectably attended . On Friday , the 5 th December , Bro . Holder , S . W . of the Neptune Lodge , No . '< 22 , the Master elect of that Lodge , worked the ceremony of the third degree in a very able and masterly manner , and did high credit
to Bro . Muggeridge as his pupil . : Bro . Snell , J . W . of the St . George and Corner-stone Lodge , No . 5 , was appointed W . M . for December . Bro . S . is a Vice-President of the Freemasons' Girls' School , and a pupil of Bro . Muggeridge . Bro . Muggeridge worked the installation , with the addresses to the Officers , & c , which gave the highest satisfaction . On Friday , the 12 th December , Bro . Snell , as W . M ., worked the
ceremonies of the second and first degrees in a very satisfactory manner ; when Bro . Muggeridge gave a lecture on the first degree . We cannot speak too highly in praise of this Lodge of Instruction , and we would most earnestly recommend all Brethren to avail themselves of the valuable instruction and information placed within their reach . Bro . Muggeridge is perhaps amongst the best informed and most accessible of the Fraternity , anil , we would say , very worthily fills the chair vacated by llic late Bro . P . Thomson .