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of the Chapter , which has been established seventy-two years , two other Brethren were exalted . DURHAM . —SUNDERLAND . —On the 3 rd December , the Brethren of the Phoenix Lodge , No . Ill , held their annual meeting for the election of officers for the ensuing year in this town , when the following Brethren were installed , viz .: —Bros . E . Henshall , W . M . ; L . Chatt , P . M . ; T . L . Wang , S . W . ; T . Staggs , J . W . ; C . Rodgers , Treasurer ; W . Baglee , Secretary ; W . Mackie , S . D . ; J . Potts , J . D . ; J . Paxton , I . G . ; J . Spark , Organist ; and P . J . Baglee , Tyler .
ESSEX . —CHELMSFORD . —The annual meeting of the Brotherhood of the Lodge of Good Fellowship , was held at the White Hart inn , on the 4 th December , Captain Skinner , W . M . and D . Prov . G . M , for Essex , in the chair , when there was a good muster of the Brethren , and the proceedings were of more than ordinary interest . Among those present were Bros . F . J . Law , T . Durrant , Sen ., A . Meggy , J . Wilson , E . Butler , J . G . Simpson , P . Matthews , H . S . Cooper , S . Burton , J . Button , J .
Amery , G . G . Dixon , J . P . Sarel , & c . Bro . J . Burton was duly installed as W . M . by Bro . P . Matthews , and afterwards invested his Officers for the year ; hut the most interesting part of the proceedings of the evening was the presentation from the members of the Lodge , of an elegant jewel , to Captain Skinner , for his exertions in promoting the business and upholding the prosperity of the Lodge , and the courtesy which he had shown to all during the past year . The following is the inscription :
" Presented by the Lodge of Good Fellowship , No . 34-3 , to Brother Captain S . J . Skinner , Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Essex , for his efficient and valuable services as Worshipful Master , 4 th December , 1851 . " The jewel was presented by Bro . F . J . Law , P . M ., in a manner that breathed the true spirit of Masonry ; and this gratifying tribute of respect was received and acknowledged by Bro . Capt . Skinner in a way which showed his appreciation of the principles of the fraternal and
benevolent Order , and the value he set upon the respect of those with whom he is thus associated in the mysterious bond . Seasoned with song , the innocent conviviality of the evening passed off in the pleasing manner it is wont to do at the getherings of the Craft .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE—CIRENCESTFR . —On Saturday December 13 th , a new Lodge , under the title of the Cotteswold Lodge , was consecrated in the presence of a numerous assemblage of Brethren from the Lodges of Cheltenham , Swindon , Gloucester , Bristol , and several Metropolitan Lodges . A letter from the Duke of Beaufort , Prov . G . M ., was read , expressing regret that the state of his health prevented his attendance , but he was
represented by Bro . Straford , P . M ., D . Prov . G . M ., elect . In the absence of Bro . G . R . Rowe , P . G . D ., who was unavoidabl y prevented attending , the ceremony of consecration was very ably performed by Bro . Evans , Prov . G . S . and P . M ., Lodge No . 118 , assisted by Bro . Gillman , Prov . G . S . and W . M . of the British Lodge , No . 8 . ; Bro . the Rev . T . A . Southwood officiating as Chaplain , who delivered a truly Masonic address upon the occasion .
The W . M ., appointed by warrant , Bro . G . F . Newman , was installed by Bro . Gillman , according to ancient custom . The Wardens chairs being filled by Bro . Col . Burlton , G . B ., Prov . G . M . of Bengal , and Bro . King , P . M ., Lodge No . 81 . After the investment of Bro . Matthews , S . W ., Bro . Cornwall , J . W .,
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of the Chapter , which has been established seventy-two years , two other Brethren were exalted . DURHAM . —SUNDERLAND . —On the 3 rd December , the Brethren of the Phoenix Lodge , No . Ill , held their annual meeting for the election of officers for the ensuing year in this town , when the following Brethren were installed , viz .: —Bros . E . Henshall , W . M . ; L . Chatt , P . M . ; T . L . Wang , S . W . ; T . Staggs , J . W . ; C . Rodgers , Treasurer ; W . Baglee , Secretary ; W . Mackie , S . D . ; J . Potts , J . D . ; J . Paxton , I . G . ; J . Spark , Organist ; and P . J . Baglee , Tyler .
ESSEX . —CHELMSFORD . —The annual meeting of the Brotherhood of the Lodge of Good Fellowship , was held at the White Hart inn , on the 4 th December , Captain Skinner , W . M . and D . Prov . G . M , for Essex , in the chair , when there was a good muster of the Brethren , and the proceedings were of more than ordinary interest . Among those present were Bros . F . J . Law , T . Durrant , Sen ., A . Meggy , J . Wilson , E . Butler , J . G . Simpson , P . Matthews , H . S . Cooper , S . Burton , J . Button , J .
Amery , G . G . Dixon , J . P . Sarel , & c . Bro . J . Burton was duly installed as W . M . by Bro . P . Matthews , and afterwards invested his Officers for the year ; hut the most interesting part of the proceedings of the evening was the presentation from the members of the Lodge , of an elegant jewel , to Captain Skinner , for his exertions in promoting the business and upholding the prosperity of the Lodge , and the courtesy which he had shown to all during the past year . The following is the inscription :
" Presented by the Lodge of Good Fellowship , No . 34-3 , to Brother Captain S . J . Skinner , Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Essex , for his efficient and valuable services as Worshipful Master , 4 th December , 1851 . " The jewel was presented by Bro . F . J . Law , P . M ., in a manner that breathed the true spirit of Masonry ; and this gratifying tribute of respect was received and acknowledged by Bro . Capt . Skinner in a way which showed his appreciation of the principles of the fraternal and
benevolent Order , and the value he set upon the respect of those with whom he is thus associated in the mysterious bond . Seasoned with song , the innocent conviviality of the evening passed off in the pleasing manner it is wont to do at the getherings of the Craft .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE—CIRENCESTFR . —On Saturday December 13 th , a new Lodge , under the title of the Cotteswold Lodge , was consecrated in the presence of a numerous assemblage of Brethren from the Lodges of Cheltenham , Swindon , Gloucester , Bristol , and several Metropolitan Lodges . A letter from the Duke of Beaufort , Prov . G . M ., was read , expressing regret that the state of his health prevented his attendance , but he was
represented by Bro . Straford , P . M ., D . Prov . G . M ., elect . In the absence of Bro . G . R . Rowe , P . G . D ., who was unavoidabl y prevented attending , the ceremony of consecration was very ably performed by Bro . Evans , Prov . G . S . and P . M ., Lodge No . 118 , assisted by Bro . Gillman , Prov . G . S . and W . M . of the British Lodge , No . 8 . ; Bro . the Rev . T . A . Southwood officiating as Chaplain , who delivered a truly Masonic address upon the occasion .
The W . M ., appointed by warrant , Bro . G . F . Newman , was installed by Bro . Gillman , according to ancient custom . The Wardens chairs being filled by Bro . Col . Burlton , G . B ., Prov . G . M . of Bengal , and Bro . King , P . M ., Lodge No . 81 . After the investment of Bro . Matthews , S . W ., Bro . Cornwall , J . W .,