Article Original Correspondence. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REVIEWS Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Original Correspondence.
should not only like to see a good library and museum ( as you suggest ) but in addition , a club rooin , _ xvith suitable offices for the use of the Craft . If the brethren do me the honour to elect me on the Board of General Purposes on Wednesday next , it xvill be my duty and pleasure to serve them to the best of my
ability in restoring the Masonic Temple for the benefit of the Craft in general . —I am dear sir and brother , yours faithfully and fraternally , E . F . STORR , P . M . and Treas ., 22 , & c . Mayday Villa , Kentish Toxvn , May 28 th .
GLAMORGAN LODGE . To the Editor of the d"Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — 1 should feel grateful if you xvill alloxv me to ask , through your columns , xvhether any of your correspondents have come across in their researches any records of the
Glamorgan Lodge , No . 36 ? That the lodge xvas constituted in the year 1753 , and the warrant renewed in 1777 , we have evidence of ; but xve have no minutes of the proceedings until the year 1 S 0 S . In that year the number of the lodge xvas 33 , and remained so until the Union of the txvo Grand Lodges in 1 S 13 . —I am , sir , yours obediently , F . GARRETT HORDER , VV . M . elect No . 3 6 .
PROCEEDINGS OF THE GRAND CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS OF QUEBEC . 1 SS 3 . This is the official publication of the Chapter of Quebec for 1 SS 3 . VVe almost think at times it xvould be xviser if Foreign Grand Bodies imitated the xvise reticence of the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of England as to official publications . We should all be spared many long-xvinded
treatises , much useless expenditure of print , the xvading though interminable reports which contain little that is nexv , and often are positively " nihil ad jeur . " At the same time xve say this , xve feel bound honestly to admit , that there is another side to the question . Probably if we were in those distant regions and among outlying grand bodies , xve should speak and think differently . Publication
for them may be important , and we concede this further , that every noxv and then , like a needle in a bundle of hay , xve light upon some one document xvhich , important in itself , and valuable for evidence or remembrance , contains the lucrubrations of the scholar , or sets forth the words and acts of some great doctor in our Masonic Israel . Every noxv and then also we come upon a controversal
correspondence , but since as a rule controversy cannot do much good anyhoxv or anyxvhere , xve alxvays skip Masonic correspondence , as it is pretty sure to be uncharitable and inconsequential in the highest degree . This annual report of the Grand Chapter of Quebec contains a correspondence xvith our Grand Chapter and our able Grand Scribe , Col . Shadxvell H . Clerke , xvhich xvill be read xvith different feelings on
each side of the Atlantic . They think in Canada they have a clear case . We shall think in England xve have a clearer still . Whatever may be the explanation of the alleged dormancy of the chapter at Montreal , it seems , according to Cocker , that if the charter xvas granted before the foundation of the Grand Chapter at ( Quebec it isjavailable still , unless the Grand Chapter of England ignores it
on any technical ground , and that it necessarily comes under the provisions of the original Concordat xvith the Grand Lodge of Canada , xvhich no subsequent creation of a G . Lodge or G . Chapter can affect ; inasmuch as if the lodges have a legal position at Montreal , chapters xvhich are the complement of English Craft Masonry have a legal status ar . d existence necessarily too . In fact it
becomes a case of "sequitur . Had thc Grand Chapter of England sent out a xvarrant of creation or confirmation after the formation of the Grand Chapter of Quebec , the Grand Chapter of Quebec , resting on the honourable and high-minded assurance of Lord Zetland , the case might have been somexvhat different . But as it is the
linglish Grar . d Chapter cannot give up loyal and legal chapters any more than the Grand Lodge of England can surrender up faithfully adhering lodges . This question , like the other of Craft Masonry proper in Quebec , can only be settled by the efflux of time , patience , and Masonic consideration .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
1 S 3 ] PIPE ROLLS , 8 * c . The formation of a " Pipe Roll" Society for the publication of those ancient documents is a very reasonable move in a right direction , and may give us , if Sir F . Palgrave is correct , many evidences of the Masons—Masters , Felloxvs and Apprentices of medi .-eval history . Even in " Privy
Purse expenses" and the like we may find interesting items . In the privy purse expenses of Henry VII from 1491 to ! 5 U 5 , published in " Excerpta Histonca" by Bentley in 1 S 31 , xve find , as has been before pointed out in thc Freemason the use of this xvord ( though late ) of "Freemason " and the names of several other Masons or Master Masons unknoxvn to fame . For instance , in 1540 , September Sth ,
xve light upon this gentry , " To William Este , Fremason , the first payments for making of Wodestock Hall , £ 11 is ., p . 99 . In 1 495 , September nth we , hear of James Henley for making K . Richard ' s tomb £ 10 . In 1496 xve hear of Manney , thc carpenter , p . 106 . In 149 S xve come across an interesting item about " Master Shaa" apparently the Master
Mason of Master Bray , afterxvards Sir Reginald Bray , who issaid in our traditions to have been a Freemasonand who is again mixed up xvith Abbot Islip and VVest , minster Abbey , and King Henry Vll ' s chapel . In 1497 , January 13 th , there is a payment S . John Shaa , of £ 607 ; s . ud ., a large sum noxv , in full payment of all his rekeny-
Masonic Notes And Queries.
ings to this day as xvell for nexv yere s gifts , and making of diverse jexvels , and setting and polishing of stones , as for money delivered by hym to Master Seymour for his xvorkes at VVindesour . It is not quite clear 1 admit that Shaa is a Master Mason , beseem to act at times as jeweller
and banker . Whiting , a Mason at Andover is mentioned also specially in 1499 . Master Esterlield is mentioned as making the kings tombe at Windsor in 1502 . A Robert Fylle is mentioned in 1503 , and Henry Smyth in 1505 , for xvork at the Palace of Richmond . MASONIC STUDENT .
1 S 4 J TRADE GUILDS OF CONSTANTINOPLE . It xvould seem from " All the Year Round " for April this year , that the Trade and Craft Guilds at Constantinople are very ancient , anterior to European Guilds . They consist of Masters , xvorkmen , and apprentices . ANTIQUAR 1 US .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
draft Jlasouru . NEW CONCORD LODGE ( No . 813 ) . —The members of the above successful lodge met on Thursday , the 24 th ult ., for the last time during the season , at Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street . In the absence , through indisposition , of Bro . H . T . Tiddeman , W . M ., the lodge was opened by Bro . L . C . Haslip , I . P . M ., acting as W . M . Present : Bros . J . Stilxvell , S . VV . ; A . J . Potter , J . W . ;
Rev . C . J . Stevens , Chap . ; T . J . Cusworth , P . M ., I reas . ; R . R . Harper , P . M ., Sec . ; P . Harnett , S . D . ; F . Perl , D . C ; F . M . Wenborn , Org . ; A . Perl , I . G . ; E . Chubb , Stexvard ; VV . Pierpoint , P . M . ; S . P . George , P . M . ; H . J . Gabb , P . M . ; andlother brethren . Visitors : Bros . F . Richmond , 16 95 ; J . H . VV . Hayxvard , 617 ; and G . H . Stephens , J . VV 1623 , 13 S 2 , S 9 S ( Freemason ) .
The business before the meeting was to raise Bros . Broxvn and Walker , pass Bros . Allsop and Gadsby , to initiate a gentleman into the Order , after being duly balloted for , and to re-elect Bro . James Woodman a member of the lodge . The entire list of business was disposed of , Bro . Haslip rendering the ceremonies of the First and Second Degrees in the same able manner xvhich recently
marked his career of Master of the lodge , and Bro . Cusxvorth impressively rendering that of the superior Degree . All business being ended , and it may be noted in passing that the brethren of this lodge recognise the claims of the three grand Masonic Charities in a worthy manner , lodge xx-as closed until after the usual summer vacation , and under the genial presidency of Bro . L . C . Haslip a capital banquet
xvas discussed , giving evident satisfaction . Bro . Haslip duly honoured the usual loyal and Craft toasts , all of which xvere xvell received . The Worshipful Master ' s position xvas heartily recognised on that brother ' s health being proposed by Bro . Cusworth , P . M . ; and Bro . Haslip suitably responded on his oxvn behalf , and explained the cause of Bro . Tiddeman ' s
unavoidable absence from the lodge . The toast of "The Initiates" xvas next given , Bro . Haslip including in this toast Bros . Allsop and Gadsby , xvho xvere initiated last meeting . After replies from Bro . E . C . Conrad and those two brethren , "The Visitors" come in for a hearty reception , Bro . Haslip remarking there had been but txvo visitors
present until an old friend of his , Bro . Stephens , had just arrived . The brethren valued the presence of visiting brethren at the New Concord Lodge , and always extended them a hearty reception . The remaining toasts xvere " The Past Masters , " severally responded to by Bros . Gabb , Picrooint , George , and
others ; "The Masonic Charities , " to xvhich Bros . Cusworth and Gabb replied ; and "The Masonic Press , " coupled with the name of Bro . Stephens . An agreeable evening , enlivened xvith song and recitation , xvas brought to a close by the Tyler ' s toast , given by our veteran Bro . Speight , P . M ., & c .
ALDERSGATE LODGE ( No . 1657 ) . — Presentation to the Grand Treasurer . -- An emergency meeting of this lodge took place on Monday last at the Castle and Falcon Hotel , Aldersgate-street , for thc purpose of making a presentation to thc Grand Treasurer , when the following brethren xvere present : Bros . Samuel Benton , M . D ., VV . M .: Alfred Brookman , I . P . M ., *
Samuel White , S . W . ; E . Y . Jolliffe , J . W . ; Rev . Richard Lee , M . A ., Chaplain ; John Derby Allcroft , P . M ., Treasurer ; Rev . Dr . P . 11 . Ernest Brette , P . M ., Sec ; W . H . Froom , S . D . ; Edward Anderton , J . D . ; George Vickery , I . G . ; Arthur B . Hudson , Steward ; Matthexv R . Webb , Steward ; Fredk . Crockford , Wine Stexvard ; George Kenning , P . M . ; Herbert Alder Smith , M . D . ;
Philip Saillard , Thos . Benskin , Joseph Lavender , John Larkin , Edmond Frank Brexvster Fuller , Thomas George Vickery , George Raxvlinson , Wm . Wilberforce Thompson , and James Shotter . Bros . William Wilberforce Thompson and James Shotter were passed to the Second Degree by the W . M . in an able manner . Bro . Dr . Benton , the VV . M ., then presented the insignia
of Grand Treasurer , Craft , and Royal Arch to Bro . John Derby Allcroft , P . M . and Treasurer , accompanying it xvith some xvell-chosen remarks embodying the feelings of the xvhole of the members of the lodge . Some routine xvork being concluded thc brethren
adjourned to dinner , presided over by thc W . M ., thc speeches on this occasion being confined to " The Queen , " " The VV . M ., " and " The Grand Treasurer . " Considerable satisfaction xvas evinced by the brethren at the increased accommodation provided by Bro . Benskin in the addition of a nexv lodge and banqueting room .
HENRY MUGGERIDGE LODGE ( Nu . 16 79 ) . —Thc installation meeting of this lodge xvas held at thc Masons' Hall Tavern , Coleman-street , E . C , on Saturday , the 26 th ult ., xvhen Bro . Henry Muggeridge installed Bro . Alfred Sack as W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year ,
xvho appointed Bros . Arnold , S . W . ; Stampfer , J . VV . ; Haines , S . D . ; Street , "J . D . ; Edmonds , I . G . ; and Muggeridge , P . M ., Sec . Thc I . P . M ., Bro . Darnell , is on his xvay to Melbourne for the benefit of his health , the Treasurer , Bro . J . Bagot
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Scriven , P . G . Stexvard , is travelling in America for pleasure . Bro . Muggeridge , P . M . and Sec , gave notice of motion that the lod ge become an annual subscriber to each of thc Masonic Charities . In addition to the above there xvere present-. Bros . E . 1 « . Storr , P . M .: 11 . John , P . M . ;
Henbroiv Underxx-ood ( xvho proposed three candidates for initiation ); Edwin Dyer , Reddall , Woodthorpc , Boyce , Penney , Catling , Croger , Clark , and last but not least our most esteemed honorary member , Bro . H . G . Buss , A . G . Secretary . 'I here xvere only two visitors , viz . Bros . Ernest Avinzer , P . M . 715 , and F . Lloyd , 10 S .
BRIXTON LODGE ( No . 1940 ) . —The usual xveekly meetinsr xvas held on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., at Bro . Monk ' s , Prince Regent , Dulwich-road , East Brixton , xvhen there xvas a very good attendance , including Bros . Thomas Edmondston , P . M . 165 S , and 1660 , as ' VV . M . ; Richard Poore , S . W ., P . M . ; Hakim , J . VV . ; E . A . Francis , Preceptor ; C H . Phillips , Treas . ; Henry M .
Williams , Sec ; J . Jones , S . D . ; S . G . Banks , J . D . ; H . Hooper , I . G . ; J . Harling , P . M . ; George Moss , P . M . ; VV . H . Williams , P . M . ; G . Norrington , R . R . Johnstone , G . Monk , Croucher , Pooler , Hudcpohl , ancl Routledge . Lodge xvas opened in due form and the Secretary read the minutes ot the previous meeting xvhich xvere unanimously confirmed . Lodge xvas opened in the Second
Degree , and liro . Richardson having proved his proficiency xvas entrusted . Lodge xvas advanced to the Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising xvas rehearsed by the VV . M . most efficiently and impressively , xvith Bro . Richardson as candidate . Lodge xvas regularly closed doxvn to the First Degree . The Audit Committee , Bros . Knight , Poore , and Richardson , appointed at the previous meeting , brought up
their report upon the accounts for the past year , which shoiv a small balance in the hands of the Treasurer . The books and accounts had been most carefully and accurately kept by the Secretary , Bro . Williams , xvhile every single voucher required by the Auditors had been produced by the Treasurer , Bro . Phillips . The Audit Committee therefore have considered that the best thanks of the lodge were due
to these brethren for their zeal and abilit y in conducting the financial business of thc lodge . Resolutions xvere unanimously carried conveying the thanks of the lodge for their very efficient and valuable services since the formation of the lodge , and re-electing them in their several oilices for the ensuing year , to the folloxving brethren : Bros . E . A . Francis and Thos . Poore ,
P . M ., & c , as joint Preceptors ; C . H . Phillips , as Treasurer ; and Henry M . Williams , as Secretary . It xvas duly proposed , seconded , and resolved unanimously , " That Bros . C . H . Phillips , Treasurer , and Henry M . Williams , Secretary , having rendered essential service to thc lodge , first as founders , and secondly as Treasurer and Secretary respectively , be and are hereby ( in accordance xvith
byelaxv , INO . 13 ) elected honorary members of the lodge xvith all privileges . " Further resolutions xvere passed thanking the Auditors for their services , to the host , Bro . Monk , for providing every necessary for the comfort of the lodge , for his care of the lodge furniture , and his help at thc musical portions of the meetings . On the motion of thc VV . M ., and seconded by Bro . Williams , Secretary , Bro . George Norrington , No . 16 G 9 , xvas unanimously elected a
member . Bvo . R . Poore xvas elected W . M . for thc ensuing xveek . "Hearty good xvishes" having been expressed , the lodge xvas closed in due form in peace and harmony . Thc brethren subsequently met for refreshment , xvhen the usual loyal and Masonic toasts xvere eloquently given from the chair and enthusiastically received by the brethren . Bros . Johnstone , Monk , and Williams contributed to the excellent musical programme of the evening .
GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE ... Lodge of Industry . ( No . 4 S ) . —Thc regular meeting of this old lodge xvas held on Monday , the 2 SU 1 ult ., at the Industry Masonic Hall , when there was a fair attendance of members and visitors . The lodge xvas opened soon after 7 p . m ., by the W . M . Bro . John Moult , supported and assisted by the folloxving P . M . ' s and officers : Bros . J . G . SmithI . P . M . ; D . Sinclair
, , P . M ., M . C . j M . Corbitt , P . M ., Treas . j Robert Whitfield , P . M . ; John Wood , P . M . ; M . ll . Dodds . P . M . Wm . Garbutt , S . VV . ; XV . F . Cannon , as I . W . ; VV . M . Pybus , Sec . ; E . Shrewbrooks , S . D . ; VVm . Dalrymple , J . D . ; VV . Broxvn , I . G . ; R . Ferry , Org . ; VV . F . Raeburn , S . S . ; and T . Thompson , J . S . Amongst the members and visitors present xve noticed Bros . VV . Whitfield , VV .
Stafford , J . G . Joicey , G . H . Dexter , A . Simpson , G . G . Davidson , Thomas Graham , R . Tate , John Patterson , A . McDougall , P . M . 1119 ; A . VV . Roberts , tug ; William Smith , VV . M . 1342 ; Thomas Dinning , J . VV . 40 O ; J . Calvert , J . D . 991 ; E . Marston , S . VV . and VV . M . elect , 1676 ; L . Jukster , 240 ; J . Taylor , 949 ; W . Mitchinson , 80 ; F . Graham , 1342 ; j . F . Schollar , 1342 ; W . Mathieson
, 4 S 1 ; F . Liddicoat , 4 S 1 ; and others . After the preliminary business , the ballot xvas tsken for Messrs . George Dunn , Charles Carter , and Corbett Gourlay , all of xvhom xvere elected . Mr . George Dunn being in attendance , xvas initiated by thc W . M ., the xvorking tools being explained by Bro . VV . F . Carmen , acting J . W . Bro . John Patterson was raised to the
Sublime Degree of a M . M . Bro . J . G . Smith , I . P . M ., ( explained the xvorking tools . Txvo candidates for initiation xverc proposed . The W . M . received the good xvishes of the visitors and the proceedings xverc brought to a close . The brethren afterxvards adjourned to the refreshment board and enjoyed themselves for the remainder of the evening xvith the usual Masonic toasts , songs and glees .
SUNDERLAND . —Palatine Lodge ( No . 97 ) . — At the regular May monthly meeting of the lodge , Bro . C . McNamara , VV . M ., in the chair , and supported by his officers , there xvas a splendid gathering of the officers and brethren of the lodge , together xvith several Provincial Grand Ofiicers and other visitors , among xvhom xvere Bro . R . Hudson , thc Prov . Grand Secretary .
YORK . —York Lodge ( No . 2 J 6 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 21 st ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Duncoiiibe-placc . Bro . George Kirby , W . M ., in the chair . There being also present Bros . G . Garbutt , S . VV . ; Dr . Draper , J . W . ; Joseph Todd , P . M ., Treas . ; William Smith , Sec ; H . Foster , S . D . ; F . G . Hodgson , J . D . ; T . Sanderson , Org . ; S . Border , LG . ; Mark liookr , P . M ., D . C . ; A . Haffner P . M . ; A . II . McGachen , P . M . ; George C . Lee , P . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
should not only like to see a good library and museum ( as you suggest ) but in addition , a club rooin , _ xvith suitable offices for the use of the Craft . If the brethren do me the honour to elect me on the Board of General Purposes on Wednesday next , it xvill be my duty and pleasure to serve them to the best of my
ability in restoring the Masonic Temple for the benefit of the Craft in general . —I am dear sir and brother , yours faithfully and fraternally , E . F . STORR , P . M . and Treas ., 22 , & c . Mayday Villa , Kentish Toxvn , May 28 th .
GLAMORGAN LODGE . To the Editor of the d"Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — 1 should feel grateful if you xvill alloxv me to ask , through your columns , xvhether any of your correspondents have come across in their researches any records of the
Glamorgan Lodge , No . 36 ? That the lodge xvas constituted in the year 1753 , and the warrant renewed in 1777 , we have evidence of ; but xve have no minutes of the proceedings until the year 1 S 0 S . In that year the number of the lodge xvas 33 , and remained so until the Union of the txvo Grand Lodges in 1 S 13 . —I am , sir , yours obediently , F . GARRETT HORDER , VV . M . elect No . 3 6 .
PROCEEDINGS OF THE GRAND CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS OF QUEBEC . 1 SS 3 . This is the official publication of the Chapter of Quebec for 1 SS 3 . VVe almost think at times it xvould be xviser if Foreign Grand Bodies imitated the xvise reticence of the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of England as to official publications . We should all be spared many long-xvinded
treatises , much useless expenditure of print , the xvading though interminable reports which contain little that is nexv , and often are positively " nihil ad jeur . " At the same time xve say this , xve feel bound honestly to admit , that there is another side to the question . Probably if we were in those distant regions and among outlying grand bodies , xve should speak and think differently . Publication
for them may be important , and we concede this further , that every noxv and then , like a needle in a bundle of hay , xve light upon some one document xvhich , important in itself , and valuable for evidence or remembrance , contains the lucrubrations of the scholar , or sets forth the words and acts of some great doctor in our Masonic Israel . Every noxv and then also we come upon a controversal
correspondence , but since as a rule controversy cannot do much good anyhoxv or anyxvhere , xve alxvays skip Masonic correspondence , as it is pretty sure to be uncharitable and inconsequential in the highest degree . This annual report of the Grand Chapter of Quebec contains a correspondence xvith our Grand Chapter and our able Grand Scribe , Col . Shadxvell H . Clerke , xvhich xvill be read xvith different feelings on
each side of the Atlantic . They think in Canada they have a clear case . We shall think in England xve have a clearer still . Whatever may be the explanation of the alleged dormancy of the chapter at Montreal , it seems , according to Cocker , that if the charter xvas granted before the foundation of the Grand Chapter at ( Quebec it isjavailable still , unless the Grand Chapter of England ignores it
on any technical ground , and that it necessarily comes under the provisions of the original Concordat xvith the Grand Lodge of Canada , xvhich no subsequent creation of a G . Lodge or G . Chapter can affect ; inasmuch as if the lodges have a legal position at Montreal , chapters xvhich are the complement of English Craft Masonry have a legal status ar . d existence necessarily too . In fact it
becomes a case of "sequitur . Had thc Grand Chapter of England sent out a xvarrant of creation or confirmation after the formation of the Grand Chapter of Quebec , the Grand Chapter of Quebec , resting on the honourable and high-minded assurance of Lord Zetland , the case might have been somexvhat different . But as it is the
linglish Grar . d Chapter cannot give up loyal and legal chapters any more than the Grand Lodge of England can surrender up faithfully adhering lodges . This question , like the other of Craft Masonry proper in Quebec , can only be settled by the efflux of time , patience , and Masonic consideration .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
1 S 3 ] PIPE ROLLS , 8 * c . The formation of a " Pipe Roll" Society for the publication of those ancient documents is a very reasonable move in a right direction , and may give us , if Sir F . Palgrave is correct , many evidences of the Masons—Masters , Felloxvs and Apprentices of medi .-eval history . Even in " Privy
Purse expenses" and the like we may find interesting items . In the privy purse expenses of Henry VII from 1491 to ! 5 U 5 , published in " Excerpta Histonca" by Bentley in 1 S 31 , xve find , as has been before pointed out in thc Freemason the use of this xvord ( though late ) of "Freemason " and the names of several other Masons or Master Masons unknoxvn to fame . For instance , in 1540 , September Sth ,
xve light upon this gentry , " To William Este , Fremason , the first payments for making of Wodestock Hall , £ 11 is ., p . 99 . In 1 495 , September nth we , hear of James Henley for making K . Richard ' s tomb £ 10 . In 1496 xve hear of Manney , thc carpenter , p . 106 . In 149 S xve come across an interesting item about " Master Shaa" apparently the Master
Mason of Master Bray , afterxvards Sir Reginald Bray , who issaid in our traditions to have been a Freemasonand who is again mixed up xvith Abbot Islip and VVest , minster Abbey , and King Henry Vll ' s chapel . In 1497 , January 13 th , there is a payment S . John Shaa , of £ 607 ; s . ud ., a large sum noxv , in full payment of all his rekeny-
Masonic Notes And Queries.
ings to this day as xvell for nexv yere s gifts , and making of diverse jexvels , and setting and polishing of stones , as for money delivered by hym to Master Seymour for his xvorkes at VVindesour . It is not quite clear 1 admit that Shaa is a Master Mason , beseem to act at times as jeweller
and banker . Whiting , a Mason at Andover is mentioned also specially in 1499 . Master Esterlield is mentioned as making the kings tombe at Windsor in 1502 . A Robert Fylle is mentioned in 1503 , and Henry Smyth in 1505 , for xvork at the Palace of Richmond . MASONIC STUDENT .
1 S 4 J TRADE GUILDS OF CONSTANTINOPLE . It xvould seem from " All the Year Round " for April this year , that the Trade and Craft Guilds at Constantinople are very ancient , anterior to European Guilds . They consist of Masters , xvorkmen , and apprentices . ANTIQUAR 1 US .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
draft Jlasouru . NEW CONCORD LODGE ( No . 813 ) . —The members of the above successful lodge met on Thursday , the 24 th ult ., for the last time during the season , at Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street . In the absence , through indisposition , of Bro . H . T . Tiddeman , W . M ., the lodge was opened by Bro . L . C . Haslip , I . P . M ., acting as W . M . Present : Bros . J . Stilxvell , S . VV . ; A . J . Potter , J . W . ;
Rev . C . J . Stevens , Chap . ; T . J . Cusworth , P . M ., I reas . ; R . R . Harper , P . M ., Sec . ; P . Harnett , S . D . ; F . Perl , D . C ; F . M . Wenborn , Org . ; A . Perl , I . G . ; E . Chubb , Stexvard ; VV . Pierpoint , P . M . ; S . P . George , P . M . ; H . J . Gabb , P . M . ; andlother brethren . Visitors : Bros . F . Richmond , 16 95 ; J . H . VV . Hayxvard , 617 ; and G . H . Stephens , J . VV 1623 , 13 S 2 , S 9 S ( Freemason ) .
The business before the meeting was to raise Bros . Broxvn and Walker , pass Bros . Allsop and Gadsby , to initiate a gentleman into the Order , after being duly balloted for , and to re-elect Bro . James Woodman a member of the lodge . The entire list of business was disposed of , Bro . Haslip rendering the ceremonies of the First and Second Degrees in the same able manner xvhich recently
marked his career of Master of the lodge , and Bro . Cusxvorth impressively rendering that of the superior Degree . All business being ended , and it may be noted in passing that the brethren of this lodge recognise the claims of the three grand Masonic Charities in a worthy manner , lodge xx-as closed until after the usual summer vacation , and under the genial presidency of Bro . L . C . Haslip a capital banquet
xvas discussed , giving evident satisfaction . Bro . Haslip duly honoured the usual loyal and Craft toasts , all of which xvere xvell received . The Worshipful Master ' s position xvas heartily recognised on that brother ' s health being proposed by Bro . Cusworth , P . M . ; and Bro . Haslip suitably responded on his oxvn behalf , and explained the cause of Bro . Tiddeman ' s
unavoidable absence from the lodge . The toast of "The Initiates" xvas next given , Bro . Haslip including in this toast Bros . Allsop and Gadsby , xvho xvere initiated last meeting . After replies from Bro . E . C . Conrad and those two brethren , "The Visitors" come in for a hearty reception , Bro . Haslip remarking there had been but txvo visitors
present until an old friend of his , Bro . Stephens , had just arrived . The brethren valued the presence of visiting brethren at the New Concord Lodge , and always extended them a hearty reception . The remaining toasts xvere " The Past Masters , " severally responded to by Bros . Gabb , Picrooint , George , and
others ; "The Masonic Charities , " to xvhich Bros . Cusworth and Gabb replied ; and "The Masonic Press , " coupled with the name of Bro . Stephens . An agreeable evening , enlivened xvith song and recitation , xvas brought to a close by the Tyler ' s toast , given by our veteran Bro . Speight , P . M ., & c .
ALDERSGATE LODGE ( No . 1657 ) . — Presentation to the Grand Treasurer . -- An emergency meeting of this lodge took place on Monday last at the Castle and Falcon Hotel , Aldersgate-street , for thc purpose of making a presentation to thc Grand Treasurer , when the following brethren xvere present : Bros . Samuel Benton , M . D ., VV . M .: Alfred Brookman , I . P . M ., *
Samuel White , S . W . ; E . Y . Jolliffe , J . W . ; Rev . Richard Lee , M . A ., Chaplain ; John Derby Allcroft , P . M ., Treasurer ; Rev . Dr . P . 11 . Ernest Brette , P . M ., Sec ; W . H . Froom , S . D . ; Edward Anderton , J . D . ; George Vickery , I . G . ; Arthur B . Hudson , Steward ; Matthexv R . Webb , Steward ; Fredk . Crockford , Wine Stexvard ; George Kenning , P . M . ; Herbert Alder Smith , M . D . ;
Philip Saillard , Thos . Benskin , Joseph Lavender , John Larkin , Edmond Frank Brexvster Fuller , Thomas George Vickery , George Raxvlinson , Wm . Wilberforce Thompson , and James Shotter . Bros . William Wilberforce Thompson and James Shotter were passed to the Second Degree by the W . M . in an able manner . Bro . Dr . Benton , the VV . M ., then presented the insignia
of Grand Treasurer , Craft , and Royal Arch to Bro . John Derby Allcroft , P . M . and Treasurer , accompanying it xvith some xvell-chosen remarks embodying the feelings of the xvhole of the members of the lodge . Some routine xvork being concluded thc brethren
adjourned to dinner , presided over by thc W . M ., thc speeches on this occasion being confined to " The Queen , " " The VV . M ., " and " The Grand Treasurer . " Considerable satisfaction xvas evinced by the brethren at the increased accommodation provided by Bro . Benskin in the addition of a nexv lodge and banqueting room .
HENRY MUGGERIDGE LODGE ( Nu . 16 79 ) . —Thc installation meeting of this lodge xvas held at thc Masons' Hall Tavern , Coleman-street , E . C , on Saturday , the 26 th ult ., xvhen Bro . Henry Muggeridge installed Bro . Alfred Sack as W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year ,
xvho appointed Bros . Arnold , S . W . ; Stampfer , J . VV . ; Haines , S . D . ; Street , "J . D . ; Edmonds , I . G . ; and Muggeridge , P . M ., Sec . Thc I . P . M ., Bro . Darnell , is on his xvay to Melbourne for the benefit of his health , the Treasurer , Bro . J . Bagot
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Scriven , P . G . Stexvard , is travelling in America for pleasure . Bro . Muggeridge , P . M . and Sec , gave notice of motion that the lod ge become an annual subscriber to each of thc Masonic Charities . In addition to the above there xvere present-. Bros . E . 1 « . Storr , P . M .: 11 . John , P . M . ;
Henbroiv Underxx-ood ( xvho proposed three candidates for initiation ); Edwin Dyer , Reddall , Woodthorpc , Boyce , Penney , Catling , Croger , Clark , and last but not least our most esteemed honorary member , Bro . H . G . Buss , A . G . Secretary . 'I here xvere only two visitors , viz . Bros . Ernest Avinzer , P . M . 715 , and F . Lloyd , 10 S .
BRIXTON LODGE ( No . 1940 ) . —The usual xveekly meetinsr xvas held on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., at Bro . Monk ' s , Prince Regent , Dulwich-road , East Brixton , xvhen there xvas a very good attendance , including Bros . Thomas Edmondston , P . M . 165 S , and 1660 , as ' VV . M . ; Richard Poore , S . W ., P . M . ; Hakim , J . VV . ; E . A . Francis , Preceptor ; C H . Phillips , Treas . ; Henry M .
Williams , Sec ; J . Jones , S . D . ; S . G . Banks , J . D . ; H . Hooper , I . G . ; J . Harling , P . M . ; George Moss , P . M . ; VV . H . Williams , P . M . ; G . Norrington , R . R . Johnstone , G . Monk , Croucher , Pooler , Hudcpohl , ancl Routledge . Lodge xvas opened in due form and the Secretary read the minutes ot the previous meeting xvhich xvere unanimously confirmed . Lodge xvas opened in the Second
Degree , and liro . Richardson having proved his proficiency xvas entrusted . Lodge xvas advanced to the Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising xvas rehearsed by the VV . M . most efficiently and impressively , xvith Bro . Richardson as candidate . Lodge xvas regularly closed doxvn to the First Degree . The Audit Committee , Bros . Knight , Poore , and Richardson , appointed at the previous meeting , brought up
their report upon the accounts for the past year , which shoiv a small balance in the hands of the Treasurer . The books and accounts had been most carefully and accurately kept by the Secretary , Bro . Williams , xvhile every single voucher required by the Auditors had been produced by the Treasurer , Bro . Phillips . The Audit Committee therefore have considered that the best thanks of the lodge were due
to these brethren for their zeal and abilit y in conducting the financial business of thc lodge . Resolutions xvere unanimously carried conveying the thanks of the lodge for their very efficient and valuable services since the formation of the lodge , and re-electing them in their several oilices for the ensuing year , to the folloxving brethren : Bros . E . A . Francis and Thos . Poore ,
P . M ., & c , as joint Preceptors ; C . H . Phillips , as Treasurer ; and Henry M . Williams , as Secretary . It xvas duly proposed , seconded , and resolved unanimously , " That Bros . C . H . Phillips , Treasurer , and Henry M . Williams , Secretary , having rendered essential service to thc lodge , first as founders , and secondly as Treasurer and Secretary respectively , be and are hereby ( in accordance xvith
byelaxv , INO . 13 ) elected honorary members of the lodge xvith all privileges . " Further resolutions xvere passed thanking the Auditors for their services , to the host , Bro . Monk , for providing every necessary for the comfort of the lodge , for his care of the lodge furniture , and his help at thc musical portions of the meetings . On the motion of thc VV . M ., and seconded by Bro . Williams , Secretary , Bro . George Norrington , No . 16 G 9 , xvas unanimously elected a
member . Bvo . R . Poore xvas elected W . M . for thc ensuing xveek . "Hearty good xvishes" having been expressed , the lodge xvas closed in due form in peace and harmony . Thc brethren subsequently met for refreshment , xvhen the usual loyal and Masonic toasts xvere eloquently given from the chair and enthusiastically received by the brethren . Bros . Johnstone , Monk , and Williams contributed to the excellent musical programme of the evening .
GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE ... Lodge of Industry . ( No . 4 S ) . —Thc regular meeting of this old lodge xvas held on Monday , the 2 SU 1 ult ., at the Industry Masonic Hall , when there was a fair attendance of members and visitors . The lodge xvas opened soon after 7 p . m ., by the W . M . Bro . John Moult , supported and assisted by the folloxving P . M . ' s and officers : Bros . J . G . SmithI . P . M . ; D . Sinclair
, , P . M ., M . C . j M . Corbitt , P . M ., Treas . j Robert Whitfield , P . M . ; John Wood , P . M . ; M . ll . Dodds . P . M . Wm . Garbutt , S . VV . ; XV . F . Cannon , as I . W . ; VV . M . Pybus , Sec . ; E . Shrewbrooks , S . D . ; VVm . Dalrymple , J . D . ; VV . Broxvn , I . G . ; R . Ferry , Org . ; VV . F . Raeburn , S . S . ; and T . Thompson , J . S . Amongst the members and visitors present xve noticed Bros . VV . Whitfield , VV .
Stafford , J . G . Joicey , G . H . Dexter , A . Simpson , G . G . Davidson , Thomas Graham , R . Tate , John Patterson , A . McDougall , P . M . 1119 ; A . VV . Roberts , tug ; William Smith , VV . M . 1342 ; Thomas Dinning , J . VV . 40 O ; J . Calvert , J . D . 991 ; E . Marston , S . VV . and VV . M . elect , 1676 ; L . Jukster , 240 ; J . Taylor , 949 ; W . Mitchinson , 80 ; F . Graham , 1342 ; j . F . Schollar , 1342 ; W . Mathieson
, 4 S 1 ; F . Liddicoat , 4 S 1 ; and others . After the preliminary business , the ballot xvas tsken for Messrs . George Dunn , Charles Carter , and Corbett Gourlay , all of xvhom xvere elected . Mr . George Dunn being in attendance , xvas initiated by thc W . M ., the xvorking tools being explained by Bro . VV . F . Carmen , acting J . W . Bro . John Patterson was raised to the
Sublime Degree of a M . M . Bro . J . G . Smith , I . P . M ., ( explained the xvorking tools . Txvo candidates for initiation xverc proposed . The W . M . received the good xvishes of the visitors and the proceedings xverc brought to a close . The brethren afterxvards adjourned to the refreshment board and enjoyed themselves for the remainder of the evening xvith the usual Masonic toasts , songs and glees .
SUNDERLAND . —Palatine Lodge ( No . 97 ) . — At the regular May monthly meeting of the lodge , Bro . C . McNamara , VV . M ., in the chair , and supported by his officers , there xvas a splendid gathering of the officers and brethren of the lodge , together xvith several Provincial Grand Ofiicers and other visitors , among xvhom xvere Bro . R . Hudson , thc Prov . Grand Secretary .
YORK . —York Lodge ( No . 2 J 6 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 21 st ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Duncoiiibe-placc . Bro . George Kirby , W . M ., in the chair . There being also present Bros . G . Garbutt , S . VV . ; Dr . Draper , J . W . ; Joseph Todd , P . M ., Treas . ; William Smith , Sec ; H . Foster , S . D . ; F . G . Hodgson , J . D . ; T . Sanderson , Org . ; S . Border , LG . ; Mark liookr , P . M ., D . C . ; A . Haffner P . M . ; A . II . McGachen , P . M . ; George C . Lee , P . M .