Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article To Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 2 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF ENGLAND AND WALES AND THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN . The Right Hon . LORD HENNIKER , M . W . Grand Master . The Right Hon . THE EARL OF KINTORE , R . W . Deputy Grand Master . INSTALLATION OK M . W . GRAND M ASTER . The Summer Half-yearly Communication of this Grand Lodge xvill be held at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queenstreet , W . C , on Tuesday , the 5 th day of June next , when and where all Grand Officets ( Past and Present ) , W . Masters , Past Masters , and Overseers of Private Lodges are hereby summoned to attend , and at xvhich , by permission , all regularly registered Mark Master Masons may be present . Grand Lodge xvill be opened at Five o ' clock p . m . By command of the M . W . Grand Master , FREDERICK BINCKES , P . G . J . W ., Grand Secretary . N . B . —A Banquet xvill be provided at Seven o ' clock , at xvhich the Grand Master xvill preside . The Tickets will be 15 s . each , inclusive of wine , if taken before the day of meeting , and 17 s . Gd . if taken out on that day , and it is requested that every brother intending to dine will forxvard his name to the Grand Stexvards , care of the Grand Secretary , not later than Saturday , the 2 nd of June . Grand Lodge Office . Sa , Red Lion-square , Holborn , W . C . 25 th May , 1 SS 3 .
Note .-ALTERATION OF DATE OF FESTIVAL . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Patron : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . President : His ROVAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OK WALES , K . C ., M . W . G . M . THE EIGHTY-FIl'TH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL , Will be held at THK CRYSTAL PALACE , SYDENHAM , On WEDNESDAY , -oth JUNE , / So' ., ' . THE Rt . Hon . Viscount HOLMESDALE , R . W . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER OF KENT , IN THE CHAIR . BOARD OK S TEWARDS : PRESIDENT : R . W . Bro . Col . LE G ENDRE NICHOLAS S TARKIE , Vice-President of Institution , Provincial Grand Master of East Lancashire . HONORARY PRESIDENTS : R XV . Bro . Lieut .-Col . Sir H ENRY EDWARDES , Bart ., Vice-Patron of Institution , Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire . R . W . Bro . Col . MALET DE CARTERET , Vice-President of Institution , Prov . Grand Master of Jersey . V . W . Bro . Rev . A . F . A . WOODKORD , P . G . Chaplain , Vice-President of Institution . XV . Bro . T HOMAS VV . TEW , J . P ., G . S . D ., Deputy Prov . Grand Master of West Yorkshire . ACTING PRESIDENTS : W Bio . J AMES SMITH EASTES , Deputy Prov . Grand Master of Kent . W . Bro . K DUAK BOWYER , Grand Standard Bearer , Vice-Patron of Institution . VICE-PRESIDENTS : Vice-Patrons and Vice-Presidents of the Institution—Present and Past Grand Officers—Present and Past Grand Stexvards Present and Past Provincial Grand Ofiicers . HONORARY TREASURER : W . Bru . H ORACE BROOKS MARSHALL , C . C , VV . M . No . 1949 , Vice-Patron of Institution . With .. . ; S Brethien representing the Metropolitan and Provincial Lodges . The services of Hrethren as Stewards are still most earnestly solicited . TICKETS—Ladies 16 s ; Brethren 22 s . ( . includingadmission to the Palace ) . Dinner xvill be on the Table at Five o'clock , and , including Dessert and Wines , xvill be provided by Messrs . Bertram and Roberts . B cthrcn to appear xvithout Masonic Clothing . Morning Dress . Particulars and every information 011 application to the Honorary Secretary , FREDERICK BINCKES , fP . G . S ., V . Patron ) , Secretary of the Institution . Office : —0 , F REEMASONS' HALL , W . C . 13 th May , 10 S 3 .
BUILDERS' BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED BUILDERS . - Vli I C Crittenden begs to return his sincere and grateful ih-iiiks to those subscribers and friends xvho by their Votfs and exertions on his behalf have elected him as an annuitant of the above Institution .
STATIONERS and PRINTERS , Young man ( M . M . ) age 30 , married , desires a position of trust in a good House , xvhere the best class of xvork isdone , as Assistant Manager , or Management of the Lithographic Department ( Colour or Commercial ); thoroughly up to Estimating and general supervision ; eig htyearsexperience ; steady and Energetic—Apply , J . B . B ., 35 , Southxvark Bridge-road , London , S . E .
PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER OF SURREY . THE M . E . Comp . G ENERAL STUDHOLME BROWNRIGG , C . B ., Grand Superintendent . A PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER xvill be held at the SUN HOTEL , KINGSTON , In the county of Surrey , On SATURDAY , oth JUNE , 1 SS 3 . at 3-30 p . m . C . GREENWOOD , P . Z ., P . G . D . of Cers ., Prov . G . S . E . The Dinner xvill take place at 5 . 30 . For Tickets apply to Comp . Charles Greenwood , 61 , Nelson Square , Blackfriars Road , S . E ., enclosing 6 / 6 ( xvhich will not include xvine ) , Dinner xvill be provided for brethren only xvho have taken Tickets , and no Ticket will be issued after June 7 th . N . B . —Morning Dress . Train from Waterloo 2 . 35 .
OPECULATION & INVESTMENT TN STOCKS AND SHARES ^ v / ITR A MINIMUM RISK T ^ O operate on the Stock Exchange profitably or , in other words , increase one's capital , limited though it be , may suggest itself as not very easy of accomplishment . Quick perception , however , tempered with experience and a true knoxvledge of the influences in force , xvill , in many cases , render the process comparatively simple . To purchase a stock or security of any description mig ht not alxvays prove judicious and safe , even xvere the position and prospects in the particular case the most sound and promising , because an immediate improvement , or , indeed , the maintenance of the prevalent market value xvould be improbable , if not impossible , so long as the account remained a weak one , or one shoxving a heavy preponderance of weak operations forthe rise . In like manner a stock might be intrinsically xvorth little or absolutely nothing , but from the fact of it haying been largely oversold the price remains apparently firm . "EXPLANATORY BOOK sent post free on application . "READ OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . { V T-EEKLY and MONTHLY REPORT sent regularly VV to clients . CPECULATIVE ACCOUNTS opened on the most favourable terms . W GUTTERIDGE AND CO ., STOCK AND . SHARE BROKERS , 7 , DRAPERS ' -GARDENS , THROGMORTON-STREET , LONDON , E . C .
TO ADVERTISERS . THE F REEMASON lias a large circulation in all parts of the Globe . In it the ollicial Reports of the Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland are published with the special sanction of the respeo tix-c Grand Masters , and it contains a complete record of Masonic worn 111 this countrv , our Indian Empire , and the Colonies . The vast accession to the ranks ot the Order during the past fexv years , and the increasing interest manifested in _ its doings , has gix-en the Freemason a position and inlluence xxhich fexv journals can lav claim to , and the proprietor can assert with confidence that announcements appearing in its columns challenge the attention of a x-cry large and inlluential body of readers . Advertisements for the current week ' s issue are received up to Six o ' clock on Wednesdav ex-ening .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
BOOKS , & c , RECEIVED . "The Masonic Chronicle , " "The Citizen , " "La Chaine d'Union , " "The Masonic Review , " "The Hull Packet , " "Thc Independent , " " Bolletin Du Grand Orient De France , " The Freemason" ( Toronto ) , "The Court Circular , " "The Cheltenham Examiner , " "The Jewish Chronicle , " "Allen ' s Indian Mail , " "The Bridgexvater Mercury . "
Kj ^ Uk / ljUgS ^^ ggg ^ bATURDAY , J 2 , 1883 .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ Wc do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of , the opinions expressed by otircorrespondents , byt xve wish in aspirit of fairplay to all to permit—within certain necessary limils—free discussion . l ORDER OF PRECEDENCE IN GRAND LODGE . To the Editor of thc "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — All who hold the opinion that our ancient laxvs and landmarks should be strictly adhered to , and especially by Grand Lodge , for example ' s sake , xvill , I think , feel as I do ,
Original Correspondence.
that xve are under great obligation to the xvriter of the excellent letter in your issue of the 5 th ult ., signed " District Grand Master . " It is quite time that a strong stand should be made against the practice of throxvingoverboard not only the established usages , but the very Constitutions of our Order xvhenever the small knot of brethren who appear to
rule Grand Lodge think fit to do so . When I speak thus of this "junta , " 1 do not wish to imply disrespect . They are all—and each one of them—entitled to our highest respect and regard ; but they really ought to remember that however high their rank , and hoxvever near they may be able to
approach the person of our Royal Grand Master , they ought to obey the laxvs of our Craft as implicitly as the humblest Apprentice among us , and even more implicitly , for ( as I have said ) example ' s sake , and this the brethren to xvhom 1 am referring seem quite to forget or ignore . — Yours fraternally ,
To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — I have been xvaiting since you xvere kind enough to insert my letter re Masonic precedence for some denial of the alteration in the Order , but there is no doubt it is deliberate ; action on the part of some of the Dii Majores , and I think most regretable . In our language of symbols
there is nothing more appropriate and beautiful than thc volume from xvhich xve derive our faith and system of government , being borne immediately in front of thc governing poxvers , and it is an ill omen to replace it by the " almighty dollar" and the pen , to send the bearers of it further doxvn the line , for no reason but the idea that thc Grand Committee are getting too numerous . —Remaining , very fraternally yours , H . E . F ., 452 .
REBUILDING OF THE TEMPLE . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — Allow me space to say a fexv xvords on thc abovenamed subject . I see by the agenda paper for thc business of Grand Lodge to be holden on the Gth inst . a scheme will
be presented for the rebuilding . and enlargement of thc Temple . Without going fully into the question at this early stage , I can venture an opinion that no scheme xvill be satisfactory to members of the Craft—in London as xvell as in the provinces—xvhich does not embrace ample accommodation for
those who have to transact Masonic business with the executive of Grand Lodge or xvith the Secretaries of our valued and increasing Charitable Institutions , whose offiets arc under the same roof , more particularly about the election times . At present there is not a room , not even a desk , where a Mason can write a letter , or a room in xvhich to await the . arrival of any person you may have appointed to
meet . I xvill only add an opinion that the so-called " strong room , " in xvhich our valuable books and documents arc kept , is not sufficient for its purpose , and that everything in it xvould be destroyed if a serious fire occurred . Trusting tbat ample opportunity xvill be given for the consideration of these very important matters and necessarily large expenditure , —I am , sir , yours fraternally ,
HENRY SMITH , P . M Saint John's , Wakefield , May 29 th .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — I observe by thc agenda paper for thc next quarterly communication that an election will take place tor a portion of the Committee of management of thc
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , by thc nomination of a brother who , whilst a member , of it some time since rarely attended any of its meetings , and xvho , also being a member of the Finance Committee , did not attend once during the year , and strange to say that the brother nominating him is not even a subscriber of five shillings a year
to the Institution ; and again the nominee is about to change his residence from London to Bournemouth which xvould still further militate 'against his chance of being able to attend ; xvhile thc brethren xvho have been on during thc past year havc attended very punctually and been
nominated for re-election . I would therefore ask thc Craft to vote for those nominated by Bro . Perceval and to leave the aforesaid brother where he left the business of thc Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution xvhen elected—alone . —Yours fraternally
P . M . I VVe publish the letter , but xve arc axvarc of no reason xvhy a brother should not propose another in Grand Lodge If the brothcralludcdtobethebrolherwcthink isintended xve cannot agree xvith our correspondent at all . ED . F . M . ]
THE FIRE AT FREEMASONS' HALL . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — I fully concur xvith the writer of the unique "Leaderette" in this xveek ' s issue of flic Freemason
To move Grand Lodge from Great Queen-street xvould be inopportune and a great inconvenience to the majority ol thc Craft . It is noxv situate in a most central position , and easy of access , alike for provincial and toxvn brethren . We undoubtedly require , and must increase our present accommodation , xvith due regard to future exigences ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF ENGLAND AND WALES AND THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN . The Right Hon . LORD HENNIKER , M . W . Grand Master . The Right Hon . THE EARL OF KINTORE , R . W . Deputy Grand Master . INSTALLATION OK M . W . GRAND M ASTER . The Summer Half-yearly Communication of this Grand Lodge xvill be held at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queenstreet , W . C , on Tuesday , the 5 th day of June next , when and where all Grand Officets ( Past and Present ) , W . Masters , Past Masters , and Overseers of Private Lodges are hereby summoned to attend , and at xvhich , by permission , all regularly registered Mark Master Masons may be present . Grand Lodge xvill be opened at Five o ' clock p . m . By command of the M . W . Grand Master , FREDERICK BINCKES , P . G . J . W ., Grand Secretary . N . B . —A Banquet xvill be provided at Seven o ' clock , at xvhich the Grand Master xvill preside . The Tickets will be 15 s . each , inclusive of wine , if taken before the day of meeting , and 17 s . Gd . if taken out on that day , and it is requested that every brother intending to dine will forxvard his name to the Grand Stexvards , care of the Grand Secretary , not later than Saturday , the 2 nd of June . Grand Lodge Office . Sa , Red Lion-square , Holborn , W . C . 25 th May , 1 SS 3 .
Note .-ALTERATION OF DATE OF FESTIVAL . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Patron : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . President : His ROVAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OK WALES , K . C ., M . W . G . M . THE EIGHTY-FIl'TH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL , Will be held at THK CRYSTAL PALACE , SYDENHAM , On WEDNESDAY , -oth JUNE , / So' ., ' . THE Rt . Hon . Viscount HOLMESDALE , R . W . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER OF KENT , IN THE CHAIR . BOARD OK S TEWARDS : PRESIDENT : R . W . Bro . Col . LE G ENDRE NICHOLAS S TARKIE , Vice-President of Institution , Provincial Grand Master of East Lancashire . HONORARY PRESIDENTS : R XV . Bro . Lieut .-Col . Sir H ENRY EDWARDES , Bart ., Vice-Patron of Institution , Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire . R . W . Bro . Col . MALET DE CARTERET , Vice-President of Institution , Prov . Grand Master of Jersey . V . W . Bro . Rev . A . F . A . WOODKORD , P . G . Chaplain , Vice-President of Institution . XV . Bro . T HOMAS VV . TEW , J . P ., G . S . D ., Deputy Prov . Grand Master of West Yorkshire . ACTING PRESIDENTS : W Bio . J AMES SMITH EASTES , Deputy Prov . Grand Master of Kent . W . Bro . K DUAK BOWYER , Grand Standard Bearer , Vice-Patron of Institution . VICE-PRESIDENTS : Vice-Patrons and Vice-Presidents of the Institution—Present and Past Grand Officers—Present and Past Grand Stexvards Present and Past Provincial Grand Ofiicers . HONORARY TREASURER : W . Bru . H ORACE BROOKS MARSHALL , C . C , VV . M . No . 1949 , Vice-Patron of Institution . With .. . ; S Brethien representing the Metropolitan and Provincial Lodges . The services of Hrethren as Stewards are still most earnestly solicited . TICKETS—Ladies 16 s ; Brethren 22 s . ( . includingadmission to the Palace ) . Dinner xvill be on the Table at Five o'clock , and , including Dessert and Wines , xvill be provided by Messrs . Bertram and Roberts . B cthrcn to appear xvithout Masonic Clothing . Morning Dress . Particulars and every information 011 application to the Honorary Secretary , FREDERICK BINCKES , fP . G . S ., V . Patron ) , Secretary of the Institution . Office : —0 , F REEMASONS' HALL , W . C . 13 th May , 10 S 3 .
BUILDERS' BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED BUILDERS . - Vli I C Crittenden begs to return his sincere and grateful ih-iiiks to those subscribers and friends xvho by their Votfs and exertions on his behalf have elected him as an annuitant of the above Institution .
STATIONERS and PRINTERS , Young man ( M . M . ) age 30 , married , desires a position of trust in a good House , xvhere the best class of xvork isdone , as Assistant Manager , or Management of the Lithographic Department ( Colour or Commercial ); thoroughly up to Estimating and general supervision ; eig htyearsexperience ; steady and Energetic—Apply , J . B . B ., 35 , Southxvark Bridge-road , London , S . E .
PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER OF SURREY . THE M . E . Comp . G ENERAL STUDHOLME BROWNRIGG , C . B ., Grand Superintendent . A PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER xvill be held at the SUN HOTEL , KINGSTON , In the county of Surrey , On SATURDAY , oth JUNE , 1 SS 3 . at 3-30 p . m . C . GREENWOOD , P . Z ., P . G . D . of Cers ., Prov . G . S . E . The Dinner xvill take place at 5 . 30 . For Tickets apply to Comp . Charles Greenwood , 61 , Nelson Square , Blackfriars Road , S . E ., enclosing 6 / 6 ( xvhich will not include xvine ) , Dinner xvill be provided for brethren only xvho have taken Tickets , and no Ticket will be issued after June 7 th . N . B . —Morning Dress . Train from Waterloo 2 . 35 .
OPECULATION & INVESTMENT TN STOCKS AND SHARES ^ v / ITR A MINIMUM RISK T ^ O operate on the Stock Exchange profitably or , in other words , increase one's capital , limited though it be , may suggest itself as not very easy of accomplishment . Quick perception , however , tempered with experience and a true knoxvledge of the influences in force , xvill , in many cases , render the process comparatively simple . To purchase a stock or security of any description mig ht not alxvays prove judicious and safe , even xvere the position and prospects in the particular case the most sound and promising , because an immediate improvement , or , indeed , the maintenance of the prevalent market value xvould be improbable , if not impossible , so long as the account remained a weak one , or one shoxving a heavy preponderance of weak operations forthe rise . In like manner a stock might be intrinsically xvorth little or absolutely nothing , but from the fact of it haying been largely oversold the price remains apparently firm . "EXPLANATORY BOOK sent post free on application . "READ OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . { V T-EEKLY and MONTHLY REPORT sent regularly VV to clients . CPECULATIVE ACCOUNTS opened on the most favourable terms . W GUTTERIDGE AND CO ., STOCK AND . SHARE BROKERS , 7 , DRAPERS ' -GARDENS , THROGMORTON-STREET , LONDON , E . C .
TO ADVERTISERS . THE F REEMASON lias a large circulation in all parts of the Globe . In it the ollicial Reports of the Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland are published with the special sanction of the respeo tix-c Grand Masters , and it contains a complete record of Masonic worn 111 this countrv , our Indian Empire , and the Colonies . The vast accession to the ranks ot the Order during the past fexv years , and the increasing interest manifested in _ its doings , has gix-en the Freemason a position and inlluence xxhich fexv journals can lav claim to , and the proprietor can assert with confidence that announcements appearing in its columns challenge the attention of a x-cry large and inlluential body of readers . Advertisements for the current week ' s issue are received up to Six o ' clock on Wednesdav ex-ening .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
BOOKS , & c , RECEIVED . "The Masonic Chronicle , " "The Citizen , " "La Chaine d'Union , " "The Masonic Review , " "The Hull Packet , " "Thc Independent , " " Bolletin Du Grand Orient De France , " The Freemason" ( Toronto ) , "The Court Circular , " "The Cheltenham Examiner , " "The Jewish Chronicle , " "Allen ' s Indian Mail , " "The Bridgexvater Mercury . "
Kj ^ Uk / ljUgS ^^ ggg ^ bATURDAY , J 2 , 1883 .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ Wc do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of , the opinions expressed by otircorrespondents , byt xve wish in aspirit of fairplay to all to permit—within certain necessary limils—free discussion . l ORDER OF PRECEDENCE IN GRAND LODGE . To the Editor of thc "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — All who hold the opinion that our ancient laxvs and landmarks should be strictly adhered to , and especially by Grand Lodge , for example ' s sake , xvill , I think , feel as I do ,
Original Correspondence.
that xve are under great obligation to the xvriter of the excellent letter in your issue of the 5 th ult ., signed " District Grand Master . " It is quite time that a strong stand should be made against the practice of throxvingoverboard not only the established usages , but the very Constitutions of our Order xvhenever the small knot of brethren who appear to
rule Grand Lodge think fit to do so . When I speak thus of this "junta , " 1 do not wish to imply disrespect . They are all—and each one of them—entitled to our highest respect and regard ; but they really ought to remember that however high their rank , and hoxvever near they may be able to
approach the person of our Royal Grand Master , they ought to obey the laxvs of our Craft as implicitly as the humblest Apprentice among us , and even more implicitly , for ( as I have said ) example ' s sake , and this the brethren to xvhom 1 am referring seem quite to forget or ignore . — Yours fraternally ,
To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — I have been xvaiting since you xvere kind enough to insert my letter re Masonic precedence for some denial of the alteration in the Order , but there is no doubt it is deliberate ; action on the part of some of the Dii Majores , and I think most regretable . In our language of symbols
there is nothing more appropriate and beautiful than thc volume from xvhich xve derive our faith and system of government , being borne immediately in front of thc governing poxvers , and it is an ill omen to replace it by the " almighty dollar" and the pen , to send the bearers of it further doxvn the line , for no reason but the idea that thc Grand Committee are getting too numerous . —Remaining , very fraternally yours , H . E . F ., 452 .
REBUILDING OF THE TEMPLE . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — Allow me space to say a fexv xvords on thc abovenamed subject . I see by the agenda paper for thc business of Grand Lodge to be holden on the Gth inst . a scheme will
be presented for the rebuilding . and enlargement of thc Temple . Without going fully into the question at this early stage , I can venture an opinion that no scheme xvill be satisfactory to members of the Craft—in London as xvell as in the provinces—xvhich does not embrace ample accommodation for
those who have to transact Masonic business with the executive of Grand Lodge or xvith the Secretaries of our valued and increasing Charitable Institutions , whose offiets arc under the same roof , more particularly about the election times . At present there is not a room , not even a desk , where a Mason can write a letter , or a room in xvhich to await the . arrival of any person you may have appointed to
meet . I xvill only add an opinion that the so-called " strong room , " in xvhich our valuable books and documents arc kept , is not sufficient for its purpose , and that everything in it xvould be destroyed if a serious fire occurred . Trusting tbat ample opportunity xvill be given for the consideration of these very important matters and necessarily large expenditure , —I am , sir , yours fraternally ,
HENRY SMITH , P . M Saint John's , Wakefield , May 29 th .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — I observe by thc agenda paper for thc next quarterly communication that an election will take place tor a portion of the Committee of management of thc
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , by thc nomination of a brother who , whilst a member , of it some time since rarely attended any of its meetings , and xvho , also being a member of the Finance Committee , did not attend once during the year , and strange to say that the brother nominating him is not even a subscriber of five shillings a year
to the Institution ; and again the nominee is about to change his residence from London to Bournemouth which xvould still further militate 'against his chance of being able to attend ; xvhile thc brethren xvho have been on during thc past year havc attended very punctually and been
nominated for re-election . I would therefore ask thc Craft to vote for those nominated by Bro . Perceval and to leave the aforesaid brother where he left the business of thc Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution xvhen elected—alone . —Yours fraternally
P . M . I VVe publish the letter , but xve arc axvarc of no reason xvhy a brother should not propose another in Grand Lodge If the brothcralludcdtobethebrolherwcthink isintended xve cannot agree xvith our correspondent at all . ED . F . M . ]
THE FIRE AT FREEMASONS' HALL . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — I fully concur xvith the writer of the unique "Leaderette" in this xveek ' s issue of flic Freemason
To move Grand Lodge from Great Queen-street xvould be inopportune and a great inconvenience to the majority ol thc Craft . It is noxv situate in a most central position , and easy of access , alike for provincial and toxvn brethren . We undoubtedly require , and must increase our present accommodation , xvith due regard to future exigences ,