Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Hiram Henton , SAV . of the New Cross Lodge , No . 1559 , is noxv in the proud position of first band master in the United Kingdom . Thanks to his excellent judgment and good taste the promoters of the Park Band-Society ( Lady Fanny Majoribanks and Albert Grey , Esq ., M . P ., in particular ) have been enabled to provide the public xvith instrumental music of a quality never before
procurable . Bro . Lord Wolseley prior to his departure for Russia visited H y de Park on purpose to hear Bro . Henton's band play , and he was pleased to remark— " The service did not boast of a better band or a more efficient bandmaster . " Bro . Henton has here a great feather in his cap , and the London Rifle Brigade , in addition to the Park Band Society , may well be proud of him .
At the Loughborough Lodge of Instruction , to be held at the Cambria " Tavern , Cambria-road , Loughborough Junction , S . VV ., on Monday evening next , the members propose to discuss the several points of Bro . Jas . Stevens' lecture explanatory of the ritual and working of the First Degree . The meeting will be open to brethren of other lodges , and Bro . Stevens has promised to attend on the occasion .
At the last meeting of the Royal Geographical Society , held on 28 th inst ., Bro . A . L . Emanuel , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Hants and Isle of Wight , was elected a Fellow on the proposition of Admiral Sir F . Leopold McClintock , F . R . S ., seconded by Bro . Clements R . Markam , C . B .
The Prince and Princess of Wales , accompanied by the Princes Albert Victor and George and the Princesses Louise , Victoria , and Maud of Wales , visited the Horse Shoxv at the Agricultural Hall , Islington , on Tuesday
afternoon . The Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , presided at the anniversary meeting of the Christian Evidence Society in Exeter ( Lower ) Hall on Tuesday , and delivered a lengthy address , in the course of xvhich he referred to the subject of modern infidelity . Bros . Ear ! Cowper , K . C , and Sir Farrer
Herschell , Q . C ., M . P ., Solictor-General , xvere present at the meeting of the Herts Liberal Association at St . Alban's on Tuesday . His Grace the Duke of Devonshire , Chancellor of the University of Cambridge , xvill preside at a meeting of the subscribers to the memorial to the late Prince Consort , xvhich xvill be held in Trinity College on Tuesday , the 12 th
inst ., for the purpose of considering the best mode of disposing of the surplus funds , amounting to close on £ 1 S 00 . Bro . Earl Granville will be present at the Bright celebration , on the 14 th inst ., and xvill speak at the banquet to be given in honour of Mr . Bright . Bro . the Earl and the Countess of Jersey gave a
dinner party at their residence in Great Stanhope-street , Park-lane , on Tuesday , Rro . Montagu Guest , M . P ., P . G . M . Dorsetshire , was one nf the guests at the dinner party given by the Earl and Countess of Malmesbury at their residence in Wimpole-street , on Tuesday evening .
Bro . the Marquisof Hartington , MP , P . G . M . Derbyshire , who xvas prevented by indisposition from attending to his Parliamentary duties on Monday , xvas sufficiently recovered to be in his place in the House of Commons the folloxving day . Bv command of the Queen , H . R . H . the Prince
of VVales xvill hold a levee at St . James ' s Palace on behalf of her Majesty on Friday , the 15 th inst . General Sir Lintorn Simmons and Rear-Admiral Rice were examined before the joint committee of the Lords and Commons on the Channel Tunnel scheme on Tuesday , and very strongly condemned the project .
The first number of "Summer Talk monthly sketches by "Orion , " of the Glasgow Evening Citissen , has just appeared . It is an open secret , says the Edinburgh Cmtrant , that the author of "Tangled Talk" is a xvell knoxvn parish minister in Glasgoxv , and the popularity of his contributions to the Glasgow journal named xvill no doubt extend to " Summer Talk . " The title of the first
sketch is "Maud Mayfloxver's Marriage , " a prettily told , fresh and pleasing story . It may interest our Masonic readers to know that the author is the son of a celebrated Scotch Professor , and either a Past or Present Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . The Prince of Wales , the Duke of Cambridge ,
and thc Duke of Connaught xvere present at the ceremony of Trooping the Colours , which xvas held on tbe Horse Guards parade on Tuesday morning , having been postponed from Saturday last . The Princess of Wales , accompanied by Princes Albert Victor and George and the Princesses Louise , Victoria , and Maud of Wales xvitnessed the parade from the Horse Guards ,
After the parade the Duke of Cambridge and the Princess Mary Duchess and the Duke of Teck lunched with the Prince and Princess of Wales at Marlborough House . A review of "A History of Medical Economy during the Middle Ages , " by Bro . G . F . Fort , will appear in our next .
The Queen has been graciously pleased to accord her patronage to the concert to be given at Grosvenor House on Saturdav , the iGth inst ., in aid of the funds of the Hospital for Women , Soho-square . "RUPTURES , " —WHITE ' S MOC-MAI . M LEVER TRUSS is the most eiTcctix-e invention for the treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel sprint ; , so hurtful in its ert ' ects , is avoideda soft bandaRe
, being worn round the body , while thc requisite resisting power is supplied by the Moc-Main Pad and Patent Lever , fitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected . Send for descriptive circular , with testimonials and prices , to J . White and Co . ( Limited ) 228 , Piccadilly , London . Do not buy ' of Chcmista , who often sell an IMITATION of our Moc-Main . J . White and Co . have not any agents . —[ AnvT . ]
Masonic And General Tidings
Monday , the 25 th inst ., has been fixed b y his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales for the grand concert which is to be iriven by the Lord Mayor in the Guildhall in aid of the Royal College of Music . " The Queen and all the members of the Roxal Family are patrons of the concert , and the Prince a ' nd Princess of Wales xvill be present . The musical arrangements will be made by the
Royal College of Music , and those for the reception of the audience by the City Lands Committee . The last p icture painted by the late Gustave Dore , " The Vale of Tears , " has been added to the Dore Gallery , in Nexv Bond-street . The size of the canvas is 21 feet by 14 feet . Bro . Edward F . Storr , P . M . and Treasurer of
the Neptune Lodge , P . M . 16 79 , P . Z . 1044 , '/ .. 192 , & c , is among the list of Stewards for the 125 th Anniversary Festival of the Orphan Working School , on Wednesday , the 13 th inst . On Thursday night last , a meeting of Masonic Ofiicers was held at the Masonic HaU , Park-terrace , Sunderland , to arrange for the forthcoming Freemasons '
pic-nic . Bro . C . McNamara , W . M . 97 , presided , and there xvas a very large attendance . It xvas unanimously decided to hold the pic-nic at Hackfall , the delightful and picturesque scat of the Marquis of Ripon . The Chairman , Bros . F . Maddision and R . Singleton , Secretaries , and VV . Liddell , Treasurer , xvere deputed to arrange if possible for the pic-nic to be held at the place mentioned .
On Tuesday , the 19 th inst-, at a meeting , to be held in the Royal Albert Hall , in connection with the International Fisheries Congress , H . R . H . the Prince of VVales will read a paper by his brother , the Duke of Edinburgh , entitled " Notes on the Sea Fisheries and Fishing Population of the United Kingdom . " On Tuesday , Bro . Augustus Harris laced
p Drury-lane Theatre at the disposal of the committee of the Actors' Benevolent Fund , of which Bro . Henry Irving is President , and a grand entertainment xvas given in aid of the funds of that excellent institution , xvhich there is no doubt xvill yield a considerable addition to its resources . Among those who gave their services on the occasion were Bros . H . Irving , Bancroft , Edxvard Terry , Lionel Brough ,
J . L . Toole , & c . Bros . Lord Claud Hamilton , Sir . J . McGarel Hogg , Bart ., D . Plunket , Sir I . Mowbray , Sir M . Hicks-Beach , Bart ., A . Staveley Hill , Q . C , Baron Henry de Worms , Earl Percy , Col . Stanley , and Col . King-Harman xx * ere present at the meeting of Conservative Members of Parliament , held on Tuesdav at thc Carlton .
At the Liberal meeting , held on 1 uesday at the Foreign Ofiice , there were present among others Bros . Lord Richard Grosvenor , Lord Kensington , Sir John Ramsden , Bart ., B . Samuelson , Montagu Guest , Sir Charles Dilke , Bart ., Sir S . Waterlow , Sir Thomas Brassey , K . C . B ., and Hon . G . Levison-Goxver . We are asked to announce that the William
Preston Lodge of Instruction has been removed from the J acob ' s Well , George-street , and noxv meets at the St , Andrexv ' s Tavern , George-street , Baker-street , VV . We understand that several brethren interested in the formation of a lodge in London on temperance principles , met last xveek to discuss preliminaries . Bros . Dr . Richardson and Sir Philip Cunliffe Oxven xvere present .
The Honor Oak Lodge , No . 1986 , ( Bro . Walter Hopekirk , P . M ., VV . M . ) , hold their next regular meeting on Wednesday , 6 th of June , at 4 . 30 p . m . The ceremony of installation will be worked b y Bro . P . M . Cusxvorth , at the Nexv Concord Lodge of Instruction , on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Jolly Farmers Tavern , Southgate-road , at eight p . m . At a meeting of the Northampton Chapter , No . 360 , Bro . A . M . Boeme was presented xvith a testimonial
by the companions of the chapter . VVe hope to give a report ol the proceedings in our next . Bro . J . L . Mather , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , and Bro . G . P . Festa , VV . M . 1900 , are candidates for the Board of General Purposes at the next election xvhich will take place at Grand Lodge on Wednesday next . The installation meeting of the Lodge of Temperance in the East , took p lace on Wednesday last with great eclat . We hope to give report in our next .
A fancy bazaar will be held at the City Temple , Holborn , on the Tuesday , Wednesday , and Thursday of next week . The lecture room xvill be tastefully fitted up as an Alpine village . Capital arrangements have been made for supplying musical and other forms of entertainment during the above period . The Duke and Duchess of Connaught , the
Duke of Cambridge , and Prince Christian xvere present at the Countess Granville ' s reception at the Foreign Office on Saturday last . The Editor of the Masonic Review , published at Cincinnati , in the State of Ohio , remarks in his May issue : " Bro . George Markham Txveddell , author of the fine Masonic sonnets xvhich appear ree * ularlv in our pages , has
noxv ready for the press 'A Hundred Masonic Sonnets , Illustrative of the Principles of the Craft . ' We cordially commend this publication to the Fraternity as worthy of their best attention , and of wide circulation among the brethren . " After stating that the price of the bound volume is to be half-a-croxvn , the Editor , in the true spirit of Masonry , kindly offers to receive and forxvard to Bro .
Markham Txveddell the names of subscribers . We believe Bro . Txveddell has already received several communications from various parts of America from brethren anxious to subscribe ; Judge Crosley , of Minneapolis , sending his own name and that of a friend and brother Mason , whilst in our oxvn country several illustrious Masons have given in their names . The ivork , xve understand , is to be dedicated to the author's friend , Bro . Emra Holmes .
How TO SECURE GOOD HEALTH . — MARTIN ' S CURATIVE MAGNETISM . —Health secured , Health restored , and Health promoted by the use of this Natural Agent , noxv so extensively used . See Press opinions , testimonials , and fullest particulars in 48 page pamphlet , xvhich is sent gratis to all by John Hugh Martin , Inventor and Maker of the Improved Appliances , 272 , Regent-circus , London , W . —FAovT . ]
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . the Lord Mayor and Bro . Sheriff Savory were the guests of the Alliance Lodge , No . 1 S 27 , of xvhich Bro . Wildey Wright is W . M ., at the Guildhall Tavern , on Wednesday evening . A report of the proceedings will appear in our next .
At the election of four pensioners on the funds of the Builders' Benevolent Institution the successful candidates xvere J . Page , H . Johnson , J . C Crittenden , and Mrs . Mills . In our account of the presentation of a testimonial to Bro . Major-General Laurie , M . W . G . M . of Nov" Scotia , it xvas stated that his relative , Sir Peter Laurie was Lord
Mayor of London and Master of the Saddlers' Company "in 1 S 46 . " It should have been "in 1833 . " The Prince ancl Princess of Wales with the Hereditary Prince and Princess of Saxc-Meiningen , were present at the Countess Granville ' s reception at the Foreign Office on Saturday evening . Bro . Lord Brooke , M . P ., P . G . M . Ksserr , and Lady Brooke xvere among the arrivals at
Westcn-super-Mare , on Saturday . On Monday they left for Br'd ^ water for the Bath and VVest of England Show . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales presided at the annual dinner of the Royal Horse Guards' Club , at the Knightsbridge Barracks , on Monday evening . The Prince of Wales , with the Princes Albert Edxvard and George and the Princess Victoria ci Wales , xvitnessed the performance of " Blue Beard " at the Gaiety on Monday evening .
The Prince of Wales has been adjud ged a prize for Southdoxvns at the Bath and West of England Agricultural Society's Shoxv at Bridgxvater . The Prince of Wales and the Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Meiningen were among the guests at the banquet given by Mr . Gladstone , on Saturday , in honour of the Queen ' s birthday . The Duke of Albany presided at a meeting held at the Royal Tapestry Works , Old Windsor , on Saturday afternoon .
The Committee on the Fish Exchange ( Blackfriars ) Bill met on Wednesday , under the presidency of Bro . Lord Evelyn . The Savage Club , of which his Royal Highness the Prince of VVales is an honorary life member , purpose giving a grand entertainment and costume ball at the Royal Albert Hall , on the evening of Wednesday , the 1 ith
July , the object being to found a Savage Club Scholarshi p in connection xvith the Royal College of Music . The Prince and Princess of VVales will honour the entertainment xvith their patronage and presence . The Royal ( founder ' s ) medal of the Royal Geographical Society has been axvarded to Sir Joseph D . Hooker , F . R . S ., for his services in various parts of the world , but especially fcr his researches in botanical
geography ; and the Patron ' s medal to Mr . E . Colborne Baber , Chinese Secretary to Her Majesty ' s Legation , Pekin , for his geographical labours in the interior of China . In the Public Schools' Examinations gold and silver medals xvere respectively adjudged to Thomas Rose and S . VV . Carruthers , both of Duixvich College , for physical geography , and the gold medal for political geography to S . C . Farloxv , of Harrow School .
On Monday , by command of the Oueen , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales held a levee at St . James ' s Palace on behalf of her Majesty . The Duke of Albany , P . G . J . W ., the Duke of Cambridge , and the Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Meiningen xvere present . The Hon . Corps
of Gentlemen-at-Arms , under the command of their captain , Bro . Lord Carrington , were on duty in the State saloons , and the Veomen of the Guard , under the command of their captain , Bro . Lord Monson , in the interior of the palace .
The new Parkes Museum of H ygiene , Margaret-street , was opened on Saturday morning by H . R . H . the Duke of Albany , who in acknoxvlcdging the vote of thanks unanimously passed to him for having undertaken the duty , delivered a somexvhat lengthy address on the many benefits that xvill result from a further study of hygiene , and the advantage xvhich the museum xvill offer
to the public at large for becoming better acquainted xvith the conditions necessary to a health y existence in our large cities and towns , but especially in the metropolis . His Royal Highness also stated that it had given him great pleasure to accept the office of President of the Parkes Museum , xvhich had been founded and named after the first professor of hygiene in this country .
At the annual meeting of the Nineteenth Century Building Society held on the 29 th ult ., at the Cannon-street Hotel , Mr . H . XV . Laurence in the chair the following resolution moved by Mr . James Rowlands , seconded by Mr . Stephen Seaward Tayler , was carried unanimously . That this meeting of members of the Nineteenth Century Building Society believing that many persons , especially members of building societies
purchasing houses rely on the supervision they believe the authorities to exercise over the construction and sanitary arrangements , cordially approves of the recent action of the directors in bringing under the notice of the Local Government Board the fact that houses were being built at West Ham without damp-proof courses and is glad to learn thai the Local Board have under their consideration the makin _ r of nexv bye-laxvs for the district .
T HB F IRE AT FREEMASONS' HALL . —Bro . Bedford Lemere & Co ., have taken some excellent photos of the 1 emple after the fire—from cabinet size upwards . Supplied only by G . Kenning , 16 , Great Oueen-street , at if * A ?? " J * - ? " eac ' -J' P ost free on receipt ~ of stamps or P . O . O . —[ ADVT . ]
. nnv . 4 Y s I ' ILLS AMI OI . STUEXT . —Dyspepsia , laiindice . — These complaints are the result of a disordered liver , xvliich secretes bile 111 quality or quantity incapable of digesting food . Digotinn requires a free ( low of healthy bile , to insure which Holloway's Pills and Ointment have lonft been famous , far eclipsing every other medicine . Unsuitable food , irregularity of living , unhealthy cli . mates , and other causes are constantly throxving the liver into dis
. order , but that important organ can , under all circumstances , soon be regulated and healthily adjusted by Hollowayls Pills and Ointment , \ x ; hich act directly upon its vital secretion . The Ointment rubbed in the skin penetrates immediately to the liver , so the blend and nerves it rectifies . One trial is all that is needed , a cure xvill soon follow . —[ Ann-. 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Hiram Henton , SAV . of the New Cross Lodge , No . 1559 , is noxv in the proud position of first band master in the United Kingdom . Thanks to his excellent judgment and good taste the promoters of the Park Band-Society ( Lady Fanny Majoribanks and Albert Grey , Esq ., M . P ., in particular ) have been enabled to provide the public xvith instrumental music of a quality never before
procurable . Bro . Lord Wolseley prior to his departure for Russia visited H y de Park on purpose to hear Bro . Henton's band play , and he was pleased to remark— " The service did not boast of a better band or a more efficient bandmaster . " Bro . Henton has here a great feather in his cap , and the London Rifle Brigade , in addition to the Park Band Society , may well be proud of him .
At the Loughborough Lodge of Instruction , to be held at the Cambria " Tavern , Cambria-road , Loughborough Junction , S . VV ., on Monday evening next , the members propose to discuss the several points of Bro . Jas . Stevens' lecture explanatory of the ritual and working of the First Degree . The meeting will be open to brethren of other lodges , and Bro . Stevens has promised to attend on the occasion .
At the last meeting of the Royal Geographical Society , held on 28 th inst ., Bro . A . L . Emanuel , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Hants and Isle of Wight , was elected a Fellow on the proposition of Admiral Sir F . Leopold McClintock , F . R . S ., seconded by Bro . Clements R . Markam , C . B .
The Prince and Princess of Wales , accompanied by the Princes Albert Victor and George and the Princesses Louise , Victoria , and Maud of Wales , visited the Horse Shoxv at the Agricultural Hall , Islington , on Tuesday
afternoon . The Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , presided at the anniversary meeting of the Christian Evidence Society in Exeter ( Lower ) Hall on Tuesday , and delivered a lengthy address , in the course of xvhich he referred to the subject of modern infidelity . Bros . Ear ! Cowper , K . C , and Sir Farrer
Herschell , Q . C ., M . P ., Solictor-General , xvere present at the meeting of the Herts Liberal Association at St . Alban's on Tuesday . His Grace the Duke of Devonshire , Chancellor of the University of Cambridge , xvill preside at a meeting of the subscribers to the memorial to the late Prince Consort , xvhich xvill be held in Trinity College on Tuesday , the 12 th
inst ., for the purpose of considering the best mode of disposing of the surplus funds , amounting to close on £ 1 S 00 . Bro . Earl Granville will be present at the Bright celebration , on the 14 th inst ., and xvill speak at the banquet to be given in honour of Mr . Bright . Bro . the Earl and the Countess of Jersey gave a
dinner party at their residence in Great Stanhope-street , Park-lane , on Tuesday , Rro . Montagu Guest , M . P ., P . G . M . Dorsetshire , was one nf the guests at the dinner party given by the Earl and Countess of Malmesbury at their residence in Wimpole-street , on Tuesday evening .
Bro . the Marquisof Hartington , MP , P . G . M . Derbyshire , who xvas prevented by indisposition from attending to his Parliamentary duties on Monday , xvas sufficiently recovered to be in his place in the House of Commons the folloxving day . Bv command of the Queen , H . R . H . the Prince
of VVales xvill hold a levee at St . James ' s Palace on behalf of her Majesty on Friday , the 15 th inst . General Sir Lintorn Simmons and Rear-Admiral Rice were examined before the joint committee of the Lords and Commons on the Channel Tunnel scheme on Tuesday , and very strongly condemned the project .
The first number of "Summer Talk monthly sketches by "Orion , " of the Glasgow Evening Citissen , has just appeared . It is an open secret , says the Edinburgh Cmtrant , that the author of "Tangled Talk" is a xvell knoxvn parish minister in Glasgoxv , and the popularity of his contributions to the Glasgow journal named xvill no doubt extend to " Summer Talk . " The title of the first
sketch is "Maud Mayfloxver's Marriage , " a prettily told , fresh and pleasing story . It may interest our Masonic readers to know that the author is the son of a celebrated Scotch Professor , and either a Past or Present Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . The Prince of Wales , the Duke of Cambridge ,
and thc Duke of Connaught xvere present at the ceremony of Trooping the Colours , which xvas held on tbe Horse Guards parade on Tuesday morning , having been postponed from Saturday last . The Princess of Wales , accompanied by Princes Albert Victor and George and the Princesses Louise , Victoria , and Maud of Wales xvitnessed the parade from the Horse Guards ,
After the parade the Duke of Cambridge and the Princess Mary Duchess and the Duke of Teck lunched with the Prince and Princess of Wales at Marlborough House . A review of "A History of Medical Economy during the Middle Ages , " by Bro . G . F . Fort , will appear in our next .
The Queen has been graciously pleased to accord her patronage to the concert to be given at Grosvenor House on Saturdav , the iGth inst ., in aid of the funds of the Hospital for Women , Soho-square . "RUPTURES , " —WHITE ' S MOC-MAI . M LEVER TRUSS is the most eiTcctix-e invention for the treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel sprint ; , so hurtful in its ert ' ects , is avoideda soft bandaRe
, being worn round the body , while thc requisite resisting power is supplied by the Moc-Main Pad and Patent Lever , fitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected . Send for descriptive circular , with testimonials and prices , to J . White and Co . ( Limited ) 228 , Piccadilly , London . Do not buy ' of Chcmista , who often sell an IMITATION of our Moc-Main . J . White and Co . have not any agents . —[ AnvT . ]
Masonic And General Tidings
Monday , the 25 th inst ., has been fixed b y his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales for the grand concert which is to be iriven by the Lord Mayor in the Guildhall in aid of the Royal College of Music . " The Queen and all the members of the Roxal Family are patrons of the concert , and the Prince a ' nd Princess of Wales xvill be present . The musical arrangements will be made by the
Royal College of Music , and those for the reception of the audience by the City Lands Committee . The last p icture painted by the late Gustave Dore , " The Vale of Tears , " has been added to the Dore Gallery , in Nexv Bond-street . The size of the canvas is 21 feet by 14 feet . Bro . Edward F . Storr , P . M . and Treasurer of
the Neptune Lodge , P . M . 16 79 , P . Z . 1044 , '/ .. 192 , & c , is among the list of Stewards for the 125 th Anniversary Festival of the Orphan Working School , on Wednesday , the 13 th inst . On Thursday night last , a meeting of Masonic Ofiicers was held at the Masonic HaU , Park-terrace , Sunderland , to arrange for the forthcoming Freemasons '
pic-nic . Bro . C . McNamara , W . M . 97 , presided , and there xvas a very large attendance . It xvas unanimously decided to hold the pic-nic at Hackfall , the delightful and picturesque scat of the Marquis of Ripon . The Chairman , Bros . F . Maddision and R . Singleton , Secretaries , and VV . Liddell , Treasurer , xvere deputed to arrange if possible for the pic-nic to be held at the place mentioned .
On Tuesday , the 19 th inst-, at a meeting , to be held in the Royal Albert Hall , in connection with the International Fisheries Congress , H . R . H . the Prince of VVales will read a paper by his brother , the Duke of Edinburgh , entitled " Notes on the Sea Fisheries and Fishing Population of the United Kingdom . " On Tuesday , Bro . Augustus Harris laced
p Drury-lane Theatre at the disposal of the committee of the Actors' Benevolent Fund , of which Bro . Henry Irving is President , and a grand entertainment xvas given in aid of the funds of that excellent institution , xvhich there is no doubt xvill yield a considerable addition to its resources . Among those who gave their services on the occasion were Bros . H . Irving , Bancroft , Edxvard Terry , Lionel Brough ,
J . L . Toole , & c . Bros . Lord Claud Hamilton , Sir . J . McGarel Hogg , Bart ., D . Plunket , Sir I . Mowbray , Sir M . Hicks-Beach , Bart ., A . Staveley Hill , Q . C , Baron Henry de Worms , Earl Percy , Col . Stanley , and Col . King-Harman xx * ere present at the meeting of Conservative Members of Parliament , held on Tuesdav at thc Carlton .
At the Liberal meeting , held on 1 uesday at the Foreign Ofiice , there were present among others Bros . Lord Richard Grosvenor , Lord Kensington , Sir John Ramsden , Bart ., B . Samuelson , Montagu Guest , Sir Charles Dilke , Bart ., Sir S . Waterlow , Sir Thomas Brassey , K . C . B ., and Hon . G . Levison-Goxver . We are asked to announce that the William
Preston Lodge of Instruction has been removed from the J acob ' s Well , George-street , and noxv meets at the St , Andrexv ' s Tavern , George-street , Baker-street , VV . We understand that several brethren interested in the formation of a lodge in London on temperance principles , met last xveek to discuss preliminaries . Bros . Dr . Richardson and Sir Philip Cunliffe Oxven xvere present .
The Honor Oak Lodge , No . 1986 , ( Bro . Walter Hopekirk , P . M ., VV . M . ) , hold their next regular meeting on Wednesday , 6 th of June , at 4 . 30 p . m . The ceremony of installation will be worked b y Bro . P . M . Cusxvorth , at the Nexv Concord Lodge of Instruction , on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Jolly Farmers Tavern , Southgate-road , at eight p . m . At a meeting of the Northampton Chapter , No . 360 , Bro . A . M . Boeme was presented xvith a testimonial
by the companions of the chapter . VVe hope to give a report ol the proceedings in our next . Bro . J . L . Mather , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , and Bro . G . P . Festa , VV . M . 1900 , are candidates for the Board of General Purposes at the next election xvhich will take place at Grand Lodge on Wednesday next . The installation meeting of the Lodge of Temperance in the East , took p lace on Wednesday last with great eclat . We hope to give report in our next .
A fancy bazaar will be held at the City Temple , Holborn , on the Tuesday , Wednesday , and Thursday of next week . The lecture room xvill be tastefully fitted up as an Alpine village . Capital arrangements have been made for supplying musical and other forms of entertainment during the above period . The Duke and Duchess of Connaught , the
Duke of Cambridge , and Prince Christian xvere present at the Countess Granville ' s reception at the Foreign Office on Saturday last . The Editor of the Masonic Review , published at Cincinnati , in the State of Ohio , remarks in his May issue : " Bro . George Markham Txveddell , author of the fine Masonic sonnets xvhich appear ree * ularlv in our pages , has
noxv ready for the press 'A Hundred Masonic Sonnets , Illustrative of the Principles of the Craft . ' We cordially commend this publication to the Fraternity as worthy of their best attention , and of wide circulation among the brethren . " After stating that the price of the bound volume is to be half-a-croxvn , the Editor , in the true spirit of Masonry , kindly offers to receive and forxvard to Bro .
Markham Txveddell the names of subscribers . We believe Bro . Txveddell has already received several communications from various parts of America from brethren anxious to subscribe ; Judge Crosley , of Minneapolis , sending his own name and that of a friend and brother Mason , whilst in our oxvn country several illustrious Masons have given in their names . The ivork , xve understand , is to be dedicated to the author's friend , Bro . Emra Holmes .
How TO SECURE GOOD HEALTH . — MARTIN ' S CURATIVE MAGNETISM . —Health secured , Health restored , and Health promoted by the use of this Natural Agent , noxv so extensively used . See Press opinions , testimonials , and fullest particulars in 48 page pamphlet , xvhich is sent gratis to all by John Hugh Martin , Inventor and Maker of the Improved Appliances , 272 , Regent-circus , London , W . —FAovT . ]
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . the Lord Mayor and Bro . Sheriff Savory were the guests of the Alliance Lodge , No . 1 S 27 , of xvhich Bro . Wildey Wright is W . M ., at the Guildhall Tavern , on Wednesday evening . A report of the proceedings will appear in our next .
At the election of four pensioners on the funds of the Builders' Benevolent Institution the successful candidates xvere J . Page , H . Johnson , J . C Crittenden , and Mrs . Mills . In our account of the presentation of a testimonial to Bro . Major-General Laurie , M . W . G . M . of Nov" Scotia , it xvas stated that his relative , Sir Peter Laurie was Lord
Mayor of London and Master of the Saddlers' Company "in 1 S 46 . " It should have been "in 1833 . " The Prince ancl Princess of Wales with the Hereditary Prince and Princess of Saxc-Meiningen , were present at the Countess Granville ' s reception at the Foreign Office on Saturday evening . Bro . Lord Brooke , M . P ., P . G . M . Ksserr , and Lady Brooke xvere among the arrivals at
Westcn-super-Mare , on Saturday . On Monday they left for Br'd ^ water for the Bath and VVest of England Show . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales presided at the annual dinner of the Royal Horse Guards' Club , at the Knightsbridge Barracks , on Monday evening . The Prince of Wales , with the Princes Albert Edxvard and George and the Princess Victoria ci Wales , xvitnessed the performance of " Blue Beard " at the Gaiety on Monday evening .
The Prince of Wales has been adjud ged a prize for Southdoxvns at the Bath and West of England Agricultural Society's Shoxv at Bridgxvater . The Prince of Wales and the Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Meiningen were among the guests at the banquet given by Mr . Gladstone , on Saturday , in honour of the Queen ' s birthday . The Duke of Albany presided at a meeting held at the Royal Tapestry Works , Old Windsor , on Saturday afternoon .
The Committee on the Fish Exchange ( Blackfriars ) Bill met on Wednesday , under the presidency of Bro . Lord Evelyn . The Savage Club , of which his Royal Highness the Prince of VVales is an honorary life member , purpose giving a grand entertainment and costume ball at the Royal Albert Hall , on the evening of Wednesday , the 1 ith
July , the object being to found a Savage Club Scholarshi p in connection xvith the Royal College of Music . The Prince and Princess of VVales will honour the entertainment xvith their patronage and presence . The Royal ( founder ' s ) medal of the Royal Geographical Society has been axvarded to Sir Joseph D . Hooker , F . R . S ., for his services in various parts of the world , but especially fcr his researches in botanical
geography ; and the Patron ' s medal to Mr . E . Colborne Baber , Chinese Secretary to Her Majesty ' s Legation , Pekin , for his geographical labours in the interior of China . In the Public Schools' Examinations gold and silver medals xvere respectively adjudged to Thomas Rose and S . VV . Carruthers , both of Duixvich College , for physical geography , and the gold medal for political geography to S . C . Farloxv , of Harrow School .
On Monday , by command of the Oueen , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales held a levee at St . James ' s Palace on behalf of her Majesty . The Duke of Albany , P . G . J . W ., the Duke of Cambridge , and the Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Meiningen xvere present . The Hon . Corps
of Gentlemen-at-Arms , under the command of their captain , Bro . Lord Carrington , were on duty in the State saloons , and the Veomen of the Guard , under the command of their captain , Bro . Lord Monson , in the interior of the palace .
The new Parkes Museum of H ygiene , Margaret-street , was opened on Saturday morning by H . R . H . the Duke of Albany , who in acknoxvlcdging the vote of thanks unanimously passed to him for having undertaken the duty , delivered a somexvhat lengthy address on the many benefits that xvill result from a further study of hygiene , and the advantage xvhich the museum xvill offer
to the public at large for becoming better acquainted xvith the conditions necessary to a health y existence in our large cities and towns , but especially in the metropolis . His Royal Highness also stated that it had given him great pleasure to accept the office of President of the Parkes Museum , xvhich had been founded and named after the first professor of hygiene in this country .
At the annual meeting of the Nineteenth Century Building Society held on the 29 th ult ., at the Cannon-street Hotel , Mr . H . XV . Laurence in the chair the following resolution moved by Mr . James Rowlands , seconded by Mr . Stephen Seaward Tayler , was carried unanimously . That this meeting of members of the Nineteenth Century Building Society believing that many persons , especially members of building societies
purchasing houses rely on the supervision they believe the authorities to exercise over the construction and sanitary arrangements , cordially approves of the recent action of the directors in bringing under the notice of the Local Government Board the fact that houses were being built at West Ham without damp-proof courses and is glad to learn thai the Local Board have under their consideration the makin _ r of nexv bye-laxvs for the district .
T HB F IRE AT FREEMASONS' HALL . —Bro . Bedford Lemere & Co ., have taken some excellent photos of the 1 emple after the fire—from cabinet size upwards . Supplied only by G . Kenning , 16 , Great Oueen-street , at if * A ?? " J * - ? " eac ' -J' P ost free on receipt ~ of stamps or P . O . O . —[ ADVT . ]
. nnv . 4 Y s I ' ILLS AMI OI . STUEXT . —Dyspepsia , laiindice . — These complaints are the result of a disordered liver , xvliich secretes bile 111 quality or quantity incapable of digesting food . Digotinn requires a free ( low of healthy bile , to insure which Holloway's Pills and Ointment have lonft been famous , far eclipsing every other medicine . Unsuitable food , irregularity of living , unhealthy cli . mates , and other causes are constantly throxving the liver into dis
. order , but that important organ can , under all circumstances , soon be regulated and healthily adjusted by Hollowayls Pills and Ointment , \ x ; hich act directly upon its vital secretion . The Ointment rubbed in the skin penetrates immediately to the liver , so the blend and nerves it rectifies . One trial is all that is needed , a cure xvill soon follow . —[ Ann-. 1