Article PROV. GRAND LODGE OF CORNWALL. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCE OF DEVON. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Prov. Grand Lodge Of Cornwall.
CONSECRATION OF TREGENNA LODGE , No . 1272 . OnFridaylastweek , this lodge was consecrated at St . Ives , by the R . W . Bro . Reginald Rogers , D . P . G . M . of Cornwall , assisted by Bros . T . Chirgwin , P . P . J . G . W . ; W . Tweedy , P . G . Treas . ; Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . G . Sec . ; and others . The members of the lodge , with a lanre number of brethren
from lodges in the province , assembled in the lodge-room ( which was tastefully decorated ) at 12 . 30 p . m ., and received the presiding officer and the other P . G . officers . On the presiding officer taking the chair he appointed Bros . J enkyn and Tweedy his Wardens , and in opening the lodge in the proper degrees , addressed the brethren on the nature ofthe meeting .
After this the P . G . Secretary read the petition from the members of the new lodge and the warrant from the Grand Lodge of England , signed by the Deputy Grand Master , Earl dc Grey and Ripon , on behalf of the Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland . An excellent oration was then delivered by the Presiding Officer , on the nature and principles of the Order ;
and was listened to with the deepest interest . The lodge was consecrated according to ancient form and usage . At the close of this most interesting and solemn service , the Presiding Officer called upon Bro . Chirgwin , the Installing Master , to instal Bro . Martin Dunn , the Worshipful Master named in the warrant . This ceremony was also performed . The W . Master ,
Bro . Dunn , afterwards invested his officers for the ensuing year , viz . : Bros . John Coombe , P . M . ; John Richards , S . W . ; Geo . Richards , J . W . ; Martin Dunn , Treas . ; John Coombe , P . M ., Sec . ; John Tregarthcn Short , S . D . ; II . D . Edwards , J . D . ; Thos . Stevens , I . G . ; Philip Uren , Tyler . The R . W ., Bro . Reginald Rogers , the Presiding Officer , and Bro . Chirgwin received
a hearty vote of thanks for the maimer in which they had conducted the ceremonies . Bro . Bullen ; P . G . Org ., rendered efficient assistance throughout by presiding at the harmonium . At three o ' clock p . m . the brethren , about fifty in number , adjourned to the White Hart Inn , kept by Bro . George Richards , where an excellent banquet was
provided . The Worshipful Master , Bro . Dunn , presided , and was supported on his right by the R . W ., Bro . Rogers , D . P . G . M . ; Bros . Tweedy , P . G . Treas . ; and Chirgwin , P . P . G . I . W . ; and on his left by Bro . Jenkyn , P . P . G . S . W . ; W . J . ' Hughan , Prov . G . Sec . ; Dr . Mudge , P . P . G . J . W . ;
Frank Hervey , P . G . S . ; J . P . Smith , P . P . G . S . D . ; & c ., & c . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the brethren separated at an early hour , after spending an agreeable day , and one which will be long remembered in connection with Masonry in this province .
Province Of Devon.
A Chapter of Royal Arch Masonry was consecrated on the 21 st ult ., at the Lodge-room Harmony , Iloniton . The Rev . J . Huyshe , G . Supt . of Devon , supported by Comp . L . P . Metham , as G . 1 I . and Comp , W . Cann , as G . J ., were punctual in attendance at 12 o clock . Among the companions present were the following ,
representing the Chapter ofthe Province : —M . E . Comps John Huyshe , G . J . Grand Superintendent of Devon ; L , P . Metham , G . H . ; W . Cann , P . G . H . ; J . TannerDavj ( P . Z . 251 ) , Robert Brent ( 650 ) , Bartholomew Dickcs ( P . Z , 112 ) , John Spettigue ( P . M . 106 ) , Samuel Jones ( P . S . 112 ) , Alfred Booley ( S . E , 112 ) , Jethro Tucker ( 112 ) , J . S . Gundry ( Z .-elect S 47 ) , W . if . Iianlicld Forlesquc ( S 47 ) .
JolinMurch ( II .-elect S 47 ) , J . lngleby Mackenzie ( Z . P . S . lort ) , lSenjamin T . Hodgc ' ( P . Z . 106 ) , H . 1 ! . Stark , ( O . 106 ) , X . K . Gillingham ( 494 ) , E . Chappie ( I- . 494 ) , W . G . Rogers ( P . G . S . k . 112 ) , Webb EIphinMone Stone ( 106 ) , C . Cramond Dick ( P . Z . 4 S 4 ) , T . W . Webber , ( P . L . 494 ) . T . W . Lane ( 325 ) .
I he beautiful ceremony of this degree was performed by the Grand . Superintendent with his usual impressiveness , and after Comp . J . S . Gundry had been installed as ' / .., Comp . Captain Dick as II ., and Comp . J . Murch as J ., the lengthened proceedings were brought to a close by Ex . Comp . I .. P . Metham , 0 . II ., delivering an oration .
A WARRANT has been issued for a Mark Masters ' Lodge to be held at Newport ( Mon . ) , to be called the ' Keystone Lodge , " and we understand the first meeting will take place in the course of ten or twelve days .
THE BLOOD IN- OLD AGE . — As age advances the blood becomes thin ami cloudy—or , in a full habil , thick and cloudy . The failing of the powers of life rci | uircs extra nutrition and support , and the blood yielding tlie excess required is soon overcharged with carbon , which gives to it the cloudy appearance . Being then impure , day by day the vitiated matter increases , and the bodv
Millers from a thousand ailments . "The Mood Purifier , '' old Dr . Jacob Townsend ' s Sarsaparilla , supplies the extra nutrition lo the blood and restores to it its florid hue , an 1 then the progress of decay is arrested and the ailment disappear—man lives out his days , and the sunset of life is unattended with siilfcring . Testimonials with each bottle from the Hon . the Dean of Lisuiorc . General Wm .
Gilbert , of the Indian Army ; and Rev . Francis Monck , of "The Gospel Evangelist . " Ordered also for Apothecaries' Hall , London . Sold by all druggists , in bottles 2 s . Od ., 4 s ., 4 s . Gd ., 7 s . 61 I ., us . Pills and Ointment , each in boxes is . ijid ., 2 s . < y \ ., 4 s . 6 d . —Caution : Get the red and blue wrappers , with the old Doctor ' s head in tht centre . No other genuine . — - [ Advt . ]
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Tuscan Lod ^ e , No . 14 . —This red apron lodge met at Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., under the presidency of Bro . Frank Richardson , the I . P . M ., in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Frederic T . Cornwell , W . M . Bros . Wm . Bristow , S . W ., and Geo . Hillyer , J . W ., when Bro . Sadler was raised to the third degree , in a
manner which was much approved of by the brethren , and after labour , the lodge and visitors adjourned to the tavern , and spent a happy and harmonious evening over banquet and dessert , the I . P . M . presiding . Lodge of Prosperity , No . 65 . —This excellent lodge met on Thursday , the 24 th ult ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , Bro . J . L . Mather , W . M ., in the chair ,
supported by his Wardens and Officers . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the former lodge read and confirmed . Bros . Wright and Oliver were raised to the third degree by the W . M .,- in a very impressive manner . Bro . Cook the W . M .-elect was then presented to the lodge , and the ceremony of installation was perfectly and beautifully rendered by the Acting
W . M ., Bro . J . L . Mather , who elicited the warmest enconiums from every brother present . The W . M . then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . D . Forbes , S . W . ; E . C . Mather , J . W . ; J . Belleiby , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; Stevens , S . D . ; Carruthers , I . G . The newly-installed W . M . then initiated Mr . J . M . Harriss into the Order . A sum of five pounds was then voted to the Masonic
Chanties , and twopoundswere voted toadistressed brother . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , " a la Russe , " supplied by Bro . Crawford , that gave great satisfaction to every brother and visitor present . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed . The toast of the " Grand Officers " was responded to by Bro . J . Einmens , P . G . P . Bro . J . L .
Mather , I . P . M ., proposed the toast of "The W . M ., " and in the course of a very eloquent speech , adverted to the excellent qualities ofthe W . M . as a thorough Mason , and also for his efficiency as witnessed by his performing the ceremony of initiation , which augured well for his future career . After the toast of "TheNewly-Initiated " having been responded to , the W . M . in a very feeling
speech , proposed the toast of " The I . P . M ., Bro . Mather , " and alluded to the admirable manner in which he had conducted the duties of that lodge , and also to his efficiency in working the ceremony of installation ; and he said he felt a great amount of pleasure in presenting him , in the name of the lodge , with a magnificent silver tea-service and a Past Master ' s jewel . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Mather in a very feeling and appropriate manner returned
thanks . The toast of " The Visitors" was then given , who were , Bros . John Emmens , P . G . P . ; J as . Terry , P . M . ; T . Bartlett , W . M . New Concord ; J . J . Wilson Newton , P . M . 174 ; Morion , W . M . United Strength ; Lacey , P . M . 174 ; McDavitt Ashdown , S . W ., Capper Lodge , Hart , 174 ; and several others . The toast of "The Officers" followed , some excellent singing was rendered by the brethren , and a very agreeable evening was passed .
1 raiujiullity Lodge , Ac . 1 S 5 . — litis flourishing lodge met on Monday week at Radley ' s , under the presidency of the very efficient W . M ., Bro . Dr . Hermann Beige ! , whowell supported by Bros . L . Barnett , S . W ., Bloomfield , J . W ., W . Abrahams , S . D ., N . Moss , J . D ., Pcartrce , Treas ,, P . Levy , Hon . Sec , Knappcr , Org ., with P . M . ' s llolbrook , Harfeld , N . Harris , Israel , M . Harris , and
Alex . Levy—in a most impressive manner initiated into our mysteries Messrs . Dr . Heinemann , Burg , and Simmons , and conferred the second degree on Bros . Makowcr , Graedel , Schnitzler , Beck , King , and Harvey . In each ceremony the Organist introduced appropriate music , which added materially to the solemnity of the rites . Bros . Schweitzer ( late of 171 ) , Lazarus ( 941 ) , and the
Chevalier Antoinc de Kontski ( Lodge Chateau Thierry , France ) , were unanimously elected members . —The W . M . then called upon Bro . Phillip Levy , the respected Hon . Sec , to present , in the name of the lodge , a splendidlychased silver tea and coffee service , value fifty guineas , to his highly-esteemed colleague , Br . Peartree , as some small acknowledgment for his efficient services as Treasurer
during the last ten years . This the worthy Secretary did in a most eloquent and brotherly address , adding that a very handsome Treasurer ' s jewel was intended to have accompanied the present , but , unfortunately , it had not arrived from the maker ' s . —The whole of the proceedings of the evening appeared to give the highest satisfaction to the numerous visitors , amongst whom were the V . W . Iiros .
John Hervey , G . Sec ., and Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; Bros , Robbins ( W . M . 231 ) , Sliuckctt ( W . M . S 37 ) , II . M . Levy ( P . M . iSS ) , Littaur ( P . M . 205 ) , Goned ( Kilwinning ) , S . Lewis ( S 69 ) , Ashley ( I . G . 1060 ) , Benjamin ( 205 ) , Beer , & c , & c . —The W . M ., visitors , and brethren then adjourned to the banquet-room , where an elegant repast was well served by that esteemed brother , Bro . Hart ' s nephew , and his assistants , after which the W . M .
proposed the usual toasts , dwelling especially upon the merits of the G . M ., the G . M .-elect , and the Grand Secretary . The latter , in an able and eloquent speech , returned thanks ; ami on behalf of " the initiates , " Bro . Dr . Heinicm . 11111 responded in a most appropriate address . During the proceedings several excellent songs were sung by the W . M . and others , accompanied on the piano by the worthy Orcanist .
Southern Star Lodge , Av . 115 S . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge , was held on Tuesday , the 22 nd nil ., at Montpclier Tavern , Walworth , and was numerously attended by members and visitors . Bro . R . Clarke , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Bayfield . S . W . ; Chas . E . Thompson , J . W . ; Towers , S . D . ; Page , J . D . ; Yarrell , I . G . ; II . Thompson . P . M . and Treas . ; Pulsford ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . M . and Sec . ; Potter , P . M . ; Thomas , P . M . ; Dr . Goldsboro ' , P . M ., & c . The lodge was opened soon after four o ' clock , when the officers were all in their places . The minutes of the last regular lodge and the lodge of emergency , were read and confirmed . There was a large amount of business to be transacted , there being six candidates for initiation , seven for passing , and six for raising ,
besides other important matters , including the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year . A ballot was taken , and Mr . John Carter , ' Mr . Thomas , Greaves , Mr .. Thomas Lewis Allen , Mr . Henry Painter , and Mr . Samuel Moore , who were candidates for admission to the Order , being in attendance were duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry . The lodge was then
opened in the second degree , and Bros . Parr , Clayton , and Bolton were passed to the second degree . Having undergone a preliminary examination , the lodge was opened in the third degree , and Bros . Radford , Andrews , and Oldfield were impressively raised to the degree of M . M . The whole of these ceremonies were well performed by the W . M . The lodge was resumed to the
first degree , when Bro . Pulsford , the Secretary , read the revised bye-laws , which were approved . The next business was the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Bayfield , S . W ., was unanimously elected to that office . Bro . H . Thompson , P . M ., was also unanimously elected Treasurer , and Bro . Laing as Tyler . It was proposed and carried unanimously , that a jewel of the value
of ten guineas be presented to Bro . R . E . Clarke , on his retirement from the office of W . M . On the proposition ofthe W . M ., it was agreed that the sum of £$ be presented to the Royal Benevolent Institution for the Widows of Freemasons , this sum completing and making the lodge Life Subscribers to all the Masonic Institutions . Bro . H . Thompson , P . M . and Treas ., proposed , and Bro . Bayfield ,
S . W ., seconded a motion , that the sum of two guineas be voted from the funds ofthe lodge towards the " Masonic Life Boat , " to be presented to the National Life Boat Institution . The motion was unanimously carried , showing that the lodge is now ready to listen to any worthy appeal that may be made to it . The W . M . then said that he had a very pleasing duty to perform , in a
proposition he was about to make . The brethren all knew the ready and valuable services Bro . Dr . Goldsboro' had rendered them in the infancy of the lodge , and he was at all times willing to do anything that lay in his power to promote its prosperity . He therefore had great pleasure in proposing that Bro . Dr . Goldsboro' should become an Honorary Member of the Southern Star Lodge , as a
recognition of his services . Bro . C . E . Thompson , J . W ., seconded the motion , and said he knew Bro . Dr . Goldsboro' as a good man and a good Mason , and all times ready to render assistance , whether in or outside the lodge , and carry out the great precepts of the Order . The motion was unanimously agreed to , and Bro . Goldsboro ' in very feeling terms expressed his sense ofthe high honour
conferred upon him , which he should always remember with feelings of gratitude to the end of his life . Several propositions for initiation for the next meeting having been made , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet table , at which fifty-one sat down , and their " creature comforts " were well taken care of by mine host , Bro . Allatt , who
was most assiduous in doing all 111 his power to give them satisfaction , and it was unanimously admitted that he had succeeded in doing so . After the cloth was drawn , the customary loyal toasts were given , and afterwards Bro . Allen returned thanks for the newly-initiated brethren . The health of the W . M . was drunk with great cordiality ; and the visitors severally responded , expressing the
pleasure they had experienced in visiting the Southern Star Lodge , not on account of the hospitality extended to them , but for the Masonic treat they had enjoyed in the working of the lodge , which was done iu a manner that left nothing to be desired , trusting again to have the opportunity of visiting them to receive a renewed pleasure in doiiiLTSO . Bro . Henry Thompson , P . M . and Treasurer ,
responded for the P . M . 's , and alluded to the great success which had attended the lodge ever since its formation . It had not been three years in existence , and now numbered upwards of eighty members . As the founder of the lodge , it was needless to say the gratification he experienced in seeing its prosperity , hoping it might long enjoy the distinguished position in the Craft that it now occupied , and
that it would ever keep alive those grand principles upon which their Order was founded . The health of the W . M .. elect , ( Bro , Bayfield , ) was given and responded to , and some other toasts followed , interspersed with songs and a recitation , by Bro . Joyce , "The Balaklava Charge , " ( not Tennyson ' s , ) and the entire evening was spent in that happy way so characteristic of the Southern Star Lodge .
Perfect Ashlar Lodge , A o . 1170 . —An emergency meeting of this young and prosperous lodge was held ou Thursday , at Bro . George Drappcr ' s , Gregorian Arms Tavern , JJermondsey . At the appointed hour of six the lodge was opened . Bro . J . W . Avery , W . M ., occupied the chair of K . S . There were also present : Bros . F . H . Kbsworth , P . M . as S . W . ; II . Bartlett , J . W . ; Dr . Dixon ,
P . M .. Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; J . W . Dudley , I . G . -, J . II . Harmsworth , D . C . ; J . II . Fudge , W . S . ; G . Drapper , J . ; A . Axlell , and some others . The visitors were Bros . W . Endsor , 73 ; A . Avery , W . M . 619 ; J . Hawker , P . M . S 71 ; II . F . Dawe , 871 , and others whose names we were unable to ascertain . A ballot for the candidate for initiation , Mr . G . D . Baker , was unanimous in his favour . Hut being abroad , his
admission was deferred until the next meeting . In a masterly , impressive , correct and faultless manner , Bros . G . Mabbs and W . May , introduced separately , were passed to the Fellow Craft degree . Bro . G . J . Ellis , was raised to the degree of a Master Mason . All the lodge proxies were given to support the local case of the poor orphan girl , Caroline Hart , ( whose father was a member of 765 . ) It is considered to be a most deserving case . Business ended , the lodge was duly closed . Refreshment was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Cornwall.
CONSECRATION OF TREGENNA LODGE , No . 1272 . OnFridaylastweek , this lodge was consecrated at St . Ives , by the R . W . Bro . Reginald Rogers , D . P . G . M . of Cornwall , assisted by Bros . T . Chirgwin , P . P . J . G . W . ; W . Tweedy , P . G . Treas . ; Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . G . Sec . ; and others . The members of the lodge , with a lanre number of brethren
from lodges in the province , assembled in the lodge-room ( which was tastefully decorated ) at 12 . 30 p . m ., and received the presiding officer and the other P . G . officers . On the presiding officer taking the chair he appointed Bros . J enkyn and Tweedy his Wardens , and in opening the lodge in the proper degrees , addressed the brethren on the nature ofthe meeting .
After this the P . G . Secretary read the petition from the members of the new lodge and the warrant from the Grand Lodge of England , signed by the Deputy Grand Master , Earl dc Grey and Ripon , on behalf of the Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland . An excellent oration was then delivered by the Presiding Officer , on the nature and principles of the Order ;
and was listened to with the deepest interest . The lodge was consecrated according to ancient form and usage . At the close of this most interesting and solemn service , the Presiding Officer called upon Bro . Chirgwin , the Installing Master , to instal Bro . Martin Dunn , the Worshipful Master named in the warrant . This ceremony was also performed . The W . Master ,
Bro . Dunn , afterwards invested his officers for the ensuing year , viz . : Bros . John Coombe , P . M . ; John Richards , S . W . ; Geo . Richards , J . W . ; Martin Dunn , Treas . ; John Coombe , P . M ., Sec . ; John Tregarthcn Short , S . D . ; II . D . Edwards , J . D . ; Thos . Stevens , I . G . ; Philip Uren , Tyler . The R . W ., Bro . Reginald Rogers , the Presiding Officer , and Bro . Chirgwin received
a hearty vote of thanks for the maimer in which they had conducted the ceremonies . Bro . Bullen ; P . G . Org ., rendered efficient assistance throughout by presiding at the harmonium . At three o ' clock p . m . the brethren , about fifty in number , adjourned to the White Hart Inn , kept by Bro . George Richards , where an excellent banquet was
provided . The Worshipful Master , Bro . Dunn , presided , and was supported on his right by the R . W ., Bro . Rogers , D . P . G . M . ; Bros . Tweedy , P . G . Treas . ; and Chirgwin , P . P . G . I . W . ; and on his left by Bro . Jenkyn , P . P . G . S . W . ; W . J . ' Hughan , Prov . G . Sec . ; Dr . Mudge , P . P . G . J . W . ;
Frank Hervey , P . G . S . ; J . P . Smith , P . P . G . S . D . ; & c ., & c . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the brethren separated at an early hour , after spending an agreeable day , and one which will be long remembered in connection with Masonry in this province .
Province Of Devon.
A Chapter of Royal Arch Masonry was consecrated on the 21 st ult ., at the Lodge-room Harmony , Iloniton . The Rev . J . Huyshe , G . Supt . of Devon , supported by Comp . L . P . Metham , as G . 1 I . and Comp , W . Cann , as G . J ., were punctual in attendance at 12 o clock . Among the companions present were the following ,
representing the Chapter ofthe Province : —M . E . Comps John Huyshe , G . J . Grand Superintendent of Devon ; L , P . Metham , G . H . ; W . Cann , P . G . H . ; J . TannerDavj ( P . Z . 251 ) , Robert Brent ( 650 ) , Bartholomew Dickcs ( P . Z , 112 ) , John Spettigue ( P . M . 106 ) , Samuel Jones ( P . S . 112 ) , Alfred Booley ( S . E , 112 ) , Jethro Tucker ( 112 ) , J . S . Gundry ( Z .-elect S 47 ) , W . if . Iianlicld Forlesquc ( S 47 ) .
JolinMurch ( II .-elect S 47 ) , J . lngleby Mackenzie ( Z . P . S . lort ) , lSenjamin T . Hodgc ' ( P . Z . 106 ) , H . 1 ! . Stark , ( O . 106 ) , X . K . Gillingham ( 494 ) , E . Chappie ( I- . 494 ) , W . G . Rogers ( P . G . S . k . 112 ) , Webb EIphinMone Stone ( 106 ) , C . Cramond Dick ( P . Z . 4 S 4 ) , T . W . Webber , ( P . L . 494 ) . T . W . Lane ( 325 ) .
I he beautiful ceremony of this degree was performed by the Grand . Superintendent with his usual impressiveness , and after Comp . J . S . Gundry had been installed as ' / .., Comp . Captain Dick as II ., and Comp . J . Murch as J ., the lengthened proceedings were brought to a close by Ex . Comp . I .. P . Metham , 0 . II ., delivering an oration .
A WARRANT has been issued for a Mark Masters ' Lodge to be held at Newport ( Mon . ) , to be called the ' Keystone Lodge , " and we understand the first meeting will take place in the course of ten or twelve days .
THE BLOOD IN- OLD AGE . — As age advances the blood becomes thin ami cloudy—or , in a full habil , thick and cloudy . The failing of the powers of life rci | uircs extra nutrition and support , and the blood yielding tlie excess required is soon overcharged with carbon , which gives to it the cloudy appearance . Being then impure , day by day the vitiated matter increases , and the bodv
Millers from a thousand ailments . "The Mood Purifier , '' old Dr . Jacob Townsend ' s Sarsaparilla , supplies the extra nutrition lo the blood and restores to it its florid hue , an 1 then the progress of decay is arrested and the ailment disappear—man lives out his days , and the sunset of life is unattended with siilfcring . Testimonials with each bottle from the Hon . the Dean of Lisuiorc . General Wm .
Gilbert , of the Indian Army ; and Rev . Francis Monck , of "The Gospel Evangelist . " Ordered also for Apothecaries' Hall , London . Sold by all druggists , in bottles 2 s . Od ., 4 s ., 4 s . Gd ., 7 s . 61 I ., us . Pills and Ointment , each in boxes is . ijid ., 2 s . < y \ ., 4 s . 6 d . —Caution : Get the red and blue wrappers , with the old Doctor ' s head in tht centre . No other genuine . — - [ Advt . ]
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Tuscan Lod ^ e , No . 14 . —This red apron lodge met at Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., under the presidency of Bro . Frank Richardson , the I . P . M ., in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Frederic T . Cornwell , W . M . Bros . Wm . Bristow , S . W ., and Geo . Hillyer , J . W ., when Bro . Sadler was raised to the third degree , in a
manner which was much approved of by the brethren , and after labour , the lodge and visitors adjourned to the tavern , and spent a happy and harmonious evening over banquet and dessert , the I . P . M . presiding . Lodge of Prosperity , No . 65 . —This excellent lodge met on Thursday , the 24 th ult ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , Bro . J . L . Mather , W . M ., in the chair ,
supported by his Wardens and Officers . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the former lodge read and confirmed . Bros . Wright and Oliver were raised to the third degree by the W . M .,- in a very impressive manner . Bro . Cook the W . M .-elect was then presented to the lodge , and the ceremony of installation was perfectly and beautifully rendered by the Acting
W . M ., Bro . J . L . Mather , who elicited the warmest enconiums from every brother present . The W . M . then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . D . Forbes , S . W . ; E . C . Mather , J . W . ; J . Belleiby , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; Stevens , S . D . ; Carruthers , I . G . The newly-installed W . M . then initiated Mr . J . M . Harriss into the Order . A sum of five pounds was then voted to the Masonic
Chanties , and twopoundswere voted toadistressed brother . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , " a la Russe , " supplied by Bro . Crawford , that gave great satisfaction to every brother and visitor present . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed . The toast of the " Grand Officers " was responded to by Bro . J . Einmens , P . G . P . Bro . J . L .
Mather , I . P . M ., proposed the toast of "The W . M ., " and in the course of a very eloquent speech , adverted to the excellent qualities ofthe W . M . as a thorough Mason , and also for his efficiency as witnessed by his performing the ceremony of initiation , which augured well for his future career . After the toast of "TheNewly-Initiated " having been responded to , the W . M . in a very feeling
speech , proposed the toast of " The I . P . M ., Bro . Mather , " and alluded to the admirable manner in which he had conducted the duties of that lodge , and also to his efficiency in working the ceremony of installation ; and he said he felt a great amount of pleasure in presenting him , in the name of the lodge , with a magnificent silver tea-service and a Past Master ' s jewel . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Mather in a very feeling and appropriate manner returned
thanks . The toast of " The Visitors" was then given , who were , Bros . John Emmens , P . G . P . ; J as . Terry , P . M . ; T . Bartlett , W . M . New Concord ; J . J . Wilson Newton , P . M . 174 ; Morion , W . M . United Strength ; Lacey , P . M . 174 ; McDavitt Ashdown , S . W ., Capper Lodge , Hart , 174 ; and several others . The toast of "The Officers" followed , some excellent singing was rendered by the brethren , and a very agreeable evening was passed .
1 raiujiullity Lodge , Ac . 1 S 5 . — litis flourishing lodge met on Monday week at Radley ' s , under the presidency of the very efficient W . M ., Bro . Dr . Hermann Beige ! , whowell supported by Bros . L . Barnett , S . W ., Bloomfield , J . W ., W . Abrahams , S . D ., N . Moss , J . D ., Pcartrce , Treas ,, P . Levy , Hon . Sec , Knappcr , Org ., with P . M . ' s llolbrook , Harfeld , N . Harris , Israel , M . Harris , and
Alex . Levy—in a most impressive manner initiated into our mysteries Messrs . Dr . Heinemann , Burg , and Simmons , and conferred the second degree on Bros . Makowcr , Graedel , Schnitzler , Beck , King , and Harvey . In each ceremony the Organist introduced appropriate music , which added materially to the solemnity of the rites . Bros . Schweitzer ( late of 171 ) , Lazarus ( 941 ) , and the
Chevalier Antoinc de Kontski ( Lodge Chateau Thierry , France ) , were unanimously elected members . —The W . M . then called upon Bro . Phillip Levy , the respected Hon . Sec , to present , in the name of the lodge , a splendidlychased silver tea and coffee service , value fifty guineas , to his highly-esteemed colleague , Br . Peartree , as some small acknowledgment for his efficient services as Treasurer
during the last ten years . This the worthy Secretary did in a most eloquent and brotherly address , adding that a very handsome Treasurer ' s jewel was intended to have accompanied the present , but , unfortunately , it had not arrived from the maker ' s . —The whole of the proceedings of the evening appeared to give the highest satisfaction to the numerous visitors , amongst whom were the V . W . Iiros .
John Hervey , G . Sec ., and Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; Bros , Robbins ( W . M . 231 ) , Sliuckctt ( W . M . S 37 ) , II . M . Levy ( P . M . iSS ) , Littaur ( P . M . 205 ) , Goned ( Kilwinning ) , S . Lewis ( S 69 ) , Ashley ( I . G . 1060 ) , Benjamin ( 205 ) , Beer , & c , & c . —The W . M ., visitors , and brethren then adjourned to the banquet-room , where an elegant repast was well served by that esteemed brother , Bro . Hart ' s nephew , and his assistants , after which the W . M .
proposed the usual toasts , dwelling especially upon the merits of the G . M ., the G . M .-elect , and the Grand Secretary . The latter , in an able and eloquent speech , returned thanks ; ami on behalf of " the initiates , " Bro . Dr . Heinicm . 11111 responded in a most appropriate address . During the proceedings several excellent songs were sung by the W . M . and others , accompanied on the piano by the worthy Orcanist .
Southern Star Lodge , Av . 115 S . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge , was held on Tuesday , the 22 nd nil ., at Montpclier Tavern , Walworth , and was numerously attended by members and visitors . Bro . R . Clarke , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Bayfield . S . W . ; Chas . E . Thompson , J . W . ; Towers , S . D . ; Page , J . D . ; Yarrell , I . G . ; II . Thompson . P . M . and Treas . ; Pulsford ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . M . and Sec . ; Potter , P . M . ; Thomas , P . M . ; Dr . Goldsboro ' , P . M ., & c . The lodge was opened soon after four o ' clock , when the officers were all in their places . The minutes of the last regular lodge and the lodge of emergency , were read and confirmed . There was a large amount of business to be transacted , there being six candidates for initiation , seven for passing , and six for raising ,
besides other important matters , including the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year . A ballot was taken , and Mr . John Carter , ' Mr . Thomas , Greaves , Mr .. Thomas Lewis Allen , Mr . Henry Painter , and Mr . Samuel Moore , who were candidates for admission to the Order , being in attendance were duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry . The lodge was then
opened in the second degree , and Bros . Parr , Clayton , and Bolton were passed to the second degree . Having undergone a preliminary examination , the lodge was opened in the third degree , and Bros . Radford , Andrews , and Oldfield were impressively raised to the degree of M . M . The whole of these ceremonies were well performed by the W . M . The lodge was resumed to the
first degree , when Bro . Pulsford , the Secretary , read the revised bye-laws , which were approved . The next business was the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Bayfield , S . W ., was unanimously elected to that office . Bro . H . Thompson , P . M ., was also unanimously elected Treasurer , and Bro . Laing as Tyler . It was proposed and carried unanimously , that a jewel of the value
of ten guineas be presented to Bro . R . E . Clarke , on his retirement from the office of W . M . On the proposition ofthe W . M ., it was agreed that the sum of £$ be presented to the Royal Benevolent Institution for the Widows of Freemasons , this sum completing and making the lodge Life Subscribers to all the Masonic Institutions . Bro . H . Thompson , P . M . and Treas ., proposed , and Bro . Bayfield ,
S . W ., seconded a motion , that the sum of two guineas be voted from the funds ofthe lodge towards the " Masonic Life Boat , " to be presented to the National Life Boat Institution . The motion was unanimously carried , showing that the lodge is now ready to listen to any worthy appeal that may be made to it . The W . M . then said that he had a very pleasing duty to perform , in a
proposition he was about to make . The brethren all knew the ready and valuable services Bro . Dr . Goldsboro' had rendered them in the infancy of the lodge , and he was at all times willing to do anything that lay in his power to promote its prosperity . He therefore had great pleasure in proposing that Bro . Dr . Goldsboro' should become an Honorary Member of the Southern Star Lodge , as a
recognition of his services . Bro . C . E . Thompson , J . W ., seconded the motion , and said he knew Bro . Dr . Goldsboro' as a good man and a good Mason , and all times ready to render assistance , whether in or outside the lodge , and carry out the great precepts of the Order . The motion was unanimously agreed to , and Bro . Goldsboro ' in very feeling terms expressed his sense ofthe high honour
conferred upon him , which he should always remember with feelings of gratitude to the end of his life . Several propositions for initiation for the next meeting having been made , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet table , at which fifty-one sat down , and their " creature comforts " were well taken care of by mine host , Bro . Allatt , who
was most assiduous in doing all 111 his power to give them satisfaction , and it was unanimously admitted that he had succeeded in doing so . After the cloth was drawn , the customary loyal toasts were given , and afterwards Bro . Allen returned thanks for the newly-initiated brethren . The health of the W . M . was drunk with great cordiality ; and the visitors severally responded , expressing the
pleasure they had experienced in visiting the Southern Star Lodge , not on account of the hospitality extended to them , but for the Masonic treat they had enjoyed in the working of the lodge , which was done iu a manner that left nothing to be desired , trusting again to have the opportunity of visiting them to receive a renewed pleasure in doiiiLTSO . Bro . Henry Thompson , P . M . and Treasurer ,
responded for the P . M . 's , and alluded to the great success which had attended the lodge ever since its formation . It had not been three years in existence , and now numbered upwards of eighty members . As the founder of the lodge , it was needless to say the gratification he experienced in seeing its prosperity , hoping it might long enjoy the distinguished position in the Craft that it now occupied , and
that it would ever keep alive those grand principles upon which their Order was founded . The health of the W . M .. elect , ( Bro , Bayfield , ) was given and responded to , and some other toasts followed , interspersed with songs and a recitation , by Bro . Joyce , "The Balaklava Charge , " ( not Tennyson ' s , ) and the entire evening was spent in that happy way so characteristic of the Southern Star Lodge .
Perfect Ashlar Lodge , A o . 1170 . —An emergency meeting of this young and prosperous lodge was held ou Thursday , at Bro . George Drappcr ' s , Gregorian Arms Tavern , JJermondsey . At the appointed hour of six the lodge was opened . Bro . J . W . Avery , W . M ., occupied the chair of K . S . There were also present : Bros . F . H . Kbsworth , P . M . as S . W . ; II . Bartlett , J . W . ; Dr . Dixon ,
P . M .. Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; J . W . Dudley , I . G . -, J . II . Harmsworth , D . C . ; J . II . Fudge , W . S . ; G . Drapper , J . ; A . Axlell , and some others . The visitors were Bros . W . Endsor , 73 ; A . Avery , W . M . 619 ; J . Hawker , P . M . S 71 ; II . F . Dawe , 871 , and others whose names we were unable to ascertain . A ballot for the candidate for initiation , Mr . G . D . Baker , was unanimous in his favour . Hut being abroad , his
admission was deferred until the next meeting . In a masterly , impressive , correct and faultless manner , Bros . G . Mabbs and W . May , introduced separately , were passed to the Fellow Craft degree . Bro . G . J . Ellis , was raised to the degree of a Master Mason . All the lodge proxies were given to support the local case of the poor orphan girl , Caroline Hart , ( whose father was a member of 765 . ) It is considered to be a most deserving case . Business ended , the lodge was duly closed . Refreshment was