Article THE HISTORY OF MAGIC. ← Page 10 of 15 →
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The History Of Magic.
¦ vile and deadly compounds . Since then , the number of witches decreased , though the eighteenth century still witnessed a large amount of persecution . A witch was burned at Wurzburg so late as 1750 ; and in the following year two old women were drowned on charges of this kind , at Tring , near London . Still laterin 1760 at Dalecarliean inland
, , , province of Sweden , twelve families were nearly sacrificed to the poprdar fury . In 1785 , Miiller , the historian , was reading Dante with some friends , seated under a tree at Lucerne , where he narrowly escaped with his life , the notion having spread abroad that he was a practitioner of magical arts . It was still a moot point in the schools of Romein 1810
, , whether sorcerers were only mad , or really possessed . Seven years subsequently , several works appeared in Paris , upholding magic , though advocating the burning of witches . About the same time , the famous Prince Hohenlohe appeared , who pretended to cure diseases by prayer ; and even in this our own nineteenth century , we need not cross the ocean to find the
grossest instances of superstition . The town of Spire , in 1826 , refused to bury their bishop within the chapel , on the ground that he was addicted to sorcery ; and in the same year a peasant of Dax , in France , was nearly murdered on a similar charge . In 1836 , a woman of Hela , near Dantzig , was put to death on the accusation of having cast a spell on a sick person . This was repeated in the department Cher , of France , in the same year .
We have now completed the historical portion of our subject . If the reader has had patience to follow us , he will have seen how the secret arts accompanied the great advancing movement of civilization from east to west , a movement still in progress . The east was the ancient seat of the sciences , and the Hindoos appear to have been the earliest civilized race ; from
them the mystic arts reached the Babylonians and Persians , and , successively , the Ethiopians and Egyptians , the Greeks and the Romans . We ourselves , now foremost in . the rank of nations , have dispelled the gloom of mysticism by the light of true science . The latest mystic sects that have arisen are those of the Hutchinsoniansin 1727 and the
, , Swedenborgians , pretenders to supernatural revelation , in 1740 . In the seventeenth century , a sect of Quietists or Mystics was founded by Molinos . In Germany , the commencement of the present century witnessed the great struggle between Mysticism and Rationalism , carried on between Tholuck and Gesenius , of Halle , respectively the champions ,
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The History Of Magic.
¦ vile and deadly compounds . Since then , the number of witches decreased , though the eighteenth century still witnessed a large amount of persecution . A witch was burned at Wurzburg so late as 1750 ; and in the following year two old women were drowned on charges of this kind , at Tring , near London . Still laterin 1760 at Dalecarliean inland
, , , province of Sweden , twelve families were nearly sacrificed to the poprdar fury . In 1785 , Miiller , the historian , was reading Dante with some friends , seated under a tree at Lucerne , where he narrowly escaped with his life , the notion having spread abroad that he was a practitioner of magical arts . It was still a moot point in the schools of Romein 1810
, , whether sorcerers were only mad , or really possessed . Seven years subsequently , several works appeared in Paris , upholding magic , though advocating the burning of witches . About the same time , the famous Prince Hohenlohe appeared , who pretended to cure diseases by prayer ; and even in this our own nineteenth century , we need not cross the ocean to find the
grossest instances of superstition . The town of Spire , in 1826 , refused to bury their bishop within the chapel , on the ground that he was addicted to sorcery ; and in the same year a peasant of Dax , in France , was nearly murdered on a similar charge . In 1836 , a woman of Hela , near Dantzig , was put to death on the accusation of having cast a spell on a sick person . This was repeated in the department Cher , of France , in the same year .
We have now completed the historical portion of our subject . If the reader has had patience to follow us , he will have seen how the secret arts accompanied the great advancing movement of civilization from east to west , a movement still in progress . The east was the ancient seat of the sciences , and the Hindoos appear to have been the earliest civilized race ; from
them the mystic arts reached the Babylonians and Persians , and , successively , the Ethiopians and Egyptians , the Greeks and the Romans . We ourselves , now foremost in . the rank of nations , have dispelled the gloom of mysticism by the light of true science . The latest mystic sects that have arisen are those of the Hutchinsoniansin 1727 and the
, , Swedenborgians , pretenders to supernatural revelation , in 1740 . In the seventeenth century , a sect of Quietists or Mystics was founded by Molinos . In Germany , the commencement of the present century witnessed the great struggle between Mysticism and Rationalism , carried on between Tholuck and Gesenius , of Halle , respectively the champions ,