Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R SPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 42 S Roval Arch 4 = S Scotland 4 2 5 Freemasonry in the Isle of Man 426 An Oration by Rev . Canon Townshcnd 426 Early Grand " Encampment of Scotland 426 Public Health Congress at Brussels 437
Masonic Notes and Queries 428 Reviews 4 7 Masonic and General Tidings 42 S Roval Masonic Institution for Girls 429 O BITUARY : — Dro . ] ohn Freeman 429 Our Royal Grand Master's Visit to India 430 The "Month" and Freemasonry 430 Arch .-cological Progress 431
Plagiarism 43 ' An Old MasonicApron , ; ,. ... 432 C ORRESPONDENCE : — Masons at Sight , :: ! .:. ' .:... ' .: 43 = Freemasonry and the Ritualists ... " . 432 Masonic Jewels ;; . 432 Grand Masters of English Freemasons 432
Bro . Buchan and his Constant Questioning 432 Mark Masters' Lodges . 7 . 433 " For Sons of Gentlemen Only" 433 A Quotation 433 Gresham Lodge , No . 86 9 432 Our Royal Grand Master at Shcflicld 433 Masonic Meetings for next week 433 Advertisements i . ii . Hi , iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toaft Itomi ,
METROPOLITAN . WILLIAM PRESTON LODGE ( No . 766 ) . —The first meeting after the recess of this flourishing lodge was held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Thursday , the 23 rd September , Bro . Augustus Braun , W . M . This is one of the very few Banner lodges . It may be necessary to explain to some of our readers that each Worshipful
Master on his initiation has his arms and crest emblazoned in a banner , which is displayed behind his chair . On leaving office this is presented to the lodge , so that in course of time a Banner lodge is surrounded with heraldic emblazonments , having a most picturesque and striking effect . Another peculiarity of this lodge is that its numbers are limited . On this occasion Bro . Pringle , S . W ., was elected
W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Capt . Kain was reelected Treasurer . Bro . Wm . Worrell , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., most imptessively initiated two gentlemen , namely , a foreign Baron , and Mr . W . J . Collens . At the refreshment after labour both gentlemen expressed themselves much impressed with the ceremony , in which the Masonic charge was not forgotten . During the evening
a letter was read from the wife of an old subscribing member of the lodge , stating that her husband had been bereft of reason , and that she and her 5 children were destitute . A collection was made and about £ 20 was raised for their benefit , of which amount the Baron contributed 5 guineas , which he wished to bc considered as a thankeffcring on the occasion of the birth of a daughter , the gift of the Great Architect of the Universe .
INSTRUCTION . MARQUESS OF RIPON LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( No . 1489 ) . —On Thursday , the 23 rd ult ., the ceremony of inaugurating a new lodge of instruction , under warrant from the Marquess of Ripon Lodge , No . 1489 , was performed at the Albion Tavern , Albion Road , Dalston , by Bro . W . Stephens , then the W . M ., but now I . P . M . of No . 1480 .
Ihe ceremony of consecration was fully explained , and was followed by the ceremony of installation , when Bro . W . . ) . Murlis was appointed the first W . M . of the new lodge . Bro . James Glasken was appointed S . W ., and Bro . Dr . Defricz , J . W . Bro . W . Stephens was
unanimously elected Preceptor , Bro . James Hanncy , Treasurer , and Bro . W . Jones , P . M . 445 , Secretaty . Several brethren were elected members of the lodge , and rules were afterwards framed for the government of the lodge , which will now hold its meetings every Thursday evening at seven o'clock ( see list of Metropolitan Masonic Meetings ) .
PROVINCIAL . GUILDFORD . —ROYAL ALFRED LODGE ( NO . 777 ) . — At a bi-monthly meeting of this lodge , held at the Angel Hotel , on the 16 th ult ., the brethren were honoured with the company of the R . W . Provincial and Deputy Grand Masters of Surrey , Bros . Major-General Brownrigg , C . B ., and W . R . Harrison . The first business of the evening
was to initiate Mr . Denztl R . Onslow , M . P ., of Flexford Mouse , into the mysteries of the Craft , which was very ably performed by the W . M ., Bro . Wells , Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works of Surrey . Bro . Gilbert J . Smallpiece , P . M ., presented the lodge with a handsome portrait of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , the Most Worshi pful Grand Master of England . A very chaste
Treasurer s jewel was also presented to Bro . John Nealds by the brethren of the lodge , as a slight token of regard and appreciation of his invaluable services as Past Treasurer . After the cases of charity had been deliberated upon and disposed of , the lodge was duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet provided by Bio . Michaux , where the rest of the evening was spent in social harmony .
HAMPTON . —HEMMING LODGE ( NO . 1512 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Lion Hotel , on Saturday , the 18 th ult . The lodge was opened at five o ' clock in the afternoon by the W . M ., Bro . W . Hammond , P . M . 201 and 1 ? 2 G , P . G . J . D . of Middlesex . Bros . Hopwood , P . M . 141 , W . M . elect , S . W . ; S . Hill , P . M . ; . 1- W . llursl , S . D . ; Walls , acting J . D . ; Jno . Hammond , J-M . 201 , Sec , acting I . G . ; Gilbert , Tyler . The ballot
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
was taken on behalf of Messrs . Hunt , Hiscox , and Aston , and having been declared unanimously favourable , the two first-named gentlemen were duly entrusted into Craft mysteries by the W . M . with his customary ability . The second Thursday in October having been fixed for the meeting of the Audit Committee , and several minor matters having been transacted , the lodge was closed iu ancient
form , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent cold collation . This being only an emergency meeting , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given but formally by the W . M ., who , however , supplemented them by some well chosen remarks . In proposing " The Health of the Initiates , " Bro . Hammond congratulated the lodge upon its enrolling Bros . Hunt and Hiscox as members that evening ,
and he sincerely hoped that those brethren would never regret the important step they had taken in entering the Craft . The toast having been duly honoured , Bros . Hunt and Hiscox responded . The first-named stated that he had been many years abroad , and he had especially remarked the number of halls and institutions connected with the fraternity that there were in the West Indies and other remote
parts of the globe , and he was so struck with the importance that Freemasonry possessed , even at Vera Cruz , and many minor places that he had visited in his travels , that he determined to join the Order tapon his arrival home , feeling assured that , from its cosmopolitan popularity , the principles of the Craft must be good indeed , and iu conclusion he had to acknowledge the deep impression the
ceremony of initiation had made upon his mind that evening . Bro . Hiscox also made an excellent reply , in which he thanked the brethren very heartily for the honour they had done him by receiving him amongst them , and he hoped their confidence would never be misplaced . The J . W . proposed " 'I he Health of the W . M . " in a very neat speech , and congratulated the Hemming Lodge upon
possessing so distinguished a member of P . G . L . as Bro . William Hammond . The W . M . briefly acknowledged the compliment , and proposed " The Health of their Visitor , Bro . Tozcr , 1326 . " The toast having been drank , Bro . Tozer replied at length , and gave a very interesting account of his experience of the Craft in America aud the colonies . " The Health of the S . W . anil the Other "Officers "
followed , and the W . M . mentioned their names and services individually . Bro . Hopwood , the W . M . elect , who has just recovered from a long and serious illness , feelingly alluded to the kind remarks passed by the W . M . in proposing his health in conjunction with the rest of the officers , and hoped that his year of office would be as prosperous
and as successful as that of Bro . Hammond ' s . Bros . Mill , J-W . ; J . Hammond , Sec . ; Hurst , S . D . ; and Walls , acting J . D ., severally acknowledged the compliment . Between the toasts the brethren were entertained by the singing and reciting of Bros . Hurst , Hiscox , Mill , Walls anil Ockendcn . The Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
ASHBY-DE-LA-ZOUCH . —ST . AUGUSTINE ' S CHAPTER ( No . 779 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the Town Hall on Tuesday , the 21 st ult ., under the presidency of the Senior P . Z ., M . E . Comp . Kelly , Prov . Grand Supt ., and among the other officers present were Comps . ltev . John Denton , P . Z . and P . P . G . J ., Treas . ; Love , H . ; Mammatt , J . ; E . Carrick-Crofts ( M . R . C . S . ) , E . ; Rev .
W . Langley , P . Z ., and P . P . G . J ., as N . ; Thorp , P . S . 279 , as P . S ., in the absence in Ireland of Earl Ferrers , Prov . G . H ., and others . An apology for unavoidable absence was received from the M . E . Z ., Companion II . Etherington Smith , J . P . A ballot took place for four candidates , two only of whom were in attendance , viz ., Bros . II . Biood , P . M ., and W . S . A . Allen , S . W . of the Ferrers and
Ivanhoc Lodge , No . 779 , who were duly exalted , the three lectures being delivered by the Prov . G . Supt ., and the duties of N . and P . S , being most efficiently performed by Comps . Langley and Thorp . A ballot took place for the officers for the ensuing year , when the following were declared to be duly elected , viz ., Comps . Love , M . E . Z . ; Mammatt , H . ; Crofts , J . ; Denton , Treas . ; Allen , E . ; Faulkner , N . ; Rev . H . Cuyler , P . S . ; Bcmbridgc , Janitor .
The companions subsequently adjourned to a banquet at the Queen ' s Head Hotel , and spent an hour or two very pleasantly , the loyal and Masonic toasts being duly honoured , the health of the Prov . G . Supt ., Comp . Kelly , being proposed in very warm and complimentary terms by the Rev . Comp . Denton , who was subsequently heartily congratulated on his recent well-deserved preferment as vicar of Ashby-de-la-Zouch , where he has laboured for many years .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . J ( NO . 3 I ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held within their own hall at No . 213 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Tuesday evening , 21 st ult . The R . W . M ., Bro . William Bell , presided , with whom on the dais were Bros . Robert Craig , P . M . ' and Thomas Fletcher , I . P . M . The chief office-bearers present were Bros . D . 'M . Nelson , D . M . ; John D . Young ,
S . W . ; David Horn , J . W . ; Dalzell , Treas . ; and John Dick , Sec . There was a numerous attendance of members of the lodge and visiting brethren . The lodge having been duly opened and the minutes of last meeting read and passed , the Secretary read a circular received from Bro . R . Wylie , P . G . Sec , Aryshire Province , intimating that ,
by invitation of the School Board of Kilwinning , the foundation stone of the new school house there would bc laid with Masonic honours by Bro . Colonel Mure , R . W . P . G . M ., on Saturday next , nnd inviting a deputation from Lodge St . John , 3 J , to be present on the occasion . On behalf of Bro . W . H . Bickcrton , who had been unex-
pectedly called out of town , the Secretary next read a communication of some interest , and embodying an important notice of motion . In this Bro . Bickerton stated that that worthy brother of the Order , G . R . Harriott , Prov . Grand Master of Wigtown and Kirkcudbrightshire , had been for some time endeavouring to establish on an adequate scale an institution for the support of decayed Scottish
Freemasons and their widows and orphans . Bro . Harriott was sparing no trouble , time , or expense on his own part to bring the scheme to a successful issue , and he ( Bro Bickcrton ) was proud to say that most of the noblemen and wealthier members of the Order in Scotland had rallied round him with their support . Bro . Geo . Kenning had kindly authorised him ( Bro Bickcrton ) to place the sum of
one hundred guineas at the disposal of this lodge ( St . John ' s ) , to bc applied in furtherance of Bro . Harriott ' s scheme ; and he ( Bro . Bickcrton ) begged to give notice of motion that Bro . Kenning ' s offer bc accepted ; and further that Lodge St . John do vote £ 20 out of their funds in aid of the same cause ; beyond this , he trusted the members of the lodge would independently contribute to such a
noble scheme according to their means , so that , at no distant day , brethren from the sister countries should not be able to ask them what they in Scotland had to show for Masonry . In bringing forward this motion he was not unprepared for opposition ; because he had often heard it said that , in so far as the Province of Glasgow was concerned , they did not require such institutions , seeing they had their
Provincial Grand Benevolent Fund . Now , for immediate relief , the latter was noble ; but when worthy brethren became worn out , unable , however willing , to work for their daily bread , and when the widow was left with a family totally uprovided for , then he ( Bro . Bickerton ) held that the P . G . Benevolent Fund was not in a position to support such cases according to their necessities . The
communication having been submitted to the meeting , it was moved by Bro . D . M . Nelson , D . M ., seconded by Bro . David Morn , J . W ., and agreed to , that the Secretary be instructed to write Bro . Bickerton , thanking him for it , and requesting some further information on the matter . Applications for affiliation to the lodge were then hcaid from Bros Wm . Laught , Lodge Scotia , 178 , and Andrew Bain ,
Lodge Navigation , Troon , 80 , and , there being no opposition , they received the same at the hands of the R . W . M . 1 he next business before the lodge was initiation , when Mr . John Morrison , of Shamrock-street , received the E . A . Degree , the ceremony being performed by Bro . J . Morgan , R . W . M ., Lodge Star , 219 . The lodge then adjourned for a short time to refreshment , thereafter being
recalled to labour , anil closed in due form . GLASGOW . —COMMERCIAL ROYAL Alien CHAPTER ( No . 79 ) . —The annual meeting of this chapter was held , in accordance with the laws and constitution ot the Order , on the 23 rd September , in the place of meeting , 30 , Hopestreet . Owing to the fact that most of the other chapters in town held their statutory meetings for election on the
same evening , the attendance was not large , a goodly proportion of those who generally attend the meetings being office-bearers or members of other chapters in the neighbourhood . The law of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland makes its imperative for each of its subordinates to meet on the 23 rd September , annually , for the election of their officers , otherwise a special
dispensation has to be applied for . This arrangement , though in some important respects well devised , is frequently found to lead to considerable inconvenience , a sufficient number of companions not being always forthcoming to enable the business to proceed . This would not be the case if each chapter could fix the date for its annual meeting some time near the autumnal
equinoxbut wc digress . The chapter having been opened by Companion Brode , the retiring First Principal , with the necessary assistance in the various offices , the fir ; t business was the reading of the minutes of last regular meeting , which the Scribe E . was requested to do . From these it appeared that the business at that meeting had been the nomination of office-bearers , and the Scribe E .
mentioned that he had duly notified the companions who had been nominated ; and was glad to say that , with the exception of Comp . R . A . Buchanan , all had cordially acquiesced and were willing to accept office . The name of Comp . John McRobbie having been substituted for that of Comp . Buchanan , the following were declared duly elected for the ensuing year , viz ., Comps . David Lamb ,
First Principal ; William M . G . Mason , Second Principal ; Robert Brodie , Third Principal : John Monro , Scribe E . ; John McRobbie , Scribe N . ; George Macpherson , Treas . ; with Comps . W .- II . Bickerton , James Pyle , and James M . Duncan , First , Second , and Third Sojourners respectively , and Comp . James Minnoch , Janitor . Comp . Julius Brode , in the course of a few well chosen remarks , congratulated the chapter on the election
of the new office-bearers , and said that with such a staff the continued prosperity of the chapter might bc regarded as a certainty . He had done his best while he held the office of Z ., and was gratified to think that his efforts had been attended with so much success , a success which he was , however , bound to say could not have been attained unless through the support which he had uniformly experienced at the hands of those , with whom he had been
associated , whose services he went on to particularize with many expressions of gratitude . The installation was postponed to a future day , as the requisite number of installed Principals was not present , and the chapter was closed in due form .
EDINBURGH . —LODGE CELTIC ( No . 291 ) . —A special meeting of this most prosperous lodge was held in the Ship Hotel , East Register Street , Edinburgh , on Tuesday , lhe 2 ist ult ., for the purpose of admitting into the Ancient Order of Freemasonry Mr . Wells , who was about to proceed to New Zealand . The candidate , who had been well recommended , and no objection offered , received the E . A . Degree , Bro . D . Kinnaird , P . M ., officiating in his usual
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R SPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 42 S Roval Arch 4 = S Scotland 4 2 5 Freemasonry in the Isle of Man 426 An Oration by Rev . Canon Townshcnd 426 Early Grand " Encampment of Scotland 426 Public Health Congress at Brussels 437
Masonic Notes and Queries 428 Reviews 4 7 Masonic and General Tidings 42 S Roval Masonic Institution for Girls 429 O BITUARY : — Dro . ] ohn Freeman 429 Our Royal Grand Master's Visit to India 430 The "Month" and Freemasonry 430 Arch .-cological Progress 431
Plagiarism 43 ' An Old MasonicApron , ; ,. ... 432 C ORRESPONDENCE : — Masons at Sight , :: ! .:. ' .:... ' .: 43 = Freemasonry and the Ritualists ... " . 432 Masonic Jewels ;; . 432 Grand Masters of English Freemasons 432
Bro . Buchan and his Constant Questioning 432 Mark Masters' Lodges . 7 . 433 " For Sons of Gentlemen Only" 433 A Quotation 433 Gresham Lodge , No . 86 9 432 Our Royal Grand Master at Shcflicld 433 Masonic Meetings for next week 433 Advertisements i . ii . Hi , iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toaft Itomi ,
METROPOLITAN . WILLIAM PRESTON LODGE ( No . 766 ) . —The first meeting after the recess of this flourishing lodge was held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Thursday , the 23 rd September , Bro . Augustus Braun , W . M . This is one of the very few Banner lodges . It may be necessary to explain to some of our readers that each Worshipful
Master on his initiation has his arms and crest emblazoned in a banner , which is displayed behind his chair . On leaving office this is presented to the lodge , so that in course of time a Banner lodge is surrounded with heraldic emblazonments , having a most picturesque and striking effect . Another peculiarity of this lodge is that its numbers are limited . On this occasion Bro . Pringle , S . W ., was elected
W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Capt . Kain was reelected Treasurer . Bro . Wm . Worrell , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., most imptessively initiated two gentlemen , namely , a foreign Baron , and Mr . W . J . Collens . At the refreshment after labour both gentlemen expressed themselves much impressed with the ceremony , in which the Masonic charge was not forgotten . During the evening
a letter was read from the wife of an old subscribing member of the lodge , stating that her husband had been bereft of reason , and that she and her 5 children were destitute . A collection was made and about £ 20 was raised for their benefit , of which amount the Baron contributed 5 guineas , which he wished to bc considered as a thankeffcring on the occasion of the birth of a daughter , the gift of the Great Architect of the Universe .
INSTRUCTION . MARQUESS OF RIPON LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( No . 1489 ) . —On Thursday , the 23 rd ult ., the ceremony of inaugurating a new lodge of instruction , under warrant from the Marquess of Ripon Lodge , No . 1489 , was performed at the Albion Tavern , Albion Road , Dalston , by Bro . W . Stephens , then the W . M ., but now I . P . M . of No . 1480 .
Ihe ceremony of consecration was fully explained , and was followed by the ceremony of installation , when Bro . W . . ) . Murlis was appointed the first W . M . of the new lodge . Bro . James Glasken was appointed S . W ., and Bro . Dr . Defricz , J . W . Bro . W . Stephens was
unanimously elected Preceptor , Bro . James Hanncy , Treasurer , and Bro . W . Jones , P . M . 445 , Secretaty . Several brethren were elected members of the lodge , and rules were afterwards framed for the government of the lodge , which will now hold its meetings every Thursday evening at seven o'clock ( see list of Metropolitan Masonic Meetings ) .
PROVINCIAL . GUILDFORD . —ROYAL ALFRED LODGE ( NO . 777 ) . — At a bi-monthly meeting of this lodge , held at the Angel Hotel , on the 16 th ult ., the brethren were honoured with the company of the R . W . Provincial and Deputy Grand Masters of Surrey , Bros . Major-General Brownrigg , C . B ., and W . R . Harrison . The first business of the evening
was to initiate Mr . Denztl R . Onslow , M . P ., of Flexford Mouse , into the mysteries of the Craft , which was very ably performed by the W . M ., Bro . Wells , Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works of Surrey . Bro . Gilbert J . Smallpiece , P . M ., presented the lodge with a handsome portrait of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , the Most Worshi pful Grand Master of England . A very chaste
Treasurer s jewel was also presented to Bro . John Nealds by the brethren of the lodge , as a slight token of regard and appreciation of his invaluable services as Past Treasurer . After the cases of charity had been deliberated upon and disposed of , the lodge was duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet provided by Bio . Michaux , where the rest of the evening was spent in social harmony .
HAMPTON . —HEMMING LODGE ( NO . 1512 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Lion Hotel , on Saturday , the 18 th ult . The lodge was opened at five o ' clock in the afternoon by the W . M ., Bro . W . Hammond , P . M . 201 and 1 ? 2 G , P . G . J . D . of Middlesex . Bros . Hopwood , P . M . 141 , W . M . elect , S . W . ; S . Hill , P . M . ; . 1- W . llursl , S . D . ; Walls , acting J . D . ; Jno . Hammond , J-M . 201 , Sec , acting I . G . ; Gilbert , Tyler . The ballot
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
was taken on behalf of Messrs . Hunt , Hiscox , and Aston , and having been declared unanimously favourable , the two first-named gentlemen were duly entrusted into Craft mysteries by the W . M . with his customary ability . The second Thursday in October having been fixed for the meeting of the Audit Committee , and several minor matters having been transacted , the lodge was closed iu ancient
form , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent cold collation . This being only an emergency meeting , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given but formally by the W . M ., who , however , supplemented them by some well chosen remarks . In proposing " The Health of the Initiates , " Bro . Hammond congratulated the lodge upon its enrolling Bros . Hunt and Hiscox as members that evening ,
and he sincerely hoped that those brethren would never regret the important step they had taken in entering the Craft . The toast having been duly honoured , Bros . Hunt and Hiscox responded . The first-named stated that he had been many years abroad , and he had especially remarked the number of halls and institutions connected with the fraternity that there were in the West Indies and other remote
parts of the globe , and he was so struck with the importance that Freemasonry possessed , even at Vera Cruz , and many minor places that he had visited in his travels , that he determined to join the Order tapon his arrival home , feeling assured that , from its cosmopolitan popularity , the principles of the Craft must be good indeed , and iu conclusion he had to acknowledge the deep impression the
ceremony of initiation had made upon his mind that evening . Bro . Hiscox also made an excellent reply , in which he thanked the brethren very heartily for the honour they had done him by receiving him amongst them , and he hoped their confidence would never be misplaced . The J . W . proposed " 'I he Health of the W . M . " in a very neat speech , and congratulated the Hemming Lodge upon
possessing so distinguished a member of P . G . L . as Bro . William Hammond . The W . M . briefly acknowledged the compliment , and proposed " The Health of their Visitor , Bro . Tozcr , 1326 . " The toast having been drank , Bro . Tozer replied at length , and gave a very interesting account of his experience of the Craft in America aud the colonies . " The Health of the S . W . anil the Other "Officers "
followed , and the W . M . mentioned their names and services individually . Bro . Hopwood , the W . M . elect , who has just recovered from a long and serious illness , feelingly alluded to the kind remarks passed by the W . M . in proposing his health in conjunction with the rest of the officers , and hoped that his year of office would be as prosperous
and as successful as that of Bro . Hammond ' s . Bros . Mill , J-W . ; J . Hammond , Sec . ; Hurst , S . D . ; and Walls , acting J . D ., severally acknowledged the compliment . Between the toasts the brethren were entertained by the singing and reciting of Bros . Hurst , Hiscox , Mill , Walls anil Ockendcn . The Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
ASHBY-DE-LA-ZOUCH . —ST . AUGUSTINE ' S CHAPTER ( No . 779 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the Town Hall on Tuesday , the 21 st ult ., under the presidency of the Senior P . Z ., M . E . Comp . Kelly , Prov . Grand Supt ., and among the other officers present were Comps . ltev . John Denton , P . Z . and P . P . G . J ., Treas . ; Love , H . ; Mammatt , J . ; E . Carrick-Crofts ( M . R . C . S . ) , E . ; Rev .
W . Langley , P . Z ., and P . P . G . J ., as N . ; Thorp , P . S . 279 , as P . S ., in the absence in Ireland of Earl Ferrers , Prov . G . H ., and others . An apology for unavoidable absence was received from the M . E . Z ., Companion II . Etherington Smith , J . P . A ballot took place for four candidates , two only of whom were in attendance , viz ., Bros . II . Biood , P . M ., and W . S . A . Allen , S . W . of the Ferrers and
Ivanhoc Lodge , No . 779 , who were duly exalted , the three lectures being delivered by the Prov . G . Supt ., and the duties of N . and P . S , being most efficiently performed by Comps . Langley and Thorp . A ballot took place for the officers for the ensuing year , when the following were declared to be duly elected , viz ., Comps . Love , M . E . Z . ; Mammatt , H . ; Crofts , J . ; Denton , Treas . ; Allen , E . ; Faulkner , N . ; Rev . H . Cuyler , P . S . ; Bcmbridgc , Janitor .
The companions subsequently adjourned to a banquet at the Queen ' s Head Hotel , and spent an hour or two very pleasantly , the loyal and Masonic toasts being duly honoured , the health of the Prov . G . Supt ., Comp . Kelly , being proposed in very warm and complimentary terms by the Rev . Comp . Denton , who was subsequently heartily congratulated on his recent well-deserved preferment as vicar of Ashby-de-la-Zouch , where he has laboured for many years .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . J ( NO . 3 I ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held within their own hall at No . 213 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Tuesday evening , 21 st ult . The R . W . M ., Bro . William Bell , presided , with whom on the dais were Bros . Robert Craig , P . M . ' and Thomas Fletcher , I . P . M . The chief office-bearers present were Bros . D . 'M . Nelson , D . M . ; John D . Young ,
S . W . ; David Horn , J . W . ; Dalzell , Treas . ; and John Dick , Sec . There was a numerous attendance of members of the lodge and visiting brethren . The lodge having been duly opened and the minutes of last meeting read and passed , the Secretary read a circular received from Bro . R . Wylie , P . G . Sec , Aryshire Province , intimating that ,
by invitation of the School Board of Kilwinning , the foundation stone of the new school house there would bc laid with Masonic honours by Bro . Colonel Mure , R . W . P . G . M ., on Saturday next , nnd inviting a deputation from Lodge St . John , 3 J , to be present on the occasion . On behalf of Bro . W . H . Bickcrton , who had been unex-
pectedly called out of town , the Secretary next read a communication of some interest , and embodying an important notice of motion . In this Bro . Bickerton stated that that worthy brother of the Order , G . R . Harriott , Prov . Grand Master of Wigtown and Kirkcudbrightshire , had been for some time endeavouring to establish on an adequate scale an institution for the support of decayed Scottish
Freemasons and their widows and orphans . Bro . Harriott was sparing no trouble , time , or expense on his own part to bring the scheme to a successful issue , and he ( Bro Bickcrton ) was proud to say that most of the noblemen and wealthier members of the Order in Scotland had rallied round him with their support . Bro . Geo . Kenning had kindly authorised him ( Bro Bickcrton ) to place the sum of
one hundred guineas at the disposal of this lodge ( St . John ' s ) , to bc applied in furtherance of Bro . Harriott ' s scheme ; and he ( Bro . Bickcrton ) begged to give notice of motion that Bro . Kenning ' s offer bc accepted ; and further that Lodge St . John do vote £ 20 out of their funds in aid of the same cause ; beyond this , he trusted the members of the lodge would independently contribute to such a
noble scheme according to their means , so that , at no distant day , brethren from the sister countries should not be able to ask them what they in Scotland had to show for Masonry . In bringing forward this motion he was not unprepared for opposition ; because he had often heard it said that , in so far as the Province of Glasgow was concerned , they did not require such institutions , seeing they had their
Provincial Grand Benevolent Fund . Now , for immediate relief , the latter was noble ; but when worthy brethren became worn out , unable , however willing , to work for their daily bread , and when the widow was left with a family totally uprovided for , then he ( Bro . Bickerton ) held that the P . G . Benevolent Fund was not in a position to support such cases according to their necessities . The
communication having been submitted to the meeting , it was moved by Bro . D . M . Nelson , D . M ., seconded by Bro . David Morn , J . W ., and agreed to , that the Secretary be instructed to write Bro . Bickerton , thanking him for it , and requesting some further information on the matter . Applications for affiliation to the lodge were then hcaid from Bros Wm . Laught , Lodge Scotia , 178 , and Andrew Bain ,
Lodge Navigation , Troon , 80 , and , there being no opposition , they received the same at the hands of the R . W . M . 1 he next business before the lodge was initiation , when Mr . John Morrison , of Shamrock-street , received the E . A . Degree , the ceremony being performed by Bro . J . Morgan , R . W . M ., Lodge Star , 219 . The lodge then adjourned for a short time to refreshment , thereafter being
recalled to labour , anil closed in due form . GLASGOW . —COMMERCIAL ROYAL Alien CHAPTER ( No . 79 ) . —The annual meeting of this chapter was held , in accordance with the laws and constitution ot the Order , on the 23 rd September , in the place of meeting , 30 , Hopestreet . Owing to the fact that most of the other chapters in town held their statutory meetings for election on the
same evening , the attendance was not large , a goodly proportion of those who generally attend the meetings being office-bearers or members of other chapters in the neighbourhood . The law of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland makes its imperative for each of its subordinates to meet on the 23 rd September , annually , for the election of their officers , otherwise a special
dispensation has to be applied for . This arrangement , though in some important respects well devised , is frequently found to lead to considerable inconvenience , a sufficient number of companions not being always forthcoming to enable the business to proceed . This would not be the case if each chapter could fix the date for its annual meeting some time near the autumnal
equinoxbut wc digress . The chapter having been opened by Companion Brode , the retiring First Principal , with the necessary assistance in the various offices , the fir ; t business was the reading of the minutes of last regular meeting , which the Scribe E . was requested to do . From these it appeared that the business at that meeting had been the nomination of office-bearers , and the Scribe E .
mentioned that he had duly notified the companions who had been nominated ; and was glad to say that , with the exception of Comp . R . A . Buchanan , all had cordially acquiesced and were willing to accept office . The name of Comp . John McRobbie having been substituted for that of Comp . Buchanan , the following were declared duly elected for the ensuing year , viz ., Comps . David Lamb ,
First Principal ; William M . G . Mason , Second Principal ; Robert Brodie , Third Principal : John Monro , Scribe E . ; John McRobbie , Scribe N . ; George Macpherson , Treas . ; with Comps . W .- II . Bickerton , James Pyle , and James M . Duncan , First , Second , and Third Sojourners respectively , and Comp . James Minnoch , Janitor . Comp . Julius Brode , in the course of a few well chosen remarks , congratulated the chapter on the election
of the new office-bearers , and said that with such a staff the continued prosperity of the chapter might bc regarded as a certainty . He had done his best while he held the office of Z ., and was gratified to think that his efforts had been attended with so much success , a success which he was , however , bound to say could not have been attained unless through the support which he had uniformly experienced at the hands of those , with whom he had been
associated , whose services he went on to particularize with many expressions of gratitude . The installation was postponed to a future day , as the requisite number of installed Principals was not present , and the chapter was closed in due form .
EDINBURGH . —LODGE CELTIC ( No . 291 ) . —A special meeting of this most prosperous lodge was held in the Ship Hotel , East Register Street , Edinburgh , on Tuesday , lhe 2 ist ult ., for the purpose of admitting into the Ancient Order of Freemasonry Mr . Wells , who was about to proceed to New Zealand . The candidate , who had been well recommended , and no objection offered , received the E . A . Degree , Bro . D . Kinnaird , P . M ., officiating in his usual