Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 26 →
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A list of tho names of the Lodges , ami a list of the Brethren who are subscribers to tho testimonial , accompanies this address . Amongst them will be 1 ' uund some eminent Brethren of other Provinces , who , at then- earnest request , desired to participate with us in this tribute to distinguished Masonic worth . In conclusion , we earnestly pray that the Great Architect of the Universe may preserve the life of our much-esteemed Provincial Grand Master in tho enjoyment of every blessing , and that ho may continue as heretofore to preside over us with honour to himself and advantage to the Brotherhood , and that
you , Lady Combermere , also may long be preserved to adorn that high station in society which Providence has destined you to occupy , and that the evening of your days may be cheered by tho retrospect of a well-spent life , engaged in promoting the glory of God and the welfare of your fellow-creatures . Signed on behalf of the subscribers , JOHN FINCHEET MADDOCK , . Samuel Moss , Hon . Treas . and Sec . Deputy Prov . Grand Master , P . P . J . G . Warden , Gloucestershire . Cheshire . Lady Combermere received the address with evident gratification
, and returned a reply to the following effect : — - GENTLEMEN , —I accept , with deep feelings of satisfaction and gratitude , the gift which has been so considerately prepared , and so kindly proffered , for my acceptance . Lord G ' ombermere ' s Bust is the offering of all others most agreeable to me ; and in making this declaration I confirm one of his first claims to pro-emineneo in your Craft—for a good Mason must over prove a devoted
Husband and an affectionate Father . Impressed with this conviction , it is natural that I should deserve your kind compliment to my admiration of your noble Institutio 2 ! , —that I should revere its ceremonies , and respect its mysteries . Whatever your grand secret may be , in reality its evident purpose is to draw a magic circle around the initiated , from whom are expelled the worthless and the profane ; while within its mystic precincts the deserving plight each other mutually to good faith , good fellowship , and good feeling . That Masonry is a reality , and no gaudy deception , has been lately proved
by the condemnation to which it is doomed in countries where free institutions are prohibited by the ministers of that religion , which discourage all morality that they do not control—all duties that they do not direct . No one better than myself can estimate Lord Combermere ' s attachment to Masonry , or his feeling of esteem and regard for all of those , with whom he has been so long associated in its useful duties ; and this new proof of their affection for him he duly appreciates . May I bog you will thank the Brethren for the very flattering manner in which they have addressed me . I accept their encomiums as an additional
and graceful compliment to Lord Comberrnere . For thoir valuable gift I will ask yon to oiler them my warmest acknowledgments , and to assure them , that in j > resonting me with my husband's likeness , so admirably executed , they may feel convinced that my gratitude for such a gift will ever be unalterably interwoven with the most ardent and happiest feelings of my existence . Combermere Abbey , Oct . 21 , 1852 . MARY COMBERMERE .
Lady Combermere expressed her warm approval of the execution of the bust , and complimented the artist on his success in having secured so faithful and pleasing a likeness . Her Ladyship again intimated the pleasure , with which she received the testimonial , and frequently requested that her acknowledgments might be conveyed to the subscribing members . And , addressing the gentlemen from Macclesfield , her Ladyship assured them that her recent visit to that town with Lord Combermere had afforded her much
satisfaction ; they were both hi g hly gratified with the cordial and respectful welcome they had met there . CHESHIRE . —A new Lodge was opened on Thursday , 2 nd of Dec , at the Egremont Hotel , under the auspices of Bro . A . Henderson ,
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A list of tho names of the Lodges , ami a list of the Brethren who are subscribers to tho testimonial , accompanies this address . Amongst them will be 1 ' uund some eminent Brethren of other Provinces , who , at then- earnest request , desired to participate with us in this tribute to distinguished Masonic worth . In conclusion , we earnestly pray that the Great Architect of the Universe may preserve the life of our much-esteemed Provincial Grand Master in tho enjoyment of every blessing , and that ho may continue as heretofore to preside over us with honour to himself and advantage to the Brotherhood , and that
you , Lady Combermere , also may long be preserved to adorn that high station in society which Providence has destined you to occupy , and that the evening of your days may be cheered by tho retrospect of a well-spent life , engaged in promoting the glory of God and the welfare of your fellow-creatures . Signed on behalf of the subscribers , JOHN FINCHEET MADDOCK , . Samuel Moss , Hon . Treas . and Sec . Deputy Prov . Grand Master , P . P . J . G . Warden , Gloucestershire . Cheshire . Lady Combermere received the address with evident gratification
, and returned a reply to the following effect : — - GENTLEMEN , —I accept , with deep feelings of satisfaction and gratitude , the gift which has been so considerately prepared , and so kindly proffered , for my acceptance . Lord G ' ombermere ' s Bust is the offering of all others most agreeable to me ; and in making this declaration I confirm one of his first claims to pro-emineneo in your Craft—for a good Mason must over prove a devoted
Husband and an affectionate Father . Impressed with this conviction , it is natural that I should deserve your kind compliment to my admiration of your noble Institutio 2 ! , —that I should revere its ceremonies , and respect its mysteries . Whatever your grand secret may be , in reality its evident purpose is to draw a magic circle around the initiated , from whom are expelled the worthless and the profane ; while within its mystic precincts the deserving plight each other mutually to good faith , good fellowship , and good feeling . That Masonry is a reality , and no gaudy deception , has been lately proved
by the condemnation to which it is doomed in countries where free institutions are prohibited by the ministers of that religion , which discourage all morality that they do not control—all duties that they do not direct . No one better than myself can estimate Lord Combermere ' s attachment to Masonry , or his feeling of esteem and regard for all of those , with whom he has been so long associated in its useful duties ; and this new proof of their affection for him he duly appreciates . May I bog you will thank the Brethren for the very flattering manner in which they have addressed me . I accept their encomiums as an additional
and graceful compliment to Lord Comberrnere . For thoir valuable gift I will ask yon to oiler them my warmest acknowledgments , and to assure them , that in j > resonting me with my husband's likeness , so admirably executed , they may feel convinced that my gratitude for such a gift will ever be unalterably interwoven with the most ardent and happiest feelings of my existence . Combermere Abbey , Oct . 21 , 1852 . MARY COMBERMERE .
Lady Combermere expressed her warm approval of the execution of the bust , and complimented the artist on his success in having secured so faithful and pleasing a likeness . Her Ladyship again intimated the pleasure , with which she received the testimonial , and frequently requested that her acknowledgments might be conveyed to the subscribing members . And , addressing the gentlemen from Macclesfield , her Ladyship assured them that her recent visit to that town with Lord Combermere had afforded her much
satisfaction ; they were both hi g hly gratified with the cordial and respectful welcome they had met there . CHESHIRE . —A new Lodge was opened on Thursday , 2 nd of Dec , at the Egremont Hotel , under the auspices of Bro . A . Henderson ,