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Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending April 9 , 1 S 70 . MONDAY , APRIL 4 . Lodge 12 , Fortitude and Old Cumberland , Freemasons '
Hall . ,, 69 , Unity , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . ,, 72 , Royal Jubilee , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . ,, 90 , St . John ' s , Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars .
,, 144 , St . Luke s , Pier Hotel , Chelsea . ,, 188 , Joppa , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . ,, 256 , Unions , Freemasons' Hall . Chap . 28 , Old King ' s Arms , Freemasons' Hall . Opening of Domatic Chapter of Instruction , at Victoria
Station , Pimlico ; Comp . Cottebrune , Preceptor . Kent Mark Masters' Lodge of Instruction , Lyceum Tav ., 354 , Strand , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . C . Swan , Preceptor . Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Railway Tavern , Fencliurch-street Station , at 7 .
Wellington Lodge of Instruction , White Swan Tavern , Deptford , at S . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Adelaide Tavern , Haverstock-hill , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction ( 95 ) , Royal Hotel ,
Mileend-road , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . E . Gottheil , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge of Instruction , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Mile End , at 7 for S . TUESDAY , APRIL 5 . Colonial Board , Freemasons' Hall , at 3 .
Lodge 7 , Royal York , Freemasons Hall . ,, 9 , Albion , Freemasons' Hall . „ 18 , Old Dundee , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-st . ,, 101 , Temple , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . ,, 217 , Stability , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street .
11 7 ° 5 > St . James s , Market Tavern , New Wcstonstreet , Bermondsey . .,, 1259 , Duke of Edinburgh , New Globe Ilolel , Bow-road . ,, 1261 , Golden Rule , Great Western Htl ., Bayswater . Chap . 145 , Prudent Brethren , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 169 , Temperance , Victoria Tavern , Deptford .
Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Inslruclion , Palmerston Tav ., Crosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . Royal Union Lodge of Instruction ( 3 S 2 ) , Hotel de Cologne , Co and Oi , Haymarkct , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Metropolitan Railway , Victoria
Station , at 8 ; Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor . Yarborough Lodgeof Instruction , Green Dragon , Stepney , at S ; Bio . Isaac Sarpii , Preceptor . Prince Fredk . William Lodge of Instruction ( 753 ) Knights of St . John ' s Tavern , St . John ' s-wood ; Bro . F . G . Baker , Preceptor . Prestonian Club of Instruction ( for M . M . ' s only ) , Lyceum Tavern , Strand .
WEDNESDAY , APRIL 6 . Lodge 10 , Westminster and Keystone , Freemasons'Hall . ,, 511 , Zetland , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . ,, 1044 , New Wandsworth , Spread Eagle Tav ., New Wandsworth . ,, 1216 , Macdonald , Head Quarters 1 st Surrey Rifles ,
Brunswick-road , Camberwell . Mark Lodge , Samson and Lion , Freemasons' Tavern . Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at 8 . United Strength Lodgeof Inslruclion ( 22 S ) , Bull & Gate , Kentish Town-road , al S ; l ! ro . | . X . Frost , Preceptor . Israel Lodge of Inslruclion , Rising Sun Tavern ,
Globeroad , at 7 . 30 ; Bio . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Confidence Lodge of Inslruclion ( 193 ) , Railway Tavern , Railway-place , Feiichuich-street , at 7 . Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , The Grapes Tavern , Duke-street , -Manchcs ' . er-sijuarc , at 8 j Bro . T . A , Adams , P . G . l' ., Preceptor .
New Concord Lodge of Instruction , Rosemary Branch Tavern , lloxtoii , at 8 ; Bro . C . II . Pedler , Preceptor . Sydney Lodge of Instruction ( 829 ) , Cambridge Ilolel , Upper Norwood , at 7 . 30 . Peckham Lodge of Instruction , Maismore Arms , Parkroad , Peckham ; Bio . David Rose , Preceptor .
THURSDAY , APRIL 7 . Lodge 27 , Egyptian , Anderton ' s Hotel , Elect-street . ,, 45 , Strong Man , Freemasons' Hall . „ 136 , Good Rep . ni , Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . ,, 227 , Ionic , Ship & Turtle Tav ., Leadenhall-st . ,, 231 , St . Andrew ' s , Freemasons' HaU . 11 55-1 , Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney .
,, 742 , Crysial Palace , Crystal Palace , Sydenham . „ 822 , Victoria Rifles , Freemasons' Hall . „ 1155 , Kscelsior , Sydney Arms , I . ewisham-road . ,, 1178 , Perfect Ashlar , Gregorian Arms , Bermondsey . Chap . 2 , St . James ' s , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 9 , Muriah , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . ., 7 H . Westbourne , New Inn , lv . lgware-ro . id .
,, 742 , Crysial Palace , Crystal Palace , Sydenham . Fidelity Lodge of Instruction ( 3 ) , Goat and Compasses , Huston-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Finsbury Club of Instruction , Jolly Anglers' Tavern , 42 , Balh-slicct , City-road .
United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes , Mile-c . id-road , at S ; Bro . T . J . Barnes , Preceptor . St . George ' s Lodge of Instruction ( 140 ) , Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich , at S . Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction ( 127 S ) , Approach Tavern , Approach-road , Victoria-park , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . J . Terry , Preceptor .
FRIDAY , APRIL 8 . Lodge 134 , Caledonian , Ship & Turtle , Lcadcnhall-st . ,, 157 , Bedford , Freemasons' Hall . Chap . 33 , Britannic , Freemasons' Hall . Rose + Chapter , Mount Calvary and Observance , Freemasons' Tavern .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
St . Luke ' s Lodge of Instruction ( 144 ) , Pier Htl ., Chelsea . Stability Lodge of Instruction , Guildhall Coffee House , Gresham-street , at 6 . Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Preceptor . United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , Horns Tavern ,
Kennington , at 7 . Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Wellington Htl ., Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; Br . Pulsford , Preceptor Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Mileend-road , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Br . D . S . Potts , Preceptor . Temperance Lodge of Instruction , Victoria Tav ., Victoriaroad , Deptford , at 8 .
SATURDAY , APRIL 9 . Lodge 108 , London , Freemasons' HaU . ,, 173 , Phoenix , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 176 , Caveac , Radley ' s , Blackfriars . Mark Lodge ( 104 ) , Macdonald , Head Quarters 1 st Surrey Rifles , Brunswick-road , Camberwell . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road , at 7 .
Sbtortiscntcnis . CRAFT LODGE FURNITURE ? WANTED , A COMPLETE SET , IN GOOD ORDER AND REPAIR , SECOND-HAND . Address , with price and full particulars , GAVEL , Foster ' s , Stationer , High-street , Peckham , S . E .
A YOUNG LADY , residing in Clapham , is desirous of obtaining JUNIOR MUSIC PUPILS ( Instrumental ) . Terms , One Guinea per Quarter . Lessons given at her own or Pupil ' s residence . — Address , Office of this Paper .
A LADY , having met with much success in the tuition of English , French , and Music , desires a RE-ENGAGEMENT . First-class references can be given . —Address , A . B ., office of this paper .
WANTED , by a Brother ( P . M . ) and his Wife ( no incumbrance ) a SITUATION' as Housekeepers . Could manage a House of Business in the Wine and Spirit Trade , or an Hotel , or any place where confidence and trust are required , having had many years' experience ; can produce first-class testimonials from the Craft . Security if required . —Address , Bro . Francis , 8 , Red Lion Square , London .
WANTED , by a Daughter of a Mason and Licensed Victualler , a SITUATION as Housekeeper , or the Management of a Bar ; has had great experience . Age 34 , good references given . —Address , Mr . Francis , A . B . C ., 8 , Red Lion Square , London . ANTED GOLD EMBROIDERERS ( indoors ) . —Kenning ' s Military Warehouse , Liltle Britain .
WA N T E I ) immediately , in a London Brewery , a Young Man as TRAVELLER and COLLECTOR . Liberal salary and commission ; cash security . £ 250 . —Apply , by letter , to J . Smith and Co ., Engineers , 27 , Leadenhall-street , E . C . P . S . The Principal of the firm is a Brother Mason .
WANTED immediately , as CLERK and TRAVELLER , a Young Man , for an Engineering Firm . Salary and liberal commission ; cash security . £ 50 . —Apply , by letter , to Brother J . Smith , 27 , Leadenhall-street , E . C . A person out of the trade not objected to .
'"TYLER or JANITOR . —Address , Mr . JL BAVIN , 11 , Peel-terrace , Creek-road , Deptford . BRO . JOHN BECKETT , Carver and Gilder , and General Decorater , has REMOVED from 16 , ARTHUR-STREET , New Oxford-street , to No . 53 , NEW COMPTOX-STRHHT , SOIIC .
T UXURIANT WHISKERS , Moustaches , J 1 and a Fine Head of I lair . —Mrs . MERRIAM , Springfield , Mass . U . S ., will send , through her English agents , Messrs , Wesley & Knox , Fcalherstouc-buildings , London , W . C , her Recipe ( Formula ) for nine stamps and stamped envelope , producing hair on face or head in a month . A pint botllc sent by rail ( carriage paid ) for 36 stamps . — May be ordered through any Chemist .
C TAMMER 1 NG . —Rev . E . Danziger ( M . M . ) , v _ 5 24 , Wclbcck-street , Cavendish-square , London ; North Field Villa , Leeds ; and 71 , Carterstreet , Greenhays , Manchester , effectually and permanently CURES ALL IMPEDIMENT
OF SPEECH , whether due to nervousness or oilier causes , irrespective of age or sex . No mechanical appliance used . The highest references and testimonials can be obtained on application . No fee if no benefit derived .
VOUNG'S ARNICATEI ) CORN AND X BUXIOX PLAISTHRS arc the best ever invented for giving immediate case , and removing those painful excrescences . Price Cd . and is . per box . May be had of most chemists . Observe the trade mark—HY—without which none are genuine . Be sure and ask for YOUNG'S .
BRIXTON . —TO LET , near the main road , a GENTEEL HOUSE , containing seven rooms , kitchen and scullery ; good garden . Moderate rent to a responsible tenant . —Apply a . t the office of this Paper , 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain .
X -yHE AMERICAN FREEMASON X _ is the title of a 16 quarto page Monthly , published in Cincinnati , Ohio , as the American advocate of Masonic Reform in Grand Lodge Jurisdiction and privileges . The price is but Five Shillings per year , post paid to any Brother in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , from the office of the publication direct . The subscription price paid to Bro . GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , London , E . G ., will insure its receipt for the time paid for . Subscribers in the British Provinces will please address the publishers' Agent and Editor , J . FLETCHER BRENNAN , 114 , Main-street , Cincinati , Ohio , U . S . A .
CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR . OPIATES , Narcotics , and Squills , are too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary Diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive , organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the malady , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author ofthe "Anti-Lancet , ' says : — " I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued Cough , Pain , and Irritation of the Chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local iritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthmas , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweats of Consumption , Quinsy , and all affections of the throat and chest . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers , in bottles at is . gd ., 4 s . 6 d ., and us . each , and wholesale by J . M . CROSIIY , Chemist , Scarborough . * » * Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be obtained gratis of any respectable Chemist .
T 70 R COUGHS , COLDS , ASTHMA , BRON-1 CHITIS , and NEURALGIA . —THE GREAT REMEDY of the day is Dr . J . COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE : a few doses will cure all incipient cases . Caution . —The extraordinary medical reports on the efficiency of the Chlorodync renders it of vital importance that the public should obtain the genuine , which is now sold under the protection of Government , authoris-
ing a stamp bearing the words "Dr . J . Collis Browne's Chlorodync , " without which none is genuine . See decision of Vice-Chancellor Sir W . Page Wood , the "Times , " July 16 , 1 S 64 . Sold in bottles , Is . I ^ d ., 2 s . gd ., and 4 s . 6 d ., by all Chemists . Sole Manufacturer , T . J . DAVENPORT , 33 , Great Russell-street , London , W . C . From LORD FRANCIS CONVNGHAM , Mount Charles , Donegal , December II , 1865 : — " Lord Francis Conyngham , who this time last year bought some of Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodync from Mr . Davenport , and has found it a most wonderful Medicine , will be glad to have half-a-dozen bottles sent the above address . " Sole Manufacturer , J . T . DAVENPORT , 33 , Great Russell-street , Bloomsbury .
THE MARVEL OF SCIENCE . — ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM . CURE YOURSELF BY THE ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC SELF-ADJUSTING CURATIVE . SUFFERERS from Nervous Ailments , Indigestion , Debility , Weakness , & c ., CAN NOW CURE THEMSELVES by the only " GUARANTEED HEMEOV" in Europe , protected and sanctioned by the Faculty . Free for one tamp , by W . JENNER . Esq ., S . M . ( Member College , & c ) , PERCY HOUSE , BEDFORD SQ ., LONDON . X . ll . —Medicines nnd Pees snferseded . ( REIIiKENCli TO IHE I . KAUIXft PHYSICIANS OF THE DAV . ) A TEST GRATIS . —Send for Details . CACTION . —N . B . Tltis is / lie only acknowledged Curative Appliance as in use in the various Hospitals and recognised by the Medical faculty of Great liritain , and none pre genuine unless had direct from Mr . Walter fenner ; who cautions the public against a person using his name , aud imitating his discoveries . Vide Prize Medal and Hospital Reports .
READ THE WARNING VOICE . A SPECIAL WORK FOR PRIVATE IN-- * " STRUCT 10 N . By HENRY SMITH , M . D .. of the University of Jena . The Warning Voice to Young Men ( 160 pases ) gives the NEW SPECIAL TREATMENT and only cure of Nervous Debility , Painful Dreams , Mental and Physical Depression , Palpitations of the Heart , Noises in the Head and Ears , Indecision , Impaired Sijjht and Memory , Indigestion , Loss of Energy and Appetite , Pains in the Back , Timidity , Self-Distrust , Dizziness , Love of Solitude , Groundless Fears , Local ^ Weakness , Muscular Relaxation , & c ., which if neglected , end in Consumption and Premature Death . Gives Prescriptions and Instructions b y which Thousands have been restored to health and vigour . With AV : c Chapter on the Absurdity of Galvanism or Electricity for the Cure of Nervous Debility . Contains many letters from sufferers who have tried the so-called remedies without medicine , proving lhat Electricity will not Cure . Illustrated with Cases and Testimonials from grateful nations , with means of cure used \' m each case . The Warning Voice ( 10 , 000 copies of which are primed for Free Circulalialion ) will be sent in an envelope free by post to any address , secure from observation , on receipt of two ^ stamps . Address —Dr . II . Smith , 8 , Burton Crescent , London , W . C . liuporta . it to Country Patients . —Consult a London Physician by Letter Without Fee . —Dr . SMITH will , for the Benefit of Persons suffering from Xenvm Debility , &> c , on receiving a description of their case , send his written opriion , with advice and directions , for the most successful treatment and cure . Address—Dr . H . Smith , 8 , Burton Crescent , London , W . C ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending April 9 , 1 S 70 . MONDAY , APRIL 4 . Lodge 12 , Fortitude and Old Cumberland , Freemasons '
Hall . ,, 69 , Unity , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . ,, 72 , Royal Jubilee , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . ,, 90 , St . John ' s , Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars .
,, 144 , St . Luke s , Pier Hotel , Chelsea . ,, 188 , Joppa , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . ,, 256 , Unions , Freemasons' Hall . Chap . 28 , Old King ' s Arms , Freemasons' Hall . Opening of Domatic Chapter of Instruction , at Victoria
Station , Pimlico ; Comp . Cottebrune , Preceptor . Kent Mark Masters' Lodge of Instruction , Lyceum Tav ., 354 , Strand , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . C . Swan , Preceptor . Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Railway Tavern , Fencliurch-street Station , at 7 .
Wellington Lodge of Instruction , White Swan Tavern , Deptford , at S . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Adelaide Tavern , Haverstock-hill , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction ( 95 ) , Royal Hotel ,
Mileend-road , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . E . Gottheil , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge of Instruction , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Mile End , at 7 for S . TUESDAY , APRIL 5 . Colonial Board , Freemasons' Hall , at 3 .
Lodge 7 , Royal York , Freemasons Hall . ,, 9 , Albion , Freemasons' Hall . „ 18 , Old Dundee , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-st . ,, 101 , Temple , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . ,, 217 , Stability , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street .
11 7 ° 5 > St . James s , Market Tavern , New Wcstonstreet , Bermondsey . .,, 1259 , Duke of Edinburgh , New Globe Ilolel , Bow-road . ,, 1261 , Golden Rule , Great Western Htl ., Bayswater . Chap . 145 , Prudent Brethren , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 169 , Temperance , Victoria Tavern , Deptford .
Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Inslruclion , Palmerston Tav ., Crosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . Royal Union Lodge of Instruction ( 3 S 2 ) , Hotel de Cologne , Co and Oi , Haymarkct , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Metropolitan Railway , Victoria
Station , at 8 ; Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor . Yarborough Lodgeof Instruction , Green Dragon , Stepney , at S ; Bio . Isaac Sarpii , Preceptor . Prince Fredk . William Lodge of Instruction ( 753 ) Knights of St . John ' s Tavern , St . John ' s-wood ; Bro . F . G . Baker , Preceptor . Prestonian Club of Instruction ( for M . M . ' s only ) , Lyceum Tavern , Strand .
WEDNESDAY , APRIL 6 . Lodge 10 , Westminster and Keystone , Freemasons'Hall . ,, 511 , Zetland , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . ,, 1044 , New Wandsworth , Spread Eagle Tav ., New Wandsworth . ,, 1216 , Macdonald , Head Quarters 1 st Surrey Rifles ,
Brunswick-road , Camberwell . Mark Lodge , Samson and Lion , Freemasons' Tavern . Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at 8 . United Strength Lodgeof Inslruclion ( 22 S ) , Bull & Gate , Kentish Town-road , al S ; l ! ro . | . X . Frost , Preceptor . Israel Lodge of Inslruclion , Rising Sun Tavern ,
Globeroad , at 7 . 30 ; Bio . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Confidence Lodge of Inslruclion ( 193 ) , Railway Tavern , Railway-place , Feiichuich-street , at 7 . Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , The Grapes Tavern , Duke-street , -Manchcs ' . er-sijuarc , at 8 j Bro . T . A , Adams , P . G . l' ., Preceptor .
New Concord Lodge of Instruction , Rosemary Branch Tavern , lloxtoii , at 8 ; Bro . C . II . Pedler , Preceptor . Sydney Lodge of Instruction ( 829 ) , Cambridge Ilolel , Upper Norwood , at 7 . 30 . Peckham Lodge of Instruction , Maismore Arms , Parkroad , Peckham ; Bio . David Rose , Preceptor .
THURSDAY , APRIL 7 . Lodge 27 , Egyptian , Anderton ' s Hotel , Elect-street . ,, 45 , Strong Man , Freemasons' Hall . „ 136 , Good Rep . ni , Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . ,, 227 , Ionic , Ship & Turtle Tav ., Leadenhall-st . ,, 231 , St . Andrew ' s , Freemasons' HaU . 11 55-1 , Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney .
,, 742 , Crysial Palace , Crystal Palace , Sydenham . „ 822 , Victoria Rifles , Freemasons' Hall . „ 1155 , Kscelsior , Sydney Arms , I . ewisham-road . ,, 1178 , Perfect Ashlar , Gregorian Arms , Bermondsey . Chap . 2 , St . James ' s , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 9 , Muriah , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . ., 7 H . Westbourne , New Inn , lv . lgware-ro . id .
,, 742 , Crysial Palace , Crystal Palace , Sydenham . Fidelity Lodge of Instruction ( 3 ) , Goat and Compasses , Huston-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Finsbury Club of Instruction , Jolly Anglers' Tavern , 42 , Balh-slicct , City-road .
United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes , Mile-c . id-road , at S ; Bro . T . J . Barnes , Preceptor . St . George ' s Lodge of Instruction ( 140 ) , Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich , at S . Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction ( 127 S ) , Approach Tavern , Approach-road , Victoria-park , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . J . Terry , Preceptor .
FRIDAY , APRIL 8 . Lodge 134 , Caledonian , Ship & Turtle , Lcadcnhall-st . ,, 157 , Bedford , Freemasons' Hall . Chap . 33 , Britannic , Freemasons' Hall . Rose + Chapter , Mount Calvary and Observance , Freemasons' Tavern .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
St . Luke ' s Lodge of Instruction ( 144 ) , Pier Htl ., Chelsea . Stability Lodge of Instruction , Guildhall Coffee House , Gresham-street , at 6 . Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Preceptor . United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , Horns Tavern ,
Kennington , at 7 . Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Wellington Htl ., Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; Br . Pulsford , Preceptor Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Mileend-road , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Br . D . S . Potts , Preceptor . Temperance Lodge of Instruction , Victoria Tav ., Victoriaroad , Deptford , at 8 .
SATURDAY , APRIL 9 . Lodge 108 , London , Freemasons' HaU . ,, 173 , Phoenix , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 176 , Caveac , Radley ' s , Blackfriars . Mark Lodge ( 104 ) , Macdonald , Head Quarters 1 st Surrey Rifles , Brunswick-road , Camberwell . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road , at 7 .
Sbtortiscntcnis . CRAFT LODGE FURNITURE ? WANTED , A COMPLETE SET , IN GOOD ORDER AND REPAIR , SECOND-HAND . Address , with price and full particulars , GAVEL , Foster ' s , Stationer , High-street , Peckham , S . E .
A YOUNG LADY , residing in Clapham , is desirous of obtaining JUNIOR MUSIC PUPILS ( Instrumental ) . Terms , One Guinea per Quarter . Lessons given at her own or Pupil ' s residence . — Address , Office of this Paper .
A LADY , having met with much success in the tuition of English , French , and Music , desires a RE-ENGAGEMENT . First-class references can be given . —Address , A . B ., office of this paper .
WANTED , by a Brother ( P . M . ) and his Wife ( no incumbrance ) a SITUATION' as Housekeepers . Could manage a House of Business in the Wine and Spirit Trade , or an Hotel , or any place where confidence and trust are required , having had many years' experience ; can produce first-class testimonials from the Craft . Security if required . —Address , Bro . Francis , 8 , Red Lion Square , London .
WANTED , by a Daughter of a Mason and Licensed Victualler , a SITUATION as Housekeeper , or the Management of a Bar ; has had great experience . Age 34 , good references given . —Address , Mr . Francis , A . B . C ., 8 , Red Lion Square , London . ANTED GOLD EMBROIDERERS ( indoors ) . —Kenning ' s Military Warehouse , Liltle Britain .
WA N T E I ) immediately , in a London Brewery , a Young Man as TRAVELLER and COLLECTOR . Liberal salary and commission ; cash security . £ 250 . —Apply , by letter , to J . Smith and Co ., Engineers , 27 , Leadenhall-street , E . C . P . S . The Principal of the firm is a Brother Mason .
WANTED immediately , as CLERK and TRAVELLER , a Young Man , for an Engineering Firm . Salary and liberal commission ; cash security . £ 50 . —Apply , by letter , to Brother J . Smith , 27 , Leadenhall-street , E . C . A person out of the trade not objected to .
'"TYLER or JANITOR . —Address , Mr . JL BAVIN , 11 , Peel-terrace , Creek-road , Deptford . BRO . JOHN BECKETT , Carver and Gilder , and General Decorater , has REMOVED from 16 , ARTHUR-STREET , New Oxford-street , to No . 53 , NEW COMPTOX-STRHHT , SOIIC .
T UXURIANT WHISKERS , Moustaches , J 1 and a Fine Head of I lair . —Mrs . MERRIAM , Springfield , Mass . U . S ., will send , through her English agents , Messrs , Wesley & Knox , Fcalherstouc-buildings , London , W . C , her Recipe ( Formula ) for nine stamps and stamped envelope , producing hair on face or head in a month . A pint botllc sent by rail ( carriage paid ) for 36 stamps . — May be ordered through any Chemist .
C TAMMER 1 NG . —Rev . E . Danziger ( M . M . ) , v _ 5 24 , Wclbcck-street , Cavendish-square , London ; North Field Villa , Leeds ; and 71 , Carterstreet , Greenhays , Manchester , effectually and permanently CURES ALL IMPEDIMENT
OF SPEECH , whether due to nervousness or oilier causes , irrespective of age or sex . No mechanical appliance used . The highest references and testimonials can be obtained on application . No fee if no benefit derived .
VOUNG'S ARNICATEI ) CORN AND X BUXIOX PLAISTHRS arc the best ever invented for giving immediate case , and removing those painful excrescences . Price Cd . and is . per box . May be had of most chemists . Observe the trade mark—HY—without which none are genuine . Be sure and ask for YOUNG'S .
BRIXTON . —TO LET , near the main road , a GENTEEL HOUSE , containing seven rooms , kitchen and scullery ; good garden . Moderate rent to a responsible tenant . —Apply a . t the office of this Paper , 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain .
X -yHE AMERICAN FREEMASON X _ is the title of a 16 quarto page Monthly , published in Cincinnati , Ohio , as the American advocate of Masonic Reform in Grand Lodge Jurisdiction and privileges . The price is but Five Shillings per year , post paid to any Brother in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , from the office of the publication direct . The subscription price paid to Bro . GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , London , E . G ., will insure its receipt for the time paid for . Subscribers in the British Provinces will please address the publishers' Agent and Editor , J . FLETCHER BRENNAN , 114 , Main-street , Cincinati , Ohio , U . S . A .
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